
Alt account
Sep 11, 2019
Loved his music. R.I.P.

Whoever suucceds him will have his work cut out for him.
Oct 27, 2017
This thread does not align with that recent age poll. Lots of people in here have clearly never lost anybody close to them. Childish behavior.
I'd say childish behavior is claiming you know what other people here have went through and basing your judgment of them in complete nonsense.

Anyway, looking forward to the eventual trump death thread. I imagine lots of 400-something post accounts from 2017 will come out of the woodwork to wag fingers and say "ackchyually you're morally not any better for mocking his death", then feel like they've dropped the philosophical world's collective wisdom with their post.


Oct 27, 2017
Its going to be weird playing a DQ game where the same three tunes aren't playing over and over again.


Oct 27, 2017
Dragon Quest 8 overworld theme is one of the most beautiful and best out there. I loved the man's work but he had some fucked up views. Wish he wasn't such an asshole in life. Oh well.


Oct 25, 2017
I'll never forget the first time I heard DQ8's overworld theme -- it was the eve of my brother's ninth anniversary from a tragic overdose and emotions were understandably running high in our household, and from the first plucks of the harp I was immediately transported to this Jesus artwork my dad found solace in after his death. I'm especially terrible at describing the finer points of music -- an irksome weakness as a writer -- yet the way its boundless beauty summoned an otherworldly surge of emotions that night practically brought me to tears.

I'm hardly a religious individual, but over the next hundred hours I spent with that game, I hoped that with every harpstring and trumpet blare that he was, as I always do, watching over me.

I make no excuses for Sugiyama's activism -- it was especially hurtful that a man so essential to the awareness of game music and who inspired countless others in the industry (Hayato Matsuo, Yoko Shimomura, and Hirokazu Ando) used his fortune to cause great harm to the marginalized. It was a persistent point of guilt in my enjoying Dragon Quest: a series with nary a cynical bone in its body. Needless to say, the world is an objectively better place without him in it and I do hope those subject to his political crusades find their lives that much easier.

I won't even pretend Dragon Quest's musical fiascos measure up to even a tenth of the level of importance as the issues raised within this thread, but even if you were to disingenuously shrug off his abhorrent views and activities, his iron-grip upon the soundtrack and gradual lack of care towards the series negatively impacted the modern Dragon Quest experience. Dragon Quest XI's MIDI instrumentation is an abomination. The 3DS remakes are stripped of their orchestral tracks for the Western localizations. (And while I'm of the opinion DQ7's MIDI is actually solid, I absolutely refuse to play DQ8 without the symphonic score for obvious reasons.) The MIDI tracks recycled across the franchise -- and, by association, represent the series via numerous spin-offs -- frequently fail to convey the original compositions' majesty, not the least in their Smash Bros. cameos undermining the grand DQ11 stage.

I'll readily admit that I don't know the first thing about Japanese copyright law, so it's very possible not all the issues raised above will be solved with his death. But dead the man is, and now with the awful stain of bigotry and nationalism washed off the series, it's my hope moving forward that whoever takes his place not only channels what made his earlier compositions so good, but ensures every one of the iconic pieces that defined gaming music -- be it the unbridled joy of the Main Theme, the endless scope of Adventure, and the ethereal grace of Heavenly Flight -- is treated with the respect and dignity they deserve across the globe.

As Neiteio said, Dragon Quest's music is ours, and as I've done over the past two years, I choose to engage with it in the memory of my brother: a man I guarantee never so much as heard the name "Dragon Quest," yet whose passing reminds me to cherish life every day. The never-ending journey of kindness persists in the series' heart, and where Sugiyama failed, I'll continue channeling that for the sake of my goals.
Incredible post.

One of my friends died recently (he lost control of his car in the rain), and your anecdote about your family makes me think about what his family is enduring as they try to make sense of his loss. It hurts to lose a friend, but I can only imagine how it feels for your dad to lose a son, or for you to lose a brother, all those years ago. My condolences.

I'm a big believer that our loved ones are more than flesh and blood, that their essence or "will" transcends all of that, and is conveniently portable -- internalized, in your heart.

I'm also the spiritual sort -- I like to think there's some higher benevolent force at work in the universe, a force of love and mercy -- but I think that anyone can internalize love, no matter their worldview or inclination.

You just remember that at the end of the day, your brother's love was at its core unchanging. His will is for you and your family to be happy. That's his essence, his true form -- always alive, in you and yours.

And, back to the topic at hand, if you reclaimed Sugiyama's music in a way that gave you that strength -- that's good. Your experiences make that music your own.

Sugiyama may have tried to weaponize his fortune against vulnerable groups, but everyone is free to reappropriate his works as a source of strength instead -- including the people he oppressed.

And frankly, I think that outcome is a more poetic form of justice than any ill someone could wish on him in the hereafter.


Keeper of the White Materia
Nov 4, 2017
oh fuck off

stop acting like he died in a tragic manner

dude lived up 90 years old being loved and celebrated while also being a piece of shit holocaust/war crimes denying asshole while laughing at LGBTQ teen suicide rates throughout his life

It's funny how the people who act like they are morally above everyone else can never say anything against this.


