
Oct 25, 2017
As another Nintendo/Tecmo Koei joint looms on the horizon, ready to bait unsuspecting people into the musou grind with a Resetera game of the decade ™ skin, I dropped back into the last Nintendo musou

Fire Emblem Warriors was effectively one of those niche dream games in a sense, sounds silly right? but how often did the following image get around in regard to the FE series?


It was a perfect fit, but back then Musou had yet to become staple crossover fodder where they could announce "Life is Strange Warriors" and you probably wouldn't bat an eyelid, and Fire Emblem was on the brink of being sent to the Nintendo graveyard, filed away under F...Zero.

Then Fire Emblem Awakening happened, an explosive kitchen sink of anything and everything that gave the series new life. After Hyrule Warriors also happened, some dared to dream that the stars would align and Fire Emblem could get its very own 7 or 8 out of 10 spinoff, because sometimes you just want to let Ike whomp a thousand mooks to death with Ragnell.
And in 2017 it finally happened, during the E3 Direct alongside reveals such a "Metroid logo to keep them quiet" and Good Feel still unable to escape arts and crafts came a Fire Emblem trailer that basically spends a minute talking about the power of friendship and cameos.

Fire Emblem Warriors drops us into a world where two royal siblings designed by the safe as heck committee in the Awakening style, end up fighting for their kingdom with the aid of dimension hopping Fire Emblem heroes....


Whoops, wrong game


There we go, Rowan and Lianna, I'll give them one thing, they're blindingly blonde as well as blindingly bland.

And so begins a rote story campaign to give an excuse for a bunch of FE characters to drop in and join forces, and in fairness it's probably the best instance of Fates characters joining forces for those of us who played Revelations.

Though it didn't take long for the biggest problem to reveal itself, as fans waited to see which of their faves would make the cut, it began to become clear that the scope of this crossover was gonna be reigned in more than most would like.
FE Warriors chooses to draw from Shadow Dragon, Awakening and Fates almost exclusively, that makes the original FE, the series saving FE and the new hotness FE.
This is one of those decisions that makes sense in ensuring the game maintains a focus, but it was definitely a blow to not have the GBA Cube and Wii titles represented for many of us in the West.


And the roster woes didn't stop there, outside of Fates main cast being rather divisive, they took up a chunk of the roster and reveals for Sakura and Elise would showcase the next problem, copied and pasted movesets.
I don't think there's say a bow user in the game that's not using Takumi's very distinct style of archery, and that includes DLC.
Ah yes, the third strike, the DLC! After the initial roster was met with a fair bit of grumbling we then got hit with the early reveal of the season pass, one that would include some characters in the base story who were unplayable (one of which being the only grounded lance user in the game no less).

A perfect storm of momentum slowing news for some fans leading up to the release of the game, FE Warriors landed with a 74 metascore which is standard fare for the genre.
But how did FE Warriors go at adapting the Fire Emblem formula to the Warriors brawling? after spending a fair amount of time with the game over the years I think it does a pretty solid job.

While the gameplay is cut from a similar cloth to Hyrule Warriors (weak spots, the awakening meter) among the various spins on the formula, it brings in aspects like the weapon triangle and the pair up mechanic complete with supports.
In general I also feel like missions involve a bit more micromanaging of commanding units to keep on top of things in later stages. When this all flows together I find FE Warriors to be one of the better mixes of two series gameplay, a reminder of why the title was requested in the first place over numerous other Nintendo series.
Of course it also has that bloody annoying issue where the game's flow of battle messages arrive a minute later than they should, I had Leo get two shot earlier today and the following message was of the enemy general I beat up 30 seconds prior with him, eventually I got the one informing me that Leo was indeed out of action.
Speaking of getting killed, the game does allow permadeath for the true FE experience but I turned it off pretty early on because death can be so sudden and unexpected in these games that it felt like one of the series mechanics that didn't make the jump well at all.


One of the highlights of Hyrule Warriors were the maps, stages like Skyloft and Lake Hylia/Water Temple are great callbacks that give extra flavour to the title.
FE Warriors isn't so lucky as the series typically lacks distinct landmarks and areas, boilerplate castles and fields galore! I think there's one map based upon the world tree in awakening and that's about as referential as it gets. On top of this are that the map layouts lack any interesting gimmicks or dynamic elements, I'd consider them the weakest part of the package.

