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Oct 25, 2017

Arena Release Date: September 17, 2020
Prerelease Date: September 18–24 , 2020
Paper Release Date: September 25, 2020

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Magic: the Gathering is a Trading Card Game, the first of its kind, developed by Richard Garfield and his playtesters for the gaming company Wizards of the Coast in 1993. You and your opponents play the role of dueling planeswalkers, wizards able to travel between dimensions known as planes to gather unique magic. Using customized decks made up of your spells, the creatures you can summon, your mana bonds with lands, and even other planeswalkers you can call in to help out, you try to defeat your foes.

Last time in Magic, we learned about Teferi's past, and also what milling is. Now, we return to the world of Zendikar—incidentally, where we first started these set-specific threads—where lands roam the land. Last time we saw it, monstrous interdimensional beings call the Eldrazi were attacking, but with their threat gone, the denizens return to their previous job of exploring and treasure hunting. However, even after their death, could their corruption remain?

In addition to the usual, Zendikar Rising will feature two introductory Commander decks (instead of Planeswalker Decks) and will mark the introduction of Set Boosters. Unlike Draft Boosters, which are designed for Limited play, Set Boosters are purely designed to be fun to open, with the possibility of opening up to four rare cards. They are expected to sell for $5 each, for 12 cards.

In the Standard format, the following sets will be legal.
  • Throne of Eldraine
  • Theros: Beyond Death
  • Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths
  • Core Set 2021
  • Zendikar Rising
Banned cards in Standard.
  • Oko, Thief of Crowns
  • Once Upon a Time
  • Fires of Invention
  • Cauldron Familiar
  • In an unusual action, the rules of the companion mechanic were updated to "Once per game, any time you could cast a sorcery (during your main phase when the stack is empty), you can pay 3 generic mana to put your companion from your sideboard into your hand. This is a special action, not an activated ability."
Official guide to starting Magic

To see what a game is like, check out Geek and Sundry's Spellslinger series, where Day[9] battles various geek celebrities, often losing, using simple and easy to follow decks.

For the digital card game, you can play Magic Arena potentially for free. It has its own thread.

For the physical card game, there are many ways to get on board. If you go to a local game store (LGS), the owner will give you a simple Welcome Deck for free, after demonstrating how to play the game. The Magic Arena Starter Kit (Core Set 2020 edition) has two simple decks that you do not shuffle so you and a friend can get a guided tour through how a game of Magic can work. Planeswalker Decks are pre-constructed decks with four brand new cards, including unique planeswalker cards and one additional booster pack. While not particularly strong, they will allow you to actually play casual games. Zendikar Rising introduces 100-card Commander decks that fill the same role. Challenger Decks (2020 edition) will allow you to compete in Standard tournaments using real decks for, before release, much cheaper than buying the cards individually. However, much of these decks will have rotated out of Standard.

If you want to build your own deck, a Deck Builder's Toolkit (Theros: Beyond Death edition) will give you a decent starting collection of cards, including 125 fixed cards, 100 basic lands, four booster packs, and perhaps most importantly, a good box for your cards.

The big thing to look forward to, however, is the Prerelease event held for every set. Well, not this time, because COVID-19. Your local game store might be doing something online regardless, so check them out. Find local game stores here.


Arena Release Date: September 17, 2020
Prerelease Date: September 18–24 , 2020
Paper Release Date: September 25, 2020
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Modal cards


Double-faced cards return! However, this time they don't transform. Instead, while they're in your hand, you can choose a side to play them as. In the case of Valakut Awakening, you can either cast it as a spell (and then it goes to your graveyard), or play it as a land on the other side. Outside of your hand, it's treated as the front side.


If you don't have sleeves, you can use this card to note what the double-faced card is like. You can write the rules, or draw in a fun doodle.


Kicker is a Magic old-timer but still alive and kicking. Possibly the most versatile Magic mechanic of them all, you can pay an additional cost as you cast a spell, and anything can happen.


Replacing the old Ally tribal mechanics, party makes sure you have the right mix of adventurers for a smooth adventure. A party consists of a Cleric, a Rogue, a Warrior, and a Wizard. Spells can become cheaper and abilities become stronger as your party grows. If you have a full party, then you can even get bonus effects! Note that even if a creature has multiple party types, if only counts as one; you'd need four Tajuru Paragons to form a full party. Having multiple Wizards, etc. doesn't help with party, though there are creatures that care about their own class.



It's Zendikar, and that means landfall. Just playing lands is enough to get something here, with various permanents triggering abilities whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control. This means finding a way to play multiple lands a turn is definitely worth looking into.


Last time we saw Nahiri, she brought Emrakul, the most powerful Eldrazi, to the plane of Innistrad to destroy it (she did nothing wrong, though). Now she returns to her home plane of Zendikar. What could she be up to? And who are the Ancients?