Oct 27, 2017
I'll never forget the first time I heard DQ8's overworld theme -- it was the eve of my brother's ninth anniversary from a tragic overdose and emotions were understandably running high in our household, and from the first plucks of the harp I was immediately transported to this Jesus artwork my dad found solace in after his death. I'm especially terrible at describing the finer points of music -- an irksome weakness as a writer -- yet the way its boundless beauty summoned an otherworldly surge of emotions that night practically brought me to tears.

I'm hardly a religious individual, but over the next hundred hours I spent with that game, I hoped that with every harpstring and trumpet blare that he was, as I always do, watching over me.

I make no excuses for Sugiyama's activism -- it was especially hurtful that a man so essential to the awareness of game music and who inspired countless others in the industry (Hayato Matsuo, Yoko Shimomura, and Hirokazu Ando) used his fortune to cause great harm to the marginalized. It was a persistent point of guilt in my enjoying Dragon Quest: a series with nary a cynical bone in its body. Needless to say, the world is an objectively better place without him in it and I do hope those subject to his political crusades find their lives that much easier.

I won't even pretend Dragon Quest's musical fiascos measure up to even a tenth of the level of importance as the issues raised within this thread, but even if you were to disingenuously shrug off his abhorrent views and activities, his iron-grip upon the soundtrack and gradual lack of care towards the series negatively impacted the modern Dragon Quest experience. Dragon Quest XI's MIDI instrumentation is an abomination. The 3DS remakes are stripped of their orchestral tracks for the Western localizations. (And while I'm of the opinion DQ7's MIDI is actually solid, I absolutely refuse to play DQ8 without the symphonic score for obvious reasons.) The MIDI tracks recycled across the franchise -- and, by association, represent the series via numerous spin-offs -- frequently fail to convey the original compositions' majesty, not the least in their Smash Bros. cameos undermining the grand DQ11 stage.

I'll readily admit that I don't know the first thing about Japanese copyright law, so it's very possible not all the issues raised above will be solved with his death. But dead the man is, and now with the awful stain of bigotry and nationalism washed off the series, it's my hope moving forward that whoever takes his place not only channels what made his earlier compositions so good, but ensures every one of the iconic pieces that defined gaming music -- be it the unbridled joy of the Main Theme, the endless scope of Adventure, and the ethereal grace of Heavenly Flight -- is treated with the respect and dignity they deserve across the globe.

As Neiteio said, Dragon Quest's music is ours, and as I've done over the past two years, I choose to engage with it in the memory of my brother: a man I guarantee never so much as heard the name "Dragon Quest," yet whose passing reminds me to cherish life every day. The never-ending journey of kindness persists in the series' heart, and where Sugiyama failed, I'll continue channeling that for the sake of my goals.
Nicely said, and thanks for taking the time to write all of that out. Being a big DQ fan has -- from the musical side of things -- been frustrating to say the least, for the reasons that have been cited many times. As someone who is statistically past the halfway point in my own life, I think about this stuff a lot... what we leave behind, what we'll look back on, what impact we've had on others, what we feel we should have done or done more of, etc. I hate what Sugiyama has done to tarnish/damage this series, the marginalized, and our enjoyment of playing these games, but I do look forward to seeing where DQ will go now that it is hopefully free of these shackles. It makes me even more excited about DQ12 if the OST's creation hasn't been initiated.


Jul 25, 2021
Just wanted to share some of my favorite stuff:

The DQ9 piece in particular I absolutely adore. I hope that in the future the next composer can capture what made Sugiyama's stuff magical while also being jut a better human being.


Nov 1, 2017
This thread does not align with that recent age poll. Lots of people in here have clearly never lost anybody close to them. Childish behavior.

I lost a friend in the last year to Covid. I have lost family members over the years. I am 49. None of these people did anything to bring abject misery to many many people. We aren't talking a few people here. He denied the Rape of Nanking, he denied all the atrocities during WWII, he used his money to spread his misery.

He has gone out of his way to belittle the LBGT+ community again using his money to actively do so. Many of the things he has done would get him arrested for hate crimes in other countries.

So no, I think it is a perfectly natural reaction to actively celebrate the death of such a hateful piece of shit. I find response like yours more childish as it means we are all emotionless and should mourn bigots.


Oct 25, 2017
This thread does not align with that recent age poll. Lots of people in here have clearly never lost anybody close to them. Childish behavior.
I've lost several that I've been close to, including my father who passed at a much younger age than 90. Sugiyama can get fucked, regardless of whatever headass imaginary concept of adulthood you think is to suddenly show respect to someone despicable just because they're dead.

Arcus Felis

Unshakable Resolve
Oct 26, 2017
For all the reasons already listed here, I will not mourn him. His music legacy doesn't trump his vile actions.


Dec 15, 2017
I just played the first Dragon Quest about two months ago now on my Famicom and it held up surprisingly well. It was cool to hear the music on original hardware and get that special feeling kids in the 80s in Japan must have felt. 90 is a good long life. It also means the man was well into his 50s when he composed the score for Dragon Quest. That's pretty late to add something that impactful to your career! Never too late I guess.

