
Mar 10, 2018
Someplace Far Away
Of course Feinstein's (very, very, very) long political career can't be adequately summed up by a handful of quotes from two events. But for young progressives, it's deeply disappointing for one of the most senior Democrats in Congress to treat the Republicans rushing Barrett's confirmation with kid gloves — after treating young Californians concerned about climate change with open contempt.
The contrast makes it clear that Feinstein prioritizes an outdated model of bipartisanship over engaging a passionate, young, left-leaning voter base. Reaching across the aisle might once have been a noble impulse. But when the Republican Party has more or less unanimously sworn fealty to a demagogic Republican president and the entire West Coast has caught fire, it's past time for long-serving senators like Feinstein to either adjust their sense of what's important or step aside.

Link to the article

Nominate me to the supreme court if old


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
I still don't know why she's still serving as senator at her advanced age. She's 87!

Let some news blood have a chance.


Oct 28, 2017
I remember the thread about Feinstein's confrontation with those kids here. Whole lot of embarrassing posts defending Feinstein if I remember correctly.


Mar 10, 2018
Someplace Far Away
I remember the thread about Feinstein's confrontation with those kids here. Whole lot of embarrassing posts defending Feinstein if I remember correctly.
Tbf I don't know what the fuck to do with kids either, but if I'm a politician and they show up at my office wide-eyed and excited about changing the world, in what universe do i even start to believe that yelling at them is either appropriate or helpful in any way


Oct 27, 2017
It ain't an opinion. It's the truth. She should have stepped aside for Kevin De Leon.


Mar 9, 2018
It'd be one thing if this was someone like Joe Manchin. Sometimes with him I have to grit my teeth and go "this sucks but he's figured out a way to get elected in a deep red state so I guess this is better than having some extreme rightwing GOP psycho in the senate."

What drives me nuts with Feinstein is that she's from California. They should have some of the leftmost senators in congress, not this shit.


Oct 27, 2017
I didn't vote for her last time she was up for election because I saw that she's a "business as usual" senator. We are not in usual times and we need new blood in our politics that understand that. It has been extremely disappointing seeing her normalize the actions of our current government instead of fighting tooth and nail for democracy and calling out this farce of a government.

Gaia Lanzer

Oct 25, 2017
Why did Feinstein win? Incumbency?
My uneducated theory, people are just more familiar with her. She's been our Senator since 1992, so at times, it almost seems like a tradition that she's on the ballot and a tradition to keep voting her in. Sometimes, traditions are stupid! I've known people who voted for her because:

1. She's always been one of our Senators and she's done a... "fine" job at it, I guess?
2. She's familiar. I don't know what to expect from someone NEW!
3. She's the Dem candidate. You'd rather me vote for a stinkin' Republican?!

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, Feinstein was especially terrible in this hearing. Just... completely terrible, especially with an election coming in 2 fucking weeks. Lindsey Graham is in the fight for his life over his senate seat, and Feinstein was differing to him like he's the pope, when she should be pointing out every single way that he's broken his vow to South Carolinians. I was really disappointed in her.

Why did Feinstein win? Incumbency?

While she didn't win in a landslide (~10pts), she is still much more popular in large cities throughout California than her primary opponent(s) in 2018 (Kevin DeLeon), even though she's been much more centrist, she still rakes in support in much more progressive sections of California.
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Oct 31, 2017
Why did Feinstein win? Incumbency?
My uneducated theory, people are just more familiar with her. She's been our Senator since 1992, so at times, it almost seems like a tradition that she's on the ballot and a tradition to keep voting her in. Sometimes, traditions are stupid!
Doesn't California's electoral system encourage this? If there's no Republican on the ballot, conservatives are always gonna vote for her over the progressive.


Oct 25, 2017
primary trash like this from the party
We tried! Because of California's jungle primary, the general election ballot was even her vs another Democrat (de Leon, who people are mentioning here). She still won. Incumbency is a hell of a drug.

The important thing at the moment is that she absolutely can't be the judiciary committee chair if Democrats take the senate.


Oct 25, 2017
Why did Feinstein win? Incumbency?
That and she had a shit load of money.


Someone with a lower profile like Kevin de Leon never had a shot against her war chest.

Van Bur3n

Oct 27, 2017
A useless parasite continuously voted in by useless people.

How you Californians continue to vote for this centrist corpse boggles the mind.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Feinstein is garbage. What gets me is that she doesn't have the excuse that other blue dog dems can fall back on due to their geography. She's from California! Definition of a neoliberal dinosaur.

Deleted member 8257

Oct 26, 2017
OP you need to link the video. It is so, so bad. She is scolding the teen activists. She basically sounds like a republican in it.

You have been warned.


Jun 8, 2018
The crazy thing is that in 2018 the California Democratic Party itself endorsed Feinstein's main primary/general opponent over her, and she still had an overwhelming win. There are serious problems with elections in this state sometimes.


Oct 30, 2017
We've needed new blood ages ago.

Can you imagine someone with the progressive views or passion of any member of The Squad engaging those kids or grilling Amy Coney? Geez, we'd have a different nation.

Neo C.

Nov 9, 2017
More justice democrats, please. The vid of her being mean to preteens should be motivation enough for young people to fight hard against her.

Deleted member 11039

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Wasn't Feinstein soft this time because the last time she was interviewing Barrett she was stupidly grilling her about religious stuff and it kind of blew up on her?
Oct 25, 2017
She's disgusting and it has nothing to do with her age. Her net worth is in the tens of millions and she was bought and paid for decades ago, she hasn't changed.

Forget young blood, we need to primary corporate parasites like her with people that will actually change this system.


Aug 11, 2020
<-- Coast
Doesn't California's electoral system encourage this? If there's no Republican on the ballot, conservatives are always gonna vote for her over the progressive.

Exactly. It's what a lot of people overlook. Things like this make her a more palatable choice for conservatives. It's why you can have dem debates here where one is dressed in red with American flags and a cross.