Oct 25, 2017
Fair enough, can't extrapolate it to other industries based on a single case as I'm not cell versed enough about how the contract system works in the MLS.

I'm not entirely sure if the responsibility ends up on the spouse or related person either way, as people constantly change, relationships are complex. Making the broad ranging statements about how such a situation works is not really helpful, and neither is "divorce her or you're a racist."

An example I can give is plenty of people who have been radicalized online in just the last few years by right wing sites/groups. Many people know family/friends/spouses who have fallen down this rabbit hole when before they did not espouse these views. You can say that someone can easily leave their spouse, but it's not that simple in reality. There is effectively no difference between spouse and relative in that regard.
I didn't say any of those things. But "not tolerated in my family" does have implications.
Oct 26, 2017
Not sure why people are commenting on the fact that the husband might not share the same views with his wife. That's absolute bullshit lol.
Consider the fact that they are Serbian (and thus more likely to hold these racist views given how normalized they tend to be in these parts of Europe), and most importantly, Aleksandar didn't make even a public disavowal of his wife's opinions until the LA Galaxy indicated that they were going to release him. That speaks to the level of inaction that could suggest that he didn't see anything wrong with what his wife wrote. Especially as he went as far as to suggest that "these views are not tolerated in his family", and yet here he is only taking action when his job is at risk. So evidently, you do tolerate your wife's views.

Also, think beyond that. Do you seriously think that Tea Katai did not speak a word of racism during the early days of their marriage? Or even when they were dating and got to escalate the relationship? You'd have to be a complete idiot to not know what the person thinks during the time that you date them.
Oct 26, 2017
You wrote a whole lot of fan fic based on their lives and premised it around that statement, you should probably take a step back.

" given how normalized they tend to be in these parts of Europe " - Maybe don't be disingenuous, especially when you make the cut-off so clear in your post. I'm not talking out of my ass either, I can post a ton of stuff that shows racist behaviour in Serbia if you're willing to not be ignorant.

Also, did you even read the rest of the post? I didn't make the post based only on that premise. I said that Serbia was more likely to be racist given the normalization of racism occurring there (because their society is quite homogenous with it being populated almost entirely by white people, so minorities stand out a lot more and tend to get ridiculed). The second reason I offered was that Aleksandar only mentioned intolerance of these views because it was brought the the Galaxy's attention that his wife was being a shithead. So how can he say that he didn't tolerate his wife's views when he has never made a public statement (through social media or otherwise) disavowing what his wife said?

The more I think about it, the more I realize that your response has been ridiculously disingenuous and dishonest.
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Oct 25, 2017
He agreed to a buy out so that right there should make people think twice about painting him as a victim. He agreed to a buyout in the middle of a pandemic where his player's union is having to give up quite a bit to keep the possibility of play this year on the table. He agreed to a buyout and is now available to sign elsewhere with no transfer fee at a time when many clubs around the world are not going to be able to spend on transfer fees. He got paid. He's in prime position to get paid again, and this story is not going to be a deterrent in a lot of leagues.

Spare a thought for his former teammates and how they are supposed to react when they see this dude in training, knowing his wife is a violent racist and that it's impossible for him to not have been aware of that. How is that supposed to go? How is that a healthy working environment? And he's not just any player, he's one of their higher paid players, a sign that this is who is valued in the organization.

Deleted member 2533

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
" given how normalized they tend to be in these parts of Europe "

Maybe don't be disingenuous, especially when you make the cut-off so clear in your post. I'm not talking out of my ass either, I can post a ton of stuff that shows racist behaviour in Serbia if you're willing to not be ignorant.

I didn't need the back half of that sentence. It's basically, "take this ethnicity (given how they live)" -that doesn't help your argument, it dismisses criticism of it.

She posted that shit in America and it's normalised there, too. And you don't know what him and his team discussed, you don't know what he and his wife talked about during the stages of your relationship. You're rightfully angry about her posts and his handling of it, but to say, "well they're Serbians," isn't any different that saying "they're Romanians," or "they're Israelis" they're more likely to hold racist views.

The countries may have racist policies and racist practices, but you shouldn't dismiss the people from that country.

America is completely normalised with racism, it's not "better than Romania," that's kind of the point with world-wide protests against police discrimination.
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Oct 26, 2017
I didn't need the back half of that sentence. It's basically, "take this ethnicity (given how they live)" -that doesn't help your argument, it dismisses criticism of it.

She posted that shit in America and it's normalised there, too. And you don't know what him and his team discussed, you don't know what he and his wife talked about during the stages of your relationship. You're rightfully angry about her posts and his handling of it, but to say, "well they're Serbians," isn't any different that saying "they're Romanians," or "their Israelis" they're more likely to hold racist views.

The countries may have racist policies and racist practices, but you shouldn't dismiss the people from that country.

America is completely normalised with racism, it's not "better than Romania," that's kind of the point with world-wide protests against police discrimination.

How am I dismissing criticism of their behaviour when my comment literally criticizes them for being racist? And criticizes how bullshit Aleksandar's defense is, considering how unrealistic it is to presume that he has never heard his wife utter a word of racist thought. Like did you actually read the rest of the post or did you just get tunnel vision on one sentence that you clearly cut off to make a bullshit strawman. You admitting that you didn't need the back half of the sentence is horseshit considering that it provides context for where these views came from (it doesn't justify them or minimize them because we all know that racism is wrong).

Furthermore, why are you bringing up America when we know it's a racist society? I didn't make a comparative statement saying that Serbia is less racist than America (because as mentioned, no shit, racism has been normalized onto many, if not, all societies in the world). I made a statement that said that Aleksandar's statement made zero sense because he didn't make a public statement disavowing of his wife's thoughts before the Galaxy had a dialogue with him. So it lends credence to the idea that he only made a statement because he got caught, similarly to what happened with Jake Fromm of the Bills and his text messages. And the fact that racism is normalized in Serbia plays a role and shows how pervasive these thoughts are, to anyone who somehow believed that racism had been "defeated."


Oct 25, 2017
Good luck trying to get back in a league in Europe. The BLM movement is gaining rapid support there, and I doubt the player and especially his wife would be welcomed back with open arms in their home country.


Nov 19, 2017
For those married or older, we know marriage means a lot. That association is not fragile or weak.

Her post makes it hard for her husband to be accepted by teammates and fans.

If we can't judge people by their spouses, let's stop judging companies by their employees or cops by their colleagues.

Deleted member 42055

User requested account closure
Apr 12, 2018
I know Era doesn't date a lot, but everyone understands there's a difference between the woman you chose to marry and a distant cousin, right?

lol savage but Looking at some of these responses… There is no way you can look at me with a straight face and say "hey you know I'm pretty sure this came out of nowhere he had no idea his wife was racist :( she hid itfrom him all this time ...until suddenly one of the biggest worldwide social movements we've ever seen in our life times came around and then she just couldn't hold it in any longer. Poor guy had no idea why is he being punished :(((."

The perspectives of some of these responses, come on.