Mar 11, 2020
Yep just saw Jim Browning's video today about it all. I get so excited when there is a new Jim Browning vid.

Fuck all these people that scam.


Nov 1, 2017
User Banned (2 Weeks): Excusing and dismissing scam calls
That's a pretty dumb thing to do. Yes those people are working for a scam operation but they're largely just office workers trying to make a living in a part of the world where a stable job is not necessarily easy to come by, so one may resort to working for organizations of ill repute like these. The people deserving of retribution are the ones at the top running those operations.
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Oct 27, 2017
That's a pretty dumb thing to do. Yes those people are working for a scam operation but they're largely just office workers trying to make a living in a part of the world where a stable job is not necessarily easy to come by, so one may resort to working for organizations of ill repute like these. The people deserving of retribution are the ones at the top running those operations.

Quit. Find other jobs.

The people at the top can't make money if people won't work for them.


Oct 25, 2017
That's a pretty dumb thing to do. Yes those people are working for a scam operation but they're largely just office workers trying to make a living in a part of the world where a stable job is not necessarily easy to come by, so one may resort to working for organizations of ill repute like these. The people deserving of retribution are the ones at the top running those operations.
Sorry, I have zero sympathy for these people. They kept trying to scam my mother until I finally got her to stop answering the phone. Fuck these scumbags. They know what they are doing.


Oct 25, 2017
I had forgotten that they were going to do this after that original video.

Canada has all but given up on trying to persecute people who have stolen money from Canadians, so this is probably as close to justice that a lot of people will get.


Oct 28, 2017
That's a pretty dumb thing to do. Yes those people are working for a scam operation but they're largely just office workers trying to make a living in a part of the world where a stable job is not necessarily easy to come by, so one may resort to working for organizations of ill repute like these. The people deserving of retribution are the ones at the top running those operations.
On the one hand I totally understand sometimes you gotta hustle to survive.....but on the other hand you bet your ass Im gonna laugh at you when bad shit happens to you when your job is to only literally spread pain and misery.


Apr 3, 2018
That's a pretty dumb thing to do. Yes those people are working for a scam operation but they're largely just office workers trying to make a living in a part of the world where a stable job is not necessarily easy to come by for a lot of people, so they resort to working for organizations of ill repute like these. The people deserving of retribution are the ones at the top running those operations.

Berating elderly people into sending you their life savings is past the point of getting my sympathy.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
That's a pretty dumb thing to do. Yes those people are working for a scam operation but they're largely just office workers trying to make a living in a part of the world where a stable job is not necessarily easy to come by, so one may resort to working for organizations of ill repute like these. The people deserving of retribution are the ones at the top running those operations.

Going to bat for the poor scammers... really?


Mar 25, 2021
I've been getting scam text messages every few nights at midnight for the last couple of months. Fuck those guys.


Oct 25, 2017
Anyone know the YouTuber who did the video taking down another call centre? He did charge backs and spammed up their phone lines and internet and in the end the scam centre was begging him to stop and he got them to shut down that one operation.


Dec 10, 2018
What the fuck. We really have people out there defending scammers? They steal millions from people and the elderly pretending to be other companies and maliciously deceiving them it.

Fuck me. There is no excuse for that.

Eugene's Axe

Jan 17, 2019
Holy shit, people are defending scammers in this thread? Is there anything that doesn't have a defense force?


Apr 1, 2018
Damn how many people are getting scammed for them to make 7k a month?

Old people need to watch a "how not to get scammed" video before they get their first social security check.


Dec 10, 2018
Anyone know the YouTuber who did the video taking down another call centre? He did charge backs and spammed up their phone lines and internet and in the end the scam centre was begging him to stop and he got them to shut down that one operation.

Jim Browning.
Malcolm Merlyn
Lynx NYC

All these guys have a flooding video or two.

I know Kitboga and Pierogi don't use flooders, they mainly get access to computers, delete files and call victims they find.


Oct 27, 2017
Should he have revealed that they have access to their webcams though? That's a pretty big advantage they had which is gone now I guess.


2020 Member Elect
Oct 30, 2017
Fuck these scammers. It's insane how long they have been operating. It's crazy to me that much cash could be sent that easily through the mail.
Glad they spooked them a bit. But they will keep coming back.


Dec 10, 2018
Should he have revealed that they have access to their webcams though? That's a pretty big advantage they had which is gone now I guess.

If it is anything like their previous operations, they usually stake them out for weeks and months, gather a tonne of information and then pass it all on to the Police. Sometimes they are raided and stopped, other times the police are bribed and they just move to a new centre. I'd say this prank stuff is only happening because they have all the info they need, the police won't do anything and they're just having fun now.
Cow Mengde

Cow Mengde

Oct 26, 2017
This is the same stuff from Trilogy Media's POV. There's a lot of exciting stuff happening.



Oct 26, 2017
Every single person involved with scammers can get fucked. Too bad the cops in Bangladesh, India, and other countries ain't gonna do shit.


