
Oct 27, 2017
Has anyone played this? its fantastic!

I've been playing it all evening just started it on Steam and I'm having a blast. It absolutely ticks all the boxes for a Diablo type game. It has interesting loot, good progression of equipment by that I mean you aren't stuck with one weapon or armor for ages (unlike games like Titan Quest) but it also doesn't drop too frequently. Its really well balanced so far. The skills and builds are interesting too and it doesnt discourage you to try other builds for the class you choose as the respec is cheap to experiment.

It has a really satisfying gameplay loop and just feels good to play and the skills are satisfying to use. Way too many games like this get basic things like this wrong. Only a few seem to get it right like this and Diablo. Torchlight 2 is pretty good too in this respect but a bit basic looking.

Also many games like this either don't have respec or its too expensive to care. I don't have to follow guides either and mess up my build as I can just respec if I do. Unlike Path of Exile. Speaking of PoE that game is overburdened by many many systems and mechanics so I shelved that one a few months ago. It wasn't bad but it felt like i needed to have encyclopedias out and I could mess up my build while playing it.

I created a shaman in Grim Dawn and went for a Primal Strike lightning build. feels so powerful and OP right now I'm hoping it gets a bit harder at least.

How is the endgame content and is there plenty of replay value after I'm done on normal?

I was hoping for a PS4 release as I really prefer playing these kinds of games on my console and like trophies but this seems too good to pass up. I got all the expansions too. Great game so far.

I hope it stays good though. I'm only level 10 but it just feels so fun to play. It does nothing new but it does everything so well.

It also looks nice too, nice lighting and detail on the environments and enemies. I love the dark, grim (pun intended) atmosphere and mature setting. Even the story seems interesting. I'm playing at 1440p with most settings on high on my 4k 65" screen.


Oct 26, 2017
D3 is my favorite in the genre, but Grim Dawn is my 2nd favorite (with PoE being on the very bottom). Haven't played any of the expansions, but I really enjoyed the base game.


Oct 30, 2017
I have so many builds in my mind so I'm always restarting lol

The one problem I have with the game is that everything is soooooooooo bursty but since pots are on a CD if you don't have an emergency defense skill you're fucked. And later in the game is just so many mobs which can charge you and if you don't have near max resists you get fucked up. It's demoralizing.
If your build is not good you won't make it far on normal, which is kinda annoying (I'm including all expansions at this point). Melee builds just get fucked if you don't know what's happening (which is me).
I've got an Oathkeeper/Nightblade who focuses on acid damage/dual wield, so I'm already squishy to begin with but man, it is ridiculous how hard it is for me. I don't understand.

My other toon I put a lot of time in is a Nightblade/Necro who focuses on shotgunning cold damage with a two-hander for the cold damage mod on Bone Harvest, plus the ring of steel cold damage mod. This guy does better since it's more of a caster build and you just kite mobs inbetween CDs. I'm hitting a tough part though in the Malmouth expansion. The enemies just hit for so damn much burst damage it's annoying as fuck.

Otherwise this game is pretty awesome. The build variety is sooooooooooooo sweet. I love homebrewing builds even when they don't turn out haha.


Oct 27, 2017
I believe it's only been announced for XB1. I'll be all over that when it finally releases. This is my niche. I just recently finished Torchlight II on the Switch and loved it.
Oct 29, 2017
It's a fantastic ARPG, my favorite at the moment and I love that unlike some of the other games of the genre, the gameplay loop is mainly tailored for solo play and is rewarding without making you feel like you have to trade with other players for items, although the option is there for those that do want to use it. Grim Dawn makes it so fun to create and experiment with different builds, and has a great account progression system that rewards you for completing endgame objectives and makes it easier and faster to level up new ones in the future. I love it and keep coming back to it.


Did you find it? Cuez I didn't!
Oct 26, 2017
The Hauge, The Netherlands
I backed the kickstarter like feels like 10 years ago :P.
Its from the OG makers of titan quest so yeah its very very good awesome man lots of extra's they made and did to the game even after kickstarter release.

[edit] just looked it up, I backed the game in April of 2012.


Oct 25, 2017
Agreed OP.
Secretly the best Diablo-like ever made, and it's from the team that made Titan Quest I think. Talk about a massive improvement and I liked Titan Quest.
Mi adore the gothic graphical style. The loot is satisfying and there is SO MUCH of it.
There is a ton of content, lots of fun classes which you can combine into wild combinations.

And on and on and on.
If you like loot games, in my opinion you literally cannot do better than this game!!!


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I found this game after Diablo 3 burned my ass by being a shitty game at launch and I never looked back. I've spent so many hours playing this game, with different skill builds and equipment. Fantastic game overall. I think devotion planning/optimizing for stats/resist is the hardest part of this game to get down personally. The game is also good fun in multiplayer.

The difficulty ramps up on the higher difficulties, and the Malmouth expansion is a huge difficulty spike (mostly because of poison resist issues if I remember right).


Mar 24, 2018
New Brunswick, Canada
I'd say Grim Dawn is the best single player focused ARPG on the market. Great variety of builds, solid gameplay, decent end game, a full suite of systems since the latest expansion. Just a great game overall. It blows Torchlight 2 out of the water when it comes to offline single player APRG goodness.

Malmouth is kind of torture, but manageable with proper resistances and preparation.


Jun 1, 2018
Its probably my favorite "PC Arpg", it doesnt have the endgame content of D3 or PoE but thats okey. It plays pretty well on a gamepad so Im looking forward to play this again on console.


