Jan 4, 2018

I had no idea what Hellblade was about (I knew and saw nothing of it except the Hellblade 2 trailer at the Game Awards last year :/ ). Though I'm quite late to the party, I started the game because I wanted to try something new on the Game Pass and it catched my attention. This was my first Ninja Theory game since Kung Fu Chaos in 2003.

I just finished it last day and... wow, this was an incredible and unique experience. I loved every second of it. Probably in my top 5 of the (old) generation and maybe of all time.

I still can't believe that this game was made by an average team size of 20 ? In 3 years, self-published and with a micro budget of under $10 million including marketing ?


Hellblade's Budget Required Ninja Theory to Use Their Own Boardroom as a Motion Capture Studio

Hellblade's Budget Required Ninja Theory to Use Their Own Boardroom as a Motion Capture Studio

Last year's Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice from developers Ninja Theory was a budget hit. Made on a micro budget of under $10 million with a small team of arou...


It was challenging at times but also a lot of fun. As we were doing things on a small budget, we ended up finding creative solutions to get the results we needed. A good example of this was where we needed to capture Senua wading through chest deep water. As we didn't have access to a pool of water, or even knew if it was possible to capture someone in a pool, we had to find a more practical solution. We ended up wrapping some giant rubber resistance bands around Melina, and got her to walk around while I pulled on them to slow her down and create resistance. The whole process was quite tiring and hilarious to watch, but we ended up with surprisingly decent results.


Some things that amazed me :

- The voice acting and the sound design are truly incredible, especially with the power of the 3D binaural audio. And I'm shocked to discover only once I completed the game that Senua's actress wasn't even an actress before Hellblade.
Because her performance was absolutely stunning ! Also, having a female lead character is great.

The award-winning actor who plays Senua in Hellblade wasn't originally an actor at all. She was Ninja Theory's Video Editor who was used as a stand-in for technical tests. In her first ever acting role, Melina Juergens went on to win a BAFTA for Best Performance!




- The atmosphere and the story-telling are top-notch. The game's narrative is easily one of the most powerful I've played this generation. There's a lot of care and passion. The words are always chosen carefully.

This scene is probably my favorite (and probably the most beautiful and the most heartbreaking in the game) and this was the moment that sealed the game for me. The voice-acting, the music, the performance, the 3D binaural audio... I felt immersed like few games can. :O


- The soundtrack is fantastic. The right songs for the right moments.

(don't listen to the music if you plan to play the game because it's fully part of the experience and this is one of the best scenes)

- I really really loved the combat. Simple yet enough enemy variety to keep it exciting and tense.
Some really great effects and animations when considering the ridiculous number of people working on the game. Very dynamic, fast and the panicked / helpful voices in Senua's head add a lot to the experience.

(notice the blood particules, the hair, the "dark smoke" when Senua withdraws her sword... some amazing details that I didn't even notice until now)



The game really has high-value animations, even for non-human creatures that couldn't benefit from motion-capture.


The Animation of Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice

Chris Goodall, Senior Animator at Ninja Theory, talked about his work on the animation of the Hellblade's enemies and main hero.


- The graphics and visuals are stunning (in my opinion).


- Absolutely zero HUD on the screen. Even the health bar is hidden. No inventory. I loved that. Just a focused experience.

- The opening was very powerful as well. A very haunting scene when you don't know what to expect from the game.


- The ending was also incredible in my opinion. Really well done.

I learnt the hard way to not be afraid of death, Senua. Because a life without loss is one without love. Turn your back on death and you only see the shadow that it casts. The longer you hide from it, the longer the shadow grows, until all you can see is darkness. When our time comes, we must look death in the eye and embrace it as a friend. Only then can we let go fear, and emerge from our darkness.


- Personnally I loved the puzzles. I think some of these were quite clever and creative (without being too hard or too long to solve). Though it may be noticeable that they had to reuse some mechanics and elements, causing some repetition, but it didn't bother me at all.

- The lorestones that provide additional story info on the Norse mythology and Druth's stories were all well-paced, not excessively hard to find and very interesting to listen (and narrated with a great and passionate voice acting once again). Was always eager to hear the next one and sad when I knew I listened to the last one. This is how collectibles should be done.
There are way too many collectibles in some other games that are boring and add absolutely NOTHING at all.

