Oct 25, 2017
I don't understand the issue.

Is it because statues are being defaced right now IRL of confederate slave traders?
Are people thinking SE/Eidos is saying those confederate slave traders are like Captain America?

Deleted member 10737

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
that's pretty bad.
it's not about captain america being a bad character that doesn't deserve a statue, it's about the wrong crowd seeing that tweet and relating it to their reaction when it happens to statues of racists/terrible people.


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
I'd imagine if this was pre-scheduled, but that's some unfortunate timing.
Oct 26, 2017
Agreed. This doesn't seem like all that bad. Timely given the current conversation about Confederate statues, but also, it's a statue of Captain America, not the Red Skull.



Tries to be a positive role model
Apr 30, 2019
I think you can see it as "look at these fine statues, it's a shame people want to deface them and tear them down, so much so that we have automated drones that keep watch."

Obviously the context is different and not intended as commentary on recent events. But even unintended parallels like "Captain America is a figure of justice whose statue must be protected from assholes" compared to actual people tearing down actual statues because the people they represent are problematic people who perpetuated systems of oppression is, well...

Gotcha. I don't take personal issue with it but I totally understand the unintended parallel and how that can cause issues as it did based on the reactions. Glad they deleted it


Roll Tahd, Pawl
Oct 25, 2017
I'm trying to understand what the text is fully implying. There's a statue and park, Avengers used to be celebrated (think I remember that being the plot, something goes wrong and the Avengers are blamed), but now aren't. There are AIM drones surveiling the area, but people still show up and pay their respects to Cap.

Who are the ones that are defacing in this situation? Is the AIM drones there to stop them or to stop the people coming to pay respects?

The Text implies the drones are there to keep people from paying respect to Cap/The Statue.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
I'm trying to understand what the text is fully implying. There's a statue and park, Avengers used to be celebrated (think I remember that being the plot, something goes wrong and the Avengers are blamed), but now aren't. There are AIM drones surveiling the area, but people still show up and pay their respects to Cap.

Who are the ones that are defacing in this situation? Is the AIM drones there to stop them or to stop the people coming to pay respects?

The Text implies the drones are there to keep people from paying respect to Cap/The Statue.
I'm pretty sure it was defaced by people after the ship incident from the trailers. AIM is there to keep people out, I assume those who would go visit out of respect, since AIM appears to be the villain.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Obligatory Cap yelling at the alt-right when they were just fascists



Nov 1, 2017
Not sure what was in the video or if it portrayed violence near a statue, but the text:

"There are still people who believe and pay their respects to Captain America"

could be co-opted by, or seen to endorse people still supporting Confederate statues.


Oct 25, 2017
Looking at that screenshot, while it's obviously Captain America, this pretty much sounds like a Confederate's vision of what paying tribute to their statues is like - they see Confederates as Captain America, easily.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
The marketing for this game has been such a disaster since the reveal. They really have an uphill battle to get people interested in this game.


Happy New Year!!
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
i dont think there's like a direct 1-1 mapping what the statue is and who the groups are IRL, it's more like why now, would you promote your game with such a scenario.

Exit Music

Nov 13, 2017
Captain America comics were super racist back in the day, but I still think this was an innocent mistake.


Oct 25, 2017
So much stuff is prescheduled so I understand the mistake. I've gotten all sorts of scheduled e-mails from my kids' school district and I know most of it's not valid these days. Easy mistake, handled.


Jun 9, 2018
Comparing a statue of Captain America to a Confederate one seems incredibly strained and reaching, but I do see how including any military themed statues in your PR would be a poor decision.


Oct 25, 2017
I didn't think people would find a Captain America statue defaced in a video game offensive.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't think it's that bad personally, feels more like a forced connection to real world events right now.

Kudos for handling it quickly though.

Also people will take any excuse to shit on this game lol (not that the game looks very good, but this is not a good excuse to shit on it)


Oct 30, 2017
Yeah....statues of Confederate soldiers and generals. I don't see how Cap falls into that category.

Like Cap would pull down one of those statues so I don't see the connection.
Generally, it depends on the version of the character. We have legit great versions of Captain America.

And, er, others.

At least the 1940s version had SOME excuse for the xenophobic and racists depictions of foreigners.

Ultimately, Cap is mostly written these days as progressive and liberal, but I can understand that the symbolism on display isn't entirely welcome at this point.


Oct 25, 2017
In general it's just weird to post a 'people pay their respects at THIS statue' at a time when people are tearing down oppressive statues


Nov 25, 2017
Captain America fought the Nazis unreservedly. Like Churchill, he should be venerated.

CA kicked fascist butt while not starving millions of brown people to death.


I find Britain's role in WW2 fascinating, but I definitely refuse to venerate Churchill. I think this is one of the lesser known war crimes of the era. Churchill to me is not much better than Leopold or similar.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
The marketing for this game has been such a disaster since the reveal. They really have an uphill battle to get people interested in this game.
Not really. They have an uphill battle to get people on ResetEra interested in their game but the game is going to sell like hot cakes because of the IP no matter what. We're in a bubble, we don't represent the majority whatsoever.


Nov 1, 2017
I think you can see it as "look at these fine statues, it's a shame people want to deface them and tear them down, so much so that we have automated drones that keep watch."

Obviously the context is different and not intended as commentary on recent events. But even unintended parallels like "Captain America is a figure of justice whose statue must be protected from assholes" compared to actual people tearing down actual statues because the people they represent are problematic people who perpetuated systems of oppression is, well...

Are you implying that the AIM drones are being represented as a force for good?


Sky Van Gogh
Oct 25, 2017
Are you implying that the AIM drones are being represented as a force for good?

I... don't know the lore? I just assumed based on the implication that a) the park has been defaced and b) the drones are there to keep people away. I'm happy to be wrong, and like I said, I don't think Square Enix or Marvel intended any actual commentary on contemporary events here.