Core Set 2021
Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths
Theros: Beyond Death
Throne of Eldraine
Core Set 2020
War of the Spark
Ravnica Allegiance
Guilds of Ravnica
Core Set 2019
Arena on Gaming side
Arena Closed Beta on Gaming side
Rivals of Ixalan
Great Designer Search 3
First Hangouts OT
http://www.**********/forum/showthread.php?t=1424890 - Last GAF thread - Ixalan

Official articles - Nicknamed the Mothership, these articles are the primary source of news. Recommended columns are Making Magic, written by the head designer, Mark Rosewater (aka MaRo); Magic Story, which tells the story, written by various authors; and Play Design, written by various Magic developers. The other articles generally discuss deck building.
Blogatog - Tumblr ran by Mark Rosewater where he answers questions, updates very frequently.
Drive to Work - Mark Rosewater's weekly podcast about Magic that he literally records as he drives to work. Two episodes are released every Friday.
MTG Reddit - The best place to get new card information. The community sucks, though.
Gatherer - The official method of searching through released cards.
Scryfall - The better search method, with bigger cards.
Game store locator

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One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Durham, NC





Oct 26, 2017
Need a better 3 cmc planeswalker than that jace to replace the 3 cmc narset for my 5c shrines deck


Oct 28, 2017
Hm... Realistically... Is there even a point of getting into this game so late? I feel anxious just thinking about playing against people with tons of cards and experience, lol.


Nov 2, 2017
Hm... Realistically... Is there even a point of getting into this game so late? I feel anxious just thinking about playing against people with tons of cards and experience, lol.
I'd say now is a perfect time to start playing (talking Arena here, mind). This Month, several Sets rotate out of the standard format, so if you are willing and / or able to put some time in you'll end with a nice collection in a short time. I did this last year around this time when Eldraine released.


Oct 25, 2017
Hm... Realistically... Is there even a point of getting into this game so late? I feel anxious just thinking about playing against people with tons of cards and experience, lol.
This set marks a Standard rotation, so there will actually be a bunch of sets leaving the Standard format. If you play Standard, the only sets you have to worry about are:
  • Throne of Eldraine
  • Theros: Beyond Death
  • Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths
  • Core Set 2021
  • Zendikar Rising


Oct 26, 2017
Hm... Realistically... Is there even a point of getting into this game so late? I feel anxious just thinking about playing against people with tons of cards and experience, lol.
You can always play the limited formats that don't use the cards in players' collections.

And as mentioned above, old cards will rotate out regularly, making it easier for new players to jump in.


Oct 25, 2017
Hm... Realistically... Is there even a point of getting into this game so late? I feel anxious just thinking about playing against people with tons of cards and experience, lol.
as others noted, 'standard' mtg rotates yearly precisely to combat this problem, as well as to keep power creep mostly in check. While you're a year behind in that sense, it also means you can start playing now and this time next year you'll have everything anyone else could have as well, without needing to invest in 'old' cards. That said, it's a game that you can just buy into piecemeal over time if you want to play popular eternal formats like Commander - which is less competitive in general and you can easily find people that will play with you at all skill levels and deck synergy levels/budget ranges.

I say this as someone that played MTG from 1994 until 2001, sold out COMPLETELY, and just came back a year and a half ago and wished I'd never sold out - it's never too late.

EDIT: Ok I looked at my ebay sales from when I sold the cards a few years ago....and holy fuck I hate my fucking life. The price spikes on RL stuff the past year and a half have been bonkers.


Oct 25, 2017
Hm... Realistically... Is there even a point of getting into this game so late? I feel anxious just thinking about playing against people with tons of cards and experience, lol.
You can start now a free Arena account, if you do before the Zendikar Rises release you'll get a the renewal rewards which consist of 10 rare cards + a bunch of extra stuff. It's really beginner friendly.

If you're planning on playing paper it's even more beginner friendly because of the community surrounding it.
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Oct 27, 2017
Hm... Realistically... Is there even a point of getting into this game so late? I feel anxious just thinking about playing against people with tons of cards and experience, lol.
I started playing around this time last year when Eldraine came out and it's been a pretty smooth ride for me. There's a curve as you gain cards, but Zendikar will be in Standard for 2 years, so it feels like you're maximizing that curve. Granted, Eldraine was stupid powerful and still contains many of the format staples. I may have gotten lucky there.

In any case: download it, play the new player decks, ask questions here, and see what you think. It's a pretty small time investment just to test the waters.


Oct 27, 2017
Hm... Realistically... Is there even a point of getting into this game so late? I feel anxious just thinking about playing against people with tons of cards and experience, lol.

Generally if you stick to the color challenge pvp part you should play decks that are one of the starter decks or somewhat improved.


