
Oct 25, 2017
New Orleans, LA
Fuck it, live action everything. Live Action Fantasia, Live Action Meet the Robinsons, Live Action Princess & the Frog, Live Action Oliver & Company, Live Action The Rescuers, Live Action Steamboat Willie, Live Action Fun & Fancy Free, Fuck Me Up With That Live Action Garbage.


Oct 25, 2017
New Orleans, LA
How is Disney this creatively bankrupt? "Well our attempts at new movie like Lone Ranger failed. Let's just remake the old movies people actually liked."

Audiences didn't know how good they had it prior to this wave of trash. I'm gonna miss when Disney would take risks on films like Lone Ranger, Prince of Persia, Tomorrowland, John Carter, and Tron Legacy. These days it's just Live Action Remakes, Star Wars, and Marvel as far as the eye can see.


Oct 25, 2017
By the time that happens, the remakes will be old enough where they can just remake them with a modern cast again.



Oct 25, 2017
Realtalk, this is the musical I've most wanted them to remake. Has serious potential to be fantastic.
Oct 30, 2017
Audiences didn't know how good they had it prior to this wave of trash. I'm gonna miss when Disney would take risks on films like Lone Ranger, Prince of Persia, Tomorrowland, John Carter, and Tron Legacy. These days it's just Live Action Remakes, Star Wars, and Marvel as far as the eye can see.

I loved Tomorrowland despite its flaws. I never got around to seeing John Connor. Hell, I even enjoy Lone Ranger, though I wouldn't really call it good. We need a new Tron.


Jan 15, 2019
Recently watched the musical in person, as expected Hellfire was the best moment, but also Bells of Notre Dame is a banger. I love how dark the musical is, it is heavier and darker in tone than the movie.


Oct 25, 2017
Audiences didn't know how good they had it prior to this wave of trash. I'm gonna miss when Disney would take risks on films like Lone Ranger, Prince of Persia, Tomorrowland, John Carter, and Tron Legacy. These days it's just Live Action Remakes, Star Wars, and Marvel as far as the eye can see.
I mean, I'm all for risks, but most of those movies were liquid shit. They still take these types of risks too (ie, Wrinkle in Time, Nutcracker, etc.)... and they're also pretty bad.

I don't think the live action remakes are actually taking away from them trying those "risky" films. Even if it does for a bit, at this rate they'll have run through all the 90s musicals in a few years.

Sou Da

Oct 25, 2017
I mean, I'm all for risks, but most of those movies were liquid shit. They still take these types of risks too (ie, Wrinkle in Time, Nutcracker, etc.)... and they're also pretty bad.

I don't think the live action remakes are actually taking away from them trying those "risky" films. Even if it does for a bit, at this rate they'll have run through all the 90s musicals in a few years.
Hell isn't Disney behind the Artmis Fowl movie coming up?


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
How is Disney this creatively bankrupt? "Well our attempts at new movie like Lone Ranger failed. Let's just remake the old movies people actually liked."
Really the problem with most of their other live-action remakes is the originals were perfectly fine, and the remakes (Beauty and the Beast as the most prominent example) were actively worse.

Hunchback is absolutely a film they deserve another crack at. The original movie was too ambitious for the 90s Disney formula it was stuffed into.

Rand a. Thor

Oct 31, 2017
Yes! Its an already excellent film, for what it was adapting considering its Disney and all, and unlike the others it could have more positive changes than negative. As long as you keep Bells as the main leimotif and Hellfire is not stripped, you cannchange whatever the hell you want to Disney. As for Frolo, besides Dance I feel Capaldi could pull it off easily.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 5, 2017
I mean, he looks the part almost exactly. The question would be is how his baritone is - I've actually DONE Hellfire before and you need a pretty low voice to do it right. I kind of get the feeling he's a low tenor?
Yeah probably. I know pepole really want Charles Dance but i can see Capaldi nailing it. He really does look the part but i doubt they will cast a British Actor

Also pepole should mention this

"While no casting news has been officially announced, it is rumoured that co-producer Josh Gad will play the titular hunchback. "


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah probably. I know pepole really want Charles Dance but i can see Capaldi nailing it. He really does look the part but i doubt they will cast a British Actor

For Frollo? They probably will cast a British actor. I can't see them hiring an American for that part and they cast, like, 0 French people for Beauty and the Beast and it takes place in the French countryside.


Oct 25, 2017
User Banned (2 Weeks): Inflammatory generalisations, antagonising other members. Accumulated infractions.
You done with the random personal attacks? I know your entire history is shitting on things and being a dick but this is childish.
Fucking report me, and get it over with. Put me out of my fucking misery.

I try to come back here to give it a chance. But I'm tired of this fucking website, and it's slow attempt to commercialize further, and further. A week ago someone here linked a post of mine to use it to sell a game to a potential buyer. Like it was a glowing review. It wasn't.. It was straight up astroturfing, and I have this sneaking suspicion that you're doing it as well. Just another fucking NeoGaf filled with wannabe corporate assholes.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm tired of this fucking website, and it's slow attempt to commercialize further, and further.

If you've lost your smile, brighten it up again with Crest Complete Multi-Benefit Extra White + Scope Dual-Blast Toothpaste, the toothpaste that helps fight two distinct causes of bad breath.


Oct 27, 2017
I hope it also fixes a bunch of shitty nitpicky plotholes that nobody actually cared about except assholes, like the Beauty and the Beast one.

Just getting in front and pointing out this is the best villain song in history and they'd better include it

The one good part of this shitty film. BUT GODDAMN is it a good part.

Deleted member 48897

User requested account closure
Oct 22, 2018
I thought the original movie was quite good and I actually like it when movies have large tonal shifts like the gargoyles.
Oct 26, 2017
New York
I'm actually on board for this. I love the original film but hate elements of it.

Some improvements I could already see for a better adaptation:

- Getting some Romani representation on the big screen.

- Cutting down on the gargoyles or at least toning down the lame jokes. I love the idea of the gargoyles (Quasimodo coming up with them in his mind after decades of isolation) but the execution was too juvenile for my liking.

- Expanding the relationship between Esmeralda and Phoebus. I didn't get enough of a connection in the original movie between the two before. The lack of shared screen time definitely had a hand in that. There was even a cut song for them on the way back to Note Dame in the film that I think might help if put back in.

And lastly, I hope they keep Alan Menken's fantastic score. Hands down my favorite of his works with Disney and gorgeous in its own right.


Oct 26, 2017
Huh, and here I thought they would never do this one. I wonder if they'll water down Frollo.


Jun 29, 2018
Wow a live action Disney film that could actually be an improvement over the original

They just need to remove those damn gargoyles


Oct 27, 2017
It would be a real shame if they disregard everything from the stage show version. They really should use "Made of Stone".



Oct 27, 2017
Also, talking about the stage show, but I'd also really love if they didn't leave out Someday.

Someday, Rhythm of the Tambourine, Made of Stone are all really great additions from the stage show that I hope they don't ignore.


Oct 27, 2017
Gad would make a good Snoops in a live action "The Rescuers" film, with Allison Janney as Medusa.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
This ought to be fun. Just don't have those damn gargoyles, or least take them down a notch. The statues in the stage production were much better.