
The Fallen
Jan 11, 2018
I'm a white guy so I want to be careful with criticizing something like this but that was very...corporate.


Oct 25, 2017
That was so safe. It was to the point where I felt like the camera was going to pan back and show him in a little cubicle with Designed by Apple in California written on the side of it.


Jan 29, 2018
If anything, this is very on-brand for him. His regular content exudes this "I don't want to upset anyone" attitude too, which leads to his videos being mostly useless. If you want to look at a new device in crisp 4K before buying it, they can be helpful, but that's about it.


Aug 27, 2018
User Banned (3 Months): Concern trolling on racial issues, prior ban for transphobic comments
Has anyone called Marques an Uncle Tom yet? Because that's quite common around these parts.

And yes he did fuck up with the whole PDP thing but going from there to saying he forgot he's black goes a fucking long way.

By the way, is anyone who goes to the Joe Rogan podcast automatically an alt-right/racist/jackass? Honestly asking


Oct 27, 2017
Weak. Weak as fuck. He's not even a struggling YouTuber trying to stay relevant. He has made it. Use your platform to make a stand, don't ride the fence and be wishy washy. Or just don't say anything.
This ain't even non black people's place to critique but it's funny how they literally chomp up any and everything

This shit right here is the worst. Ugh


Oct 27, 2017
What pisses me off about this -- yes, I mean that literally -- is that Marques was beaten out by Jonathan Morrison. Nothing against Jonathan, he's a great tech youtuber and youtuber in general, but...


As the biggest black tech youtuber and arguably the biggest tech youtuber in general, the only person who should've beaten him is Jud from UrAvgConsumer, and even Jud has been silent on this. Zach Anderson, too.

These three are probably the biggest black tech youtubers and they've been quiet. It bothers me. It annoys me. It pisses me off.

This video does nothing for me, either.


Oct 25, 2017
What pisses me off about this -- yes, I mean that literally -- is that Marques was beaten out by Jonathan Morrison. Nothing against Jonathan, he's a great tech youtuber and youtuber in general, but...


As the biggest black tech youtuber and arguably the biggest tech youtuber in general, the only person who should've beaten him is Jud from UrAvgConsumer, and even Jud has been silent on this. Zach Anderson, too.

These three are probably the biggest black tech youtubers and they've been quiet. It bothers me. It annoys me. It pisses me off.

This video does nothing for me, either.
Jud has been tweeting at least over the past few days, but still - YouTube is their platform

I just started watching Jon's video and the difference in tone and subject matter vs Marques's video is staggering...only 30 seconds in. And this was posted 3 days ago....


Oct 25, 2017
If anything, this is very on-brand for him. His regular content exudes this "I don't want to upset anyone" attitude too, which leads to his videos being mostly useless. If you want to look at a new device in crisp 4K before buying it, they can be helpful, but that's about it.

Damn, you're right. The physical embodiment of "Err on the side of caution — to the extreme".


Oct 27, 2017
Jud has been tweeting at least over the past few days, but still - YouTube is their platform
I follow him on twitter and haven't seen shit. But if that's the case, at least he's saying something.

Only tech youtuber I give a pass to right now is Krystal since her grandmother just died from Covid and I'm sure making more heavy videos would be too much for her emotionally right now.


Oct 25, 2017
Doesn't sound like he's come to terms with the reality of the world that no matter what, he'll be seen as black and that he'll be a token with how much model minority he aspires to be.


Oct 27, 2017
Doesn't sound like he's come to terms with the reality of the world that no matter what, he'll be seen as black and that he'll be a token with how much model minority he aspires to be.
I don't think it's that he hasn't come to terms with it, it's that he's trying to express the situation in an emotionally flat manner so as to not offend his audience by pointing out that might have some racist tendencies.


Oct 28, 2017
Pretty on brand for him. He seems to stand in that privileged position in the coloured world where he isn't always hyper conscious of his skin tone but still gets reminded of it here and there and this video reflects it. This will get eaten up by the more well to do world, who are ultimately removed from the reality of the lower classes. Which is something I suppose.

Deleted member 31104

User requested account closure
Nov 5, 2017
If anything, this is very on-brand for him. His regular content exudes this "I don't want to upset anyone" attitude too, which leads to his videos being mostly useless. If you want to look at a new device in crisp 4K before buying it, they can be helpful, but that's about it.

