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Oct 27, 2017
Hope you never work in a public-facing role at any company because you'd be fired in a day.

I've worked retail for years and I put up with way worse than the original tweets for years, and I'm not allowed to call customers "rando asshats" either.
That's wrong tho. She didn't call the content creator a rando asshat, she called rando asshats rando asshats after she was mobbed for the first response she gave.

Y'all quoting me should actually read what happened.

Gabriel Hall

Oct 27, 2017
It's not a company twitter. It's their own Twitter account. It's not like the Guild Wars 2 twitter said this shit.

Folks, think about this for more than five fucking seconds. Now that this has happened, Reddit and Gamergate smell blood. They know all they have to do to get someone fired is annoy them enough that they lash out on Twitter. This is a big fucking deal and it sets an extremely bad precedent for the industry moving forward.

This was posted yesterday by the writer of Dishonored: Death of the Outsider.

I'm inclined to agree with PlanetSmasher: Arenanet's actions will have consequences for all gaming communities and devs alike. I've no doubt that in the past disgruntled players have pulled this kind of "i will no longer be your customer" stint before, but Arenanet's firing of Jessica Price and Peter Fries has told them that it is a tactic that can work. They have been emboldened by success, and it worries me.


Oct 30, 2017
And now we're back to where we started:
Is there any way to interact as a man with a women that isn't "casual sexism" to you? Serious question, because, there was zero gender-related things going on in the discussion, until she brought it up herself. Women aren't magically immune to critique, just because they are women.


Jun 19, 2018
I'll concede she was mildly rude to someone, but I get it. Polite mansplaining is still mansplaining no matter what veneer it comes in.
Just curious, if a man brings up criticism with a women he sees as a god when it comes to her craft, is still mansplaining. Is there any level of engagement between a man and a women where criticism is involved that wouldn't qualify as mansplaining?!


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
This was posted yesterday by the writer of Dishonored: Death of the Outsider.

I'm inclined to agree with PlanetSmasher: Arenanet's actions will have consequences for all gaming communities and devs alike. I've no doubt that in the past disgruntled players have pulled this kind of "i will no longer be your customer" stint before, but Arenanet's firing of Jessica Price and Peter Fries has told them that it is a tactic that can work. They have been emboldened by success, and it worries me.

This tweet is the first thing I saw of this entire situation. I hadn't even heard of Jessica Price until after reading Hazel's tweet. This shit is dangerous and it's emboldening bad behavior already.


Apr 21, 2018
Discipline her, take her to a social media etiquette seminar if it's that big a deal.

Firing her right off the bat was the wrong call for ArenaNet to make.

If they didn't fire her, people were going to stop playing because she called one of her biggest fans a sexist and failed to apologise.

Now that they fired her, her supporters are going to stop playing

She placed her company in a lose-lose situation, the only remedy of which was to apologize to the person she insulted, which she didn't. Of course she deserved to be fired


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah it should have been obvious to anyone who noticed that the Reddit thread on this were the largest upvoted threads that gw2 sub ever had. Of course it was brigading.

Not that the writers were in the right, but it surely would have blown over and really doesn't feel like a crazy enough offense to warrant a firing as a first offense.

Deleted member 25042

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
Sharing your opinion in the hope of a constructive discussion on a subject you're not an expert on to a female dev is mansplaining/casual sexism?
So basically the only way for him not to be sexist would have been to not say anything in the first place?
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Oct 25, 2017
I think a lot of people in the thread are misunderstanding what "mansplaining" is. Sometimes it's not the obvious "Let me explain your job to you" or "Repeat what yous said but with my spin on it." sometimes it's throwing out your opinion without really needing to, a privilege kind of exclusive to men a lot of ways. I saw a good tweet explaining it forever ago that I barely remember.

