
Oct 25, 2017
When Tony Green decided to host a small family gathering in June, he was doing it partly out of frustration with the COVID-19 restrictions. In his home state of Texas, he didn't know anyone who had gotten sick in those early months of the pandemic, when most cases centered around the East Coast, and he "thought it was an overblown media hoax," Green, 43, wrote in an op-ed for The Washington Post.


Man Who Called COVID a 'Hoax' Feels Guilty After He and 13 Family Members Test Positive — and 2 Die

"The feeling that I have is kind of like what, I would say, a drunk driver would have if they killed their family," says Tony Green, who hosted the family gathering that led to their infections

So Green and his partner invited four people over to their home — his parents and his partner's parents — to stay for the weekend and enjoy meals, movies and time by a lake together after months apart.

But within days, all six of them tested positive for COVID-19, along with eight more people in their extended families.

Green developed severe symptoms, requiring a three-day hospital stay after the virus attacked his nervous system, but he eventually recovered. His father-in-law and his father-in-law's mother were not as lucky, though, and both died from COVID-19.

Edit : He is still going to vote for Trump

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Oct 25, 2017
Echo Base
The feeling he has is a like drunk driver?! You were a fully functioning adult that knew the risks like everyone else. I haven't seen my mom for more then a few minutes outside for months. It fucking sucks but that's how you don't spread this shit.

this guy cancels a BBQ and 2 people are still alive.


Mod of the Year 2006
Oct 25, 2017
"So will you be voting for the guy who botched the national response and downplayed it to people like you?"

"Fuck yeah I will! MAGA!"


Oct 25, 2017
The feeling he has is a like drunk driver?! You were a fully functioning adult that knew the risks like everyone else. I haven't seen my mom for more then a few minutes outside for months. It fucking sucks but that's how you don't spread this shit
Fuck this guy and I hope this shit haunts him for the rest of his life but he's talking about the guilt he feels.
Oct 31, 2017
I feel nothing but contempt/scorn for people like this. The ugliest of people, all the way to the bone.

Earlier this evening, I'd saw some pictures shared on facebook of a few families of people gathered together to take a group picture indoors, and the majority of the people were young kids. None of them were wearing masks of course, and of course they were all on top of one another. Big ole shit eating grins.

One of the key people in this group, the one who felt it great and appropriate to share their hubris, ignorance, pig-headed selfishness is a nurse practitioner. A fucking nurse practitioner...

Needless to say, I am fucking disgusted by so many fucking people in this country/culture.


Nov 14, 2017
I guess some people need their entire hand burned off before they learn not to touch a hot stove.


Oct 27, 2017
Guess who he'll vote for.

I would actually bet there is a pretty good chance he either doesnt vote or votes for Biden. Trump's base is a cult. I've personally escaped a religious cult after being born and raised in one. The absolute most common thing that finally wakes people up is personal tragedy. It took me having three family members die within six months and me becoming suicidal for a couple of years to finally be able to see reality. When you are brainwashed it is really hard to wake up, but this man realizing his political beliefs shaped by fox news and right wing propaganda killed two family members and nearly himself is exactly the type of trauma that breaks through cognitive dissonance. Sometimes reality has to actually bite you in the ass for you to finally realize you are living in a fake reality.


▲ Legend ▲
Sep 23, 2018
"So will you be voting for the guy who botched the national response and downplayed it to people like you?"

"Fuck yeah I will! MAGA!"
Pretty much any point of sympathy i had was gone when i read that he would still support the moron who is the cause for this bullshit

I Don't Like

Dec 11, 2017
I guess at least he's one of the ones who recognizes he was an idiot. Some lose family members and don't bat an eye.

Septimus Prime

Oct 25, 2017
How do you guys think it feels to be so stupid that any brain damage caused by COVID wouldn't even be detectable?


Dec 10, 2017
I would actually bet there is a pretty good chance he either doesnt vote or votes for Biden. Trump's base is a cult. I've personally escaped a religious cult after being born and raised in one. The absolute most common thing that finally wakes people up is personal tragedy. It took me having three family members die within six months and me becoming suicidal for a couple of years to finally be able to see reality. When you are brainwashed it is really hard to wake up, but this man realizing his political beliefs shaped by fox news and right wing propaganda killed two family members and nearly himself is exactly the type of trauma that breaks through cognitive dissonance. Sometimes reality has to actually bite you in the ass for you to finally realize you are living in a fake reality.

