
Nov 12, 2017
Yay, I´m playing through my backlog on Switch and is currently playing RE0. Currently in the basement after saving Rebecca (again..)
Earlier this year or last (can´t remember) I played through ReMake, also on the Switch, and had a great time. The story in that was non-existant, yet still took itself a little too seriously, and it maybe was a little too long for what it presented, but overall the great atmosphere and (mostly) logical puzzles and atmosphere kept me going. Would definitely recommend that game.

Zero on the other hand. Oooh boy, I see where the criticism came from. It totally feels as though this games design was forgotten after the first initial developer meeting, and it falls flat on its ass between two chairs. It doesn´t know what it wants to be.

Lets get it out of the way. Inventory. I´m not inherently against the switch from item box to throwing shit at the floor, but it´s not utilized properly in this game at all. When I started playing I got the feeling that the game wanted me to play with the characters following each other and helping out. With item boxes gone, the logical conclusion to me was that the other person would act like a portable box. Fine, ok. The problem is that the extremely cramped environment of the train section (and elsewhere) suggests otherwise. Your sidecharacter either wastes precious ammo not hitting jack shit or stands idly and gets hit by enemies forcing you to use rare healing items. Given the claustrophobic halls and rooms it´s really difficult dodging enemies with any real consistency. Triple that inconsistency if you´re tagging along your partner. So I just started parking Rebecca at spots and going solo, yet this revealed one of the biggest issues with this game:


With only the item slots of one character you´re getting the pleasure of running back and forth, back and forth all the time. This coupled with the sometimes INSANE load times (up to 23 sec to get through a door) really knocks the game down. I´ve seen people arguing that you drop your items certain strategic places so there´s easy access to them, but it feels like an advice to a person that already knows the games layout. Sorry dude, I´m playing it blindly (like you should be able to) and have no idea what´s around the corner, I can´t place items for easy access when I don´t know where and when I´m gonna need them. So for now the most effective way of playing is to lump some of your items in a saferoom and going on haphazard scouting expeditions to see what´s in the rooms, and then maybe reloading a save and taking the items needed at the specific place with you. It´s more effective, but insanely boring. I´ve tried going back to playing it more loose, but it either results in me or my partner at very low health and a LOT of backtracking.

The story seems pretty nonsensical, but they really ham it up with the main villains. I sorta enjoy that. Nothings worse than when bad stories actually think they´re good. The RE-series is complete and utter schlock in my opinion and I´m fine with them treating it as such. The atmosphere and graphics are pretty stunning, though the train section is by far more interesting than the training facility.

So ERA, what´s you´re opinion on RE0?


Oct 28, 2017
São Paulo - Brazil
This still cares me about RE0:


If you don't fear it yet OP, you will. You will.

But in a franchise that has RE6, RE0 can't be the blackest of sheep, even though it tries. And the villain in this? Only CV can compare in sheer siliness, and maybe not even that game.

I don't think 0 is terrible, but it's very close to that. And it does nothing to justify its existence.


Oct 25, 2017
I think the character swapping and inventory management was a conscious attempt to bring more concepts from Sweet Home - the famicom RPG that inspired the first RE - back into the series but it just falls flat on its face for being too tedious and clunky.

The intro on the train is far and away the best and most inspired part of the game. After that it just goes back to a goddamn mansion again and it's like, why even bother when you have REmake right there.


Jan 24, 2019

If you don't fear it yet OP, you will. You will.

Haha, this damn thing.. Thank god the map labels where all the items you found/dropped are at.

For 0 - I actually kinda liked it? The inventory stuff is rather annoying, but it felt like a decent aping at RE1 remake and I actually liked Billy and Rebecca. It may have also helped that I played it DURING my playthrough of RE6, which is dreadful, so it may have made 0 seem a lot better by comparison? Though I'll admit it is one of the few REs I've played that I don't think I'll ever return to in the future. I would say I liked it overall though!


Feb 3, 2019
Even though RE games typically starts off great then fall off a bit in later sections, no game does it quite as dramatically as RE0.

Fancy Clown

Oct 25, 2017
I think it's generally pretty fun, if uninspired up until you have to leave the training facility. Then all the bad design choices start piling on starting with a double whammy of having to move ALLLLL your shit you've accrued (and god forbid you leave something behind and go back after opening the next area because they make backtracking extremely difficult with added tough enemies and changes to the level design for no reason) and the surprise bat boss fight.


Neon Deity Games
Oct 26, 2017
It was such a cumbersome, awkward game in every regard outside of graphics and sound. It was really pretty, but I was so relieved to be done when the credits were rolling.

I think the most annoying thing was how many questions it created when one of its stated purposes was to shed light, iirc. It just ended up adding a bunch of confusing elements.
Oct 28, 2017
Even with the issues I liked it. It would have been much better if it had item boxes in conjunction with the dropping system. I really liked the co-op system it was a good idea and used well at times. I think I'd rate Zero above Code Veronica, though CV had the hilarity going for its story whereas Zero's story was just nothing.