Pretty much, his production values are extremely high which makes the videos useful to a degree. But he's generally a very passive reviewer


Oct 26, 2017
Really disappointing.

This dude identifies more with being a YTber than being Black. I don't mean to sound harsh, but he's continually chucked aside statements about race and social issues in order to not rock the boat with his audience. Not only that, he stood up for PDP when he shouted the n-word during a stream.

He's a coward, fuck him and his pathetic statement.

Part of me wants to argue that isn't fair* since we have only a snapshot of who he is, but purely from a public perspective that bolded sentence is effectively how he has portrays himself.

*speaking of fairness...

It's a lot of pressure and a big spotlight. Sometimes they just want to focus on the work. MKBHD is clearly that kind of dude. To call him "cowardly" for not wading into politics is completely unfair, in my opinion. These decisions are personal. People can be as loud about this stuff as they want to be. It's their choice.
I appreciate the parallels you've drawn to women in gaming, but this is a critical inflection point in history - one marked with centuries of murder and opression.

His Blackness is intrinsic. His upbringing and current station in life may be different from some, but this speaks to the very core of who he is.

Whether it's the suffragettes or indigenous Australians/New Zealanders, there are certain movements where everyone is called on to do their part.

Whether it's Bob Dylan, or John Boyega, artists have *always* played prominent roles in seeking change.

I don't expect Marques to be a firebrand, shooting darts at the forefront, but he honestly has to do better. From his race to his support of racists, his past and current comments highlight what it is that he truly values.

This is some weak shit on his part.

Why would you, as a black man, not only congratulate someone who is clearly a massive racist but also encourage others to follow them? That's making a statement, that you don't care.
This is what has had me looking at him differently the last few years.
Despite watching his videos for YEARS, I don't actually follow him. I only saw one or two comments about PDP, and didn't know he actively tried to get on Joe Rogan's show like BossAttack mentioned.

Let me explain even though I feel this shouldn't be discussed outside the community.

First, Marques is good at what he does and has been doing it a long time. He's pretty much the best tech reviewer out there, so respect for that. However, he built his empire on the idea that he's not a "black" creator, he's just a content creator. A tech reviewer. As such, he simply focuses on tech and doesn't spout political views or support. He's just here, as he states in the video, to "bury his head" in his own work.

Now, there are already some moral problems with such a stance that is rife for debate. Still, it's not a totally unreasonable position to have even if it is rooted in pure selfishness. After all, he only doesn't talk politics because doing so would result in viewer loss. Still, whatever be selfish. The problem is his apolitical loftiness is horseshit. He is absolutely political and not in the whole "not being political is political" (which I personally hold is true). No, I mean he actively engages in selective politics.

This is the same dude that supported PewDiePie after his anti-semetic and racist remarks:

This is the same dude that begged to be on Joe Rogan's show and then got on there and proceeded to shoot the shit for over an hour with Joe Rogan. The monkey brain, alpha brain pill swallowing dumbass whose signal boosted racists and homophobes of every creed for years. You don't involve yourself with Joe Rogan if you're just a tech reviewer and not political. Imagine if Henry Ford were alive today and he decided to sit down and chat with him just about his car tech. You know, just two people geeking out over the latest car tech. Let's just forget the fact that Henry Ford was a Klan supporter, a Nazi, a racist, and a anti-semite. Let's not talk about that because that would be political.

Eat my dick.

Even his above statement in video and text form is some milquetoast bullshit that refuses to engage with any of the actual political issues. He doesn't mention George Floyd. He doesn't mention Black Lives Matter. He doesn't even really talk about police brutality, only making vague allusions to being pulled over for nothing. But also, he has family members who are cops so, you know they hurting too seeing this (*gags*). And at the end, he throws a shout out to fellow black creators on YT. No, he doesn't provide links to the George Floyd family fund or BLM or any of the organizations seeking to combat police brutality. His solidarity is to YouTube creators. You couldv've always done that. Oh wow, you told racists to fuck off. But, what about those that didn't see anything wrong with what PDP did? Those people that think sometimes shouting nigger is funny? You see, those people don't think they are racist, but they are. And so calling out vague "racism" ain't helping much.