Nope. Watch the video.
Oct 28, 2017
He should be in prison
Is it not the state's fault for not providing adequate education. Out of the developed world, Trump could only happen in one country. There are serious systemic problems within the US, especially from the lack of education perspective. When those systemic problems are so front and centre these days it is hard, from an outsiders view, to place 100% of the blame on the individual.


Jul 25, 2018
"a sense of guilt... a sense of responsibility... like a drunk driver"

None of that is taking responsibility. The people who came and then apparently didn't isolate afterwards are also at fault.

No wonder he loves Trump:

"I take no responsibility at all."


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
I used to call it the "scamdemic." I thought it was an overblown media hoax. I made fun of people for wearing masks.
I'm gay and I'm conservative, so either way I'm used to going against the grain. I stopped trusting the media for my information when it went hard against Trump in 2016. I got rid of my cable. It's all opinion anyway, so I'd rather come up with my own.



Oct 28, 2017
I don't understand why these people would think COVID is a hoax.

What is the purpose of having a fake pandemic?
Who would benefit?
Why is the entire global medical community lying?
Why would entire governments destroy their economies for the hoax?
Why would numerous businesses crater their companies for the hoax?
How did over 200,000 Americans really die, then?

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
I had a COVID scare a little while ago. One of my family members was exposed to someone who was COVID positive. Because my family is tight-knit and there are some people who already need care, we can't freely distance ourselves from each other. If certain family members get it, I'm eventually going to be exposed for it as well.

Getting COVID myself is less concerning to me than the possibility of it moving from me through the ranks and hitting someone who is at higher risk. The recklessness of intentionally putting your family in that sort of risk is intolerable. What happened to his family is exactly what makes me want to be careful.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't understand why these people would think COVID is a hoax.

What is the purpose of having a fake pandemic?
Who would benefit?
Why is the entire global medical community lying?
Why would entire governments destroy their economies for the hoax?
How did over 200,000 American really die, then?

You're looking at it from the wrong direction. They don't want to change their way of life at all, make any sacrifice and so they justify that by believing COVID is fake or overblown.


Oct 27, 2017
God damn is it frustrating on a level that I can't begin to describe to realize that he's still voting Trump. Guess I shouldn't be surprised at this point, though.


Sep 20, 2019
I don't know what to say, it's tragic, but he should have known better. Things aren't normal nowadays, how is it a hoax when people are dying.

I visited my parent's in another state, but did it smart, for two weeks wore a mask, never got close to them even with the mask. Quarantined in house, stayed in own room, separate bath and spent a lot of time in the garden and talking to parents when they were distant enough. Many windows kept open. Meals were separate until 15days then i was finally able to hug them.


Oct 30, 2017
And who knows how many people they spread it to in the meantime?

People don't realize or don't care that every time you take unnecessary risks, you risk becoming a link in a disease chain that might end up killing someone.


Oct 27, 2017
But hey guys! Remember, according to the fact checkers, Trump didn't call it a hoax.

We just have no idea where these people got these backwards ideas. No idea at all.
Oct 27, 2017
"Green, who is still wrestling with the loss of his family members, said he is still voting for Trump in November. But he hopes Americans on both sides of the aisle -- including the president -- realize the severity of the pandemic."

What a fucking clown, fuck these people. What a braindead fuckheaded dangerous idiot.


Oct 25, 2017
The Stussining
I would actually bet there is a pretty good chance he either doesnt vote or votes for Biden. Trump's base is a cult. I've personally escaped a religious cult after being born and raised in one. The absolute most common thing that finally wakes people up is personal tragedy. It took me having three family members die within six months and me becoming suicidal for a couple of years to finally be able to see reality. When you are brainwashed it is really hard to wake up, but this man realizing his political beliefs shaped by fox news and right wing propaganda killed two family members and nearly himself is exactly the type of trauma that breaks through cognitive dissonance. Sometimes reality has to actually bite you in the ass for you to finally realize you are living in a fake reality.
Just coming in to say I am very happy that you did manage to escape the cult.


Oct 28, 2017
"I feel real bad but I ain't learned shit"

There's just no helping some people. Trump could shoot these people's families in person and they'd probably thank him for the pleasure of seeing him do it.


Oct 25, 2017
"Green, who is still wrestling with the loss of his family members, said he is still voting for Trump in November. But he hopes Americans on both sides of the aisle -- including the president -- realize the severity of the pandemic."

What a fucking clown, fuck these people. What a braindead fuckheaded dangerous idiot.
Looks like stupid asshole still wants his face to be eaten by leopards.