
Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles
All of this is moot because if anthem doesn't break the bank & review walls the entire studio will be put on cleanup & doing whatever it takes to get that game to what EA deems as good enough. Something like a DA that is going to have its GaaS put into a mode players may never touch will be put behind the backburner


Oct 27, 2017
DA2 was unfairly maligned.




Oct 28, 2017
All of this is moot because if anthem doesn't break the bank & review walls the entire studio will be put on cleanup & doing whatever it takes to get that game to what EA deems as good enough. Something like a DA that is going to have its GaaS put into a mode players may never touch will be put behind the backburner

Kind of damned if you do, damned if you dont. If Anthem stumbles out of the gate, all of bioware will be tasked with fixing it. If Anthem is massively successful, EA will shift anyone who is working on DA to anthem DLC and Anthem 2. I just dont see modern EA putting out another 40 hour single player RPG anytime soon.


Specialist at TheGamer / Reviewer at RPG Site
Oct 25, 2017
Midgar, With Love
I've noticed something, maybe. I want to emphasize that my memory is not the best and I might be mistaken. But I think Patrick's account description previously listed him as Lead Writer on Dragon Age, or something to that effect. It currently says Writer at EA BioWare.

Admiral Woofington

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Damn. Game wasn't even given a chance if this is their way of saying they stopped. Guess with this, Bioware is basically dead to me.
Feb 19, 2018
I mean dice still made Mirror's edge despite battlefield so it wouldn't be impossible I guess.
DICE Sweden is unique among the EA studios in so far that one of the big decision makers at the top of EA's hierarchy was a former member of the studio. This means that the Devs have connections that can bypass the usual maximum shareholder value creation and focus testing barriers that get set up by management to some extent. That's how Battlefield 1 with it's WW1 setting was greenlit in the first place despite massive scepticism by management, and likely also the reason they got another shot at Mirror's Edge at a time where EA had already largely transitioned to dropping development of all non-sports AA titles in their entirety (look e.g. at stuff like Shadows of the Damned or Brütal Legends under EA's old CEO). It would also explain why BF5 is quite unusual when it comes to modern AAA WW2 shooters (no playable US at all at launch, no focus on the western front 44-45 from an US perspective to the exclusion of everything else, Single Player campaign content for the German side. Basically everything that say CoD WW2 didn't do as it was a perfect example of a by the numbers WW2 title). They have the highest latitude of all the EA studios by far when it comes to creative freedom.

The DICE Sweden Devs talked about how Battlefield1 was greenlit quite extensively and openly in post-announcement interviews for BF1, I recommend checking them out, they are quite enlightening.

Sadly this sort of creative freedom is not afforded to any other EA studio (at all).
Last edited:

Ploid 6.0

Oct 25, 2017
Mods made DA2 incredible for me. Difficulty increase, companions can wear gear, changes to the skill trees, and so much more.

Deleted member 888

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
RIP Dragon Age team, you couldn't make DA into battle royale/competitive survival MP/GAAS enough.

On to Anthem possibly "flopping" at 10m sales and Bioware being shuttered for good.


Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles
Kind of damned if you do, damned if you dont. If Anthem stumbles out of the gate, all of bioware will be tasked with fixing it. If Anthem is massively successful, EA will shift anyone who is working on DA to anthem DLC and Anthem 2. I just dont see modern EA putting out another 40 hour single player RPG anytime soon.


Oct 27, 2017
My favorite Bioware series ;_;

Also I don't get the chance to even punch Solas after all that happened in DA:I?


Oct 28, 2017
Even more concerning since Anthem seems to be chasing that Destiny money that even Destiny 2 couldn't manage..


Oct 27, 2017
Inquisition is the only Dragon Age game I played but I really liked it. It'd be a shame if it ended there. Never did play Trespasser since it never seems to be on sale.
Oct 29, 2017
God, DA:O was so good. I enjoyed 2, despite its flaws. Inquisition just didn't appeal to me. I would LOVE a proper return to its roots with a DA4 that takes it back to what made Origins so amazing. This doesn't sound promising though.

...and I'm honestly not very excited about Anthem at this point, so hopefully they aren't riding solely on its success.


Oct 28, 2017
^^ Something about how fast his head whips back into frame just looks really silly.

I love DA2. Fight me.

When you consider they cranked out a 40 hour RPG in less than 18 months, I think it speaks to the talent at BioWare that it even turned out as well as it did.


Oct 26, 2017
The Netherlands
DA2 was unfairly maligned.

It's been said before but it should have been positioned as a spin-off / sidestory rather than a straight sequel to Origins. It could have been better positioned as the smaller-scoped and more action-focused companion to an RPG classic.