If you want something more concrete to point at, its the "Let me *sightly* disagree with you" but really it's just the general behavior of men coming in with their unprompted opinion on things constantly. Especially if its about something a women says.
Then what does that leave? do say shit? only talk or question male developers? i mean. Especially when it wasn't even a hostile or unneeded question. Most other people would have acted far more rationally.


Oct 26, 2017
She deserved a scolding maybe. Yeah, she acted unprofessional, but come on...

She acted in a public space as a representative for ArenaNet so yeah, she should've definitely known better. Some social media training goes a long way and walking away from heating comments is sometimes the best. Better yet, expect reactions when posting on social media, that what they're there for/ Still, I don't feel someone deserves a firing over this.

I think she probably got asked to retract her words but she didn't, by how she described her conversation with the CEO. Just speculation on my part though

Nevertheeless, it may be harsh but not undeserved. There was no heated comment or attack on her by the first poster. The comments were very respectful. She just lost it, and then again the next day . She made it about gender when it wasn't about that, and kept quoting they poor guy.

Then there's the stuff about Total biscuit...I can't fault AN here. She fucked up and doesn't look remorseful at all


Oct 26, 2017
This just hit my feed. I'm sbecomong convinced she's just not a very nice person

Also- I've not heard ONE of those complaints about Infinity War. ANYwhere lol

Discipline her, take her to a social media etiquette seminar if it's that big a deal.

Firing her right off the bat was the wrong call for ArenaNet to make.
They fired a man too. And he wasn't being nearly as toxic as she was...


Oct 27, 2017
ArenaNet literally said she failed to uphold their standards for interactions with customers on social media.

So, yes, we know it was part of her contract.

That is incorrect tho, she was fired because of shitty at-will employment laws in the USA. If you read her quotes at Kotaku, she explicitly said there were no social media guidelines given, and when she talked about her past social media behavior she was actually encourage.

"We value people who say truth to power" I belive was what arenanet told her when she was hired.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 28, 2017
ArenaNet literally said she failed to uphold their standards for interactions with customers on social media.

So, yes, we know it was part of her contract.

I'm surprised so few people really know about this.

First thing I learned at my induction is that even though I may be out of office, I always have to make sure I don't do anything to damage company's image. Part of the reason why I avoid twitter like a plague.


Oct 25, 2017
She said that the uninvited advice was the straw that broke the camels back for her putting up with that shit. There's nothing there about her having a pattern of behaviour and her response being "the straw that broke the camels back" for her employers.

And nah, man. My personal twitter account is my space, not my employers. I'm not on the clock on Twitter, I'm there to blow off steam.
I kinda get what you are saying, but she has literally her company's name in her Twitter bio. I see a lot of people mentioning in their bio's that their tweets in no way reflect their company's opinions or stances on issues. And still, as a Twitter-regular I cannot see these two things apart when you mention your company's name in your bio.

... come on...


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
What she did was wrong, was not a good look for ArenaNet, and was deserving of some kind of action, whether disciplinary or educational. Was firing her correct? Without knowing her entire employment history at ArenaNet we can't know, but no doubt it comes off as red meat for the GG crowd


Oct 27, 2017
Vice City
cowardly garbage - this dumpster fire of an industry will continue abiding these losers for their dollars until corners of it like there are just them, and then wonder why

gg should've been choked in its crib, but here we are


Nov 14, 2017
I'm going to copy my post from elsewhere, since this thread is going exactly as poorly as I'd expect and probably won't last long.

My eyes just rolled into orbit reading your post.

"Price got angry at casual sexism, the kind that the majority of people (especially men) are incapable of seeing at all." is exactly what you can see on every page in this thread and also exactly why they will gloss over your post. A tragedy, really.

Same for this one.

If you watch the Twitch clip you'd see that the dude clearly respected her. Whether or not she should have gotten fired is debatable, but she is 100% in the wrong here.


