Oct 28, 2017



Oct 25, 2017

I've seen places this happens. Every time there is a change of the party in power, a lot of people are fired. Good and bad. Nepotism is abundant.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017


Study: Evolution now accepted by majority of Americans

The level of public acceptance of evolution in the United States is now solidly above the halfway mark, according to a new study based on a series of national public opinion surveys conducted over the last 35 years. "From 1985 to 2010, there was a statistical dead heat between acceptance and reje

As of 2019, 34% of conservative Republicans accepted evolution compared to 83% of liberal Democrats.


Oct 16, 2018
I choose to believe the lead in many places in American drinking water is damaging people's brains. I can't believe these people are biologically normal human beings and still believe in the future of our species.


Oct 25, 2017
I choose to believe the lead in many places in American drinking water is damaging people's brains. I can't believe these people are biologically normal human beings and still believe in the future of our species.
nope just piss poor education and brainwashing via right wing media. its that simple.


Oct 26, 2017
Dave Rubin and his husband are adopting a child through a surrogate.

Surprisingly, Rubin's conservative fan base he's spent years cultivating are actually totally cool and normal about this. 🤗
Oct 25, 2017

Ben still living in delusion land.
Best part is his crazy rant has him claim "I do not like violence". Half your rants are about "self-defense" against the government! How is that not violence?!
Oct 25, 2017
What's the story about Hunter Biden and his laptop?
From 2014 to 2019, Hunter Biden served on the board of Burisma Holdings Ltd, a gas company based in Ukraine.
Something something conflict of interest something something sleeper agent for Ukraine something something Rudy Giuliani somehow found his laptop at a computer repair shop in Delaware (despite Hunter living in LA) and I guess that laptop has incriminating material all over it. What material? That part always changes. It's either tax fraud, proof of shady dealings, CP, anything that gets the right-wing up in arms.
The laptop has basically become the new "Hillary's e-mails".

At least that's what I recall. Researching this story is dangerous as it leads to unsavory sites.

Jive Turkey

Oct 25, 2017
What's the story about Hunter Biden and his laptop?
It's a manufactured scandal the right desperately tried push during to 2020 election to try to discredit Joe Biden. Literally the 2020 version of "but her emails."

As to the actual story behind the scandal, that's harder to pin down. It really depended on when you asked them why the laptop was so important as it changed daily. Sometimes is was proof of the Biden family's illicit dealings with a Ukrainian power company, sometimes it was filled with child porn, sometimes it revealed the inner workings of the secret satanic cabal of liberals trying to undermine savior Trump's America.

In short: pure bullshit. The fact that Garrison is still stuck on it is hilariously pathetic.
Oct 25, 2017
It's a manufactured scandal the right desperately tried push during to 2020 election to try to discredit Joe Biden. Literally the 2020 version of "but her emails."

As to the actual story behind the scandal, that's harder to pin down. It really depended on when you asked them why the laptop was so important as it changed daily. Sometimes is was proof of the Biden family's illicit dealings with a Ukrainian power company, sometimes it was filled with child porn, sometimes it revealed the inner workings of the secret satanic cabal of liberals trying to undermine savior Trump's America.

In short: pure bullshit. The fact that Garrison is still stuck on it is hilariously pathetic.
They're still stuck on it. Here's Matt Gaetz from a couple days ago (don't read the comments)



Oct 26, 2017
From 2014 to 2019, Hunter Biden served on the board of Burisma Holdings Ltd, a gas company based in Ukraine.
Something something conflict of interest something something sleeper agent for Ukraine something something Rudy Giuliani somehow found his laptop at a computer repair shop in Delaware (despite Hunter living in LA) and I guess that laptop has incriminating material all over it. What material? That part always changes. It's either tax fraud, proof of shady dealings, CP, anything that gets the right-wing up in arms.
The laptop has basically become the new "Hillary's e-mails".

At least that's what I recall. Researching this story is dangerous as it leads to unsavory sites.

It's a manufactured scandal the right desperately tried push during to 2020 election to try to discredit Joe Biden. Literally the 2020 version of "but her emails."

As to the actual story behind the scandal, that's harder to pin down. It really depended on when you asked them why the laptop was so important as it changed daily. Sometimes is was proof of the Biden family's illicit dealings with a Ukrainian power company, sometimes it was filled with child porn, sometimes it revealed the inner workings of the secret satanic cabal of liberals trying to undermine savior Trump's America.

In short: pure bullshit. The fact that Garrison is still stuck on it is hilariously pathetic.

Doesn't it also contain the truth behind COVID!?!?!?!? That it was created in US funded Ukrainian BioLABS?!?!?!?


Oct 25, 2017
I always enjoy the constant contradictory stances your average GOP nut holds. Hunter Biden the drug addicted fuck up who can't do anything right is also the mastermind behind a bio weapons lab in an entirely different continent.