Mar 8, 2020
RE0 introduced too many new design choices to the classic series so it's understandable it didn't nail all of them from the first time, but it still a great game and up there among my favorites.


My ass legally belongs to Ted Price
Oct 17, 2019
Oh yeah, the one Resident Evil game that actually needs a REmake (Even more so than CV)
Oct 27, 2017
I think it's generally pretty fun, if uninspired up until you have to leave the training facility. Then all the bad design choices start piling on starting with a double whammy of having to move ALLLLL your shit you've accrued (and god forbid you leave something behind and go back after opening the next area because they make backtracking extremely difficult with added tough enemies and changes to the level design for no reason) and the surprise bat boss fight.
This is how I feel.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
It's decent but there are definitely issues with it, especially with the writing and dialogue.

"It Was I who spread the T Virus and contaminated the mansion"


"Revenge on Umbrella"

*Sings opera*

Rei no Otaku

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Cranston RI
Not the worst in the series by far, but it's definitely near the bottom. My biggest problem with it is that it's just forgettable in every way.


Sep 23, 2019
Back in the day it shattered the high hopes REmake brought about the classic formula. We kinda interpreted RE0 as in "yup, they do not know how to make new games with this style".


Oct 27, 2017
Wow, surprised to see this thread as i just completed this game like 10 mins ago. Overall i think its pretty good, unlike most people i'm playing Zero first before RE1 Remake. I expect Rebbeca to be a badass in RE1 since she has taken out a truckload of zombies/bio weapons in Zero.


Oct 27, 2017
The train is one of the best environments in the series.

Totally agree. I actually really love the mansion as well.

Meanwhile, item management and the leech zombie are series low points.

There's great stuff in RE0, you just have to tolerate some real bullshit to appreciate it.

The train environment was incredible.


Gorgeous, and this doesn't even do it justice because literally everything is moving once the trains starts moving. Oof maybe I'll replay 😬


Oct 25, 2017
The train was great.

Ended up ditching the game a few hours after getting into the mansion.
Oct 28, 2017
Totally agree. I actually really love the mansion as well.

Meanwhile, item management and the leech zombie are series low points.

There's great stuff in RE0, you just have to tolerate some real bullshit to appreciate it.
What's wrong with the leech zombie? I thought they were pretty creepy and the music that plays when you encounter one always sent me in to a panic.


Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
United States
It's ok. People give it shit, rightfully so in spots, but personally I like it more than RE5, RE6 and Code Veronica.

No Depth

Oct 27, 2017
Very much disagree with the OP on some complaints. The game demands a lot more consideration on drop points and partner use than other games. I rather enjoyed it and so long as you think about the map and the routes available, its really not at all difficult to make a central room more of an 'acting' storage box. The lobby of the mansion area after the train is such an example. Use the map!

Map design is one of the stronger aspects of RE0 and the way all the routes and shortcuts fold in one another, including the forced character fork sequences, is well considered. You just have to occasionally think slightly more about dumping shit on the ground versus running back a room or two to make room so you can more safely grab something in the future. Not really that indifferent to running back to an item box for new discoveries in the older titles...

(And really you shouldn't be that hung up on item issues in the train area anyway, that tutorial section flows really well)

This still cares me about RE0:


Yea, this is the only real major problem I had with the game. This item was pretty bullshit.

There is no real foresight to thinking you would need to lug it around following the train sequence. By the time you do realize its necessity later on, you will be forced to backtrack through very difficult respawns of foes to the initial drop point. Save your sanity and throw it in the mansion lobby(for later), do the same as you comes up as a required item a lot.


Oct 27, 2017
What's wrong with the leech zombie? I thought they were pretty creepy and the music that plays when you encounter one always sent me in to a panic.

They're a worse version of CV's bandersnatch: huge range, very tough to kill, high damage. I always look at this stuff from the perspective of a first time player too, I realize RE fans will know how to deal with them but they're horribly placed and paced for a first time player. I think they're literally the worst villain in the series.


Oct 25, 2017
I think if they had made every item single-sized and gave both characters an extra two item slots, it would have gone a long way toward mitigating people's issues with the game's pacing.
Oct 28, 2017
They're a worse version of CV's bandersnatch: huge range, very tough to kill, high damage. I always look at this stuff from the perspective of a first time player too, I realize RE fans will know how to deal with them but they're horribly placed and paced for a first time player. I think they're literally the worst villain in the series.
They're much better than Bandersnatches. Bandersnatches hit you from off screen with no sound cue. They're awfully designed. If a leech zombie is there you know it immediately and have options. I played RE0 for the first time last year and had no issues with them. They go down very easily to fire too and that doesn't take long to figure out.