So, is the man Kanye? No, but I'm not gonna sit here and pretend like I enjoy drinking milquetoast ass statements or that they mean anything while the country is on fire. The same reason The Rock can kiss my ass. At the end of the day, he protects his wallet more than the community. As MJ said, "Republicans buy Nikes too."

This post...

I need a drink.

Suur Tõll

Oct 26, 2017
For me personally, Marques' calm and measured demeanor, as well as sounding like he puts some thought into what he's saying before he says it, never making obnoxious "jokes" or having unnecessarily high-energy reactions (unlike many other (tech) Youtubers, e.g. Linus), was the main reason why I started to appreciate his videos and subscribed to his channel, which is not something I usually do (right now, I subscribe to a total of eight channels). Now I see that those very same qualities can also help condemn him as passive, milquetoast, or worse. Not all people are cut out to be impassioned orators, or great at expressing strong emotions publicly, but I don't know if that alone is reason enough to second-guess their intentions or stick labels on them.

Having said all that, his tweet congratulating PDP is a whole different matter (I don't follow him on Twitter, so didn't know about it before). It will definitely make me look at his output with a more critical eye in the future.
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Powdered Egg

Oct 27, 2017
"So, all you scared to death negros
Just sit down
Don't you come out to defend our enemy
You sit down and you shut up
And tell your master to come on out and deal with this"

*music starts*

This is too convenient and he comes out with this only when it's safe to care or pretend to.

Deleted member 18944

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Let me explain even though I feel this shouldn't be discussed outside the community.

First, Marques is good at what he does and has been doing it a long time. He's pretty much the best tech reviewer out there, so respect for that. However, he built his empire on the idea that he's not a "black" creator, he's just a content creator. A tech reviewer. As such, he simply focuses on tech and doesn't spout political views or support. He's just here, as he states in the video, to "bury his head" in his own work.

Now, there are already some moral problems with such a stance that is rife for debate. Still, it's not a totally unreasonable position to have even if it is rooted in pure selfishness. After all, he only doesn't talk politics because doing so would result in viewer loss. Still, whatever be selfish. The problem is his apolitical loftiness is horseshit. He is absolutely political and not in the whole "not being political is political" (which I personally hold is true). No, I mean he actively engages in selective politics.

This is the same dude that supported PewDiePie after his anti-semetic and racist remarks:

This is the same dude that begged to be on Joe Rogan's show and then got on there and proceeded to shoot the shit for over an hour with Joe Rogan. The monkey brain, alpha brain pill swallowing dumbass whose signal boosted racists and homophobes of every creed for years. You don't involve yourself with Joe Rogan if you're just a tech reviewer and not political. Imagine if Henry Ford were alive today and he decided to sit down and chat with him just about his car tech. You know, just two people geeking out over the latest car tech. Let's just forget the fact that Henry Ford was a Klan supporter, a Nazi, a racist, and a anti-semite. Let's not talk about that because that would be political.

Eat my dick.

Even his above statement in video and text form is some milquetoast bullshit that refuses to engage with any of the actual political issues. He doesn't mention George Floyd. He doesn't mention Black Lives Matter. He doesn't even really talk about police brutality, only making vague allusions to being pulled over for nothing. But also, he has family members who are cops so, you know they hurting too seeing this (*gags*). And at the end, he throws a shout out to fellow black creators on YT. No, he doesn't provide links to the George Floyd family fund or BLM or any of the organizations seeking to combat police brutality. His solidarity is to YouTube creators. You couldv've always done that. Oh wow, you told racists to fuck off. But, what about those that didn't see anything wrong with what PDP did? Those people that think sometimes shouting nigger is funny? You see, those people don't think they are racist, but they are. And so calling out vague "racism" ain't helping much.

So, is the man Kanye? No, but I'm not gonna sit here and pretend like I enjoy drinking milquetoast ass statements or that they mean anything while the country is on fire. The same reason The Rock can kiss my ass. At the end of the day, he protects his wallet more than the community. As MJ said, "Republicans buy Nikes too."

Wonderfully written thoughts, thanks for sharing this.