Oct 25, 2017
I know Kitboga and Pierogi don't use flooders, they mainly get access to computers, delete files and call victims they find.
Kitboga's the only one who doesn't do any hacking, as far as I'm aware. He just wastes their time or gets them to send bank account info that he then forwards to his contacts (to get the accounts suspended/returned to their original owners).
Oct 25, 2017
Had one of these fucks call me once and claim to be from the irs or something but I could her someone in the background say they were with BofA. When I asked which is it they began cursing at me and got audibly angry.


Dec 10, 2017
This was fascinating and I loved watching all three videos. Seeing them freak out on him listing their names and where they were was great.

I was so worried for Messi, though. It really got close a few times and the assholes who ran that Telegram channel are probably on the lookout for him.


Visited by Knack
Oct 25, 2017
For the next step, we need Rober and the Youtube tech community to devise a small-scale EMP device that someone can pop down next to the the company server. Rats and roaches are good, but far too easy to recover from.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
On the one hand I totally understand sometimes you gotta hustle to survive.....but on the other hand you bet your ass Im gonna laugh at you when bad shit happens to you when your job is to only literally spread pain and misery.

Yup. On this line. I get the temptation and the opportunity but they aren't niave and they know they are doing illegal shit. This isn't a 'someone told me this was on the up and up!', they are calling claiming to be from the IRS, lol.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I went this rabbit whole with a couple youtubers but i get depressed seeing all the eldery who get fucked over.


Oct 25, 2017
Columbia, SC
These people are why my phone stays silent most of the time and went out of my way to pay for apps to screen calls. Unfortunately its a drop in a bucket but every little bit helps. Anyone who intentionally goes after the elderly can fuck off.


Oct 28, 2017
People are against vigalantism usually but the police do nothing about this. There was a good cbc marketplace episode that looked into this recently and it revealed the RCMP had all but closed down all of their investigations into scam callers.

These scammers deserve nothing less than paying back every penny they ever stole and in a just world the organizers would be either locked up or doing some sort of pay back to the community.


Dec 10, 2018
If you want to defend scammers and what they do, watch these videos

Inside a call center, including scammers taunting customers and saying they "Don't give a fuck about customers". "Customers" being victims.

Scammer pretending to be IRS and threatening to kill someone. In this case Kitboga pretending to be an old lady.

Jim Browning intercepting and helping a very kind Canadian man who was scared that his life savings were taken by scammers.

Community of scambaiters/hackers getting a retired old lady 30k back. 30000 fucking dollars.

If you watch all these and think "Yeah, this is fine, scammers are fine", then fuck you and fuck the horse you rode in on.


Oct 30, 2017
I did debt collection for a year and felt like utter shit, and that was mostly arrogant Albertan oilfield workers who budgeted like ass but could still eventually make payments when "they got back from camp".

I can't even imagine how dead your soul would have to be to spend all day listening to elderly people getting progressively more bewildered and upset, especially when you're the one goading them into that state.

Fucking trash.


Oct 27, 2017
honestly wish they took it further. so disheartening to hear how much these call centers make each year.


Apr 30, 2022
User Banned (5 Days): Justifying scam calls, whataboutism
Sorry, I have zero sympathy for these people. They kept trying to scam my mother until I finally got her to stop answering the phone. Fuck these scumbags. They know what they are doing.
Americans and Europeans still benefit from the legacy of their colonialist past and their current imperialism.
Americans put our people in Human Zoos and blamed us for being savages.

Americans are afraid of losing their abortion rights whereas we don't even have abortion rights coz Europeans forced their conservative beliefs on us when they performed their cultural genocide.

Maybe we wouldn't have as much third World Scammers Exploiting people in first world countries, or we wouldn't have as much third world gold diggers hunting for privileged foreigners if our countries weren't as poor. (And first world countries still Exploit our poorness when they export their work to us while paying us scrap, this include call centers).

Still though fuck scammers.
There's a lot in my country, I receive so many scam texts. They don't pick victims too.


Oct 25, 2017
What a great video. Love the work they have done.

Fuck scammers and fuck anyone who defends these shitheads


Oct 27, 2017
That's a pretty dumb thing to do. Yes those people are working for a scam operation but they're largely just office workers trying to make a living in a part of the world where a stable job is not necessarily easy to come by, so one may resort to working for organizations of ill repute like these. The people deserving of retribution are the ones at the top running those operations.
They know exactly what they're doing.

I have no sympathy for them. Its a disgusting job that preys on a lot of vulnerable people.


Dec 30, 2017
I have no sympathy for these creatures and what the youtubers did wasn't enough.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
That's a pretty dumb thing to do. Yes those people are working for a scam operation but they're largely just office workers trying to make a living in a part of the world where a stable job is not necessarily easy to come by, so one may resort to working for organizations of ill repute like these. The people deserving of retribution are the ones at the top running those operations.
These guys are fully aware of the damage they're causing and lives they're wrecking. They're awful people that deserve to be imprisoned, it's fraud, fuck them.