
Nov 4, 2017
I'll also vouch for all 3 of the GBA games. Loved the SF remake when it was new, discoved the Souls games years after the GBA was dead an got unexpectedly hooked by their type of gameplay and progression. I still pickup Soul II every now an then to blow through a dungeon.

I own SF Neo and managed to complete it yeaaaaars after I'd bought it. Its endless mobs of monsters style gameplay just didn't work for me at all. Soooo boring. But I'll never forget HOT STUFF COMING YOUR WAY!

As for the Camelot games I'll always love 1/2/3 & Wisdom. Tried Darkness many a time and Holy Ark once an I just can't into 1st person dungeon crawlers at all. Did appreciate that the series could come in several different flavors of rpg genre an still be tied together storywise.


Nov 9, 2017
I'll also vouch for all 3 of the GBA games. Loved the SF remake when it was new, discoved the Souls games years after the GBA was dead an got unexpectedly hooked by their type of gameplay and progression. I still pickup Soul II every now an then to blow through a dungeon.

I own SF Neo and managed to complete it yeaaaaars after I'd bought it. Its endless mobs of monsters style gameplay just didn't work for me at all. Soooo boring. But I'll never forget HOT STUFF COMING YOUR WAY!

As for the Camelot games I'll always love 1/2/3 & Wisdom. Tried Darkness many a time and Holy Ark once an I just can't into 1st person dungeon crawlers at all. Did appreciate that the series could come in several different flavors of rpg genre an still be tied together storywise.
I tried wisdom and really didn't liked it.
Maybe i should try again some day