Simply playing through the main story of FE Warriors isn't much to write home about, much like Hyrule Warriors the meat of the game is in the main side mode, History mode is where those map references are hiding with clever mission select menus based upon notable chapters of previous FE games.
When you can start mixing and matching your character, applying master seals and falling into the REAL musou experience alongside the varied types of mission structure, FE Warriors really steps up.
Yet I imagine that much like me initially, most played through the main story and not much else.
I ended up picking up the DLC at half price and it certainly helps fill out some gaps in the roster, Linde, Azura and Olivia are to my recollection the only fully new movesets of the lot though so as fun as they are, it's not that appealing a proposition and doesn't move the roster beyond Shadow Dragon, Awakening and Fates.
Though history mode tucks in Lyn and Celica from FE7 and 2/Echoes respectively, to this day I still don't have Celica, and I've certainly tried! (but apparently she's a Marth moveset clone of all things, which is certainly something considering she's more mage than anything else).


For all the poo-pooing on characters and movesets, I'd be remiss to not mention which ones I enjoyed

Fire Emblem Warriors straight up elevates Lissa and Frederik in my book, Lissa has a very fun axe moveset with all of the quirky animations you'd expect from a dinky war cleric.
Frederik meanwhile is constantly adding levity to the menu tropes of reminding you to take a break and maintains his uncanny lowkey meme factor while he also carries over both his Awakening crit line "Pick a God and pray!"



Despite Dancers not being a combat class, the DLC combo of Azura and Olivia are great fun, assuming you can get past Olivia's grunting and groaning of course. Azura in particular bring s a much needed lance moveset imbued with water magic, it's the most fantastical a moveset in here gets.

Music remixes don't hit as high as Hyrule Warriors but it's still fun to hear Fates and Awakening tunes get the butt rock makeover. The amount of menu voice overs for every character, class change costume changes and the support conversations are appreciated as well.

For all the game's many flaws, it's grown on me over time, it still has the feeling of missed potential, but they gave it a good swing.
Now maybe in the future they'll give me a sequel based upon Three Houses and the Radiant Duology
What are Era's thoughts on this one?


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I got into a little bit again and it's definitely close to being good.

The gameplay is mostly great, the pair-up system and use of the weapons triangle is pretty much excellent, but it's dragged down by having so many repeated movesets and one or two straight up unfun movesets (Tiki and the Pegasus Knights). Ryoma is by far my favorite character in the game, I kind of wish every sword user played like him since some of their movesets aren't great. I hate the crest system, I've put 40 something hours into it and have completed most of the base game history modes but many characters still don't even have all their attacks unlocked, let alone everything else to level up. It feels too much like a grind and not one I want to do like in Hyrule Warriors.

The lack of interesting enemies, villains, and locations is also a big negative which will hopefully be solved with Three Houses Warriors.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
It's a great stepping stone for an improved sequel that addresses the fan feedback and their experience with the IP a la Pirate Warriors or Gundam.

I truly think a Fire Emblem Warriors 2 could be what everyone originally envisioned for a Warriors x Fire Emblem crossover.

I enjoyed my time with it a ton, and it certainly got shat on way too much, but it's not hard to see where improvements can be made.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
It's a great stepping stone for an improved sequel that addresses the fan feedback and their experience with the IP a la Pirate Warriors or Gundam.

I truly think a Fire Emblem Warriors 2 could be what everyone originally envisioned for a Warriors x Fire Emblem crossover.

I enjoyed my time with it a ton, and it certainly got shat on way too much, but it's not hard to see where improvements can be made.
this is more or less exactly where i am with it. it's a shame that there were so many clones, the OCs were lame, and the maps were just so-so, but it still improved a lot of stuff from HW and streamlined a lot of annoyances


Oct 25, 2017
The lack of interesting enemies, villains, and locations is also a big negative which will hopefully be solved with Three Houses Warriors.

Honestly if this ever actually happens I kind of want it to literally just be Three Houses again but with the tactical battles changes to musou ones lol.


Oct 25, 2017
Man, I was so excited for this after Hyrule Warriors, but I put in maybe 5 hours, put it down, and never managed to pick it up again. I keep saying I'll give it another go, but with Age of Calamity around the corner that's seeming less and less likely.

I know it was to promo the newest entry but boy did they bet on the wrong horse making Fates so much of the roster.


Oct 25, 2017
Fire Emblem Warriors is a case of a game I have really wanted for years, then I got exactly what I wanted, and it was... that. Well character rosters aside.

