
▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
I would guess the reactions to his death in Japan are like if John Williams died in America, except if John Williams was also a homophobe and war crime denier. I can't imagine our reactions would be very different if I'm honest.


Oct 25, 2017
You sure about that? Let's review a few things here:

Denied various wartime atrocities ever happened
Laughed at the suicide rates of LGBTQ teens
Shaped needlessly-harsh copyright laws for music in Japan
Used money to spread nationalist propaganda worldwide
Said some not-nice things about Sugiyama's death

As you can see, though at first we may appear to be equally immoral, we're actually quite different! Note the subtle differences between the two of us: I said "he won't be missed"; he's part of a group who denied that a mass murder/rape of Chinese civilians happened. There are some other small distinctions as well, such as him using his public television platform to laugh at the suicides of LGBT youth in Japan, versus me calling him "an abysmal person". Two sides of the same coin, really!

Post of the year material right here. Absolutely amazing.

Android Sophia

The Absolute Sword
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I think more about this and that's so true. People bring up that we must never had any loss to laugh at a death(which is already not true as I lost my dad to cancer just last year and he almost half the age of Sugiyama).

But... How an LGBT person who spent most of their life in a closet scared to death to be themself and had tried suicide and survived is supposed to feel about someone laughing about the suicide rate of LGBT people in a country we'd be denied even basic rights??

Our feeling of anger and relief is valid. We passed for too much to be ourselves. And those he laughed at passed for too much as well, to the point they were rather taking away their lives to keep living in a society that in fact wished them dead since their childhood. Imagine how they would feel??? If one of them was a DQ fan and was alive, how they would react to see the composer of a game that indeed might helped them live, making fun of the everlasting fear they had??

Think about those who are in the skin of those teenagers today. Think if they would be more angry at us for being angry at a man who made such vile statements about their existences or at us for being angry at such person and saying he's better dead than being praised and making fun of them.

As someone who's gay, asexual and nonbinary and lives in Brazil I also feel angry at people who are praised for, for a while, making me hate my existence to the point of almost ending my life. And if you say I'm as bad as them maybe you should try to have more empathy, or maybe you should read the text again.

I wish his family has the strength to endure his loss, and that people on the internet understand why there are people happy that he passed instead of using rhetoric.

As an LGBTQ+ person who, in their youth, almost took their own life, this post speaks to me. I can't have respect or appreciation for a man who laughed at LGBTQ+ folks like me, just because that man made some good video game music.

Especially for someone who lived to be 90 years old, while many LGBTQ+ folks are often murdered or die much younger. Why should I respect that?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Beaumont, CA
I'll never forget the first time I heard DQ8's overworld theme -- it was the eve of my brother's ninth anniversary from a tragic overdose and emotions were understandably running high in our household, and from the first plucks of the harp I was immediately transported to this Jesus artwork my dad found solace in after his death. I'm especially terrible at describing the finer points of music -- an irksome weakness as a writer -- yet the way its boundless beauty summoned an otherworldly surge of emotions that night practically brought me to tears.

I'm hardly a religious individual, but over the next hundred hours I spent with that game, I hoped that with every harpstring and trumpet blare that he was, as I always do, watching over me.

I make no excuses for Sugiyama's activism -- it was especially hurtful that a man so essential to the awareness of game music and who inspired countless others in the industry (Hayato Matsuo, Yoko Shimomura, and Hirokazu Ando) used his fortune to cause great harm to the marginalized. It was a persistent point of guilt in my enjoying Dragon Quest: a series with nary a cynical bone in its body. Needless to say, the world is an objectively better place without him in it and I do hope those subject to his political crusades find their lives that much easier.

I won't even pretend Dragon Quest's musical fiascos measure up to even a tenth of the level of importance as the issues raised within this thread, but even if you were to disingenuously shrug off his abhorrent views and activities, his iron-grip upon the soundtrack and gradual lack of care towards the series negatively impacted the modern Dragon Quest experience. Dragon Quest XI's MIDI instrumentation is an abomination. The 3DS remakes are stripped of their orchestral tracks for the Western localizations. (And while I'm of the opinion DQ7's MIDI is actually solid, I absolutely refuse to play DQ8 without the symphonic score for obvious reasons.) The MIDI tracks recycled across the franchise -- and, by association, represent the series via numerous spin-offs -- frequently fail to convey the original compositions' majesty, not the least in their Smash Bros. cameos undermining the grand DQ11 stage.

