Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
Losing on purpose to your SO is against so many things I believe in: sincerity in a relationship, respect for the other's skills, confidence on the other's maturity... I mostly play co-op with my SO, but when we play versus I always give it my all. That's what handicap is for, and it works fantastically: it forces me to play my best to beat her, which is far more fun that playing half-heartedly. Over time as the other learns the game, you can steadily lower the handicap.


Mar 23, 2018
Sometimes you lose on purpose, it really is something you will understand more when you are with someone you love and you can see they are frustrated.

Pretty much this. And If your partner is new to game you are playing, i really dont see idea complitely destroying that person.

And i also think you can apply this to everything else too.


Oct 27, 2017
Look. I'm giving her time to practice. Like a week. When we play there will be no holding back.


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Oct 26, 2017
It's ok ,I used to let my 6yr old son win once in awhile in Rocket Leage.

now he is 8, and he kicks my ass...and I'm good,I'm in awe at his skill


Oct 29, 2017
Hehe... I never loose on purpose.. to anyone.. Not my wife, not my kids, not brother, not my sisters... Nowadays I mostly play with my kids, I might give my 3 year old some slack, but my 7 year old? nah, she better get gud or get goin....

Seriously though... If we play non video games, then I let them win all the time... Cardgames, boardgames or just generally messing around... But videogames are a rite of passage... If you want to play with daddy's ps4 or switch, you gotta prove you can hang with the big boys....!


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Oct 25, 2017
Being completely decimated by another player over and over again isn't fun. That's why you thrown in a loss every once in awhile.

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Jan 17, 2018
Hmmmm no SO has ever wanted to play FIFA with me lmao but when I play against my far less keen and nerdy friends i'll go easy on them.

Dunno about losing on purpose, but i'll avoid abusing broken mechanics and i'll steer clear from the most effective tactics (if they aren't aware of it themselves)

But if they score and use either the dab or shush celebration........

Oct 30, 2017
Certain games you can just absolutely crush other players to the point where's its not even competitive.

That may not be fun for either party.
If I went hard in Smash Bros on a player who's extremely casual, it probably won't be fun.

Given the opportunity, I'd probably try to avoid things like excessive edge guarding. I'd also probably use different fighters and try some new playstyles.


May 9, 2018
speaking as a woman, please don't do this lol

if the gap in skill is so large that you feel like there's no way your girlfriend is going to be able to beat you at the game, maybe play a different game together that's co-op or more party focused like smash bros with items. i know at least for me, when i've played games with boyfriends where they were really skilled at it and i wasn't, i usually tended to just get bored and want to play something where we were more even.

Son of Sparda

"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
Yea, because if I win all the time then they are not having any fun and I want them to have fun when we are playing games.


Oct 26, 2017
When I play with my young kids? Sure I often let them win. If I smash them into the ground every time we play not only will I be playing alone when they quit but it might turn them off of games all-together and I wont be able to share my favorite hobby with them.


Feb 28, 2019
Never, ever. I am OK with handicap if we are playing games where we aren't at the same level at all.
Lately, we played Smash Bros a lot and we do team combat in the same team against AI team.


Oct 27, 2017
My SO sucks at video games and when we play MK 8 together (just us 2) I make sure we also draw overall.

We tried battle once and I was too vicious and they didn't want to play more of it

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Oct 25, 2017
Depends on the skill level of the person. My wife does not touch video games so the rare times I convince her to sit down and play Street Fighter with me, I'm not going to just destroy her. It'll make her feel like shit and push her further away from the medium. When she "wins", you can feel the pride swell up in her - I'd throw matches all day for that. It's all about building some confidence for her because, unlike my siblings, she's not the type to hunker down and figure out mechanics until bedtime.


Feb 21, 2018
I once read a study about the same subject with mice.

The bigger mouse would eventually let the smaller one win some times, otherwise the smaller one would not want to play anymore, if it loses all the time.
Even animals have this notion.


Started a revolution but the mic was unplugged
Oct 27, 2017
Me before I let them get me to 25% then activating my Bankai and ripping their heart out:

The Adder

Oct 25, 2017
I never took it easy in games with my ex. She could never beat me in Smash, but damn if she didn't get good enough to consistently bury me in Mario Kart.


Oct 31, 2017
In most scenarios I would play to my standard and beat a GF at games, however I would also pick games that have a degree of randomness or which I was good at to balance it out and make it more enjoyable. Its not fun for me to beat someone over and over and they get more frustrated each time. I want them to enjoy playing with me.

I have deliberately let people win at Mario Kart because I could see how much it meant to them. I could comfortably win most races in that friend group so it doesn't mean anything for me. One girl reminds me all the time of when she beat me and I'll never let her know that I let her.

Letting someone win depends on the person and your goal. Maintaining fun and enjoyment is more important than winning everytime for me. However, I will win just enough so that people know I'm the best :p


Jan 24, 2018
Video games, no. I'm too good to lose against any of my exes or my brother.

I'll throw the match if it's a tabletop game though. It's easy enough to make it look real too, unlike video games.


Oct 26, 2017
United States
I try to play co-op or PvE games with my partners unless they are good at a game I am good in or want to be good at. Then its ON! No pulled punches.

If its a game of luck (Uno, Monopoly, etc) then usually winning and losing is more even so why not.


Oct 27, 2017
Nah, my boyfriend and I are both very competitive when it comes to games. When we play against one another, we don't hold back. (And usually that means that he wins because most of the games we play together are ones that he owns and that he has more experience with.)


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
depends on the person and what game. But I have let people beat me because it wouldn't be fair to destroy them. I make it look like a "legit" fight.
Oct 27, 2017
Nope I always try to destroy my opponent.

With that said :
If the skill gap is really high I try to play a game where the gap is lessened or there is a more random element to it or have a game where coordination isn't as important
I play in COOP
I did this a lot when I was younger playing beat em ups with family : put handicaps on me. This way I get to play something tense and interesting and it gives the opponent a chance.


Jul 26, 2018
I almost always feel bad for winning 99% rounds in Mario Kart and Mario Part against my younger sisters. Im happy if they can win a round once in a while.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't have a SO, so I can only speak about playing against others in general.
When it comes to 1v1 competitive games, if I'm playing against someone that is considerably worse than me, well, I wouldn't say losing on purpose, but I am very likely to hold back alot, and while I would still try to win in the end, it can result in me losing. ^^;


Oct 27, 2017
Nope, if my wife wants to win she can take it in blood. I'm not giving up jack shit. She wouldn't want me to anyway. Very early in our relationship she would ask if I let her win if she pulled off a crazy upset but these days she knows that was all her.

Edit: My daughter isn't at that age yet (she's 2 and can't do much outside of making Mario walk and jump) but I can't wait to let her win. She's so much fun đź’ś


Feb 28, 2019
Maybe just the first few matches, while she gets acclimated to the game. Then the gloves come off...and she kicks my ass anyway.