Now I can't wait for Hellblade 2 (twice the size of the Hellblade dev team it seems, though it would still be small by AAA standards).

I just hope that COVID won't impact its development too much (especially with the motion-capture) and that they will have all the time they need to craft the game they have envisioned.
Probably my most anticipated XGS game with Halo and Perfect Dark at this point. I rewatched the Game Awards trailer and I'm so excited to play it, I'm sure that it's going to be a memorable experience again :)


Will finish with my favorite quote from the game:

The hardest battles are fought in the mind, not with the sword.
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Oct 26, 2017
I've had this on my VR backlog for the past few months, I think you just convinced me to start it. Great OP.

Navidson REC

Oct 31, 2017
Wonderful post, and I fully agree. It's another one of those games that I was mildly interested in beforehand and - thanks to Game Pass - I gave it a try and loved it. Such an intense, haunting, and beautiful experience. I still listen to the soundtrack from time to time.

Beyond excited for Hellblade II, and I love how MS chose to reveal it as their first next-gen game. High hopes!


Jul 5, 2018
Yep, I had no idea what to expect from and it became one of my favorite games. It's a shame the first game didn't sold too much copies. If i'm not mistaken, it was just above 1 million, right? It deserved way more. I'm excited to see what they'll do with bigger budget and a bigger team.
FarSight XR-20
Jan 4, 2018
Yep, I had no idea what to expect from and it became one of my favorite games. It's a shame the first game didn't sold too much copies. If i'm not mistaken, it was just above 1 million, right? It deserved way more. I'm excited to see what they'll do with bigger budget and a bigger team.

Don't know if the amount of sold copies has been updated, but it attracted 3.5 million players as of July 2020. Game Pass probably helped a lot.

It's still not enough !


Jul 5, 2018
One of the things I realized during the playtime with the game is how "more of the same" is most of the horror games. Lots of them tends to go with the "bad controls + scarcity of resources" to create the felling of horror and I loved that Hellblade goes with the other way, having amazing controls with very action battles and still being an horror game, just with the sounds and atmosphere of the game.


Nov 2, 2017
Hellblade was a great little game despite a bug that made me have to restart it to progress.
Too bad the 2nd game will be locked to platforms I don't have but I'd really like to play it.


From the mirror universe
Oct 25, 2017
This game handles mental illness horrendously. The fact you describe the experience as 'insane' speaks volumes, because the game makes no effort to dispel these harmful stereotypes and audiovisual shorthands for mental illness.

I am aware the game was heavily researched and developed in co-operation with mental health professionals, but much of it feels exploitative and not far enough removed from the 'mental health as horror' imagery and tropes that are common in film. Others' mileage may vary, but I wasn't a fan.

I bought it for the 3D audio, which is pleasantly implemented and makes me excited for the future of binaural that Sony are pursuing but I dropped it halfway due to finding it pretty insufferable in gameplay and tone. Shame, because I really like Ninja Theory's other stuff.

Jaded Alyx

Oct 25, 2017
Weird. I thought I had played this for a few hours at least but Steam says 86 minutes :/

I should get back to it one day but I wonder if I should just start over...
FarSight XR-20
Jan 4, 2018
This game handles mental illness horrendously. The fact you describe the experience as 'insane' speaks volumes, because the game makes no effort to dispel these harmful stereotypes and audiovisual shorthands for mental illness.

I am aware the game was heavily researched and developed in co-operation with mental health professionals, but much of it feels exploitative and not far enough removed from the 'mental health as horror' imagery and tropes that are common in film. Others' mileage may vary, but I wasn't a fan.

I bought it for the 3D audio, which is pleasantly implemented and makes me excited for the future of binaural that Sony are pursuing but I dropped it halfway due to finding it pretty insufferable in gameplay and tone. Shame, because I really like Ninja Theory's other stuff.

I edited.

Though I read people with mental health issues that really loved the game and were very emotional about it. So I guess it may vary.


Oct 28, 2017
Even crazier that the whole gameplay system was rebooted during development.