Sub Boss

Nov 14, 2017
I enjoyed playing RE0 on the Switch! It looks gorgeous (much better than the REmake) and it just felt good playing an old school horror game again, the inventory managment can get a little annoying but honestly you just pick a room to leave the items in, item managment was always part of the fun until RE5.
The Train and main facility are two of my favorite settings in the series and of course the save room

Atmosphere was pretty good, i think Zero is a little underrated tbh, some fans treat it like toxic waste, the story is silly but in a B horror movie kinda way, its not bad bad like the one in Revelations 1 or RE6 wich took itself too seriously and was shitty without none of the self awareness.


Nov 12, 2017
This still cares me about RE0:


If you don't fear it yet OP, you will. You will.

But in a franchise that has RE6, RE0 can't be the blackest of sheep, even though it tries. And the villain in this? Only CV can compare in sheer siliness, and maybe not even that game.

I don't think 0 is terrible, but it's very close to that. And it does nothing to justify its existence.

I´ve heard about this stupid thing. I´m sure I´ll have to backtrack to the main hall of the mansion and get it at the most inconvinient time possible.

He´s a weird dude alright.

Very much disagree with the OP on some complaints. The game demands a lot more consideration on drop points and partner use than other games. I rather enjoyed it and so long as you think about the map and the routes available, its really not at all difficult to make a central room more of an 'acting' storage box. The lobby of the mansion area after the train is such an example. Use the map!

Map design is one of the stronger aspects of RE0 and the way all the routes and shortcuts fold in one another, including the forced character fork sequences, is well considered. You just have to occasionally think slightly more about dumping shit on the ground versus running back a room or two to make room so you can more safely grab something in the future. Not really that indifferent to running back to an item box for new discoveries in the older titles...

(And really you shouldn't be that hung up on item issues in the train area anyway, that tutorial section flows really well)

Yea, this is the only real major problem I had with the game. This item was pretty bullshit.

There is no real foresight to thinking you would need to lug it around following the train sequence. By the time you do realize its necessity later on, you will be forced to backtrack through very difficult respawns of foes to the initial drop point. Save your sanity and throw it in the mansion lobby(for later), do the same as you comes up as a required item a lot.

I actually don´t think it demands more consideration than the other games in the series because of the partner. I can´t see a how it´s more beneficial to have them tag along. The only benefit is the extra inventory, but it doesn´t matter as that is negated by the items you have to use to keep them alive.

And I´m already at the facility (almost done I think) and I have put all my stuff in the main hall, and it´s still extremely tedious to run back and forth for stuff I occasionally need.

King Dodongo

Oct 27, 2017
This is probably the most underrated RE game.

Wow, surprised to see this thread as i just completed this game like 10 mins ago. Overall i think its pretty good, unlike most people i'm playing Zero first before RE1 Remake. I expect Rebbeca to be a badass in RE1 since she has taken out a truckload of zombies/bio weapons in Zero.

Yeah... about that.


Oct 27, 2017
I enjoyed it a lot more when I replayed it via the PC port. The environments look amazing and it's more enjoyable to go through when you know where not to leave stuff.


Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island
RE0 is a lot like CVX. Where a first playthrough on Normal is probably best done with a guide these days. Unless you're very versed in classic RE design. Those 2 benefit the most from multiple playthroughs.

Playing on easy makes RE0 a lot more enjoyable personally. As it eliminates some of the issues that drag the game down.
Oct 31, 2017
I thought the train and training facility were pretty solid, but everything beyond that point was forgettable. I haven't played it in years, and haven't had any desire to, unlike the other classic style RE games.

I'd place this pretty low on the list of classic style RE, right there with Code Veronica. I'm not sure which of those two I like/dislike more though. They are both pretty unforgiving to first time players. And like has been mentioned, I consider the leech zombies up there with some of the worst enemies in the classic series. Not as bad as the bandersnatches from CV, but pretty damn close.

All this said, it's still worth playing through at least once. And the graphics/art direction carried over from REmake are just as strong, for the most part.


Oct 28, 2017
cyklisten said:
Lets get it out of the way. Inventory. I´m not inherently against the switch from item box to throwing shit at the floor, but it´s not utilized properly in this game at all.
I think if they had made every item single-sized and gave both characters an extra two item slots, it would have gone a long way toward mitigating people's issues with the game's pacing.

Personally, I don't think eliminating item boxes in favor of just letting you put down items is the inherently bad idea most believe it to be. I just don't think Capcom executed on it super well. I almost wonder if it was an idea that came about super late into the game's development? Adding some item slots to each character and making every item single slot sized would've definitely gone a long way towards mitigating a lot of the frustration in that game.

As someone who never really clicked with CVX and always felt RE5 & classic RE3 were immensely overrated, RE0 doesn't even come close to being among the worst games in the series for me. Having said that, it's a game that definitely has some very significant flaws. lol


Oct 29, 2017
Sometimes when I'm down, I remember the scene at the beginning when that absolute pillock of a villain summons leeches by opera singing at a moving train and it never fails to brighten up my day.