
Oct 27, 2017
This has to be the turning point where online hate groups, white supremacists, incels, and the like are treated as terrorists by governments, law enforcement, and intelligence agencies. It fucking has to be. There's no more pretending these are isolated cases.

Just like Sandy shook was the turning point for gun control in America...

8chan users are saying their goodbyes, this is probably the end of the site

God, the video is just horrible! I'm speechless...

How would that work? Who would have that power in this case?

This is just awful. And for goodness sake, I understand some people might have morbid curiosity or some sense they need to see what the latest news is or whatever, but if a video is online that you know contains actual murder, don't watch it. You are likely not as ready for it as you think.

Reading this thread it's also clear that auto play on scroll is a terrible feature that needs to go away. Imagine all the people seeing this with no idea what's happening - just like these disgusting fucks want.


Oct 25, 2017
Wait I just saw the headline on my local news site and it's talking about two mosque... Was there multiple shooters or did he have time to go to two different mosque?
On the NZ news site it said at least 2 shooters. One was in custody.

But they are often wrong on the number of shooters in the early reports.


Oct 28, 2017
I think my brain broke when I read about the PDP thing. This is our world? Fucking really?

Deleted member 2652

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Fair enough, it is clear that in a thread like this, this discussion can't be had. For the record, and as I stated before, I haven't said anything in support of PDP nor have I even endorsed the terrorist act. I just find it hard to believe that you straight up knee jerk attack me when I clearly outlined from the beginning why it wasn't directly related to PDP because it was a meme reference. Is PDP's toxicity a grooming scenario? Yes, of fucking course it is. But beside the point, here we are arguing semantics on something I clearly outlined and have been told I said something else.
it's not besides the point. YOURE IN AN ACTIVE SHOOTING THREAD. read a fucking room holy fucking shit.

justin haines

Nov 27, 2018
We needto end this shit guys. It's up to us. Where does this shit go in 10 years?

We need to promote Peace again. We forgot about Peace.


Oct 25, 2017
The Netherlands
Wait I just saw the headline on my local news site and it's talking about two mosque... Was there multiple shooters or did he have time to go to two different mosque?
Dude wrote a PDF about his plans and he mentioned a second mosque. A little while later reports came in of a second shooting at that very mosque. Apparently there are 2 shooters (there's footage going around of 2 people with guns, but it's not confirmed to be of this shooting just yet), but they only have one in custody so far.


Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
الذين اذا اصابتهم مصيبة قالوا انا لله وانا اليه راجعون

During the Friday prayer too. They died shaheed.


Dec 7, 2017
Do you think that it became a meme on 8chan for no reason?? Seriously??
They just don't get it. We need everyone to understand how damaging this is. As if this whole thing isn't evidence enough.
Fair enough, it is clear that in a thread like this, this discussion can't be had. For the record, and as I stated before, I haven't said anything in support of PDP nor have I even endorsed the terrorist act. I just find it hard to believe that you straight up knee jerk attack me when I clearly outlined from the beginning why it wasn't directly related to PDP because it was a meme reference. Is PDP's toxicity a grooming scenario? Yes, of fucking course it is. But beside the point, here we are arguing semantics on something I clearly outlined and have been told I said something else.

I added it in as context on furthering my reply. Am I not allowed to defend myself when I'm being told I'm saying something I am not?
Jesus fucking christ. Look at yourself. You're using "it's just a meme" for A MASS SHOOTING.


Oct 25, 2017


Dec 10, 2018
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Youtubers like PDP need to be held accountable for raising our youth like this. It's incredibly irresponsible and we are now seeing the effects in real time.


Nov 3, 2018
I hope it was just one shooter and the reports of multiple was just the standard early misinformation.

It could be only one but nothing is certain. After shooting up the mosque, the terrorist drove off in his car shooting everyone who looked Muslim enough. There was a moment when he almost stopped for pedestrians on the crosswalk but honked at them to move out of the way. It could be just him driving to a different location that is sparking all these reports


Oct 29, 2017
Fair enough, it is clear that in a thread like this, this discussion can't be had. For the record, and as I stated before, I haven't said anything in support of PDP nor have I even endorsed the terrorist act. I just find it hard to believe that you straight up knee jerk attack me when I clearly outlined from the beginning why it wasn't directly related to PDP because it was a meme reference. Is PDP's toxicity a grooming scenario? Yes, of fucking course it is. But beside the point, here we are arguing semantics on something I clearly outlined and have been told I said something else.

I added it in as context on furthering my reply. Am I not allowed to defend myself when I'm being told I'm saying something I am not?
Dude just shut up. Drop it.

True Prophecy

Oct 28, 2017
I've seen it more and more in aus peoples ideology and support of insane things like this slipping in further and further. Makes me sick to be australian and think someone from here can and has gone this far to attack our neighbours in NZ or that anyone can do this.

I'm so fucking sorry to anyone caught up in this.


Nov 9, 2017
The fucking internet is creating extremists in plain sight and no one wants to do shit. The fuckers in charge of these websites should be fucking sued for negligence. Toss their ass in jail and garnish every penny they've earned for all I care. Google, Facebook, Twitter... all ran by fucking greedy sociopaths.

The digital era needs a concrete focus on ethics and literal-philosophical studies. These systems, communities and services can't be under charge of technicians who don't have a clue about "real life". I'm exaggerating (also because I don't know how to put this thought in exact english) but this is basically my point. I don't think they're really "sociopaths", but sure they've been negligent and greedy in many instances. And this is deeply bad as well.

I just hope we didn't reach the point of no return.

Deleted member 36578

Dec 21, 2017

The latest official response I believe is that they are "tracing" a potential second shooter, but still have not confirmed if there was more than one. They are still treating it as an active shooter situation.


ty for the replies. I'm praying this nightmare ends as soon as possible and nobody else has to lose their lives to this travesty.


Oct 25, 2017
Every single one of these Nazi white nationalist fuckheads need to be called out and shutdown. No more putting up with this.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm pretty sure Michael Pachter is just being literal; as in he isn't sure what day it is in NZ so therefore not 3/14 anymore and he's remarking that maybe the shooter mentioned PDP because of Pi day.


Oct 25, 2017
الذين اذا اصابتهم مصيبة قالوا انا لله وانا اليه راجعون

During the Friday prayer too. They died shaheed.


I know they suggested closing Mosque doors for safety but that sounds all sorts of depressing. It's supposed to be a place of solace and comfort.

These fuckers wont deter us from Jummah tomorrow.


Oct 26, 2017
Fair enough, it is clear that in a thread like this, this discussion can't be had. For the record, and as I stated before, I haven't said anything in support of PDP nor have I even endorsed the terrorist act. I just find it hard to believe that you straight up knee jerk attack me when I clearly outlined from the beginning why it wasn't directly related to PDP because it was a meme reference. Is PDP's toxicity a grooming scenario? Yes, of fucking course it is. But beside the point, here we are arguing semantics on something I clearly outlined and have been told I said something else.

I added it in as context on furthering my reply. Am I not allowed to defend myself when I'm being told I'm saying something I am not?
Not. The fucking. Time. Or place.


Oct 25, 2017
I understand why people wouldn't want to watch or spread the video (I definitely don't want to see it) but I honestly believe lawmakers should be forced to watch it. People knew that war was hell, but seeing footage of Vietnam changed public opinion. It's one thing to know that something is happening.. it's another thing to see it.

Then again, maybe even seeing it wouldn't do anything to change relevant opinions.