Oct 25, 2017
Honestly, I'm kinda psyched to see lower tier/less 'pushed' low(ish)-cmc planeswalkers that don't have inherently broken ults meaning you need to kill them right away while still giving options and being thematically/color appropriate.

Equipment coming back gonna be interesting for commander, too.

Nahiri having 'warriors' as a tutor-able keyword is a big hint, but I wonder if we see more of the 'tribes' like allies, vampires, etc... also come back now that the Eldrazi are 'gone'.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Durham, NC
Looks like they posted a video early and revealed a new mechanic

Aaaaaaaaaaaaand there might be a LEGENDARY BOROS STONEFORGE IN THE SET



One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Watching this preview stream and they're doing trivia - Battle for Zendikar was 2015? God, it feels like a couple years ago at most...


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
2020 seems like the year of Wizards of the Coast poking the bear in terms of mechanics.


Oct 29, 2017
The new land is really interesting. If a cycle of modal lands are all we get I guess standard will be kind of slow for a bit, kind of bummed there's no duals that can come into play untapped.

Edit: Well this post aged poorly. I had seen the rumors about two-sided lands with a color on each side but after seeing Valakut I just assumed they were wrong. Seemed unlikely we'd get TWO cycles, but glad to see that's the case!
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Oct 25, 2017
At least the landfall enabler is GW and not UG, lmao - seems really good for any type of deck that wants to do that. and a 2/3 for 2 besides ain't bad.

That instant red card seems really good for any kind of 'if you draw, then get X benefit' type decks.....and then it turns into the land afterwards?

I'm surprised the card itself doesn't have the flip condition on it...unless it's an 'either/or' situation, not both?

edit: So it's the 'main' card in your hand (i.e. the instant in this case), but can alternatively be played as the other side.

That' heckuva change in terms of options/tempo, but I suppose that explains why the land part is so bad - a mono-color tap-land is pretty iffy, lol.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Hm... Realistically... Is there even a point of getting into this game so late? I feel anxious just thinking about playing against people with tons of cards and experience, lol.
I just came back to the game (via Arena) a few months ago just before M21 released after briefly trying MtG back in 2015 and have been having a ton of fun. It's really easy to pick up, and Arena has a good tutorial system and gives you a handful of pre-made decks to experiment with if you want to learn.


Oct 27, 2017
That's a lot of stuff they crammed in that video.
People had been talking about taking surveys and saying that they were asked about and shown mockups of Harry Potter crossover cards, and with the announcement of a mage school set... I bet it's real.


Oct 25, 2017
So, uh, that stream was more newsworthy for the stuff NOT Zendikar

-The biggest thing is that the Core Set in 2021 appears to be replaced by a Dungeons and Dragons set
-Fall 2021 is 2 Innestrad sets
-Time Sprial Remastered has old border versions of cards like Chalice of the Void and Path to Exile


Neon Deity Games
Oct 26, 2017
That's a lot of stuff they crammed in that video.
People had been talking about taking surveys and saying that they were asked about and shown mockups of Harry Potter crossover cards, and with the announcement of a mage school set... I bet it's real.
Right as JK outed herself as a most vile person. Perfect timing for Wizards to do that haha


Oct 25, 2017
Skeptical of a magic academy set but I suppose I trust them enough to see what it actually looks like. At least they named it something more creative than "Learnmagic School" (Looking at you Blizzard)


Oct 28, 2017
Thanks for all the answers about getting into the game. And yes I was specifically talking about Arena. Not really into buying physical cards and... meeting people in these times :P

And am I right to assume that Arena is like most card games - basically no point trying to create your own deck, cause there's strict meta and everyone uses The Best Deck they googled? I guess it's just a nature of every game when you "build" your deck / skills etc.


Neon Deity Games
Oct 26, 2017
I am confused by the idea of a DnD set -- is it standard legal? Is DnD in the multiverse now? Also, why do away with Core Sets as they just brought them back?

Remember when they made Ixalan, a "Pirates vs Dinosaurs!" set about 10 years after that was a joke on the internet and about 8 years after that joke dissipated completely?
Sigh... solid point.