I'll readily admit that I don't know the first thing about Japanese copyright law, so it's very possible not all the issues raised above will be solved with his death. But dead the man is, and now with the awful stain of bigotry and nationalism washed off the series, it's my hope moving forward that whoever takes his place not only channels what made his earlier compositions so good, but ensures every one of the iconic pieces that defined gaming music -- be it the unbridled joy of the Main Theme, the endless scope of Adventure, and the ethereal grace of Heavenly Flight -- is treated with the respect and dignity they deserve across the globe.

As Neiteio said, Dragon Quest's music is ours, and as I've done over the past two years, I choose to engage with it in the memory of my brother: a man I guarantee never so much as heard the name "Dragon Quest," yet whose passing reminds me to cherish life every day. The never-ending journey of kindness persists in the series' heart, and where Sugiyama failed, I'll continue channeling that for the sake of my goals.

Great post. I'm actually get really nostalgic for the DQ1 soundtrack. Endless World and Tantegel were just really fun catchy NES tunes that I nearly cried hearing the orchestra versions.

Dude peaked around DQV (Tower of Death is an all-time game theme) and people give the DQVIII OST more credit than it deserves because the symphonic shit didn't get added until the Western release, the Japanese version was pretty close to the trash from XI.

Hopefully the series gets new blood and someone with an actual creative vision that extends past aping classical motifs
I agree with this. There's a couple of tracks here and there that stand out, sure, but DQ music has been stale for a LOOONG time and I'm almost certain he had some kind of rule that DQ music isn't allowed to even SOUND orchestral so I hope games are allowed to sound better now especially if Hayato Matsuo IS the one to succeed him.


Alt account / Attempted to circumvent ban with alt
Sep 13, 2021
I would guess the reactions to his death in Japan are like if John Williams died in America, except if John Williams was also a homophobe and war crime denier. I can't imagine our reactions would be very different if I'm honest.

Woah I didn't realise he was that big.

I knew people were fans of dragon quests music but I wasn't aware of this guys awful history.

it's really hard to make decisions on what to do in gaming when they are such huge endeavours. I am not supporting activision blizzard because of what they've done. I can easily say I won't support dragon quest (but I don't play it anyway). But I guess I haven't really been put to the test as much with a series I love vs actions I find reprehensible.

this man seems like he was truely reprehensible. Good riddance.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
You sure about that? Let's review a few things here:

Denied various wartime atrocities ever happened
Laughed at the suicide rates of LGBTQ teens
Shaped needlessly-harsh copyright laws for music in Japan
Used money to spread nationalist propaganda worldwide
Said some not-nice things about Sugiyama's death

As you can see, though at first we may appear to be equally immoral, we're actually quite different! Note the subtle differences between the two of us: I said "he won't be missed"; he's part of a group who denied that a mass murder/rape of Chinese civilians happened. There are some other small distinctions as well, such as him using his public television platform to laugh at the suicides of LGBT youth in Japan, versus me calling him "an abysmal person". Two sides of the same coin, really!


I'm Commander Shepard and this is my new favorite post on the Citadel. God damn.


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
You sure about that? Let's review a few things here:

Denied various wartime atrocities ever happened
Laughed at the suicide rates of LGBTQ teens
Shaped needlessly-harsh copyright laws for music in Japan
Used money to spread nationalist propaganda worldwide
Said some not-nice things about Sugiyama's death

As you can see, though at first we may appear to be equally immoral, we're actually quite different! Note the subtle differences between the two of us: I said "he won't be missed"; he's part of a group who denied that a mass murder/rape of Chinese civilians happened. There are some other small distinctions as well, such as him using his public television platform to laugh at the suicides of LGBT youth in Japan, versus me calling him "an abysmal person". Two sides of the same coin, really!


Your effort is very appreciated.