It's a very fun game, but not very exciting or surprising? It made me think that some of the dream developer x IP collaboration that we dreamed of aren't very dreamy at all. Professor Layton x Ace Attorney is another game that I wanted for years, I got exactly what I want, but I'm not "surprised" by it if that makes sense. In a way this made me appreciate the approach taken by SMT x FE more because nobody was expecting that SMT x FE would result in a game about idol management.

I wonder if they'll give the series another chance, Koei Tecmo did develop Three Houses after all.


Oct 31, 2017
I loved Fire Emblem Warriors and I think it helped that I'm not a huge fan of the franchise because the evidently poor fanservice didn't matter much to me. It had a heap of QOL and systemic improvements that I really missed when I jumped into Hyrule Warriors DE.

Non-mounted spear users only being available through DLC was rough though, something so essential to the weapon-triangle system shouldn't have been paywalled.


Oct 31, 2017
Would love to get a sequel with a bigger map selection, the weapon switching feature from DW8, a roster not overflowing with characters from the 3DS titles, and for multiplayer to be improved on a technical level.


Oct 25, 2017
It was fun when the Switch had no games, but the only 'Fire Emblem' aspects that it nailed were on the mechanical end -- commanding units around the map, the weapon triangle, etc. Really added a lovely layer of strategic depth, because your units could take bases without you (which some other musous prohibit, if they allow commanding other units at all).

So, mechanically it was cool. But the roster was terrible -- completely bloated with Fates royals and clones -- and the maps were ugly and uninspired. It wasn't very successful as a celebration of the wider series, just Fateswakening. And the less said about the story and its original characters, the better.


Shamed a mod for a tag
Oct 27, 2017
As a Musou and FE fan, Fire Emblem Warriors was on par with what I expected the game to be, and I really enjoyed it. No, it doesn't represent all of the games people wanted, but I felt the roster was still strong (and in fact, the Fates cast is much better here than in Fates itself). I just love all of the little touches and quirks, like Tiki acting like a little girl pretending to be a dragon while she is, in fact, a dragon.

I think this is just one of those cases where the game was good, but people just had elevated expectations or desires that the dev team was never going to meet one way or another. People could plead for Tellius reps all day, but also, the Tellius games were among the lowest-selling in the franchise and a contributing factor to why the franchise was almost shelved.

Deleted member 3208

Oct 25, 2017
Fire Emblem Warriors is one of my most played Switch games. Despite its glaring issues like the clone characters, I had so much fun with this game. Playing as Lyn was superb. Some of the supports were quite funny, although they flanderized the characters. Camilla is one of the biggest offenders; all she could think of was Corrin. Or teasing some of the male characters.

What I really liked about this game, and something that Hyrule Warriors lacked in the Switch version, was that you could decide if you wanted better graphics or better performance. Playing this game in solid 60FPS made this even better.


Oct 27, 2017
The funniest part about FE Warriors is that the KT team who wrote it also wrote Three Houses.

This game was a huge bummer for me. I probably would have played it more if support conversations weren't solely doled out at S rank, because then I'd at least have a decent carrot on a stick to grind towards. As is, it felt like a worse in every way Samurai Warriors game.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
It's like every lesson learned from Hyrule Musou was forgotten. Not a bad game by any means, but when you look at what hyrule warriors and one piece musou 3 were doing, it makes you wonder what happened.


Oct 25, 2017
In looking back up certain details making this thread, I found out there's an entire armour break mechanic I never knew existed.



Kinda on brand for this era of emblem I guess, still that's a surprising amount of extra work for every character that must be pretty dang rare an occurrence.
And it seems the DLC also has a bunch of alternative costumes to unlock


They brought back the awakening art Lyn? Dapper Marth? huh, neat!

Also a reminder that this game was part of the short lived Fire Emblem Amiibo wave

I'd argue they chose a pretty odd pairing to try and get the ball rolling here
Oct 27, 2017
It's very, very, VERY apparent this game was rushed to make the Switch's first year, not to mention the additional work needed to make a New 3DS version (still don't know who that was for). On the bright side, Nintendo liked what they did so much that almost all of the staff from this game went on to make Three Houses.

On topic, what this game does well, it does amazingly: the combat, dialogue, support, and soundtrack.
But then there's stuff that just came off as REALLY mediocre: the story, the lack of content, content being recycled, using characters only from Awakening, Fates, and Shadow Dragon (with guest appearances by Lyn and Celica, and even the latter was a Marth clone), the bland environments, and the awful tedium of history mode.

But, I say this with all my energy: this game needs a sequel.

