
Oct 30, 2017
Sounds like another case of
"Pre production was amazing, but then... We had to make the game".

I bet if you asked him today if he wants to make games until the day he dies his response will be less positive than when he said that originally.


Oct 25, 2017
Kojima: "I go number 2 without washing my hands"

Era: "Everyone does this, let's not try to pretend you don't, everyone's just looking for a reason to hate Koji-god"


Oct 27, 2017
I thought we hate crunch, is it acceptable now? Reactions here are confusing.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
i hope it just won't affect the final product? I prefer they postpone the release to 2020 if the game will be better/complete


Oct 25, 2017
Still amazing he and his team set up a new studio, scouted for a new engine, and developed a whole new AAA IP with so much polish in less than 4 years.


Dec 4, 2018
4+ months out and crunching? just delay the game, it hasn't even been in development that long compared to other SIE games. I doubt Playstation would say no, given the team size and development time.
Game is out in ~3 months, not "4+ months". When you consider it needs to "go gold" around 1 month before release that means they have 2 months to complete development on a product that's going to be printed on disks and be in a shipable state. That a perfectly reasonable time frame.
There's always the possibility that this game can be delayed into next year, just bear that in mind.
I guess anything is "possible" but this is a very low possibility. Tonnes of evidence to suggest that Sony's recent trend is to not announce release dates for games and enter into a marketing push unless they are going to ship on said day.


Oct 30, 2017
Not true for all studios, people on here probably don't count luigi mansion 3 as AAA but didn't nintendo simply say to the developers to let them know when it's ready.
And EA told BioWare to keep making a game for six years before saying "are you gonna get this done? Can you start doing it?" And I think many publishers go through a cycle of eventually asking the developers to get the product produced which leads to the release deathmarch crunch, but undoubtedly Nintendo is better to employees than other big studios... But I don't think they never crunch. I think pretty much every game has been crunch heavy as far as switch exclusives go. A lot here might see Mario Odyssey or Breath of the Wild with rose tinted glasses but when I look at them I can tell there was cut content and an incentive on the dev side to put in lots of prefabs and placeholders to make them "done". That is always a sign that a game was under pressure to get out the door, and Mario Odyssey wasn't really made in that much time either.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
And that's exactly the issue
It's not though, this is the nature of projects with deadlines. You push them back when you can and in a utopian world you'd be able to push back indefinitely. The problems occur when these crunch periods turn into year-long unpaid overtime stages of development.
With that said, I don't mind a delay for this game as the release date seemed to be sooner than plenty of us were expecting, take your time.


Circumventing ban with an alt account
Mar 16, 2019

Reset when the release date for DS announced
: Wow, 2019 release date? Incredible, Kojima's team have created a full AAA game in such a short amount of time. Is this the fastest a game has ever gone from concept to release?

Kojima: yeah we're in crunch 3 months before release

Reset: WHAAAAA?!?!!


Feb 12, 2018
Still amazing he and his team set up a new studio, scouted for a new engine, and developed a whole new AAA IP with so much polish in less than 4 years.

We really don't know how well polished it is until the game releases. Some of the trailers had some wonky animations that I hope are fixed by release.


Oct 28, 2017
User banned (3 days): inflammatory commentary, attacking other members
People are WAAAY too soft nowadays.

So your job is asking you to work extra hours to see your current project over the finish line. Suck it up, that's life. Apparently it's pretty common in this industry, so you might want to find a new one if it bothers you so much.

"Oh my god, someone please think of the poor devs!" Fuck off, if they don't like it they can leave, nobody is holding a gun to their head. If they feel like they're getting exploited but are too spineless to stand up for themselves then more fool them.

Stop white knighting for intelligent adults with the available agency to do as they please. It's embarrassing.


Oct 25, 2017
I thought we hate crunch, is it acceptable now? Reactions here are confusing.
Almost every job has crunch. My job, where I work from home and have a flexible schedule, has crunch at times.

"Oh crap we didn't hit our goals, can you work 6 extra hours per week, OT paid, for the next month?" is way different than "Oh crap we didn't hit our goals, work 80 hours for the next 5 months, and maybe we'll pay you i dunno, or John will take your job."

In an ideal world, everything would be planned perfectly and would come together flawlessly. But that's not the world we live in.


Oct 25, 2017
There is a striking difference between "it's getting down to crunch time" to institutionalized "Crunch". You are misinterpreting Kojima'a comments.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Fontana, California
Wow. I'm more shocked about how people made a huge deal when others devs do crunch, but not here.

I'm not saying Era is hive minded, because it very much isn't. But it seemed like everyone was on board against crunch.

K Samedi

Oct 27, 2017
Uh, is this a small passionate start up team lol? Of course if you're starting your own business or game then you're going to work insane hours (as you never really stop working).

We don't know the situation behind this crunch other than it's happening, but seeing all those pro crunch posts is surreal. The game is still 3+ months out. If you're crunching already, then maybe delay the game.
Uuh, its the studio's first video game. The tweet says the team is tiny. Its a passion project for sure. They want to prove themselves with their own studio. I'm not even sure you understand start up mentality or if you're ever been in a start up but the team being small means every one of them will probably get a good piece of the pie if this project is a success.