Son Altesse Sérénissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I know the phenomena is not new and will probably happen until the end of time, but I'm always bewildered at the "what sort of unethical monster gets happy over one less person around to spread evil in the world?!" takes in these threads. I'd be boggled by it even if my understanding of morality was only that of a grade-schooler, but it's especially crazy that the refrain is so common on Leftist Bastion Website Reset Era Dot Com™. I totally get not wanting to celebrate anyone's death for your own mental health reasons (there are probably some emotionally unhelpful aspects to taking glee in loss of life), but thinking it's some innately immoral response to understand and agree with the simple equation of "1 less bad person in world = net positive" is bonkers.
good post


Oct 27, 2017
I'd like to see some of the reactions from people in the industry in Japan. I don't expect any of them to do anything other than praise the deceased, but would be interesting to see who won't mention him at all.

Right now I'm mostly curious about Yuki Horii's statement, as he seems to be a pretty decent guy and has written some cool stuff in regards to LGBTQ characters.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
I'd like to see some of the reactions from people in the industry in Japan. I don't expect any of them to do anything other than praise the deceased, but would be interesting to see who won't mention him at all.

Right now I'm mostly curious about Yuki Horii's statement, as he seems to be a pretty decent guy and has written some cool stuff in regards to LGBTQ characters.

Nov 19, 2019
You sure about that? Let's review a few things here:

Denied various wartime atrocities ever happened
Laughed at the suicide rates of LGBTQ teens
Shaped needlessly-harsh copyright laws for music in Japan
Used money to spread nationalist propaganda worldwide
Said some not-nice things about Sugiyama's death

As you can see, though at first we may appear to be equally immoral, we're actually quite different! Note the subtle differences between the two of us: I said "he won't be missed"; he's part of a group who denied that a mass murder/rape of Chinese civilians happened. There are some other small distinctions as well, such as him using his public television platform to laugh at the suicides of LGBT youth in Japan, versus me calling him "an abysmal person". Two sides of the same coin, really!

Let he who is without a paid editorial in the Washington Post cast the first stone.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Its a shame that such beautiful music has to be tied to such a vile man.


Oct 25, 2017
Columbus, OH
You sure about that? Let's review a few things here:

Denied various wartime atrocities ever happened
Laughed at the suicide rates of LGBTQ teens
Shaped needlessly-harsh copyright laws for music in Japan
Used money to spread nationalist propaganda worldwide
Said some not-nice things about Sugiyama's death

As you can see, though at first we may appear to be equally immoral, we're actually quite different! Note the subtle differences between the two of us: I said "he won't be missed"; he's part of a group who denied that a mass murder/rape of Chinese civilians happened. There are some other small distinctions as well, such as him using his public television platform to laugh at the suicides of LGBT youth in Japan, versus me calling him "an abysmal person". Two sides of the same coin, really!


you forgot the row when you point out your awesome Panzer Dragoon Zwei Avatar compared to his shitty pokemon one
Oct 27, 2017
Mount Airy, MD
He may have created some of the most iconic game music of my early days of being into gaming...but his beliefs and actions were garbage, and I will be very excited to see what the DQ series does with its music going forward.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
I'd like to see some of the reactions from people in the industry in Japan. I don't expect any of them to do anything other than praise the deceased, but would be interesting to see who won't mention him at all.

Right now I'm mostly curious about Yuki Horii's statement, as he seems to be a pretty decent guy and has written some cool stuff in regards to LGBTQ characters.
Sakurai already tweeted earlier:

He said he's praying for Sugiyama's soul, which makes sense given that old fucker is burning in hell right about now.


Oct 25, 2017
I'll never forget the first time I heard DQ8's overworld theme -- it was the eve of my brother's ninth anniversary from a tragic overdose and emotions were understandably running high in our household, and from the first plucks of the harp I was immediately transported to this Jesus artwork my dad found solace in after his death. I'm especially terrible at describing the finer points of music -- an irksome weakness as a writer -- yet the way its boundless beauty summoned an otherworldly surge of emotions that night practically brought me to tears.

I'm hardly a religious individual, but over the next hundred hours I spent with that game, I hoped that with every harpstring and trumpet blare that he was, as I always do, watching over me.

I make no excuses for Sugiyama's activism -- it was especially hurtful that a man so essential to the awareness of game music and who inspired countless others in the industry (Hayato Matsuo, Yoko Shimomura, and Hirokazu Ando) used his fortune to cause great harm to the marginalized. It was a persistent point of guilt in my enjoying Dragon Quest: a series with nary a cynical bone in its body. Needless to say, the world is an objectively better place without him in it and I do hope those subject to his political crusades find their lives that much easier.