I did not put 80+ hours into it for no reason. Despite all its flaws, it was a really fun game. And even though there was limited representation for Fire Emblem as a series, what we did see between the characters there was super charming.

But here's the big issue: seeing as Koei Tecmo has no been involved with Fire Emblem for three years straight now (2018 and 2020 giving us Fire Emblem Warriors DLC and Three Houses DLC), I feel like it's kind of hard for Nintendo to tell Koei Tecmo to make a new Fire Emblem Warriors, when at this point, they can tell them to just make a new Fire Emblem game altogether.

See as we're getting yet another Koei Tecmo x Nintendo collaboration project this week, I think it's very likely that Nintendo might keep that partnership around and have them make another Fire Emblem game or a remake. Asking them to do another Warriors game feels like they would just be making something for a smaller audience, which financially, why would they go for that option?

The more I think about it, the more it feels like Fire Emblem Warriors was never meant to be a series (the recycled content even in the paid DLC doesn't help this feeling), and was more that it was sort of Nintendo testing Koei Tecmo to see if they would be capable of taking on Fire Emblem mainline games.

It's a shame honestly. While I am also here for more Fire Emblem games, I wish we had more crossover titles for such an expansive IP. Heroes has been good in that sense, but I would love to see more with Warriors. Doesn't help that they ended the Cipher trading card game recently too, some of the art for those cards was, amazing.


Oct 25, 2017
Speed Force
I thought it was a really solid Musou and it managed to get me through the story mode enjoying it the whole time. Not enjoying the story, that was completely forgettable, but just the game in general. The FE mechanics were implemented within the Musou format well. Didn't go much into side content because I'd had my fill by that point but I'd get a sequel.


Oct 27, 2017
Lightning for Smash
It did a better job at implementing systems from the main FE games to the Musou style compared to Hyrule Warriors, that's something I really liked.

My main problem with the game was the story and the roster. Yeah, Fates characters are better here than in their own games but it was hard to not think about FE:Fates' story while playing FE Warriors.

Common Knowledge

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I found this game easier to get into than Hyrule Warriors honestly.

Just wish it focused more on FE games people give a shit about (i.e. not Fates).


One Winged Slayer
Oct 30, 2017
United States
I had fun with it, but my opinion of it has soured a bit. Mostly the roster lmao, which is a big part of the reason I liked Hyrule Warriors and its DLC.

Fates' representation in the base game being only the royals was boring. I understand bringing them, but all 8 is still a good chunk of the overall roster. Would liked to see a maid/ninja or onmyoji get in.

Also not a fan of the DLC including clones like Owain and Navarre. Lucina got a cute dress though.
Oct 27, 2017
It did a better job at implementing systems from the main FE games to the Musou style compared to Hyrule Warriors, that's something I really liked.

My main problem with the game was the story and the roster. Yeah, Fates characters are better here than in their own games but it was hard to not think about FE:Fates' story while playing FE Warriors.

Well put on the roster choice. The Fates characters were still great here, but the entire time I was thinking to myself "I'd rather be playing as Tatiana instead of Hinoka," or "Can I play as Eirika instead of Leo?"

Man, thinking about how old Sacred Stones and Path of Radiance are now. It's actually kind of wild that we've had two new Fire Emblem games and a remake in just three years compared to two remakes a new game in the six years prior to that.


Nov 26, 2017
Going from HW to this was a huge disapointment in the moveset department. Way too many clones. Boring movesets placed on boring characters. I'm just glad that Fates isn't the focus of the series now, I hate that game.

Kinda hype for a future FEW with better movesets and a way better roster
Oct 27, 2017
I had fun with it, but my opinion of it has soured a bit. Mostly the roster lmao, which is a big part of the reason I liked Hyrule Warriors and its DLC.

Fates' representation in the base game being only the royals was boring. I understand bringing them, but all 8 is still a good chunk of the overall roster. Would liked to see a maid/ninja or onmyoji get in.

Also not a fan of the DLC including clones like Owain and Navarre. Lucina got a cute dress though.

The latter two DLC packs being two clone characters and one new one was reaaaaally disappointing.
And while I'm glad they gave Oboro a unique moveset, I kind of wish like you said, they brought in someone like Orochi or Kaden to make things interesting.

Funny enough, Three Houses not having any transformable beast units made me a bit more content with the fact there weren't any in Warriors.


Oct 27, 2017
Lightning for Smash
Well put on the roster choice. The Fates characters were still great here, but the entire time I was thinking to myself "I'd rather be playing as Tatiana instead of Hinoka," or "Can I play as Eirika instead of Leo?"

