Author - NES Endings Compendium
Oct 26, 2017
Despite what game name says, Pit —the main character from the Kid Icarus franchise— is not based on Icarus from Greek mythology (at least not originally), but on Eros (Greek)/Cupid (Roman).

The original Japanese name for the game is A Mythology of Light: The Mirror of Palutena, and there is no reference to Icarus anywhere. And even though they don't mention Eros/Cupid either, the inspiration is clear: a character with wings carrying a bow and arrow. Even some artwork shows Pit wielding heart-shaped arrowheads.

So where did this Icarus connection come from? Well obviously from the western name Kid Icarus. My guess is Nintendo of America didn't want the character to be associated with Eros —a mischievous demigod that causes people to fall in love and have sex. So the only other famous Greek mythology character with (temporary) wings was Icarus, and that's why I think they chose that name.

Interestingly, the great Game Boy sequel that no one played, was never released in Japan. In that game's ending, they literally show Pit flying close to the sun and losing his wings (which is what Icarus is famous for). I guess Nintendo of America really wanted to distance Pit from Eros/Cupid as much as they could.

I haven't played the 3DS game, so I don't know if they make any references to Eros/Cupid/Icarus too.


Another old lie is that the character was called Kid Icarus. This might be hard to believe for a younger generation that grew with Smash Bros., but there was a time where people thought the character was called Kid Icarus and not Pit. This was perpetuated by the Captain N cartoon which literally always called the character Kid Icarus, and never Pit.
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Oct 27, 2017
In Kid Icarus Uprising ,if Pit uses the power of flight palutena gave him beyond 5 minutes ,his wings begin to burn up just like Icarus flying too close to the sun
Oct 29, 2017
I thought they called it Icarus over here because Icarus is more well known and plus he has the whole temporary flight thing which is similar to the Icarus myth.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, I just figured NOA changed it because "A Mythology of Light: Mirror of Palutena" is, well, a pretty fucking weird title lol

Though it does kinda suck that Palutena loses her titular character status outside of Japan.


Oct 27, 2017
So where did this Icarus connection come from? Well obviously from the western name Kid Icarus. My guess is Nintendo of America didn't want the character to be associated with Eros —a mischievous demigod that causes people to fall in love and have sex. So the only other famous Greek mythology character with (temporary) wings was Icarus, and that's why I think they chose that name.
I feel like it's more likely they decided that "Kid Cupid" was too cutesy, not too horny

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
I thought they called it Icarus over here because Icarus is more well known and plus he has the whole temporary flight thing which is similar to the Icarus myth.
In the original game, he could only fly with an end-game powerup, and there's nothing temporary about it except that the level itself ends.

In the second game, he can slow his descent by flapping his wings. It's a default ability.

The 3DS game is the one that adds the temporary flight thing, mainly to justify the fixed length rail shooter sections.


Oct 25, 2017
Haha, only Sakurai can be this on the nose about it.

Actually, this bit of dialogue is only in the localization of the game, where Sakurai willingly let NOA go wild with his original script so it'd make sense for westerners.

In Sakurai's original Japanese script, Pit actually questions Palutena about Kid Icarus' JP title (which is "Myth of Light: Palutena's Mirror", as we've established already).


Spine Crawler

Oct 27, 2017
No Palutena is probably based on Athena (Parthena is an alternative name of Athena and Parthenon is her temple). Eros is associated with Aphrodite.

Palette Swap

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Not gonna fault them for not naming it Kid Eros lol. Kid Icarus was a simple and self-explanatory name, honestly.


Author - NES Endings Compendium
Oct 26, 2017
I thought they called it Icarus over here because Icarus is more well known and plus he has the whole temporary flight thing which is similar to the Icarus myth.

But Icarus doesn't have any actual wings, Eros/Cupid does (as does Pit).

In the original game, he could only fly with an end-game powerup, and there's nothing temporary about it except that the level itself ends.

In the second game, he can slow his descent by flapping his wings. It's a default ability.

The 3DS game is the one that adds the temporary flight thing, mainly to justify the fixed length rail shooter sections.