Oct 25, 2017
If anything, this is very on-brand for him. His regular content exudes this "I don't want to upset anyone" attitude too, which leads to his videos being mostly useless. If you want to look at a new device in crisp 4K before buying it, they can be helpful, but that's about it.
Yes. This. This guy never has any insight worthwhile on anything. Including tech. And I'm a subscriber. For the video quality mostly. He says what will keep most people pleased on his channel at most.


Oct 25, 2017
Yes. This. This guy never has any insight worthwhile on anything. Including tech. And I'm a subscriber. For the video quality mostly. He says what will keep most people pleased on his channel at most.
Yeah I didn't want to say it, but even from a review standpoint, I don't get the hype. The videos look awesome, but the actual reviews are not that great. The Verge, Flossy, Engadget and Lisa from Mobiletechreview are better. So many techtubers just get up there, talk vaguely about super hyped products, then move on. They're like hype men and women. I don't love Linus cause he still buddies up with PDP too, but at least on his channels they actually go in-depth and try to review things.


Oct 26, 2017
How many people in this thread saying, 'He remembered he was black' are actually black and not white. I'm curious.

Most of us now that I take a look. We know the usernames for a lot of us. And I recognize most of them.

Marques has earned that criticism. Like some others said though, I just personally don't feel like nows the time to do this publicly. But he's earned it.


Oct 25, 2017
hope y'all with harsh criticism for him aren't white.
I'm black. Pretty sure the strongest critics here are black. White folks are congratulating him on Twitter cause they think it's so powerful when us black folks, who's paid attention to him over the years, know what's up. Anyone who want to lead by example to become some "model minority" is a damn fool, cause at the end of the day, his skin color still supersedes everything else in this country. His statement about Black Lives Matter was dripping with resentment, like he thinks he's too good for it (cause he doesn't want to jump on hashtags).


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
I'm black. Pretty sure the strongest critics here are black. White folks are congratulating him on Twitter cause they think it's so powerful when us black folks, who's paid attention to him over the years, know what's up. Anyone who want to lead by example to become some "model minority" is a damn fool, cause at the end of the day, his skin color still supersedes everything else in this country. His statement about Black Lives Matter was dripping with resentment, like he thinks he's too good for it (cause he doesn't want to jump on hashtags).
Folks act like this isn't brand new.


It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
I watched this right after watching Austin Creed / Xavier Woods speak on the issue and it was a stark contrast. I'm still glad he said something, but there are moments in this that speak to where he's coming from (when he talks about almost being able to ignore that he's the only black guy in a white space for example). Marques' parents clearly did an exemplary job of providing for their son and doing everything they could to let him do the things he wanted to do regardless of his color. As a white guy, I can understand the pull there must be for someone in Marques position to try and distance himself from his skin color and exist primarily in circles that I get to.

And I can only imagine the betrayal that must feel like for people who not only suffer from much more than Marques does, but who are seemingly more aware of the ways Marques suffers due to his skin color than he is.

Seriously though, if anyone wants to listen to something like this *from the heart* from someone who sees it and feels it, check out that Austin Creed video instead. Parts of that were things I'd never considered (most memorably, him talking about how much work he has had to do to ensure people don't see him as threatening) and they resonated with me.

This feels more like someone who doesn't want to believe racism effects them much, kind of sort of beginning to recognize that it actually effects them more than they want to admit. Again, I'm glad he put this out there vs nothing, but it is, as others have said, still very on brand.


Oct 27, 2017
Marques obviously has insecurities about his identity as a black man and this has been clear way before this video dropped. I applaud him to try to discuss and explore why this is the case on video, but his largely white audience has really no clue what he's talking about. The gist of the video is that he's always been drawn to spaces where black representation is lacking, and has struggle to figure out present himself in those spaces, so he largely just shys away from blackness. That's tough, and I've been there at times earlier in life, but I've learned that it's never wrong to be confident in your blackness in those spaces. It just makes you have that much more to offer. Honestly, Marques content would actually be much better if it wasn't so detached from the culture, but again, that may be just a result of his own insecurities.


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
I'm torn here.

On one hand, that statement was, yeah...a bit milquetoast.

