
Oct 27, 2017
If its set in WW2 then it ain't Bad Company 3.
Could be fun if it was all of their grandpas or something, who happened to be almost the same and in the same squad.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm only interested in BC coming back if they take that opportunity for :
- huge step forward in environment destruction
- 4 player campaign online coop

That being said if it's WWII it still need to be a proper battlefield with 64 player map and should not feel like a downgrade compared to bf1942 ( which mean drivable ship, plane with torpedo etc ).


Oct 27, 2017
If it's not a new engine for BC3, then (as many have already pessimistically speculated in this thread) BC3 will be a BC game in name only. They would be using the title in the most cynical way possible, and I hope it bites them in the arse.
Not sure if it really has anything to do with engine but the map design, BC2 just didn't really have large city maps like in BF3/4.


Oct 28, 2017
Australia (GMT+10)
Not sure if it really has anything to do with engine but the map design, BC2 just didn't really have large city maps like in BF3/4.
DICE said that one of their main goals with the updated engine for BF3 (which, let's face it, is basically the BF4 engine too) was to speed up asset creation, even if it meant a reduction in actual destruction quality. As a gamer, I want the opposite: I don't care if it makes the devs life harder, if it makes the game better. I understand that the devs want their lives to be easier, but I want the games to be better.

And Oasis was a fairly decent sized town in BFBC2.
Oct 27, 2017
Not to mention that DICE LA (the dev who's likely developing this) been busy working on their own Battlefield title for quite a while so it makes sense that it'd ready to be released by now.

DICE LA was responsible for BF1 DLC, which was 20 maps compared to the 10 base-game maps.

It is a possibility that they are leading a separate game, but it is much more likely that they support Sweden's main game for 2018.


Jan 17, 2018
I hope it's true but we are probably getting some sensitive trailer about the horror of WW2 soon.....
Oct 25, 2017
It's not going to happen because the world isn't that wonderful a place, we wouldn't get something as beautiful and joyful as another Bad Company game. If we did, it would be Bad Company in name only: (

I fired up Bad Company 2when it hit Xbox One BC and it was still so damn good, hasn't played it in years but I was immediately wrecking everyone with my trusty Abakan + 4x scope :*)

The destruction was better than modern battlefield, the maps were better, everything looked nice and clean instead of the 'realistic' mess we have now. I'd still be playing it if the player base was high enough to guarantee full servers tbh, it's still more fun than any of the modern BF games


Prophet of Truth - Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
this would be weird but anything that is declared BC3 is a buy for me so all good on my end


Oct 27, 2017
Just cause they slap the name on it, does not mean it will actually be anything like it.
Jan 10, 2018
Off topic but: Wasn't there an FPS game a few years back that got announced and then cancelled about a squad in WW2? I half remember the trailer was in a pub and they kill a bunch of Nazis.. looked kind of light hearted, a bit like Inglorius Bastards.

Deleted member 4044

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
If it has prone, it's not BC3.

Or a million unlocks for every game. Remember how BC2 had a few general attachments (red dot sight, magnum ammo, etc.) that could be used for every gun? Now every gun has a million attachments, some unlocked through gameplay (kills/headshots with the weapon) and some through battlepacks/crates/whatever.
Oct 27, 2017
Off topic but: Wasn't there an FPS game a few years back that got announced and then cancelled about a squad in WW2? I half remember the trailer was in a pub and they kill a bunch of Nazis.. looked kind of light hearted, a bit like Inglorius Bastards.
Yeah that was a game Gearbox was developing. It was supposed to be a spin of to another tactical game series that it's name escapes me. It wasn't Battlefield though, that I am sure of.


Found it.


Oct 27, 2017
Uhhhh, that'd be pretty awful, the best thing about Bad Company was the stylized approach it had on the modern setting and weapons.


Oct 25, 2017
Off topic but: Wasn't there an FPS game a few years back that got announced and then cancelled about a squad in WW2? I half remember the trailer was in a pub and they kill a bunch of Nazis.. looked kind of light hearted, a bit like Inglorius Bastards.

That was supposed to be the next Brothers in Arms game but they canned it and are working on a proper sequel instead.
Jan 10, 2018
That was supposed to be the next Brothers in Arms game but they canned it and are working on a proper sequel instead.
Brothers in Arms, that's the one. The trailer looked ok from what I remember. Think there was also a Rainbow 6 game that got cancelled around the same time that had a good gameplay demo where a guy had a bomb strapped to him they couldn't defuse so they chucked him off a bridge.


Oct 25, 2017
UmeĂĄ, Sweden
There is some hope in that. In Mirror's Edge Catalyst there was a easter egg that featured the characters from Bad Company having their own little audio adventure after finding treasure.

It does mean that DICE still remembers and knows what made the Bad Company group Bad Company.
If its set in WW2 then it ain't Bad Company 3.
Yeah, it ain't the same without Haggard, Sweetwater and Sarge.


Oct 26, 2017
Couldn't enjoy the BF games after BC2, it just didn't feel the same way, or all that much fun.

Hopefully the next game, whether its BC or BF, I might enjoy it this time around


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
If following the past history of BF reveal trailers, we should be expecting one very soon. Regardless, I will buy the game anyways.


Jan 16, 2018
I don't see why him deleting it is necessarily evidence that this is true, that doesn't directly support it one way or the other - If it was fake, deleting it can help make it seem more legit/mysterious and mean he doesn't have to put up with all the attention or if he actually is a developer, there are reasons they might want him to delete it even if what he said isn't true.

I'd find it quite strange if the next game is BC3 though, for them to make BF1 and then basically drop all those changes just to go back to how things were before (e.g. lock on weapons) doesn't make much sense to me.

There's also that, if he actually is a developer he would be under a NDA - i doubt he'd be stupid enough to break that just to get a bit of attention for a short while.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
User Warned: System wars rhetoric.

Don't mess with my Battlefield WW2. You can have your BC3 after that.


Or do as it should be done, BC for console plebs and proper BF PC exclusive. That way they could redeem both series, instead of making a hodgepodge of compromises so you can play on both PC and console...

I am one of those people who think that PC FPS should not be muddied with console gameplay. You lose the sharpness of PC gameplay with sloppier console stuff. On the other hand, pure console fps would be better than one that has PC centric stuff shoehorned in too.

But that kind of stuff is dead, sadly... Oh how I miss proper PC Battlefields (after 2142 they've been hit and miss at most, 4 redeemed itself somewhat in the late stages when they made a lot of PC centric changes).

Is it only me or were the maps bigger in the past too?

I am the only, who want BF 2143? :(

I want one too, so badly... Maybe after there's been some breathing room with the million scifi shooters that were released the past few years...

2142 is still the best scifi shooter, Titan Assault is the GOAT gamemode after original Conquest.