
Oct 25, 2017
Can we stop with all the 'fuck Star Wars fans' posts. These people aren't fans of anything, they probably bitched just as much about women being in Battlefield 5.

Most actual Star Wars fans are ultra-supportive of the actors, even if they iffy about the movies. Have a look at the kind of reception that Hayden Christensen when he shows up at events.


Oct 25, 2017
But i didn't watch the movie i am just saying that i would not give a shit if a random guy insult me if i had that money and fame . Death threats are bad but stupid , if someone wants to kill me or hurt me he will do it without writing shit on Instagram . Also , you are not forced to have an Instagram account but you have to deal with stupidity sometimes if you have one .
You obviously have no idea what you're talking about


Oct 29, 2017
Yeah, it's in the eyes. It's hard to explain, but I found Tran to over-act. I saw more from that one scene with the bomber, with no words..her ability to convey determination, relief, resignation and acceptance of her fate...than anything Tran did. And it makes me wish she had been given a bigger role in the movie.

and just doing a quick search of her, Veronica Ngo, you can see snippets of her acting chops in martial arts films in this reel. Maybe language was a barrier.

Yeah but then Veronica seems a more action/drama oriented actor but Rose's role is quirky/funny


Oct 30, 2017
She seemed so unbelievably sweet and happy to be in a Star War. Not that harassment is ever okay, but doing it to people like her is especially cruel.


Oct 25, 2017
But i didn't watch the movie i am just saying that i would not give a shit if a random guy insult me if i had that money and fame . Death threats are bad but stupid , if someone wants to kill me or hurt me he will do it without writing shit on Instagram . Also , you are not forced to have an Instagram account but you have to deal with stupidity sometimes if you have one .

What the fuck is this post holy hell....


Oct 30, 2017
She has always come across as a lovely and genuine person. Being in something as big as Star Wars seemed like a dream come true to her.

I hate everything about this.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 29, 2017
Unfortunately this is the world we are in and its not ok. I think she would have been prepped (like all the actors would have been) for any kind of backlash. They all probably go through a huge amount of media/social media training and support.

Disney / Star Wars need to come out and say something real. I hate this constant 'we have the best fans in the world, we listen to all your feedback' PR shite people roll out constantly, when we all know the reality.

They need to say 'This is not ok, if you do this we dont want you as fans'

But of course, they wont.

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
Pricks, and IMO she was charming in Star Wars as a normal person swept in the action.
It's not her fault that TLJ was a terrible movie. It really sucks when people take it out on the actors, when most of the time they have little creative control and need to eat just like the rest of us.
You mean it's not her fault not everyone liked a movie. Well obviously.

Deleted member 3862

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Everytime I saw someone whined about how TLJ detroyed their childhood, Im so glad that my childhood is not defined by Star Wars.

I'm struggling with the timeline here. Return of the Jedi came out when I was five. I was in college when Phantom Menace came out, and that was almost twenty years ago now. If you're old enough to have your childhood ruined by Star Wars movies, it already happened with the prequel trilogy.
Dec 28, 2017
Pittsburgh, PA
I didn't dislike her character in TLJ so much, but I did strongly dislike the plot/arc they had her character involved in.

That said, whether you liked her character or not, why would anyone attack her over it or harass her? She is just portraying what the director wanted her to portray in the film.

Some Star Wars fans are completely ridiculous and expect the impossible every movie.


Oct 25, 2017
Why can't people separate the character from the actor FFS. I didn't care much for the character but that has nothing to do with her personally, this shit is a job. As a newcomer and first timer she did wonderfully even with the, frankly problematic, material she was given.

I think they have a problem with the actor not the character.

If they have to preface it with "Its not because you're an Asian actress"

It's because you're an Asian actress.