Oct 25, 2017
And now we're back to where we started:

No aren't not back at where we started. Because a d it been explained nothing in this tweet. Was sexist in tone or rationality. Stop trying to put people in boxes to make it easier. Its usually far more nuanced than that and judging a book by its colors or gender is wrong.

Blanket statements don't help anyone...

Deleted member 3208

Oct 25, 2017
It baffles me people are defending her. She attacked someone in Twitter, of course she deserves a punishment for that. Whether firing Price was the right choice or not, it is something that only Anet knows. And no, this isn't because Price is a woman; if it was a man who started this, he should have been punished too, just like what happened to Fries.
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Oct 27, 2017
Women aren't magically immune to critique, just because they are women.
Can you please show me where I stated that women are absolved of critique? I might have missed it, but I don't think that's what I was talking about. If I see a woman painting a door and asks if she has considered using paint I'm not criticising her, I'm being a sexist asshole.
Oct 27, 2017
So let me get this straight.

If I offer constructive criticism to a man, regardless of his gender, I'm in the clear.

If I offer thee same criticism to a woman, regardless of her gender, I'm now sexist?

It is getting silly. If I tweet to stinkles about halo and I tweet the same thing to Bonnie Ross somehow I'm more in the wrong for the latter when I don't even bring the fact that she's a woman into this. I'm not saying others don't but where is the line drawn between just talking to people about a criticism. Like I can't "mansplain" a man


Tic-Tac-Toe Champion
Oct 25, 2017
I feel that her reaction was extremely shitty and unprofessional. I haven't seen how the other writer responded because I guess the posts are gone but if he was similar, he deserved to be punished in some form as well. I'm not sure that firing them was a step too far, but ArenaNet said themselves that it goes against their beliefs in how people who work there should respond to the community. Unrelated, but she also said some really harsh things and celebrated the death of Totalbiscuit as well. I understand that he wasn't the greatest person all the time, but celebrating peoples deaths in my eyes is one of the most disgusting things you can do. But we've had this conversation on this forum plenty with a lot of the threads about him.

Of course that last bit is just my opinion laced with my moral beliefs. I don't think it's good karma to be glad that a life has ended.


Jun 19, 2018
This was posted yesterday by the writer of Dishonored: Death of the Outsider.

I'm inclined to agree with PlanetSmasher: Arenanet's actions will have consequences for all gaming communities and devs alike. I've no doubt that in the past disgruntled players have pulled this kind of "i will no longer be your customer" stint before, but Arenanet's firing of Jessica Price and Peter Fries has told them that it is a tactic that can work. They have been emboldened by success, and it worries me.
If you think ArenaNet's case is a precedent to anything, you really need to look around more.


Oct 26, 2017
cowardly garbage - this dumpster fire of an industry will continue abiding these losers for their dollars until corners of it like there are just them, and then wonder why

gg should've been choked in its crib, but here we are

I feel like you only read the thread title before posting your reaction to it.


Oct 25, 2017
This just hit my feed. I'm sbecomong convinced she's just not a very nice person

Also- I've not heard ONE of those complaints about Infinity War. ANYwhere lol

They fired a man too. And he wasn't being nearly as toxic as she was...

Her twitter is a cesspool of hate.

Honestly how can you even live like that? Seems tiring


Oct 27, 2017
Can you please show me where I stated that women are absolved of critique? I might have missed it, but I don't think that's what I was talking about. If I see a woman painting a door and asks if she has considered using paint I'm not criticising her, I'm being a sexist asshole.
What was she using to paint the door to begin with in your example because it doesn't make any sense


Oct 26, 2017
That is incorrect tho, she was fired because of shitty at-will employment laws in the USA. If you read her quotes at Kotaku, she explicitly said there were no social media guidelines given, and when she talked about her past social media behavior she was actually encourage.

"We value people who say truth to power" I belive was what arenanet told her when she was hired.

