
Oct 27, 2017
These poor rich comedians who just want to tell offensive jokes but then have to suffer under the persecution of the people who are offended by them.


Oct 27, 2017
I think Ellen and Colbert owe us an apology for basically supporting his views on his non-apology tour. And anybody else who let him on their show.


Oct 25, 2017
Why can't some people just apologize? Is it just ego or what?
I don't get it either man. Genuineness and authenticity are like the most valuable traits in celebrities these days, and the public really likes forgiving people who fall on their sword and take responsibility for the shit they say.

"Oh shit, I really said some terrible things in the past huh? To be honest I'd forgotten all about that and I've grown a lot since then. I sorry for those who are hurt but please believe me, that is not who I am anymore." Is something along these lines really that hard to say?


Oct 25, 2017
He spent all this time deliberately avoiding taking stances on anything and this is what he finally decides to go out on a limb with?

Papa Satanás

Oct 25, 2017
And I see your truuuue colours shiiiining through

I see your truuuuue colours, that's why I say fuuuck you

We don't choose "afraid"!


Nov 22, 2017
I always wonder what kind of mental gymnastics gay-is-a-choice believers have going on.

Like if you just thought about it critically for a fraction of a second...
Oct 27, 2017
I don't get it either man. Genuineness and authenticity are like the most valuable traits in celebrities these days, and the public really likes forgiving people who fall on their sword and take responsibility for the shit they say.

"Oh shit, I really said some terrible things in the past huh? To be honest I'd forgotten all about that and I've grown a lot since then. I sorry for those who are hurt but please believe me, that is not who I am anymore." Is something along these lines really that hard to say?
I think it's a combination of being a comedian considering that historically comedians are usually given passes for some of the more insensitive things they say along with the fact that he's already publicly stated that he feels the backlash isn't anything more than bullying the way it was drudged up and he has no intention on placating those people. So it seems like the best we'll probably get out of him is something along the lines of "sorry if you were offended"


Oct 25, 2017
Pencils Vania
Why does he keep talking about this.
Being a dumbass is a choice, I guess.
Oct 27, 2017
Dig up, stupid!

I guess these people already have fuck you amounts of money to live the rest of their lives and just dont give a shit about what they say. Or they know their comments wont have any effect on their carreers. Or maybe both, sadly.


Oct 25, 2017
What would you rather do
Or go on a multi-week multi-city PR blitz where you don't apologize and blame other people

The sad thing is, in many situations the second one will get you more attention and money if you're famous. Why back down when you've already lost a large chunk of your fanbase, when you can double down and get an all knew one! They even wear matching hats!!

Deleted member 4518

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Kevin Hart trying to spin this as him being a victim is exactly what I thought would happen. Him saying being gay is a life choice is also not surprising.

I've seen a lot of his interviews since his homophobic tweets surfaced and honestly not one of his half assed apologies seem genuine. Plus him being on Ellen was some cringy shit and she's useless for letting him have a platform to turn himself into the victim.


Oct 25, 2017
I've seen a lot of his interviews since his homophobic tweets surfaced and honestly not one of his half assed apologies seem genuine.
Anyone paying attention knew they weren't genuine. Hell, the first apology literally came like an hour after he put out an Instagram video saying he wasn't gonna apologize lmao.

The Ummah

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Man, this is a horrible stance Kevin. I hope you actually think about what you just said and learn from this because...this is not looking good, dawg.
Oct 30, 2017
Curious to know how Conan O'Brien is taking this.

Wouldn't be surprised if he already had a taped podcast episode with him and has to scrap it now
Last edited:


Oct 29, 2017
I'm amazed people are going to continue to give him a venue to do a bad non apology that ages poorly in like two days.

At some point it stops being all on Hart and starts redounding on the people giving him a platform.


Oct 27, 2017
I knew almost nothing about Kevin Hart until I heard Teri Gross interview him.

He seemed to spend a good portion of that interview with his foot firmly planted in his mouth. It was a terrible first impression for me.

And yeah, oh Jesus "intensive purpose", over and over again. Come on, man.


Nov 15, 2017
Kevin.....just shut up. Nothing you've said or done has made things better.

Just stop.


