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Oct 25, 2017
The likes of Steve Blum, Mary Elizabeth McGlynn, and Mark Hamill are wealthy Liberals for better and for worse. They'll likely vote Dems down ballot, more often than not throw some money in decent programs, and probably be socially progressive [to a point] domestically.

But they'll also gladly form a line with problematic friends/colleagues and parrot the status quo especially when faced with a convenient worse case aka Trump. That latter point is where they are vocal, and anything with a D next to it is fine and dandy in their now comfortable privilege. That they won't use those positions to call for better from more-or-less their own team always shadows their comments.

Steve Blum being a Jewish American is all sorts of extra complication in what is hammered in across upbringing, education, pressures of antisemitism when policies/commentary isn't whitewashing our role in the Holocaust and Israel, and this nation's media policy on that region. He's spoken about the situation as a genocide, but there is always a layer of acting like his identity is under attack.


Oct 25, 2017
Tel Aviv
I don't know, I think it's weird that one can admit and condemn that atrocities are being committed, but still be labeled a "genocide supporter" because they are saying Israel should exist as a refuge for Jews and that Hamas is bad.
Both seem to me like positions that should be seen as reasonable and within the scope of debate...


But, last I checked Israel wasn't in Europe.

Seriously, this isn't new. I am tired of it, though.
I get Netanyahu has been trying to credit the grand mufti or whoever of giving Hitler the idea for the Holocaust, but it bears mentioning because it seems to occasionally be (and conveniently) forgotten that the Holocaust was a crime committed by Germany and is the culmination of centuries of European Christian antisemitism. Not Palestinians or Arabs.

And no, not even fucking Hamas, with all the war crimes they're guilty of, are the new Nazis. Those are still around in the West and are in fact slowly regaining popularity in Germany.

So you know, it's well past time for Westerners to get a grip.
Hey, I'm a Jew and my family is from Morocco and Algeria and it's not cool that you're erasing my history by pretending antisemitism and systemic discrimination against Jews didn't exist in the Middle East just because they didn't kill us to the extent of the Holocaust. Sure, some places in the Middle East were better than Europe (though not all of them and not all the time - Some areas in the Middle East saw just as many pogrom-like attacks against Jews as you had in Russia or other places in Eastern Europe.) Morocco was objectively one of the best places for Jews in the world to live, and STILL all of my grandparents have told me of the ways antisemitism, discrimination and fear have been part of their life there - and in the end though, we were ethnically cleansed from all of the region.


Oct 8, 2018
You'd think, if he gave it a moment's thought, he'd see that he's suggesting the moral solution to "a bad guy is hiding behind an innocent person" is "kill them both."
Oct 27, 2017
Man, 2016-Present is all about ruining your idols.


Oct 25, 2017
I think it's really important to note the difference between this tweet from Hamill -- which came literally the day after the Hamas attack -- and Tara Strong claiming that Muslims are trying to take over the world.

PhoenixAKG, it might be good to add some of what Tara was saying to the OP, to give context as to what Blum is defending:


I don't often pay attention to voice actors on social media, so I always forget how fucking insane Tara Strong (among others) is. The idea that Hamas (not even "Islam", literally just Hamas and other groups, apparently) is somehow going to take over the world is pure fantasy.


Oct 28, 2017
I don't know, I think it's weird that one can admit and condemn that atrocities are being committed...

That is a very charitable way to read what he said. He say Bibi has committed atrocities BUT then says they are "crossfire" "cuz Hamas insists on hiding behind human shields."

This is just bullshit. The atrocities are Bibi's doing there is no justification. The human shield crap is trite, lazy and doesn't work anymore. The murderous IDF needs new PR.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
I don't often pay attention to voice actors on social media, so I always forget how fucking insane Tara Strong (among others) is. The idea that Hamas (not even "Islam", literally just Hamas and other groups, apparently) is somehow going to take over the world is pure fantasy.

I remember some questionable things from her in the past, mainly related to vaccinations, but she went mask the fuck off after October 7.

Saying "Islamophobia has been debunked" is pure hatred. It is no different than saying, "racism doesn't exist."

Loud Wrong

Feb 24, 2020
That was months ago right after Hamas massacred a bunch of kids at a music festival.
Literally hours after it happened.

Since then he's been silent and is endorsing Biden without any calls for a ceasefire

He doesn't want Trump to win. Get him!

Why wouldn't he be supporting the guy running against Trump?

You can support politicians and still not approve of everything they do.

The majority of ERA users fit that description. I assume anyway.


Oct 25, 2017
Hey, I'm a Jew and my family is from Morocco and Algeria and it's not cool that you're erasing my history by pretending antisemitism and systemic discrimination against Jews didn't exist in the Middle East just because they didn't kill us to the extent of the Holocaust.
Hey, and that's not what I said so, you know, thanks a lot for putting words in my mouth.


Oct 25, 2017
Tel Aviv
That is a very charitable way to read what he said. He say Bibi has committed atrocities BUT then says they are "crossfire" "cuz Hamas insists on hiding behind human shields."

This is just bullshit. The atrocities are Bibi's doing there is no justification. The human shield crap is trite, lazy and doesn't work anymore. The murderous IDF needs new PR.
Yes, he said Bibi (and Israel) are responsible for the atrocities, and he also hold Hamas responsible for the current situation - By fighting without uniforms and conducting war outside of international law and customs, for example, they are endangering the civilians of Gazans and using them as human shields. This is a very reasonable position to take.
You can say it's "trite" - but for sure there are two people who do not want a ceasefire right now: Netanyahu, and Sinwar.


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
Again, we don't need a thread for this sort of thing.
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