Oct 25, 2017
Thanks for all the answers about getting into the game. And yes I was specifically talking about Arena. Not really into buying physical cards and... meeting people in these times :P

And am I right to assume that Arena is like most card games - basically no point trying to create your own deck, cause there's strict meta and everyone uses The Best Deck they googled? I guess it's just a nature of every game when you "build" your deck / skills etc.
I mean if you want to climb the competitive ladder you need to study the metagame and there's probably only three or four really viable shells (but even among them there are lots of variations), but Arena has like a billion play modes also. For a daily quest yesterday I needed to cast a bunch of black and green spells and the only deck I had with that was out of date, so I just queued up in the "Anything Goes" pool and had several fun games


Oct 25, 2017
I am confused by the idea of a DnD set -- is it standard legal? Is DnD in the multiverse now? Also, why do away with Core Sets as they just brought them back?
It seems like the set is standard legal, all we know is it's black border and they put a graphic up showing the new standard legal sets for 2021 and it was included. The original idea behind Core Sets was to be an introduction point to the game for newer players, the last 2 core sets have NOT been that, and Arena exists now, so the need for Core Sets is lessened, plus you can put generic stuff into a D&D set cause a lot of D&D stuff IS super generic fantasy


Neon Deity Games
Oct 26, 2017
It seems like the set is standard legal, all we know is it's black border and they put a graphic up showing the new standard legal sets for 2021 and it was included. The original idea behind Core Sets was to be an introduction point to the game for newer players, the last 2 core sets have NOT been that, and Arena exists now, so the need for Core Sets is lessened, plus you can put generic stuff into a D&D set cause a lot of D&D stuff IS super generic fantasy
I'm very against merging the properties but my opinion on what Magic should do has never mattered haha

I feel like Core Sets should be, if not for new players, there to give us cards like Lightning Strike and Doom Blade and Mana Leak... basically answers. A baseline set of cards that set the tone for the power of standard. Of course that hasn't really been the case so it's not shocking.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't have a problem with a new Hedron Crab in theory but three toughness is going to be a pain unless there's some good burn

With that red card is it essentially a split card (i.e "play one side") but just in DFC form?
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Oct 25, 2017
I remember people theorycrafting these modal DFCs a long time ago. They seem really easy to do in digital and a PITA for paper.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm very against merging the properties but my opinion on what Magic should do has never mattered haha

I feel like Core Sets should be, if not for new players, there to give us cards like Lightning Strike and Doom Blade and Mana Leak... basically answers. A baseline set of cards that set the tone for the power of standard. Of course that hasn't really been the case so it's not shocking.
That's sort of what they have been doing... but it's been for insane color hosers like Veil of Summer in M20

Also, knowing nothing about D&D, i'm sure that "Lightning Strike" as a spell a wizard casts is totally in flavor or something.

Nissa is...interesting...

I really like that it's a card that only really works if you are cheating it into play with quantity of lands, not creatures/rituals/lands making more than 1 mana/etc


Oct 25, 2017
The positioning of the left hand in the alternate Nissa art can't be incidental, right? It's very cleverly done!


Oct 25, 2017
Oh if we're getting a D&D set we had better get stuff like Evard's Black Tentacles and Tasha's Hideous Laughter

Actually...I'm sure they answer this by making it all non-canon but what are the implications of the entire Forgotten Realms cosmology being in the Magic multiverse?


Neon Deity Games
Oct 26, 2017
Also, knowing nothing about D&D, i'm sure that "Lightning Strike" as a spell a wizard casts is totally in flavor or something.
I'm more concerned with the in-game universe / lore implications. I don't want DnD characters in Magic. I honestly don't want any characters from any other property in Magic, it's not just an anti-DnD thing. I want Magic to remain its own separate thing.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm more concerned with the in-game universe / lore implications. I don't want DnD characters in Magic. I honestly don't want any characters from any other property in Magic, it's not just an anti-DnD thing. I want Magic to remain its own separate thing.
You will get your Secret Lair: Drizzt Do'urden and you will like it damnit


Oct 29, 2017
I'm very against merging the properties but my opinion on what Magic should do has never mattered haha

I feel like Core Sets should be, if not for new players, there to give us cards like Lightning Strike and Doom Blade and Mana Leak... basically answers. A baseline set of cards that set the tone for the power of standard. Of course that hasn't really been the case so it's not shocking.

I totally agree about what the purpose of core sets should be, but they can still reprint staples in a themed set. I expect we'll see a lot of cards like Cancel and Pacifism and Murder and whatnot with DnD themed art.

I don't really care about DnD at all myself, but a cool theme could be a neat way to make an otherwise boring set more interesting for established players. And I'm sure it will get people opening more packs since some people will want to collect the themed cards even if they don't play, the same way we saw people collecting the Godzilla cards. I'm not crazy about adding outside properties into Magic, (personally I really didn't like the Godzilla cards either) but it will be really interesting to see where they go with the idea in 2022 and onward.

Hm... Realistically... Is there even a point of getting into this game so late? I feel anxious just thinking about playing against people with tons of cards and experience, lol.

Just to pile onto the existing answers, you'll be surprised how quickly you can catch up. There really aren't that many truly unique cards, most fall into general categories that function similarly. It will probably feel overwhelming at first but before long you'll see a new card and almost immediately think "Oh I see, this is basically that other card I've seen with an added effect."

Also, most cards aren't really good enough to be played much outside of Limited, so it's not like you have to commit every single card to memory.
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