Oct 27, 2017
Funny, I was just catching up on this situation last night, watching youtube clips of him on Ellen and Steven Colbert. For someone who was "over it," he sure is going on a lot of talk shows talking about it. He should have taken his own advice and dropped off for a while.

He kept talking about how he'd apologized/addressed it in the past. Is this actually true? 'Cause I don't remember anyone finding/sharing those clips. I really doubt it was true because it's clear to me his apology even now isn't genuine. It's more like "Will you all shut up if I say I'm sorry?" followed by digging himself deeper. I'm kinda sad to say the above, since Kevin Hart has made me laugh many times.


Oct 27, 2017
LMFAO he needs to just shut the fuck up. He already said he was done talking about it and then ends up going on a press run talking about it each stop. JESUS

p baffling


Oct 25, 2017
He kept talking about how he'd apologized/addressed it in the past. Is this actually true? 'Cause I don't remember anyone finding/sharing those clips. I really doubt it was true because it's clear to me his apology even now isn't genuine. It's more like "Will you all shut up if I say I'm sorry?" followed by digging himself deeper. I'm kinda sad to say the above, since Kevin Hart has made me laugh many times.
Nope, CNN and Vulture both tried to go back and find these apologies, they don't exist. He's attempting to gaslight people into believing that he apologized in the past.


User requested permanent ban
May 29, 2018
He keeps talking about comedy. But I fail to the see the joke in statements such as "I'll beat my son if he plays with dolls" or "dark-skinned women are bad with money".


Sep 10, 2018
all he does is whine that he has to apologize. he is already putting the cart before the horse by saying, "oh if I did this they'll do this yada yada."

basically, his ego does not want to apologize. He only every apologized once, that's it. any other apology afterwards came with a "okay that's it I am done" which shouldn't even be said if you were actually apologetic.
Oct 27, 2017
Somebody should ask Kevin if he's okay working with somebody who is afraid of their kids dating somebody who is black or short or whatever. I wonder if he would choose to be offended.


Dec 10, 2017
'I'm sorry people got offended.'
'People are sensitive nowadays so I don't do jokes like this anymore.'
'I've already addressed this.'
'People are looking for ways to be offended.'
'What I tell are jokes and aren't meant to hurt anybody. When did it become a crime to be funny?'
'I'm being torn down by haters for no reason.'

These are NOT apologies and do NOTHING to address issues of violent homophobia perpetuated by 'jokes'. You are a wealthy tv/movie star, you don't get to play the victim when actual kids are bullied, beaten and in some cases killed for either being gay or just 'acting gay' in the eyes of their abusers/murderers. Saying you'd beat up a child - your own child no less - for being gay when we have news reports of that exact same thing happening; just a moment of thought should tell you that your 'jokes' aren't funny and never were. If the only way you can be funny is by talking about beating up kids for being gay and lament a time when you used to be able to say 'jokes' about that without consequence, you're a horrible person.

Get! Better! Material!

Or better yet don't. The world is moving on from comedians like this. If you can't even have an ounce of self reflection and respect for marginalized groups to form a proper apology, you don't deserve to have a career. He's certainly done enough to slap away every single lifeline people in the industry have been throwing his way. So I hope the movies he's got coming out this year will be his last; I certainly will not be seeing any of them.

Deleted member 35598

User requested account closure
Dec 7, 2017
Everything is a matter of context..

So Kevin Hart should let gay jokes to gay comedian. As we leave black jokes to black comedians or female jokes to female comedians.

One of my favorite stand up moment is the Black people vs niggas. As a Black man you really get what he was saying. But I don't want to hear that joke coming from Jerry Seinfeld.

A great French comedian Blanche Gardin is talking during a stand of the first time she had anal sex. It's absolutely hilarious. Not sure this would fly well if a guy was doing it...

So it's all about context. He just made poor judgment and his excuse is terrible. He should just shut up on the matter or own it.

Ary F.

Oct 30, 2017
Never understood why in the Black Community, men in particular, always claim being gay is a bruh. What kinda Black man wakes up in the morning and decides "Ya know, this being Black shit is too damn easy....lets turn it up a notch and be gay."


Oct 27, 2017
I'd be happier if he wasn't still seeing some success with his new movie even despite all his recent nonsense. What a dummy!

Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
He's trying to say sorry but somehow he keeps digging a deeper hole. Proof enough for me he really means the shit he says.