Creed Bratton

Aug 29, 2019
Hellblade is one of my favorite games from the last generation. I've played through it 5 times in the last few years. Technically, it's so impressive what they managed to pull off with such a small team, but Melina really made it something special with her portrayal of Senua. Also--gotta love that buttery smooth combat!


Feb 21, 2018
Very well-written post. Hellblade was one the most memorable gaming experiences I've ever had. There wasn't much in terms of gameplay but the binaural audio implementation and character performance was absolutely top notch.


Game Developer
Jun 10, 2018
I mean, I can definitely believe that it's below 10 million, the 20 people fact is far more impressive.

What does 20 people even mean? I am actually being serious here, because I often see these ridiculous numbers being thrown about how many people have worked on projects and what not, then to do some digging and discover that many, many other people have actually worked on those projects, but somehow are magically not counted as part of the project, because they are either contractors or outsourcing companies.

The Lord of Cereal

Jan 9, 2020
Such an amazing fucking game. So damn atmospheric and the combat is honest to God some of the best feeling combat in any game I've ever played. Everything had the perfect amount of weight and the combat was also really deep as well.

Plus I don't think I'll ever forget several moments including getting the focus power during combat. Such a fucking enthralling and highly enjoyable experience

Mortal Mario

Apr 15, 2019
One of my favourite experiences of last gen for sure, loved the atmosphere, audio and art design. I'm gonna have to playthrough again on Series X before Hellblade II releases.


Oct 30, 2017
It looked really good for the size of their team and the mental illness stuff was well handled...but I didn't really enjoy it as a game...I thought the combat was unbelievably shallow which made it boring and those environment puzzle things just weren't very engaging

I think as a foundation for a sequel though it was good enough. So hopefully hellblade 2 is their uncharted 2 moment.
Nov 1, 2017
This game exemplifies what makes Game Pass so god damned good. Had heard some decent things about the game but nothing that made me wanna rush out and buy it. But when it came out on GP i have it a whirl and was entranced. Wonderful game, great performance by Melina, doesn't outstay its welcome. Only thing i found a bit annoying were those glyph puzzles.

Super excited for part 2, especially to see what Ninja Theory can do with what i assume will be a massively inflated budget and tools/support compared to what they had to work with before.


Nov 29, 2017
You've convinced me, I see its on Steam - I'll give it a shot after Jedi Fallen Order. What happened with NT, MS buy them out?


Oct 31, 2017
Fantastic game except for that endless combat section, especially since the combat is so basic.

Navidson REC

Oct 31, 2017
It looked really good for the size of their team and the mental illness stuff was well handled...but I didn't really enjoy it as a game...I thought the combat was unbelievably shallow which made it boring and those environment puzzle things just weren't very engaging

I think as a foundation for a sequel though it was good enough. So hopefully hellblade 2 is their uncharted 2 moment.
The combat is surprisingly deep, but they never actually explain it. There's some good guides online, and it's frankly fun experimenting with different combos (button combinations, sprint + attack, etc.).
You've convinced me, I see its on Steam - I'll give it a shot after Jedi Fallen Order. What happened with NT, MS buy them out?
Yeah, owned by MS now but they still seem to have a ton of freedom - if not more, thanks to a much higher budget.


Oct 30, 2017
Maybe the best game I have ever played along with Alien Isolation.
Stunning in every single respect and I can't wait until Hellblade 2.


Prophet of Truth
Apr 13, 2020
What does 20 people even mean? I am actually being serious here, because I often see these ridiculous numbers being thrown about how many people have worked on projects and what not, then to do some digging and discover that many, many other people have actually worked on those projects, but somehow are magically not counted as part of the project, because they are either contractors or outsourcing companies.

Yeah people list big studios like Naughty Dog and 343i at 300-500 devs but when the credits roll there are thousands of names.

Seems like how good a game is relative to its budget is probably the best measure.


Oct 25, 2017
Outside of the visuals and performance of the lead, this game was a huge disappointment for me. Some of the lamest environmental puzzles and a combat system that they got about 1/3 of the way into and had to ship. Felt very much like an early UE3 game with UE4 graphics


Oct 29, 2017
Yeah, different strokes and all that. But it left a bad taste in the mouth for me. Stunning game visually though.