A lot of early industry legends are getting up there in age. I don't look forward to the eventual threads for people like Miyamoto, Kondo, Tezuka, and the like. It must have been an exciting time to be working right at the beginnings of a brand new medium. I may have only just played my first Dragon Quest game; but rest in peace, Sugiyama.


Oct 25, 2017
The Farplane
This thread does not align with that recent age poll. Lots of people in here have clearly never lost anybody close to them. Childish behavior.

I have lost two of my grandparents and also witnessed the loss of my grand grandma when i was 12. It was a horrifying experience.

And Sugiyama can fuck off to the sun. I will celebrate his death. One less hateful old bigot in this world is always better. Especially as a Chinese trans women (who actually had the experience of working with Square Enix I might want to add, seeing I no longer work in the game industry I feel safe to say). He probably thinks I'm cheaper than dirt.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Just wanted to share some of my favorite stuff:

The DQ9 piece in particular I absolutely adore. I hope that in the future the next composer can capture what made Sugiyama's stuff magical while also being jut a better human being.

There's really no sense in attempting revisionist history like I've seen from some people in the thread, the man made some great music despite being an absolutely vile shithead.

Like you said, one can only hope his successor brings back the magic of the older games. Or hell surpasses them even.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt-account
Oct 29, 2017
This thread does not align with that recent age poll. Lots of people in here have clearly never lost anybody close to them. Childish behavior.

Lost my father a few years ago to cancer and I will gladly dance on the grave of bigots.


Oct 25, 2017

Reminds me of one quote from the TF2 Demoman

"Aw, there's a new angel in heaven...IN HELL!"


Oct 25, 2017
Amazing music, terrible person. Hopefully now that DQ will be forced to move forward with new compositions we can get someone who isn't disgusting in their views.


Jan 25, 2018
User Banned (Permanent): Trolling In a Sensitive Thread; Prior Severe Ban For Excusing Bigotry; Account in Junior Phase
Expected neogaf thread

Panicky Duck

Dec 14, 2020
The talk of Sugiyama's war crime denial prompted me to do some research on said war crimes. Jesus Christ, I was not prepared for some of that shit. Disgusting.


Oct 25, 2017
The talk of Sugiyama's war crime denial prompted me to do some research on said war crimes. Jesus Christ, I was not prepared for some of that shit. Disgusting.

Yeah, he's full-on garbage. It's why I couldn't really mess with DQ after I found out, even though I thought VIII was great I never ended up buying another.


Oct 27, 2017
Minas Gerais, Brazil
Separating the man from the creation.

As creator, RIP. Great OSTs, with some inspirational tones all across the world.
As the man... Well, I wish the most sincere condolences to the family.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
Ever since I started watching One Piece (yeaaaars ago) and whenever this track popped up, I always thought "That is some Dragon Quest music right there":

So they should totally get the composer to compose DQ from here on.
Oct 30, 2017
The impact of his Dragon Quest music will be felt for a long time. The "past" overworld music from DQ7 remains my favorite track in the franchise.



Oct 25, 2017
Ever since I started watching One Piece (yeaaaars ago) and whenever this track popped up, I always thought "That is some Dragon Quest music right there":

So they should totally get the composer to compose DQ from here on.

Kohei Tanaka is a great composer. He has also worked on beloved games like the Sakura Wars series, Alundra, Gravity Rush, and Resonance of Fate (he scored the cutscenes while Sakuraba did the battle music).

Regulus Tera

Oct 25, 2017
DQ lives and breathes nostalgia, so they'll have to defer to his estate to keep using the music they will inevitably want.
Aside from the Overture, it feels like this is the best opportunity we have to actually get someone new. The question is who: Yoko Shimomura has come up a bunch of times here, but Square rarely share composes between IPs.


May 3, 2021
I'm just thinking about how Sugiyama believed and said some absolutely heinous shit without any repercussions, but that actor who was in Judgement did one drug and was ostracized immediately.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
Aside from the Overture, it feels like this is the best opportunity we have to actually get someone new. The question is who: Yoko Shimomura has come up a bunch of times here, but Square rarely share composes between IPs.
shimomura's a free agent and she's done stuff for a whole lot of different square IPs. she headlines KH, but was also behind the main motifs in XV and has done work on the mana series over the years and that's just for square

i don't think it'll be her, but there's really nothing stopping her on square's side


Oct 25, 2017
Not that it really matters, I guess, but does anyone know if Japanese people are confused by the difference in reaction from Western and Japanese fans of DQ?


Oct 27, 2017
Not that it really matters, I guess, but does anyone know if Japanese people are confused by the difference in reaction from Western and Japanese fans of DQ?
I don't think there is that much disdain for him outside of places like Era in the west, tbh.

This is the only website where I ever really heard anything about his political views.


Apr 17, 2021
User Banned (Permanent): Concern trolling and tone policing with regards to homophobia and war crime denial, account in junior phase
Seeing people praising a Death makes me understand they are equal to their disbeliefs.