I won't even pretend Dragon Quest's musical fiascos measure up to even a tenth of the level of importance as the issues raised within this thread, but even if you were to disingenuously shrug off his abhorrent views and activities, his iron-grip upon the soundtrack and gradual lack of care towards the series negatively impacted the modern Dragon Quest experience. Dragon Quest XI's MIDI instrumentation is an abomination. The 3DS remakes are stripped of their orchestral tracks for the Western localizations. (And while I'm of the opinion DQ7's MIDI is actually solid, I absolutely refuse to play DQ8 without the symphonic score for obvious reasons.) The MIDI tracks recycled across the franchise -- and, by association, represent the series via numerous spin-offs -- frequently fail to convey the original compositions' majesty, not the least in their Smash Bros. cameos undermining the grand DQ11 stage.

I'll readily admit that I don't know the first thing about Japanese copyright law, so it's very possible not all the issues raised above will be solved with his death. But dead the man is, and now with the awful stain of bigotry and nationalism washed off the series, it's my hope moving forward that whoever takes his place not only channels what made his earlier compositions so good, but ensures every one of the iconic pieces that defined gaming music -- be it the unbridled joy of the Main Theme, the endless scope of Adventure, and the ethereal grace of Heavenly Flight -- is treated with the respect and dignity they deserve across the globe.

As Neiteio said, Dragon Quest's music is ours, and as I've done over the past two years, I choose to engage with it in the memory of my brother: a man I guarantee never so much as heard the name "Dragon Quest," yet whose passing reminds me to cherish life every day. The never-ending journey of kindness persists in the series' heart, and where Sugiyama failed, I'll continue channeling that for the sake of my goals.

You sure about that? Let's review a few things here:

Denied various wartime atrocities ever happened
Laughed at the suicide rates of LGBTQ teens
Shaped needlessly-harsh copyright laws for music in Japan
Used money to spread nationalist propaganda worldwide
Said some not-nice things about Sugiyama's death

As you can see, though at first we may appear to be equally immoral, we're actually quite different! Note the subtle differences between the two of us: I said "he won't be missed"; he's part of a group who denied that a mass murder/rape of Chinese civilians happened. There are some other small distinctions as well, such as him using his public television platform to laugh at the suicides of LGBT youth in Japan, versus me calling him "an abysmal person". Two sides of the same coin, really!


Very, very different posts, but both beautiful. In general, aside from the handful of folks concern trolling (good riddance tho), this thread has been a great read.

It's pretty incredible thinking about Sugiyama's legacy in the realm of video game music, and a lot of his work will probably always be special to me. My more recent experiences with him, though, have all been pretty bad: playing DQXI and discovering what it feels like to absolutely love a JRPG whilst finding the music mindbogglingly terrible, and more importantly, finding out what a horrible, horrible person he is.

No doubt the world is a better place with his passing. This is one that's been a long time coming.


alt account
May 13, 2021
You have no idea how much privilege you have, if your reaction to this bigoted war crime denying piece of shit is tone policing minorities and going "celebrating death bad, therefore you're just as bad!"

reminds me of when I as an Arab was attacked and tone policed on the internet after the great war hero John McCain passed away, and I wanted to piss on his grave.

Fuck Sugiyama, and if your doing any of the above, fuck you.


Oct 26, 2017
This thread does not align with that recent age poll. Lots of people in here have clearly never lost anybody close to them. Childish behavior.

Legitimately bizarre that you would imply anyone here should compare their loved ones to this disgusting waste of air and think that's somehow going to make us more empathetic to him. It just makes you seem utterly clueless. My mom died when I was in my twenties. This does not make me care about this horrible dead man. They're not even remotely comparable. She was a good person, which is why nobody celebrated her passing. If she had spent a lifetime denying war crimes and financially investing in making the lives of other people miserable, I probably would have very different feelings about her than I did. It's almost like people exist as fully realized human beings, not just props to check a box of "must sad because dead now." Not every life is the same. Some people are worth mourning and some simply are not.

Presuming that people should feel the same way about a man who would laughed at the idea of people like us dying as we do our own loved ones isn't only childish, it's ghoulishly lacking in the empathy you pretend to be so concerned with.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't play much Dragon Quest (though I wanna get the HD-2D one!), but I appreciate the music Sugiyama's made for the series.