But on the other hand, I feel that Black people deserve a bit of grace, because there's a difference between acknowledging your Blackness and coming into your Blackness. For the latter, that journey is different for all of us -- being able to not just acknowledge one's own blackness, but to lead with it and speak on it with authority. It's a false idea that all Black people are all these Soldiers for the Movement in waiting, or that we come equipped with the perfect words and attitudes to meet the moment. That journey takes time (and some people never truly get there), and while I'm sure some of Brownlee's statement is a bit of corporatist calculating, I also think it was mostly sincere. A Black man who's carved out a space that's not really represented by us trying to articulate his place in this moment.

All I ask from those Black people in these moments is that they no harm. And that's what I think of Brownlee here. I didn't get much out of his statement, but at least it did no harm.


Oct 31, 2017
What is the issue with the retweets? Seems like they are supporting their friend.

Genuine question, trying to understand what's the reason and why they shouldn't have done it, or maybe do it in a different way.


Oct 25, 2017
What is the issue with the retweets? Seems like they are supporting their friend.

Genuine question, trying to understand what's the reason and why they shouldn't have done it, or maybe do it in a different way.
Nothing's wrong with it. But it's like they are giving him a pat on the back for doing the bare minimum, and it took this long, a man being killed slowly on film, and an entire movement for him to discuss this. And when he does he still tip-toes around shit. So it's lame. Obviously, the white folks have no right to call him out, but I wish another black YouTuber or tech person would try to educate him.

Someone needs to tell him leading by example in silence is bullshit. You have to speak out. Don't just go around sucking up to racists like PDP. He reminds me of the token black dude who's learned to ignore racism cause he just wants to fit in, and doesn't want to make his white friends uncomfortable. That's the only reason you'd shy away from discussing race--for the benefits of the oppressors. Because it makes so many whites wiggle in their seats. Kinda like how Drew Brees told his team mate, "Not now," when he tried to call out his "respect the flag" shit in person.
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Oct 28, 2017
We have a very large sample size of responses from a whole host of people on what is happenning currently so when I compare this to them, this was very weak imo.


Oct 25, 2017
hope y'all with harsh criticism for him aren't white.


His type of political engagement is loved by white people. It makes them all warm and fuzzy because it is so vague. Its corporate PR dressed as politics. He is the paragon of Malcolm's House Negro. Look up a dictionary of that concept- and there Marque is, staring bank vacantly, pretending that he isn't black.


Oct 25, 2017
But on the other hand, I feel that Black people deserve a bit of grace...

All I ask from those Black people in these moments is that they no harm. And that's what I think of Brownlee here. I didn't get much out of his statement, but at least it did no harm.

Motherfucker burned that card when he was promoting nazi lover PDP and 1 man alt-right recruiting agency Joe fucking Rogan.
Oct 25, 2017
What pisses me off about this -- yes, I mean that literally -- is that Marques was beaten out by Jonathan Morrison. Nothing against Jonathan, he's a great tech youtuber and youtuber in general, but...


As the biggest black tech youtuber and arguably the biggest tech youtuber in general, the only person who should've beaten him is Jud from UrAvgConsumer, and even Jud has been silent on this. Zach Anderson, too.

These three are probably the biggest black tech youtubers and they've been quiet. It bothers me. It annoys me. It pisses me off.

This video does nothing for me, either.
I mean, Jud hasn't made a video, but he hasn't been quiet. Depends on what you follow him on I guess.

The Masked Mufti

The Wise Ones
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I like Marques and I get what he's saying but when you stan for PDP after him dropping (multiple?) N-bombs, it's a bit hard to take it as more than a bullshit statement.


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
Motherfucker burned that card when he was promoting nazi lover PDP and 1 man alt-right recruiting agency Joe fucking Rogan.

Don't get me wrong: I'm not defending PDP or that idiot Joe Rogan.

But I can't put all that weight on Brownlee like he's the only Black dude who's gone on Rogan's show. TOO MANY Black dudes have gone on Rogan and thought that shit was ok.


Nov 19, 2017

His type of political engagement is loved by white people. It makes them all warm and fuzzy because it is so vague. Its corporate PR dressed as politics. He is the paragon of Malcolm's House Negro. Look up a dictionary of that concept- and there Marque is, staring bank vacantly, pretending that he isn't black.