Nov 10, 2017
Amazing campaign,excellent lore and good difficulty. Only thing i didnt like was the loot system,it was a bit difficult to easily filter better and relevant equipement


Oct 29, 2017
Came back to this game after Patch added these "Monster Totems" randomly everywhere that let you spawn a group of monsters with couple of Heroes for a nice pile of loot. I love Devotion Shrines that work like that, but they can't put too many of those in the game, so I'm glad we got these "devotion-less" shrines.

And man, the itemization is still great. I should only have access to 1 permanent summon on my Elementalist, but right now I'm running around with appropriately strong Briarthorn, Stormhound, AND a Chillmane Yeti, thanks to the item skills that some of my rarer gear has given me. Didn't particularly grind for those items either, I'm just leveling through Elite Act 2 right now
Oct 27, 2017
The game is great but it was seriously hurt by the drab colour palette, uninspired designs and the interesting but ultimately poorly presented story. Also the game couldn't really decide if it wanted to be a linear experience or be more about exploring the areas, which are way too big and long sometimes. Had to pause it a while before playing through it but it hit all the right notes gameplay wise.


Oct 25, 2017
So I feel like playing an ARPG these days...

Wolcen is cool on paper but a complete mess
POE is a good game but I'm not sure it's for me... I feel like at some point all the builds end up being you just running as fast as possible through a map killing everything around you automatically

So yeah... Thinking of giving Grim Dawn a try... Are there any good build guides available online? Any build suggestions?


Oct 29, 2017
So yeah... Thinking of giving Grim Dawn a try... Are there any good build guides available online? Any build suggestions?
I don't really have any specific build guides in mind since i like to do my own thing, but I think this vid from Pohx is nice as a "Build Guide Tutorial", that doesn't go too deep into nitty gritty and assuming you have in-depth knowledge, it'll help you understand what the actual build guides are talking about.

Personally, I feel that Grim Dawn is pretty fine about letting you feel out your character. The only thing of large significance that you're not allowed to respec, is which of the 6 masteries (9 with expansions) you dual-classed.

Maybe I can give directions to go to if you want specific playstyle, but even Pohx in the video showed at the end that there are many ways to do the same archetype (summoner in his case, he didn't want to play the same skeleton spam Necromancer+Occultist everyone plays)


Oct 25, 2017
I don't really have any specific build guides in mind since i like to do my own thing, but I think this vid from Pohx is nice as a "Build Guide Tutorial", that doesn't go too deep into nitty gritty and assuming you have in-depth knowledge, it'll help you understand what the actual build guides are talking about.

Personally, I feel that Grim Dawn is pretty fine about letting you feel out your character. The only thing of large significance that you're not allowed to respec, is which of the 6 masteries (9 with expansions) you dual-classed.

Maybe I can give directions to go to if you want specific playstyle, but even Pohx in the video showed at the end that there are many ways to do the same archetype (summoner in his case, he didn't want to play the same skeleton spam Necromancer+Occultist everyone plays)

Awesome thanks, I will check out that video!


Oct 25, 2017
I'd say Grim Dawn is the best single player focused ARPG on the market. Great variety of builds, solid gameplay, decent end game, a full suite of systems since the latest expansion. Just a great game overall. It blows Torchlight 2 out of the water when it comes to offline single player APRG goodness.

Malmouth is kind of torture, but manageable with proper resistances and preparation.

Pretty much my take, grim dawn is one of the best ARPG one of the top ones.


Writer at
Oct 28, 2017
Is this coming to ps4?
WCCFTech: Why did you choose Microsoft's console for Grim Dawn? Are there any chances to see it on other platforms such as PlayStation 4 or Nintendo Switch?
Zantai: A big part of it is that it's easier to port from PC to the Xbox. It helped that Microsoft was very interested in the port and helped us get set up initially. Sony contacted us initially, but communication broke down so we prioritized the Xbox.
Whether we do other console ports in the future remains to be seen, but for now, our focus is on the Xbox.
Oct 27, 2017
On the topic of respecing, you can cheat it with external programs, class choice included. So don't be afraid of botching your builds.


Oct 28, 2017
I've been playing this over the last month. I'm just bumping this to complain that all of my equipment is suddenly unequipped because I switched a ring, which ruined all my stats like a set of dominoes. So many pieces of equipment were relying on one piece apparently, now I am a naked level 33, reequipping is impossible. I was enjoying this game but its the second or third time this has happened.


Oct 29, 2017
I've been playing this over the last month. I'm just bumping this to complain that all of my equipment is suddenly unequipped because I switched a ring, which ruined all my stats like a set of dominoes. So many pieces of equipment were relying on one piece apparently, now I am a naked level 33, reequipping is impossible. I was enjoying this game but its the second or third time this has happened.
This shouldn't be happening a lot at lower levels when your stats are growing as fast as they are, maybe more way later when using respecs, as you're trying to squeeze every bit of power of every spare attribute point you have to min-max for Elite/Ultimate.

Are you sure you're spending enough points on your actual Masteries? They give raw stats, and as a rule of thumb, if you have less than 100 HP/level, you're generally unnecessarily glasscannony


Oct 28, 2017
This shouldn't be happening a lot at lower levels when your stats are growing as fast as they are, maybe more way later when using respecs, as you're trying to squeeze every bit of power of every spare attribute point you have to min-max for Elite/Ultimate.

Are you sure you're spending enough points on your actual Masteries? They give raw stats, and as a rule of thumb, if you have less than 100 HP/level, you're generally unnecessarily glasscannony
No idea. I'm probably not spending enough on masteries as I didn't even know the button existed until probably level 15. I'm just bumbling through and I was picking a lot of percentage based equipment when I upgrade, so my physique was entirely boosted by the equipment I put on. I'm not so much in the mood to look up an actual build, just wanted something I could veg to while listening to podcasts.