
May 7, 2020
I wanted to enjoy it. It was fine but not great. Next game I went back to was The Division 2 for the NYC expansion and I remembered what an open world game done well looks like.


Feb 2, 2018
a Socialist Utopia
I finished the game (+DLC) on PC a good while ago. I liked it a lot. While repetitive, the base gameplay/structure was solid and fun enough. But overall I simply wanted to see the story through as the characters were so well done and the story sequences so well crafted. The music also kept me playing - an overall fantastic soundtrack!

Black Mantis

Oct 30, 2017
It's not that crazy, I thought it was a very good game, just let down by repetitiveness and technical issues. I did make sure to limit myself to clearing 1 district a day, so as not to get bored of it and that really helped. I loved the combat, gunplay, but the real stars were the story and the setting.


Oct 27, 2017
I enjoy it until I hit a game breaking bug during the Stones Unturned DLC.
Second mission after meeting the big bad and now it crashes everytime after the cutscene.

Awesome. I was really digging it and almost bought the "complete the collection" bundle because 1 looked so damn good.

So disappointed.


Jan 22, 2019
It's still on my plat list, I loved Mafia 2 so much and was disappointed to see the negative reaction towards 3, this is definitely good to hear!


Apr 28, 2020
Tried to play again last night, was about 10h into the story, thought about giving it a second chance, after all I loved the story and the setting.
I could'nt play for more than 30 minutes. The game froze on the frist custscene I triggered, I had to skip the CS, and it was an important one!
Then I started to notice all the visual flaws and bugs, the reflections on this game are absolutely atrocious, I don't understand why they didn't work around the mirror's like most games do, make them broken or dirty so they have an excuse not to show the reflection. The overall presentation is one of the worst I have ever seen in a triple A game. The overall story is interesting and the cast is great, but everything else just fucking sucks! The is no mission design! This game made me quit, and I play a lot of shitty games, like Technomancer and Mirror's Edge 2.


Games User Researcher
Oct 28, 2017
It's really not that bad of a game to be honest. The only issue I remember having was that the city felt empty. Combat was still fun, it's just that was almost all the game had to offer really. The story was decent enough.

It's like, most of the component pieces are good, it's just that it's missing a few pieces to make it a great game. It's easy to see how Hanger 13 could make a Mafia 4 based on Mafia 3's foundations, and have it turn out really well. That's more than can be said for many games and studios, wherein there are so many raw design issues, that it's difficult to see a way forward for the series without reinvention.

I actually attended Hangar 13's opening party in Brighton a few years ago. I only spoke to a few of the people there but they seemed nice. I'm hopeful their future games will be great.


Oct 28, 2017
Finished the game a couple of days ago and it's one of my favorite games this gen. Even with all the graphical issues I enjoyed the hell out of it. Playing through the DLC now, which is free btw, and it's just as good.

It's a better game than GTAV honestly and I love that game. It shows you how limiting Rockstar's writing is and gameplay mechanics.

Deleted member 79058

Account closed at user request
Aug 25, 2020
Just beat the game a couple days ago. Had fun with it. Driving is fun and the gunplay is really good (better than RDR2 I would say). It looks like the publisher made Hangar 13 insert some stupid "open world" elements like the phone boxes that feels really out of place. Would rather have a mission structure like in Mafia 2 than the one we got in 3 too.

DLCs are pretty good as well and they're free to download at the moment (if you bought Mafia 3 you get the "Definitive Edition" for free, that is the base game + DLCs).

Game doesn't deserve the lower scores it got. I would give it a 7.5/8 out of 10.


Oct 27, 2017
I really enjoyed the story and gameplay, but no fast travel and the boring, systematic approach to all side activities made it a repetitive drag in the second half.


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
Would have loved a version that just focused on a traditional campaign and otherwise ditched the open world setup — I realize I'm probably in the minority on this, but I just dont have time for a lukewarm sandbox, nor the "fluff" of unimportant busywork. Felt like a it was trapped between a Rockstar game and a Ubisoft game. Very much a game I would love if it were shorter and more focused.

Loved the writing, characters, and attention to detail. I'm always down for stories about black characters and New Orleans. The fact that I'm still considering going back to play more speaks volumes about what they got right.