Not gonna celebrate his death, but given his bigotry, good riddance. There are plenty of hyper-talented composers out there that don't actively dehumanize people. Feeling relief is completely warranted.


Oct 26, 2017
You sure about that? Let's review a few things here:

Denied various wartime atrocities ever happened
Laughed at the suicide rates of LGBTQ teens
Shaped needlessly-harsh copyright laws for music in Japan
Used money to spread nationalist propaganda worldwide
Said some not-nice things about Sugiyama's death

As you can see, though at first we may appear to be equally immoral, we're actually quite different! Note the subtle differences between the two of us: I said "he won't be missed"; he's part of a group who denied that a mass murder/rape of Chinese civilians happened. There are some other small distinctions as well, such as him using his public television platform to laugh at the suicides of LGBT youth in Japan, versus me calling him "an abysmal person". Two sides of the same coin, really!


Best post on resetera? The answer is yes. Thank you


Apr 9, 2020
You sure about that? Let's review a few things here:

Denied various wartime atrocities ever happened
Laughed at the suicide rates of LGBTQ teens
Shaped needlessly-harsh copyright laws for music in Japan
Used money to spread nationalist propaganda worldwide
Said some not-nice things about Sugiyama's death

As you can see, though at first we may appear to be equally immoral, we're actually quite different! Note the subtle differences between the two of us: I said "he won't be missed"; he's part of a group who denied that a mass murder/rape of Chinese civilians happened. There are some other small distinctions as well, such as him using his public television platform to laugh at the suicides of LGBT youth in Japan, versus me calling him "an abysmal person". Two sides of the same coin, really!


And we have post of the year right here.
Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles
You sure about that? Let's review a few things here:

Denied various wartime atrocities ever happened
Laughed at the suicide rates of LGBTQ teens
Shaped needlessly-harsh copyright laws for music in Japan
Used money to spread nationalist propaganda worldwide
Said some not-nice things about Sugiyama's death

As you can see, though at first we may appear to be equally immoral, we're actually quite different! Note the subtle differences between the two of us: I said "he won't be missed"; he's part of a group who denied that a mass murder/rape of Chinese civilians happened. There are some other small distinctions as well, such as him using his public television platform to laugh at the suicides of LGBT youth in Japan, versus me calling him "an abysmal person". Two sides of the same coin, really!

banger post


Tic-Tac-Toe Champion
Oct 25, 2017
I'd like to see some of the reactions from people in the industry in Japan. I don't expect any of them to do anything other than praise the deceased, but would be interesting to see who won't mention him at all.

Right now I'm mostly curious about Yuki Horii's statement, as he seems to be a pretty decent guy and has written some cool stuff in regards to LGBTQ characters.
DeepL translated post from Mitsuda's facebook:

I was shocked to hear that Mr. Koichi Sugiyama, the creator of not only Dragon Quest but also many other famous songs, passed away. I first met Mr. Sugiyama shortly after I joined Square, when we worked together on a game called "Hanjuku Hero 2", and I was able to type his music and incorporate it into the Super Nintendo. I had just turned 20 years old. I still remember how kind and sometimes strict he was with me when I didn't know the right from the left. I still remember well the times when I went to Mr. Sugiyama's house to pick up music sheets or to show him the progress. His house was like a dungeon in a video game. I never once made it from the entrance to the music room (the top floor, we called it the boss room at the time) without getting lost. Whenever I did, I would call out loudly, "Excuse me, teacher, I'm lost," and he would always come downstairs. "I can see him going back to his room with a big smile on his face and saying, "Mitsuda-kun is directionless, isn't he? I'm very sad to think that I won't be able to listen to his music anymore. Thank you so much for your hard work. I wish you all the best.


Oct 27, 2017
Awful people dying isn't something that really bothers me.

I also don't think it's any real big loss to the music scene. Whatever talent this individual may have had at one point in their career has been gone for decades.

Womp, womp (in midi).


Oct 25, 2017
always raise my eyebrows at people who tromp into threads like this to say nothing but 'wow! rip to such a good guy' then peace out


Oct 26, 2017
Loved the DQ music, the man himself was typical conversative old Japanese man in his views. Hope his replacement is more sensible.
I'm sure losing a grandpa sucks regardless, so my condolences to his family.