Yeah, I feel you.

Especially in times like this, you see the difference more starkly.

It's still the fundamental difference between the haves and have-nots.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah he doesn't have to become a beacon but with his huge af platform he can be vocal about it. I'm glad that now hes made a video about it though I won't discredit that.

It's like this youtuber I watch Steven Lim from Worth It. He was very very vocal about the racism against Asians when the virus was hitting hard everywhere and they started blaming Asian immigrants and Asian americans. He posted everyday and every week about it.

Now he was silent for the whole week this was going on till that blackout Tuesday on insta came by. Showed how hypocritical it was.

Now, I'm not Steven Lim but I am Asian so maybe my perspective can help here.

With BLM and recently George Floyd, I've always supported the efforts to condemn and bring awareness. However, at times it's difficult to know when it's appropriate for me to do so. The last thing I want to do is to speak for, or even worse speak over someone who needs their voice to be heard. Manplaining and whitesplaining already exist, so I don't want to add onto the pile.

What I do want to do is to use and leverage my own privilege to give black and indigenous voices some room to speak and be heard -- and I have to do this a lot in and outside of the classroom. I do admit that I still have a lot more to listen and learn, especially because my experiences do not mirror those of other minorities.

And because I do not have the same experiences, I feel even more of a need to give room for them to speak.

I'm black. Pretty sure the strongest critics here are black. White folks are congratulating him on Twitter cause they think it's so powerful when us black folks, who's paid attention to him over the years, know what's up. Anyone who want to lead by example to become some "model minority" is a damn fool, cause at the end of the day, his skin color still supersedes everything else in this country. His statement about Black Lives Matter was dripping with resentment, like he thinks he's too good for it (cause he doesn't want to jump on hashtags).

This is 100% truth, and I realized this too late, after trying to be some sort of model or assimilated person for many years of my early life.

No matter how much personal standing a person has, skin color will unfortunately be the first and only thing that people will look at.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm black. Pretty sure the strongest critics here are black. White folks are congratulating him on Twitter cause they think it's so powerful when us black folks, who's paid attention to him over the years, know what's up. Anyone who want to lead by example to become some "model minority" is a damn fool, cause at the end of the day, his skin color still supersedes everything else in this country. His statement about Black Lives Matter was dripping with resentment, like he thinks he's too good for it (cause he doesn't want to jump on hashtags).
If only George Floyd could articulate the differences between the Google Pixel 4 and iPhone 11's cameras and biometric systems he'd still be here today.


Oct 31, 2017
Nothing's wrong with it. But it's like they are giving him a pat on the back for doing the bare minimum, and it took this long, a man being killed slowly on film, and an entire movement for him to discuss this. And when he does he still tip-toes around shit. So it's lame. Obviously, the white folks have no right to call him out, but I wish another black YouTuber or tech person would try to educate him.

Someone needs to tell him leading by example in silence is bullshit. You have to speak out. Don't just go around sucking up to racists like PDP. He reminds me of the token black dude who's learned to ignore racism cause he just wants to fit in, and doesn't want to make his white friends uncomfortable. That's the only reason you'd shy away from discussing race--for the benefits of the oppressors. Because it makes so many whites wiggle in their seats. Kinda like how Drew Brees told his team mate, "Not now," when he tried to call out his "respect the flag" shit in person.

Thanks for answering. As a white person I just don't know how his white friends could act in this case. They can not retweet him but at the same time I understand wanting to pass his message.

I understand your point regarding his video. My ignorance here is regarding his friends behavior and what would be best since I also don't think they (or we, white people) should be calling him out obviously.


Oct 25, 2017
If only George Floyd could articulate the differences between the Google Pixel 4 and iPhone 11's cameras and biometric systems he'd still be here today.
Exactly. He's so incredibly naive it's hard for me to take him seriously. Because the cops don't care, the Karens don't care--just look at that Harvard Grad who got the cops called on him cause the lady wouldn't leash her dog. His YouTube subscriber count doesn't matter--he can still get pulled out of that Tesla and killed by the police.

This is why silence doesn't work for us. You have to speak up about these issues. Leading by example also makes it sound like the folks getting killed did something wrong. Why do we have to be better than our white counterparts? Oh yeah--racism!