I forget that for a lot of people here, the first time they saw or played with Pit was in Smash Bros. Which obviously doesn't play anything like his character in the original game. This thread was more about his original story/design, not what the character turned into later. Obviously Nintendo wants people to think he's based in Icarus, even though they don't really share anything.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
The one Nintendo-published Glory of Heracles game also has a Kid Icarus gag, at least in the localized script. The main character is an amnesiac immortal, and the allies that find him decide to give him a name. One of the suggestions is "Pit", which they note doesn't even sound like a real Greek name.


Author - NES Endings Compendium
Oct 26, 2017
Actually, this bit of dialogue is only in the localization of the game, where Sakurai willingly let NOA go wild with his original script so it'd make sense for westerners.

In Sakurai's original Japanese script, Pit actually questions Palutena about Kid Icarus' JP title (which is "Myth of Light: Palutena's Mirror", as we've established already).

Ah, so that makes my case even harder then. It's Nintendo of America that has been pushing for Pit to be based on Icarus, whereas in Japan that's not the case.


Oct 27, 2017
The one Nintendo-published Glory of Heracles game also has a Kid Icarus gag, at least in the localized script. The main character is an amnesiac immortal, and the allies that find him decide to give him a name. One of the suggestions is "Pit", which they note doesn't even sound like a real Greek name.
yeah, it's a Roman name


Oct 28, 2017
next thing you're going to tell us the legend of zelda games don't have you play zelda

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
I feel obligated to mention that Kid Icarus shares the unusual attribute with Battle Clash wherein the number of games in the series is actually lower if you're in Japan than other regions, despite being the missing games being developed in Japan.


Author - NES Endings Compendium
Oct 26, 2017
I feel obligated to mention that Kid Icarus shares the unusual attribute with Battle Clash wherein the number of games in the series is actually lower if you're in Japan than other regions, despite being the missing games being developed in Japan.

And Star Tropics too, where the number of games is zero if you're in Japan.


Author - NES Endings Compendium
Oct 26, 2017
Which one is an accurate sentence?

"Eros a winged bow-wielding god" or "Eros a bow-wielding winged god"? Or are both correct?


Author - NES Endings Compendium
Oct 26, 2017
This plus there was already another game on NES called "Chubby Cherub" that they probably wanted to avoid comparisons with.

Or they could have called it something else. Kid Icarus is a made up name, they could have come up with anything they wanted.

I still believe this was NOA's way to distance the character from Eros/Cupid, and not because the "cupid" name was similar to another name.


Oct 25, 2017
I haven't played the 3DS game
Bro what

Do it
Actually, this bit of dialogue is only in the localization of the game, where Sakurai willingly let NOA go wild with his original script so it'd make sense for westerners.

In Sakurai's original Japanese script, Pit actually questions Palutena about Kid Icarus' JP title (which is "Myth of Light: Palutena's Mirror", as we've established already).

I wouldn't really call that going wild; they're both just questioning the title. Considering the titles are different, it's effectively the same conversation - even Palutena's reaction is essentially the same.


Oct 25, 2017
I can't. Playing handheld systems give me serious cramps. I tried to get a hand grip, but every one I saw had bad reviews saying it broke too easily, so I never got one.
Oh. I have no idea if the stand included with this game would help you, but you would absolutely suffer without one; I settled on a pretty weird way of gripping the system for this game.


Election Thread Watcher
Aug 6, 2018
I feel like it's more likely they decided that "Kid Cupid" was too cutesy, not too horny

and yet we got this?



Oct 25, 2017
I wouldn't really call that going wild; they're both just questioning the title. Considering the titles are different, it's effectively the same conversation - even Palutena's reaction is essentially the same.

I was referring more to the script in general. It's a fact that Sakurai basically told NOA they could do whatever they wanted with his original script to order to make it appeal towards the western audience, that's what I was getting at.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
No Palutena is probably based on Athena (Parthena is an alternative name of Athena and Parthenon is her temple).
Palutena is the goddess Athena, but when NOA had to translate "Pa-ru-te-na" they believed was a made up name, ad adapted it to sound "better".
Is the same story as why the Belmont family should be Belmondo - like the actor.