Man, thinking about how old Sacred Stones and Path of Radiance are now. It's actually kind of wild that we've had two new Fire Emblem games and a remake in just three years compared to two remakes a new game in the six years prior to that.
Yeah, there's 30 YEARS of great characters and even if I get why they chose those games only, it still sucks lol.
Oct 25, 2017
I need to go back to this sometime: I got it on a steep sale long after release and played through the first few missions (up to the route split), and enjoyed the positional element of the game that was more about spatial assignment than low-effort hack-and-slash, but was distracted by a wave of other titles. I meant to go back to it for a quick run but didn't want to burn out on the Musou format so close to Age of Calamity, so I'm probably holding it off until both AoC and the new FE1 localization are well out of the way.

From the little I played of FEW, I found it interesting that its strengths were complementary to those in Hyrule Warriors, in that it really felt lacking when it came to the combat on the field (whereas HW1, even with the limited roster on release, had a ton of diversity in move sets, play styles, and weaponry) but was a lot stronger on the macro level of actually playing the map and holding the forts. I'm not sure which I prefer; I feel like a game of this sort needs both.

On balance, I'd rather have fewer characters with less stylistic redundancy, but Musou button-mashing is not really very interesting in itself; I effectively lost interest in HW1 as soon as Bayonetta 2 came out a month later back in 2014 as it was just impossible to go back to its comparatively brainless button combos. The element of mindless grind to get from point A to B is the least appealing part of this genre for me, as it just seems to be there to keep your fingers moving while your mind is on the map. I do remember FEW making that element of map management somewhat interesting, but it wasn't because of the more conspicuously FE-like elements like the implementation weapon triangle, which wasn't particularly compelling at least in the initial hours.

It's more likely than not that AoC will give me my fill of Musou for a while and kick the FEW can down the road even further, but these tend to be rather ideal as filler games anyway, for spells when there isn't much else going on.
Oct 27, 2017
It still pretty crazy that they didn't add Roy and Ike to the game.

I feel like if we get a new one it'll probably characters from the Radiance games, Sacred Stones, and Echoes.
Because Genealogy and Thracia are next chronologically to get a remake, buuuuut both Fire Emblem developers and merchandise have been sort of hinting at a possible Blazing Blade/Binding Blade remake. And I imagine they're going to still want to get help from Koei Tecmo for these games.
May 18, 2018
I feel like if we get a new one it'll probably characters from the Radiance games, Sacred Stones, and Echoes.
Because Genealogy and Thracia are next chronologically to get a remake, buuuuut both Fire Emblem developers and merchandise have been sort of hinting at a possible Blazing Blade/Binding Blade remake. And I imagine they're going to still want to get help from Koei Tecmo for these games.
If they're doing a sequel, I feel like they will focus on Three Houses, Blazing Blade, and Path of Radiance. And the old cast will have a smaller significance.

Are you talking about the Lyn Figurine? Yeah, I could see them remaking Blazing blade since it has popular lords.
Oct 27, 2017
If they're doing a sequel, I feel like they will focus on Three Houses, Blazing Blade, and Path of Radiance. And the old cast will have a smaller significance.

Are you talking about the Lyn Figurine? Yeah, I could see them remaking Blazing blade since it has popular lords.

I can definitely see Three Houses taking Echoes place, I think Three Houses is just kind of hard to do in that they'll probably want to keep characters from before the timeskip, but then there's the issue of the villains in that game being mostly revealed after the timeskip.

Lyn's been getting a ton merchandise, they just released a fully-orchestrated album for both Binding and Blazing Blade, and Fire Emblem Heroes has been getting a ton of seasonal and regular characters added in from these games too. Definitely feels like they're trying to generate interest.


Oct 25, 2017
The clone movesets completely ruined the game for me. How am I supposed to be excited about unlocking and playing as Celica when she's just a Marth clone?


You look 40
Oct 25, 2017
New York
I love FE but could never get hyped for this or into it. The premise of pulling characters from across the FE series just doesn't interest me and I doubt I'll ever be interested in Warriors if they continue with that. I can never get into and enjoy those kinds of stories even when they're "good."

I'd be a lot more interested if we got an actual original FE style campaign with the musou gameplay. Whether it was a wholly original scenario and roster or even just an AoC style game connected to a mainline FE title like Three Houses. Story driven mashups just don't work for me. I like all these characters a lot, but in their games as a part of that story and setting. But that's probably the biggest driver for this game's success and then of course stuff like Heroes. People love these characters and want to see more of them and their favs from different games interacting. Guess I'll just stick to mainline.