Oct 25, 2017
In any creative field that has hard deadlines you're going to encounter some kind of crunch. Whether you're working in TV or drawing comics or developing a big game. Not even the best laid plans don't hit some snags along the way and crunch can ensue.

That said crunch should be minimized as much as possible with good planning, communication and some common sense. It's when Crunch goes on for weeks or months with seemingly no end in sight that things become ugly and fucked up. Especially when you're not properly compensated or acknowledged for the insane amount of time and effort put forward.

Crunch will happen in many cases as that's the nature of the beast but it's when it becomes a crutch for other issues and the workers are not respected that things get really ugly.


Oct 25, 2017
Game is out in ~3 months, not "4+ months". When you consider it needs to "go gold" around 1 month before release that means they have 2 months to complete development on a product that's going to be printed on disks and be in a shipable state. That a perfectly reasonable time frame.
He has been talking about being tired on twitter for longer than this( Thread ), also going gold isn't the end of crunch they have a day one patch to crunch for.


Nov 4, 2017
People are WAAAY too soft nowadays.

So your job is asking you to work extra hours to see your current project over the finish line. Suck it up, that's life. Apparently it's pretty common in this industry, so you might want to find a new one if it bothers you so much.

"Oh my god, someone please think of the poor devs!" Fuck off, if they don't like it they can leave, nobody is holding a gun to their head. If they feel like they're getting exploited but are too spineless to stand up for themselves then more fool them.

Stop white knighting for intelligent adults with the available agency to do as they please. It's embarrassing.

C'mon. Say the s-word. Say Snowflake. Y'know you wanna~


Oct 28, 2017
What a 180, now we're cool with months of crunch? I get maybe like 2-3 weeks but why did Sony put this release date on them if they had to crunch this early to reach it. Should have pushed it till early next year. Game is gonna sell regardless.


Oct 25, 2017
The tone around crunch in this thread is hilariously different than threads around other publishers. It's kind of gross tbh


Dec 4, 2018
Kojima: "I go number 2 without washing my hands"

Era: "Everyone does this, let's not try to pretend you don't, everyone's just looking for a reason to hate Koji-god"
Kojima: "I sometimes get splash back when I do number 2"

Era: "No one does this, lets not pretend you do, everyone's juts looking for reasons to excuse Kojia-hack"

Anyone can play this game. Not sure why people make posts like this.


Oct 30, 2017
Almost every job has crunch. My job, where I work from home and have a flexible schedule, has crunch at times.
I just think gaming is notorious for getting away with cutting costs on salaries by not paying overtime and by creating a work culture that's like "yo man this dude is a bro, he stuck around to 3am last night to finish the level, give him a high five".

I believe that is the scenario that RDR2 was under. Dan or Sam Houser would applaud their crunch workers by making them come up to make a high five and giving the mood in the studio that people who volunteer to work themselves to death are heroes. That is the real issue. That and posing crunch as "voluntary" but at the same time insinuating that people who don't follow suit will either be looked down upon or lose their jobs after the project.


Feb 12, 2018
People are WAAAY too soft nowadays.

So your job is asking you to work extra hours to see your current project over the finish line. Suck it up, that's life. Apparently it's pretty common in this industry, so you might want to find a new one if it bothers you so much.

"Oh my god, someone please think of the poor devs!" Fuck off, if they don't like it they can leave, nobody is holding a gun to their head. If they feel like they're getting exploited but are too spineless to stand up for themselves then more fool them.

Stop white knighting for intelligent adults with the available agency to do as they please. It's embarrassing.

This reads like a joke post.
The game is still 3 months out. If they've already started crunch, then that's going to be 90+ days of extra hours and more time committed. Yes we don't know the exact details regarding over time pay, how many hours, how "forced" they feel to do this, but it's still very much a problem. Especially when we have other studios who don't suffer from it.

You have to be kidding me with the whole "lol why not just leave" argument. You work on a game for 4+ years, then you see your boss stay later and later every day. You expect people to just walk up and leave in the last few months of a project that they spent 4 years on? Are you serious?

Deleted member 57990

User requested account closure
Jun 18, 2019
Sad to hear this. Hasn't he suggested from his social media that he's already incredibly stressed and on the brink of burnout completing this game, and that was before he announced they're in crunch mode? I hope he takes care of himself and his team.

Deleted member 4093

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Wow. I'm more shocked about how people made a huge deal when others devs do crunch, but not here.

I'm not saying Era is hive minded, because it very much isn't. But it seemed like everyone was on board against crunch.
It really depends who it is and which game. Not a hive mind but definitely a collective group of minds that share the same opinions pending the situation.


Dec 4, 2018
He has been talking about being tired on twitter for longer than this( Thread ), also going gold isn't the end of crunch they have a day one patch to crunch for.
Not seeing any mention of development crunch in any of those tweets.

I never said gold was the end of crunch, I'm saying that it's reasonable why they need to be engaging in crunch right now because they have ~2months before the game goes gold.

Deleted member 38573

User requested account closure
Jan 17, 2018
You guys that are regularly crunching at your comparatively small time tech companies should really look into hiring competent project management personnel.


Feb 28, 2019
Not true for all studios, people on here probably don't count luigi mansion 3 as AAA but didn't nintendo simply say to the developers to let them know when it's ready.
I am pretty sure crunch for Japan and crunch for western studio is the same. Japanese workers are known to do a lot of extra hours and not taking much vacation.