I appreciate the edit.

I have to heavily disagree with you when it comes how the game handles mental illness. As someone who has a mental illness and suffers of a light version of one in the game portrayed psychosis, i love absolutely how this games handles these things. The game does a tremendous job in portraying mental illness and how the people, wo are affected by this, have to fight and battle their illness. It is, in my opinion, outstanding and i applaud Ninja Theory for that.

The game tends to trigger pretty hard sometimes, but strangely enough in a good way, like a therapy.


Wrong About Chicken
Oct 26, 2017
Everytime I see "Hellblade from Ninja Theory" I totally misread it as Ninja Blade and then get disappointed.

Last good game From Software made :(


Oct 27, 2017
Nice write up. I played through it early last year and while the puzzle solving could get repetitive, the narrative, sound design and visual design elevated it to being one of my favourite games. It is one of the few games to which I can point and say that the medium is maturing beyond the easy digestible popular cultural forms (not that there is anything wrong with that)

I also want to mention how brilliant it was that the game

Lies to you about perma death

And how at the end you

realize that you are not supposed to win and that the frustration you experienced was of your own doing

The game like really has something to say.


Nov 2, 2017
An incredible achievement with respect to its subject matter and audio design, but rather mediocre in gameplay - the moveset, encounter design, camera placement, and puzzles are lacking. I think they can massively improve on the gameplay in the sequel. Specifically regarding the puzzles, I'd simply dump those and come up with something else entirely - they tended to be frustrating time-wasters that didn't require any thought.


Dec 17, 2017
I loved the look, and the fighting was fun, but I hated the puzzles and struggled to follow the story 🤷‍♂️. Still really impressive for a small team. I would definitely check out the sequel if I was able to.


Dec 23, 2017
It looked really good for the size of their team and the mental illness stuff was well handled...but I didn't really enjoy it as a game...I thought the combat was unbelievably shallow which made it boring and those environment puzzle things just weren't very engaging

I think as a foundation for a sequel though it was good enough. So hopefully hellblade 2 is their uncharted 2 moment.
I'm on the same boat.. Curious at first, the intro is great as are the performances but the game is just.. meh
Dropped it after a few hours


Nov 26, 2020
I finally played this via Gamepass a few months ago. Was an emotional and thoughtful journey, easily one of the best games I played from last gen and a top 20 game of all time for me.

Took me two nights to finish it and I was just glued to my couch the entire time.

Fiery Phoenix

Oct 26, 2017
It was definitely one of the highlights of last gen. Too bad Hellblade 2 looks to be at least a couple years out.


Oct 27, 2017
Wow, I had no idea the team was so small. I that's really impressive! I finished the game and sat through the end credits, but I guess I wasn't paying much attention. I would have assumed with it's visuals and overall polish it would have been a much bigger team.

My ears perked up when I heard Illusion by VNV Nation playing at the end of the game. I've been a fan of theirs since elementary school and I never thought I'd hear one of their songs in any games or movies.

Looking forward to the sequel whenever it comes out.


Prophet of Truth - HDTVtest
Oct 29, 2017
Well unless each do those developers was paid 500k for their work, I think the developer count as a metric is somewhat irrelevant, presumably as with any game there is a tonne of outsourcing or countless other people who touched the game in one way or another


Oct 27, 2017
New Zealand
How long did it take you beat the game? I've had it on my backlog for years, but I always end up chosing something different to play.


Oct 27, 2017
Really liked the game and it's duration was ideal.
Tried it in vr a few days ago and it was interesting, but 2d cutscenes were really immersion breaking.


Oct 29, 2017
Weird. I thought I had played this for a few hours at least but Steam says 86 minutes :/

I should get back to it one day but I wonder if I should just start over...

I played about the same on pc a while back but decided to wait until I got my series x. I started again (had to as wasnt cross save) but would have anyway in retrospect. This game deserves to be played through in a few sittings from start to finish imo.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
It was my fav from last generation. I only played it because the HB2 trailer was so good, and GamePass. Amazing game.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Jul 14, 2020
I really really loved this game! I know a lot of people weren't fans of the combat, but it really clicked for me in a way a lot of games that I really like still haven't.