Abusing a fan is not "talking truth to power". Quite the opposite in fact


Apr 21, 2018
I feel that her reaction was extremely shitty and unprofessional. I haven't seen how the other writer responded because I guess the posts are gone but if he was similar, he deserved to be punished in some form as well.

He said something akin to "Not every comment requires feedback" which is... misguided as fuck but even worth less of a firing than Price.


Oct 27, 2017
It bothers me when people spend all their time focusing on the way that something is said. The most insidious thoughts are phrased politely at times, but it shouldn't really matter in whether we reject them or validate the speakers.

Lukemia SL

Jan 30, 2018
Thread's moving fast but I think in one of his streams before this exchange Deroir was actually praising her work and how she handles things.

I don't have the stream link but it is in this video at the 2:15min mark:

Sorry if already posted.


Oct 27, 2017
What was she using to paint the door to begin with in your example because it doesn't make any sense
No shit. That's why it's not critique, but a condensing talking down to.

And I'm not trying to make the streamer out to be the bad guy. Everyone fumbles sometimes and clearly he's passionate about the game and Prices work.
Oct 25, 2017
Then what does that leave? do say shit? only talk or question male developers? i mean. Especially when it wasn't even a hostile or unneeded question. Most other people would have acted far more rationally.

Honestly, yeah, don't say shit. You don't need an opinion on everything and like why would you want that, its exhausting. Maybe next time you see a tweet from a woman, decide she doesn't need your take on it. Its important to have some perspective on it cause you have no idea how many other men are also jumping at her with their unprompted opinions too, some maybe being nice about it, some maybe being a lot less nice about it.


Oct 25, 2017
This was posted yesterday by the writer of Dishonored: Death of the Outsider.

I'm inclined to agree with PlanetSmasher: Arenanet's actions will have consequences for all gaming communities and devs alike. I've no doubt that in the past disgruntled players have pulled this kind of "i will no longer be your customer" stint before, but Arenanet's firing of Jessica Price and Peter Fries has told them that it is a tactic that can work. They have been emboldened by success, and it worries me.

I really don't think so. More than likely, these numbskulls will overdo it, and developers will ignore more complaints than they otherwise would.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I can't believe some of the things i'm reading in here.

1) A twitter account isn't a private space. It's a public forum no different than If you don't want replies and conversation at all, don't post.

2) If you talk with a customer of your company, under your real name, publicly, about your job, while mentioning your company right there in your profile, you ARE representing your company. Fullstop. Doesn't matter that you're not a PR person, you're still impacting your companies public relations. And that's why every company nowadays has clear social media guidelines. I can only presume people disagreeing with this haven't signed an employment contract yet in their lifes.

That said, i still think firing her was too big a punishment over that slip-up, unless she had been reprimanded prior for that already.


Oct 25, 2017
This was posted yesterday by the writer of Dishonored: Death of the Outsider.

I'm inclined to agree with PlanetSmasher: Arenanet's actions will have consequences for all gaming communities and devs alike. I've no doubt that in the past disgruntled players have pulled this kind of "i will no longer be your customer" stint before, but Arenanet's firing of Jessica Price and Peter Fries has told them that it is a tactic that can work. They have been emboldened by success, and it worries me.

This is as old as time and is not unique to video game development. People write negative reviews on Yelp to "get back" at restaurants that didn't treat them as a God. People write complaints to corporate offices about employees for no real reason. One of my co-workers was called out by a client in an email to our senior management for something she had no control over.

It is the responsibility of the company to investigate the claims and act accordingly. Jessica's tweets absolutely justify her firing. So no, I disagree that this will have negative consequences because this is not a new phenomenon.


Oct 31, 2017
That user is channeling his/her inner Jessica. ;)

Seriously though, let's not get petty over this.

I honestly don't even know what I said wrong. All I said was that it was like the Roseanne situation where a bad tweet ended up getting both of them fired. Which is true. Whether they were right or wrong wasn't the point. The point was that what you say on Twitter matters when you're a public figure.
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