I liked it but if I'm honest, the ugly art direction, wave-based and shallow combat and pacing/structural issues with the story were rightly called out and still don't hold up.


Oct 28, 2017
I understand the need for EA to have a GaaS loot shooter to get on the Destiny crowd and try to steal players from Activision. I understand full well.

But to give it to the last EA studio to still have a identity, a style and a fan-base. Wich have nothing to do with GaaS loot shooters and thus jeopardize the making of games that this studio is known for seem really stupid for me.

They could have given Anthem to any other developpers they have access to and generate the same amount of hype if not more. But to bring Bioware into this... Fuck... Andromeda was handed to the C team because of Anthem and we know the result. And now, the next Dragon Age seems to be in danger too.

Anthem will maybe be a good game. I don't know. But i have the feeling EA is playing russian roulette with Bioware's head with this game. And i don't like that. I would have been fine with any other devs in EA's palm but not Bioware...


Oct 27, 2017
I understand the need for EA to have a GaaS loot shooter to get on the Destiny crowd and try to steal players from Activision. I understand full well.

But to give it to the last EA studio to still have a identity, a style and a fan-base. Wich have nothing to do with GaaS loot shooters and thus jeopardize the making of games that this studio is known for seem really stupid for me.

They could have given Anthem to any other developpers they have access to and generate the same amount of hype if not more. But to bring Bioware into this... Fuck... Andromeda was handed to the C team because of Anthem and we know the result. And now, the next Dragon Age seems to be in danger too.

Anthem will maybe be a good game. I don't know. But i have the feeling EA is playing russian roulette with Bioware's head with this game. And i don't like that. I would have been fine with any other devs in EA's palm but not Bioware...

Why do you think it wasn't Bioware that came up with the basis of Anthem in the first place? It seems pretty unlikely that there's some nebulous part of EA coming up with franchises and just dishing them out to their developers on a whim.

EA was likely keen to get as many of their teams working on gaas titles as possible and this is what the Mass Effect team came up with. Development would have begun long before the release of Destiny and this was the way the industry was already going.

I do agree that this does look like it's a huge risk for Bioware's future, with titles like Destiny failing to be as successful as hoped I think Anthem will have to be something remarkable to stand out and even as a huge Bioware fanI don't really see it in this game. As it stands I'm about 80% certain I'm only going to get this game once the price drops significantly if at all and I think quite a few Bioware fans are like that. It'll be interesting if they can attract enough interest from outside the usual Bioware fanbase to make up for it.


Oct 28, 2017
Why do you think it wasn't Bioware that came up with the basis of Anthem in the first place? It seems pretty unlikely that there's some nebulous part of EA coming up with franchises and just dishing them out to their developers on a whim.

Well, i don't really think that EA specifically asked Bioware to do a game called Anthem or anything like that. What i think is that Bioware wanted to do a new IP, that would have probably been an action single player game in the vein of Mass Effect with mechas and such, but that EA swooped in and told them to turn it into the multiplayer open-world GaaS thingy that we've been presented.

That's what i think. Or more honestly : that's what i hope. If Bioware had the idea by themselves to do this game like that, at this level of ambition, that would mean to me that they are already lost. And i don't want that. I want to believe that there is still, somewhere, a part of Bioware that still want to make the games they are loved for.


Dec 3, 2017
I would love for Dragon Age 4 to be a deep single player RPG but this is EA we are talking about so will be some kind of online games as a service.


Nov 28, 2017
DA:I was a bad game, let the series die. They'll never reach the heights of the first game again. Ruined Mass effect as well.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
DA2 had an interesting idea/concept (i.e. a decade in a single city) which I hope will get revisited one day.

The whole execution of said idea? You know the rest...

Deleted member 41931

User requested account closure
Apr 10, 2018
Damn it EA(and a couple of up top Bioware people), why can't you let them be. I get they don't sell 10+ million, but they're one of your only IP/Devs that's games were consistently growing sales wise. Maybe if you actually gave them enough resources and a long enough development cycle for once, they could put out the mega hit you want.


Oct 28, 2017
Does the possibility of MS buying BioWare even exist, legally?

Anyways, Dragon Age 2 was truly insulting in a number of ways but still has my favorite narrative and themes in the series, I loved the sword and sorcery-esque rise into power and the game would have been amazing if Kirkwall had been more akin to something like Novigrad. Had the devs had the time, budget and a decent engine I think we would have gotten something truly special.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Jan 25, 2018
Damn @ that tweet, seems like its going to be cancelled then? Shame, DA:I was pretty enjoyable.