Jan 7, 2018
I love Mafia 2 - played it again 3 months ago, I really looking forward to Mafia:Definitive Edition and playing right now the original Mafia 1 (with some graphical mods) - so far absolutely loving it, so I thought that I would try the Steam demo first and see if I would like the game ...

After playing the demo, I must say I appreciate some things about the game - cutscenes look good, the music is great, the writing and characters are fine and the city looks pretty good too but basically everything else is not so great.. the shooting is lacking punch and the gun sounds are weak as hell, the melee is somehow worse than it was in Mafia 2, game is really, really easy, the vehicle handling even on "simulation" setting is very arcady, you can kill people on the streets with guns or cars without pretty much anyone giving any attention to that - not even the police(!) and this is a game from the Mafia series, which tried to be a different series than the games in the GTA franchise - being more realistic and hard - but Mafia 3 is really hard trying to be another - and very generic at that - clone of a GTA game..

And my god, that demo has tons of problems and bugs..and I heard the same complains about the whole game too.. and the graphics (or the graphical style) are really, really blurry looking outside of cutscenes.. why there aren't options in the game to turn the minimap off and turn off the traffic signs that are showing you the way to your destination? If these things can't be turn off in the Mafia Definitive Edition, I'm going to be pissed
Nov 1, 2017
After binging the series with the Mafia remake and Mafia II, I decided to jump into III knowing its (to be charitable) mixed reception and...

I'm really enjoying this?

I like Lincoln a bunch, the side characters are all fun, the soundtrack is exceptional. And I had enough forewarning about the Ubisoft-on-a-bad-day structure that it hasn't bothered me much so far.

Also, the gunplay. I was expecting the same very floaty feeling as Mafia: Definitive Edition, but everything here has pop and weight. Nailing a shot feels incredibly satisfying, even if the AI is dumb as a post.
Sep 20, 2020
The fact it was New Orleans and the time period is what drew me in.

Despite being an 80's child (and loving that nostalgia when I come across it) I am a sucker for the "Hippie" era of the late 60's and early 70's.


Oct 28, 2017
So I reinstalled this after reading the this thread and I'm having a blast too! I remember buying this in 2018 but it ran very poorly at the time, according to Steam I played 40 minutes. But now I'm running this on max @ 60 fps! So I guess they updated it?


Apr 28, 2020
I was enjoying it on my ps4, but the game is a glitchy mess on that platform.
On one mission, a message appeared on the screen when I activated a cutscene, the message read "PLACEHOLDER".
I couldn't get pass that, the game had a huge number of AI and visual glitchs during gameplay and cutscenes, but the story and setting where so interesting that I got past almost all of the flaws, but that one actually destroyed the game for me.
I think about re-downloading from time to time. Driving, walking and shooting were nice, but the whole game felt like a beta build you know? Nothing functioned properly, really heart broken that Hangar 13 never fixed it on ps4 (I don't know how it runs on other platforms).


Oct 25, 2017
So I reinstalled this after reading the this thread and I'm having a blast too! I remember buying this in 2018 but it ran very poorly at the time, according to Steam I played 40 minutes. But now I'm running this on max @ 60 fps! So I guess they updated it?
Yes, they improved the performance with patch updates and such.
Oct 27, 2017
I too started a new play through. This game is even more fun this time.

The gameplay is so damn good so the repetitive stuff are not that big of a deal as of now. Might be because I know the story so I don't feel the need to rush so I can see the next story bit. I am playing it while taking my time and that's the best way to play I feel.


Oct 27, 2017
NW Indiana
Never understood the hate. Loved Lincoln, the 70's NOLA setting, and the revenge story. Oh and killing klansmen was awesome too.


Jan 6, 2020
I kinda feel the same way. I have a soft spot for the franchise, since the first game came out, and I ended up enjoying Mafia 3, despite its convoluted structure and repetitive nature: everything you do kinda feels the same after a while and it can get pretty boring sometimes. Plus, not a huge fan of having to replay the story so many times to get stupid missable trophies.

That said I don't get why so many hate it. I mean, the story is nice, it manages to get far away from the italian mafia trope, in touch on some relevant issues, has an amazing soundtrack and John Donovan, the "morally bankrupt" CIA operator, is a great character.


Oct 27, 2017
i thought consensus was it was kinda sorta okay, like a 6.5/10 at the very very worst