Thanks for making the games fun to hum along to while grinding.


2020 Member Elect
Oct 30, 2017
You sure about that? Let's review a few things here:

Denied various wartime atrocities ever happened
Laughed at the suicide rates of LGBTQ teens
Shaped needlessly-harsh copyright laws for music in Japan
Used money to spread nationalist propaganda worldwide
Said some not-nice things about Sugiyama's death

As you can see, though at first we may appear to be equally immoral, we're actually quite different! Note the subtle differences between the two of us: I said "he won't be missed"; he's part of a group who denied that a mass murder/rape of Chinese civilians happened. There are some other small distinctions as well, such as him using his public television platform to laugh at the suicides of LGBT youth in Japan, versus me calling him "an abysmal person". Two sides of the same coin, really!

Lmao. This is perfect.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
always raise my eyebrows at people who tromp into threads like this to say nothing but 'wow! rip to such a good guy' then peace out
It's eyebrow-raising maybe, but bot everyone is aware of how shitty he is and OP is scant on details, maybe some are trolling but some could just be unaware, not point in fussing over those posts honestly


Aug 11, 2018
You sure about that? Let's review a few things here:

Denied various wartime atrocities ever happened
Laughed at the suicide rates of LGBTQ teens
Shaped needlessly-harsh copyright laws for music in Japan
Used money to spread nationalist propaganda worldwide
Said some not-nice things about Sugiyama's death

As you can see, though at first we may appear to be equally immoral, we're actually quite different! Note the subtle differences between the two of us: I said "he won't be missed"; he's part of a group who denied that a mass murder/rape of Chinese civilians happened. There are some other small distinctions as well, such as him using his public television platform to laugh at the suicides of LGBT youth in Japan, versus me calling him "an abysmal person". Two sides of the same coin, really!

Finally a reason to use the bookmark function


Oct 25, 2017
Do people going on about now buying DQ music and stuff not think that part of his earnings in the future from those things will go towards helping to fund historical revisionism and ultranationalism? Guys like him don't just stop infecting the world when they die.

I wouldn't be surprised if he has agreements as part of his will about using his money for pushing his ideology beyond the grave.
Last edited:


Unshakeable One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Gonna sleep tonight safe in the knowledge that there is one less influential evil fucker in the world.


Feb 7, 2018
You sure about that? Let's review a few things here:

Denied various wartime atrocities ever happened
Laughed at the suicide rates of LGBTQ teens
Shaped needlessly-harsh copyright laws for music in Japan
Used money to spread nationalist propaganda worldwide
Said some not-nice things about Sugiyama's death

As you can see, though at first we may appear to be equally immoral, we're actually quite different! Note the subtle differences between the two of us: I said "he won't be missed"; he's part of a group who denied that a mass murder/rape of Chinese civilians happened. There are some other small distinctions as well, such as him using his public television platform to laugh at the suicides of LGBT youth in Japan, versus me calling him "an abysmal person". Two sides of the same coin, really!

Don't mean to add to your notifications blowing up, but fuck me, this is incredible.


Oct 30, 2017
You can't deny how shitty of a person he is regardless how much of an influence they have

I'd like to see some of the reactions from people in the industry in Japan. I don't expect any of them to do anything other than praise the deceased, but would be interesting to see who won't mention him at all.

Right now I'm mostly curious about Yuki Horii's statement, as he seems to be a pretty decent guy and has written some cool stuff in regards to LGBTQ characters.

Ono see him for his work

Chrome Hyena

Oct 30, 2017
So long to an absolutely horrible person but a legendary composer. May his family have solace in their time of mourning.


Oct 28, 2017


Apr 21, 2018
I couldn't remember why we hate this guy!!

Well, I hope after life is better to you then life was for the people you have laughed at.


Jan 27, 2018
User Banned (1 Week): Metacommentary; Drive-By in a Sensitive Thread
one of those threads where you just take a quick look and quietly leave
Oct 27, 2017
RIP. Gotta say growing up I loved his music. It just fit the world of Dragon Quest and I will always have fond memories from my childhood associated with his music. Didn't realize what a POS he was until a few years ago and I am excited for Dragon Quest to move forward with a new sound.