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Oct 27, 2017
Chloe is dead. Or at least she should be or any relationship she and Max have should be full of guilt and suffering.

hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
That is the option for bad, selfish people. She's dead.
trying to boil the end choice down to a trolley problem misses the fact that max and chloe had no way of knowing that it was actually going to work. yes, sacrificing one life for the sake of many may be the right call if you 100% know it's going to work. but for all they knew, the storm could happen even if max doesn't go back and undo her changes. or maybe you can avoid the storm if you go back, but you also have to let mr jefferson off in order to avoid the storm. i wouldn't take the risk of sacrificing someone to save others unless i was 100% certain it would work as in the actual trolley problem. i wouldn't sacrifice someone on a hunch.
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Oct 28, 2017
Max is selfish, yes.

Also...Bae ending is canon according to LiS2 and there's a comic that continue that story path. If the existance of its sequel is true, then that just cemented it.

Dontnod made LiS2 and the game acknowledge the Bae ending.
It also acknowledges the Bay ending, so there's no true canon, it's just going based on what you picked at the end of the first game.


Oct 28, 2017
Chloe is dead. Or at least she should be or any relationship she and Max have should be full of guilt and suffering.
If that's what the game actually was (the weight of those ramifications, survivor's guilt, that sort of thing) I could see it being interesting.


Editor at Nintendo Wire
Oct 27, 2017
Max is selfish, yes.

Also...Bae ending is canon according to LiS2 and there's a comic that continue that story path. If the existance of its sequel is true, then that just cemented it.

Dontnod made LiS2 and the game acknowledge the Bae ending.

It's not, the game pulls in your save and you look out over Arcadia Bay in the first episode. If you saved it, it's intact. If you went with Chloe, it's a wreck.

EDIT: Admittedly I don't know what it defaults to if you don't bring in a save but I still wouldn't say that is canon.

Jaded Alyx

Oct 25, 2017
I always felt like saving Chloe defeated the entire point of the game. It's like you didn't learn a thing.
May 26, 2018
If Chloe is still alive in a time skip, it can truly be called Mad Max because Nature has been wrecking the world in their wake still trying to kill Chloe lol


Oct 25, 2017
I saved Chloe because the game didn't convince me that letting her die would fix anything. It was a guess and I don't think enough was tried to make it an educated one.

Can't say I'm all that down to see their stories continue with such a gap though. It may as well just be something completely new.

Jaded Alyx

Oct 25, 2017
I saved Chloe because the game didn't convince me that letting her die would fix anything. It was a guess and I don't think enough was tried to make it an educated one.
I felt the opposite. To me, I thought saving her would just result in the same cycle happening over and over. It seemed to me that this was Max's realisation.


Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island
That third game sounds unique, I'd be down for that.

Personally, I'm not too keen on returning to Max & Chloe unless it's done in a very interesting way. I feel like the prequel and comic series has given us enough there and it would be odd for them to just kinda state one of the endings is wrong after all this time.
Dec 5, 2017
LIS 3 sounds like a cool premise. I loved 1 and BTS but didn't really dig 2. I hope this is more of a return to form.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Mind-reading has amazing potential.

Recently started LiS2. Only have one episode left but I've loved it so far. The reaction seemed mixed but it seems just as good as the first to me, aside from the power not being as useful. Whatever 3 ends up being I'll be there.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Heck yeah! Love Life is Strange, three sounds great and would love to see Max back with 4.


Oct 25, 2017
Mind reading sounds like an interesting power to have in a game like that. I wonder like if say they will limit how many times you can read minds, so like each day you need to make sure you read the right people to get the outcome you desire .


Oct 31, 2017
It's Life Is Strange so I'm excited, however I am slightly disappointed that they listened to all the people hating on LIS2, LiS2 Is a masterpiece.

As for the rumored LIS4, I hope that's a spin off and not LiS4, Chloe and Max had their ending.
Oct 25, 2017
Max is selfish, yes.

Also...Bae ending is canon according to LiS2 and there's a comic that continue that story path. If the existance of its sequel is true, then that just cemented it.

Dontnod made LiS2 and the game acknowledge the Bae ending.
LIS2's reference to LIS1's ending changes depending on what choices you made in 1. I believe if you dont have a LIS1 save it just picks a random ending.


Aug 1, 2019
LiS: BtS is the best one so I'm good with this.
That is the option for bad, selfish people. She's dead.
I picked Bae because the logic for the Bay ending is practically nonexistent. They just drop it in your lap. I adored that game, but my decision was as much about caring for Chloe as it was actively revolting against the story shitting the bed right at the end. The cherry on top was being hinted at by a friend of mine that the only way to confirm the queer love story was to let Chloe die.


Shinra Employee
Oct 28, 2017
San Francisco
It's Life Is Strange so I'm excited, however I am slightly disappointed that they listened to all the people hating on LIS2, LiS2 Is a masterpiece.

As for the rumored LIS4, I hope that's a spin off and not LiS4, Chloe and Max had their ending.

How does this indicate they listened to all the people hating on LiS2? Because it's a small town instead of a road trip?


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Can't wait, the first game is one of my favorites of all time and I loved BtS and 2. Stinks that the original team will no longer work on the games but I enjoyed Tell Me Why and Vampyr, haven't played Twin Mirror but I will at some point.
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