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Oct 25, 2017
I'd be very interested to read some in-depth wider thoughts from the people venomously against this scene on what comedy should be, or what is allowed within the sphere and where the boundaries are. What sort of rule set would you put around comedy if you had the power to do so? And what do you think should happen to people who don't adhere to that theoretical ruleset?
Oct 25, 2017
It's a Ricky Gervais thread so it's time to post that occasion that he was thoroughly outflanked by Garry Shandling.

Ricky is a nobody when he has to work against someone else's talent. He is a one note fraud and is completely lost once someone twists away from him. His career is the comedy equivalent of a participation trophy.
Oct 27, 2017
that was pretty funny.

It's a Ricky Gervais thread so it's time to post that occasion that he was thoroughly outflanked by Garry Shandling.

Ricky is a nobody when he has to work against someone else's talent. He is a one note fraud and is completely lost once someone twists away from him. His career is the comedy equivalent of a participation trophy.

I like Rickys stuff mostly but it was just amazing to watch him get obliterated.


Nov 16, 2017
My uncle died from cancer. My mom has parkinsons. My wife's mom died from brain cancer 2 years ago. My dad has many health problems, causing him to hurt all over and prob die soon. That shit isn't fun.
But black humour is still funny. People making jokes where cancer is used for shock effect or something doesn't make me flinch. In fact, I'll prob laugh cause life's too short to not laugh about shit.

i'm also obese, and a nerd, and clumsy. I enjoy jokes on all those topics too btw.
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Oct 25, 2017
I'm sorry you lost your Uncle to AIDS.

Those tweets are not "fucked up" and Ricky Gervais isn't wrong (about this anyway).

It's the context, not the content. A joke about AIDS isn't necessarily at the expense of someone who has AIDS or has suffered from AIDS. You can joke about anything and NEVER punch down. As far as dangerous topics go, there's going to be somehow who has personal tragedies related to most things. You don't say that they can't make a John Wick movie because people who have lost family to gun violence may be triggered. Likewise a joke about gun violence.
if you can defend the catching aids from an African prostitute from the dude who wanted to kill any black man just because his friend was raped by one I don't really care about your fucking opinions on what constitutes a joke or what the "joke" is here. How about not talking about blacks, africans, gays, or AIDS together when we're in 2021. this website continues to show its ass with regards to anything having any semblance to do with minority viewpoints.


Oct 25, 2017
Fuck Ricky Gervais. Man shouldn't be platformed here with his transphobic bullshit.


Oct 25, 2017
I'd be very interested to read some in-depth wider thoughts from the people venomously against this scene on what comedy should be, or what is allowed within the sphere and where the boundaries are. What sort of rule set would you put around comedy if you had the power to do so? And what do you think should happen to people who don't adhere to that theoretical ruleset?
well in the context of this joke I would like white people to think a little more about the jokes they tell about other races and other minority groups and how that affects them, cause honestly, I'm tired of this bullshit considering we literally have another thread on this site where BLM is nominated for Nobel Peace Prize for spreading awareness on racism ALL OVER THE WORLD in other countries. literally, take a moment to just look outside of your own bubble.

we don't need you to ask questions. we don't need you to play the victim and act like you have to walk on eggshells. Just stfu and listen to what minorities are saying, your joke isn't that important.


Oct 25, 2017
ah yes, known transphobic piece of shit Ricky Gervais and known racist piece of shit Liam Neeson. pass


Apr 27, 2018
well in the context of this joke I would like white people to think a little more about the jokes they tell about other races and other minority groups and how that affects them, cause honestly, I'm tired of this bullshit considering we literally have another thread on this site where BLM is nominated for Nobel Peace Prize for spreading awareness on racism ALL OVER THE WORLD in other countries. literally, take a moment to just look outside of your own bubble.

we don't need you to ask questions. we don't need you to play the victim and act like you have to walk on eggshells. Just stfu and listen to what minorities are saying, your joke isn't that important.
Which forums do you visit where this sketch is widely panned for being offensive? I have only ever seen it mostly praised any forum/site I've seen it spoken about. You mentioned Era was showing its colours so which places share your views on this?


Oct 25, 2017
Which forums do you visit where this sketch is widely panned for being offensive? I have only ever seen it mostly praised any forum/site I've seen it spoken about. You mentioned Era was showing its colours so which places share your views on this?
I'm sorry were you asking me a question in good faith? couldn't tell.

Nah I'm good. take your bullshit questions somewhere else. I'm talking about this forum and the members on this site and this thread literally turning a blind eye to minorities saying "hey, maybe you shouldn't make jokes about AIDS and Africans or Gay people in 2021." considering I'm black id like to know where you're from where you cant get it through your skull that your opinion on this joke is much less important than any minorities especially given the context of fucking racist ass Liam Neeson and Transphobic shitheel Ricky Gervais.


Oct 25, 2017

Let's just ignore this and continue to platform Ricky though because he made us laugh.

Urban Scholar

Oct 30, 2017
Which forums do you visit where this sketch is widely panned for being offensive? I have only ever seen it mostly praised any forum/site I've seen it spoken about. You mentioned Era was showing its colours so which places share your views on this?

You can't be fucking serious. If this is an attempt at humor you suck. Even taking with in context those lines are bullshit. Here's a joke, I got AIDS, serious disease and let me throw Black women under the bus.

I for the life of me wonder what kinda people wanna stroll down memory lane that finds shit like this skit funny. Lo and behold it would be that echo the demographics of the dudes in the video itself.
Oct 25, 2017
Heard an old joke once.

Man goes to his doctor. He says he's depressed and miserable, life is shit and there's so much misfortune going round. The rich get rich and the poor get poorer. He's lost hope in the world and doesn't know how to cope with it anymore.

His doctor looks at him a moment, and smiles. Doctor tells his patient that the great comedian Ricky Gervais is in town and he has a spare ticket and would be happy to take his patient along. He explains that Gervais breaks down the heartache and misery in modern life whilst poking fun at it, that it might seem like he's punching down but in truth he's a good person at heart and it's really meant as a joke.

"But doctor" the patient replies, "Ricky Gervais is shit."


Oct 25, 2017
its supposed to be improv comedy and he's bringing up serious stuff like a woman forced to sell her body, aids and famine. its funny because its so dead pan and an absurd situation.
The deadpan itself is funny.
The overall concept of the sketch is solid.
The choice of detail to use in the joke is 12 yo edge lord shit.
The person who said it has a history of racist comments so the African part is sus.
A bunch of white people creating a joke with the African part at all is the usual bullshit.
One of the people in the sketch is a transphobe and platforming him is also bullshit.
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