
Oct 25, 2017
While I sorta agree, just don't rape kids and your genitals will remain.

This is the sort of offense for which I have very little empathy for the offenders. Though yeah, if this gets somehow leveraged to get people outside of that very specific scope as other members already stated, it would be horrible.

Well it's not like this country has a history of railroading and imprisoning people falsely. Particularly Black and Brown men.


was promised a tag
Apr 10, 2018
So because the people unnecessarily executed get no recourse we shouldn't try to curb the same kind of issue elsewhere?
The death penalty is barbaric and backwards for many reasons, but chief among them is that the justice system gets it wrong ALL the goddamn time and there's no way to bring someone back to life. Those that are executed for crimes they did not commit have no recourse, they're gone. The state treats them like a statistic rather than the tragic miscarriage of justice that they are.

What Louisiana is doing here is similarly flawed. You cannot fucking un-cut someone's balls off once they're removed if its later proven they're innocent. Or as is more likely the case in Louisiana, when its later found out that the prosecution withheld exonerating evidence because they wanted a conviction rather than justice.
Oct 25, 2017
While I sorta agree, just don't rape kids and your genitals will remain.

This is the sort of offense for which I have very little empathy for the offenders. Though yeah, if this gets somehow leveraged to get people outside of that very specific scope as other members already stated, it would be horrible.
If the system weren't racist, broken, and racist, I'd agree. But we all know how this will be abused.


Oct 29, 2017
You don't need a penis to sexually assault someone. Not sure I see how this helps anything.


Oct 29, 2017
This is pointless cruelty. Not even when you always know 100% you've got the right guy is this acceptable.


Oct 28, 2017
Yeah, this is just utter insanity. While these kinds of crimes are beyond awful, I've noticed there's can be a tendency for people to get extremely irrational regarding these kinds of crimes, up to condoning torture or even murder.. and something like this seems born from that. This isn't even mentioning all the potential issues like wrongful conviction, biased implementation (On men, how would it work for women offenders?), or other issues.

As someone that dealt with SA as a child, I should have better reasons than most to want to see that happen to those kinds of people, but I know it isn't going to fix anything.. just make us more cruel. Locking these assholes up is still the right way to go.


Oct 25, 2017
Columbia, SC
As much as I want these people to suffer for what they done, our "justice" system aint good enough for that. We dont even have equal or fair justice as it is as its designed to allow the wealthy and connected to kick the can down the road or avoid punishment alltogether. We should not be for doing irreversible damage to people without even attempting to do the leg work to make the system itself better and we are a long way from that and going in the opposite direction every second.


Oct 25, 2017
They may as well legalize torture because that's all this is. Fucked up and will definitely be abused.

julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
Holy shit. What a complete fucking horror show. I can't be convinced these people are doing this because they actually think this is for the better. Dehumanization and mutilation of criminals will do nothing to stop violence against children and at worst will only increase it.


Oct 25, 2017
The death penalty is barbaric and backwards for many reasons, but chief among them is that the justice system gets it wrong ALL the goddamn time and there's no way to bring someone back to life. Those that are executed for crimes they did not commit have no recourse, they're gone. The state treats them like a statistic rather than the tragic miscarriage of justice that they are.

What Louisiana is doing here is similarly flawed. You cannot fucking un-cut someone's balls off once they're removed if its later proven they're innocent. Or as is more likely the case in Louisiana, when its later found out that the prosecution withheld exonerating evidence because they wanted a conviction rather than justice.
But what if we applied this only to people who we were absolutely sure had to be guilty and thus totally deserve it (please ignore the fact that "beyond a reasonable doubt is already the standard by which our system that has many false convictions operates on, and that there literally is no higher standard that can be used)


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
Would any doctor even oblige to this? It's barbarism.


The Fallen
Nov 7, 2017
But what if we applied this only to people who we were absolutely sure had to be guilty and thus totally deserve it (please ignore the fact that "beyond a reasonable doubt is already the standard by which our system that has many false convictions operates on, and that there literally is no higher standard that can be used)

Even granting that I still don't like it. What happens when it's a women's offending? Is that just not considered the same thing?

Besides that it's also just a barbaric form of torture.
May 26, 2018
Now you see another piece of the puzzle as to why they're painting all LGBT people as child groomers. LA probably just the first to start bringing in new punishments like this.

(I'm guessing. I'm so used to being cynical that I almost can't believe people would bring justice to child abusers.)


Oct 25, 2017
Even granting that I still don't like it. What happens when it's a women's offending? Is that just not considered the same thing?

Besides that it's also just a barbaric form of torture.
To be clear my post was sarcastic making fun of people on here who've openly defended shit like the death penalty before by saying it's fine as long as it's only used on cases where we absolutely know they were guilty


Oct 27, 2017
"At the end of the day I hope that kids know that they can feel safer because there will be some real tough penalty actions that will occur when somebody violates their innocence," said the bill's author Sen. Regina Barrow (D-Baton Rouge).

I would just like to point out the utter insanity of this quote.
Dec 16, 2017
If they think the root cause of rape is testosterone, this is a procedure that would require the recipient to be on testosterone for life. This is brain dead cruelty.
Chemical castration would reduce testosterone levels and be reversible if they found out someone was wrongly convicted. Going the extra step of surgical castration isn't needed even if the goal is to reduce sexual aggression and impulses.

Tappin Brews

Oct 25, 2017
With all of my anger, I scream and shout
America, I love you, but you're freaking me out


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
As always folks you can't just say well we should do bad really unreversible things to bad people and leave it at that because false convictions do happen so you're defacto sanctioning barabaism on a certain number of innocent people as an acceptable side effect


Oct 25, 2017
pretty bizarre stuff, at the very least I would be concerned that anyone who underwent this might be even more psychologically damaged now and go to further extremes to torture or kill innocents as some sort of "you did this to me, i'm going to make the world burn" kinda thing.

is there even evidence that testosterone drives the crimes for some of these sick fucks? I know nothing about the subject but in movies and shows its always insane childhood trauma and stuff like that, "I was abused as a kid so I continue the cycle" kinda stuff which seems more mental than physiological.

seems wild that you can't just lock up people convicted of rape and murder for life and call it a day, if the state is wrong you can undo it and the normal population is isolated away from people who don't belong in society. This feels super extra and something out of weird Roman emperors like Caligula.

Lord Fanny

Apr 25, 2020
While I sorta agree, just don't rape kids and your genitals will remain.

This is the sort of offense for which I have very little empathy for the offenders. Though yeah, if this gets somehow leveraged to get people outside of that very specific scope as other members already stated, it would be horrible.

While I understand where you're coming from, giving the state the ability to carry out capital punishment pretty much never ends up as intended and is rife with abuse. If we could 100% know for sure the only people who this would happen to is people who 100% are guilty, I can understand this argument, but that simply is naive to believe