Squid Bunny

One Winged Slayer
Jun 11, 2018
I think an issue with the game is that weapon variety is a big factor in Musous, but Fire Emblem has, by design, only four main weapon types. FE works with varied characters, and not varied playstyles. So it didn't really work for Musou.


Oct 25, 2017
Before the game was announced I thought it was a bad idea because the movesets would be not that interesting. Certainly not compared to Hyrule Warriors. While the actual result was a little more interesting than I thought it would be, I feel like that take remains true. But where the roster loses in flashiness it gains in function. Every moveset is fun to play without feeling awkward. Which more or less sums up what I feel about the game as a whole. Not particularly imaginative, but it all felt about as polished as I could imagine a Musou being (only played Hyrule Warriors, so I'm sure that's wrong). Ordering allies to go places in particular made the maps flow so well, and my overall irritation was pretty low. Then the supports ended up being the best ones on the 3DS, which I find hilarious.

Yeah the story is dull and the number of clones is kind of ridiculous (especially the archers), but it was good solid comfort food for a long time with fun character interactions, and that's about all I could ask for a Fire Emblem Musou. Hopefully AoC has implemented most of the gameplay improvements and polish from this title.


Nov 27, 2017
I think an issue with the game is that weapon variety is a big factor in Musous, but Fire Emblem has, by design, only four main weapon types. FE works with varied characters, and not varied playstyles. So it didn't really work for Musou.
Thats just it; there's tons of stuff out of the main four but it's all non titular characters. I mean the game didn't have a Lugaz or a dancer type character and Tiki was rough. There's also Kitsunes and werewolf's and beasts and non humanoids. But then you'd have less precious lords


Mar 2, 2020
I don't think I've ever managed to get past the first act. I'm not interested enough in the series, the characters weren't anything special, and the moveset were meh.

Hot take, though there is quality, I find both Nintendo Warrior games to be some of the most heavily flawed Warriors games I've played.


Oct 25, 2017
I still find it hysterical that Ike of all people was skipped over.

Got to make room for more Fates characters I guess. Ugh...

I had decent fun I guess. The copy pasted movesets were annoying, but at least I could do horse combos with Elise I guess.


Nov 30, 2017
Imagine not having all the lords from each game at the very least, like Hector/Ike/Sigurd/Ephraim/Eirika/Micaiah etc. Still can't get over the unbelievably underrepresented roster. They could have added a cool Laguz from Tellius. Such a missed potential in terms of the roster.


Sep 18, 2018
I really enjoyed this game. The Warriors gameplay is addictive, fun, and rather soothing, and getting to just chill with Lucina and Cordelia (my fav who actually made it into the game!) for a hours while listening to some true crime podcasts was just the best. I think I put 120 hours into the game? Hopefully Hyrule 2 clicks as well with me, though I'm honestly more excited for a Persona 5 Scramble.


Oct 30, 2017
Las Vegas
It was kind of a disappointment
So much potential
Especially after how hyrule warriors went all out I was expecting much more from it


Jun 8, 2018
I think an issue with the game is that weapon variety is a big factor in Musous, but Fire Emblem has, by design, only four main weapon types. FE works with varied characters, and not varied playstyles. So it didn't really work for Musou.
Despite using similar weapons, a lot of FE characters still could have very varied fighting styles. Making characters into clones was a choice the devs made, but they could make different choices.

Even just looking at sword-users there are a lot of styles.

Marth and Eirika are fencers.

Ike makes acrobatic slashes with a giant sword that releases energy shockwaves.

Navarre is a speedy guy that fights with two curved swords.

Lyn fights with a mix of super-fast iaijutsu slashes and archery.

Eliwood rides around on a horse while swinging a giant sword wreathed in flame.

Roy and Leif are magic swordsmen who cause their enemies to explode at range just as easily as they slash them with a blade. Xander is the mounted version of this.

If Koei wanted to give all of these characters unique and cool movesets, they totally could. And that isn't even factoring in the five or more distinct magic types, laguz, different kinds of mounted units, armored units, and so on.


Oct 25, 2017
It's looking like there's actually something of a consensus on the game around here, and well reasoned discussion into the pros and cons without delving into hyperbole, I'm proud era.

I also just unlocked Celica and those last few missions make me never want to touch a warriors game for the next 12 months
*your copy of Age of Calamity will arrive tomorrow*