
Oct 25, 2017
East Lansing, MI
It's not stiff at all. It's momentum and timing based. Once you get good at it you can do some really awesome tricks.

Source: I 100%ed the game many years ago after lots of practice.


Being sued right now, please help me find a lawyer
Oct 25, 2017
Once you get used to the controls it's pretty good and you can do awesome stuff. Give it a time.

Black Mantis

Oct 30, 2017
Yeah, took some getting used to back then, thankfully the other aspects you mentioned were so good, I could look past it. The sequel improved on it a bit from my hazy recollection (please make it BC MS!), so check that out if you can.


Oct 25, 2017
It's more deliberate than you'd expect, but it also rewards good, clean play. It's an arcade game at heart that pushes you to learn the layout and movement mechanics to get the best score within the time limit, not an open world grindathon.


User Requested Ban
Dec 29, 2017
I agree. I remember wanting to love it but it just wasn't fun to play, terrible might be being to harsh though.

JSRF was loads better.


Oct 26, 2017
It's almost old enough to kill and die for its country.

Even saying that, it had a stiff feel if you didn't know how to account for the motion at the time. It can be really satisfying once you get a feel for how it controls, but you're totally right about the feel of it (especially coming in fresh). If you're able to play it, JSRF is much, much more organic-feeling (but still stilted by today's standards).
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Oct 25, 2017
It's old but it still has flow
It takes a bit to learn. It's awkward as hell while you're learning jumps to get between areas. But it's actually pretty basic once you get used to it?

...understand the concept of love!


Oct 27, 2017
The fundamentals of the gameplay are solid, but the controls and physics are indeed terrible. Characters move and jump like they are on the moon, collision detection is wonky, and the police attacking you become a nuisance as you're fighting the controls.

Luickly for OP, this was all fixed in Jet Set Radio Future. I would suggest you drop this game and playing JSFR on Xbox 360 BC (or original Xbox if you have one laying around-runs better)


Oct 27, 2017
I had a lot of fun with Future back in the day, but I don't know how well it holds up.


Oct 25, 2017
I went back to this on PC recently, because the Dreamcast version was a favorite of mine.

Man, the way you move in the game is just hot trash. It's like falling through a cloud of Vaseline.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Wasn't Tony hawk out at that time???
I played this for the first time like 3 years ago and I was confused as hell by all the praise. Yes, music is great and the sense of style is fantastic, but the game controls like shit, which is absurd considering Tony Hawk existed already and gameplay in this is far more basic.

I made it to some night stage in a big city and legit got tired of fighting the controls and dropped the game forever. I wonder if Future is good at all.
Oct 27, 2017
What is going on today? First RE4 and now this.

The only thing I can tell you is it is hard to play but a masterpiece when you get good.


Oct 28, 2017
The game is damn near 20 years old.

I'm not gonna pretend it controls perfectly - but the vast majority of the issues are a result of not having a right joystick for camera controls on the DC original. Otherwise, it's just different. Don't think of it like Tony Hawk - they're two totally different types of games. JSR/JGR is all about momentum. Get up to speed. Find the best path. Beat the level quickly. Do it again and get better. And also, there are a LOT of tools at your disposal that aren't immediately apparent. The characters are "floaty" for a reason, and it all comes together once you start mastering that momentum I was typing about.

Jet Grind Radio to this day holds a spot in my Top Ten of All Time. Give it some more time ... it's very difficult to adjust to today if you've never played it before, I am sure.


Nov 6, 2017
JSRF fixes a lot of the control issues. Going back to the original is painful once you're used to feeling like a rollerblading superhero.


Oct 28, 2017
Because it's 17 years old.

Nope. Jet Set Radio came out after Tony Hawk. And I remember having a very tough time playing it back then because the game felt so stiff compared to a game like Tony Hawk.

Plenty of games from that era control great to this day... programmers had started figuring out how to make games in a 3D space. Sadly, JSR isn't one of those games.


Oct 27, 2017
Agreed. Dreamcast fans really hyped up their games and then we played them on re-releases and the rest of us were WTF. Apologizes of "you had to be there" doesn't excuse fillling up the Internet with gloating over these games for a decade.


Oct 25, 2017

OP, you should consider backing up your argument with some details here.

JSR is hard to pick up, and you do have to master the mechanics to get through the later stages, but there's nothing egregiously wrong with those mechanics. I played Tony Hawk 2 on DC back in the same year as JSR, and in some ways I found Jet Set to be easier to play.


Nov 1, 2017
The controls can feel clunky but I don't think they are terrible, once you learn how to keep up the momentum it won't feel sluggish at all. It's easier said than done though but doesn't mean it can't be done. One thing I do really dislike though is the way your character moves near a curved ramp like in the sewers, it feels off.
Oct 25, 2017
Agreed. Dreamcast fans really hyped up their games and then we played them on re-releases and the rest of us were WTF. Apologizes of "you had to be there" doesn't excuse fillling up the Internet with gloating over these games for a decade.
This post immediately reminded me of Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 when they were ported to the Gamecube.


Nov 14, 2017
Between this and the RE4 thread, we've got hot-takes galore.

Do people really not comprehend that these games are very old? 3D games in a time before control was largely standardized aren't always the easiest to play.

Play JSRF if you can't deal with this one. Controls were already much more refined in this version.


Oct 25, 2017
It was one of my favorite games on the Dreamcast but having gone back to it on Vita about a year ago I can confirm that while the graphics, style, music, and everything else about the game is ahead of its time and amazing it is also clunky and not fun to play. I'm just going to assume JSRF is still phenomenal and then not play it ever again so I can protect the integrity of my memories.

No Depth

Oct 27, 2017
Also, at the time the loadtimes were GARBAGE.

Only thing I miss about the original in Future was having police chases while exploring rather than tied to closed off arena fights.