It's like people who say "no offense but"


Nov 1, 2017
User Banned (5 Days): Trivializing harassment and death threats + Victim Blaming.
This is a staggering dismissal of online harassment and its consequences

Well , what i am saying can't be applied to this case of course (because we are talking about a fanbase here who is mad about the movie) but i always thought that if you put the photos of your body online (almost nude) and then cry in a corner because someone says that you are ugly , it doesn't make sense at all . You shouldn't expose yourself if you can't deal with negative feedback , you can't expect positive comments every time because there are no filters on social medias . By the way , a lot people aren't honest so positive comments hide the truth sometimes . I don't know if i have explained myself well but whatever...


Oct 25, 2017
Went from this

To being harassed off of Instagram because people are mad about SW having a diverse cast of women who have significant roles
I'm willing to bet they claim to be fans of anything they attack, doesn't make it necessarily so.
Oh I fully believe they love SW and consider the OT to be the only thing relevant to the franchise. No doubt in my mind. You see bits and pieces of these viewpoints in random SW reviews online from people well versed in the universe. They're not always just random trolls.


Oct 31, 2017
Vile, inacceptable stuff.

TLJ may be a huge wound in the franchise, but taking it on Tran of all people is absurd. She didn't write the character, and her acting was excellent and her passion for the project transpired from all interviews and posts. As much as I disliked the movie, Rose is one of the characters I'm looking forward to see more of because the problem in TLJ wasn't the character but what Rian Johnson did (or rather didn't) with her. Put her in a context different from "the most boring side quest of all time" and she could be one of the best things in the trilogy.


Oct 26, 2017
Earth 616
Going to have to call bullshit on this.

The vast majority of the hate I've seen for her has been how she ruined Finn and Rey ship. Yes, fucking shipping.

While that has played a part, it was unfortunately not just that. Also, about that: Rey won't end up with ANYONE. Like a Jedi should. Rey never replied to Finn's obvious romantic interest. In more ways than one, I think what he realizes when Rose kisses him is exactly that: he can't keep trying to hope that eventually Rey will like him back. Instead, now he has to decide if he likes Rose or not. Rey doesn't need neither Finn, Kylo or any petty romantic interest. She's the heroine and Jedi of the story. And we all know that Jedis don't have time for that.


Oct 25, 2017
Well , what i am saying can't be applied to this case of course (because we are talking about a fanbase here who is mad about the movie) but i always thought that if you put the photos of your body online (almost nude) and then cry in a corner because someone says that you are ugly , it doesn't make sense at all . You shouldn't expose yourself if you can't deal with negative feedback , you can't expect positive comments every time because there are no filters on social medias . By the way , a lot people aren't honest so positive comments hide the truth sometimes . I don't know if i have explained myself well but whatever...
What are you talking about. What is even happening


Nov 15, 2017
Not surprised. I've seen plenty of people here who HATED Rose and mentioning that all the time.

That's different though. Rose was a bad character that had no reason to exist in the film whatsoever and was written awfully, and commenting that on a web forum is not a problem. Sharing opinions on media is the entire point of this forum. Harassing the actress for it when it's not her fault is pathetic though and a whole other dimension of being negative.


Oct 25, 2017
Daisy Ridley deleted her instragram
Kelly Marie Tran deleted her instagram
SW fans want Kathleen Kennedy to be fired.

I sense a pattern.

Fuck this fandom.


Jan 12, 2018
St. Cloud, FL
It always comes down to, "we pay the movie tickets, we buy the toys, the shirts and all the shitty merchandise" kind of sickly entitlement. The Last Jedi only made a lot of those types more vocal since it didnt fulfill their fanfiction, theories or expectations in one way or another. Sad really.


Oct 25, 2017
fuck them. i only got into star wars with TFA and was amazed how toxic the fanbase is. i tend to avoid interacting with it now.


Oct 25, 2017
I am calling myself a Star Wars fan.
I hate the toxic site of the fandom that attacks actors and their roles, as do I hate the fandom that tries to spin every critic as hate.
As someone who did not love The Last Jedi but liked the characters introduced in the movie it feels like there is no real fandom where I can belong to because both sites would attack me.

Organized Fandoms are fucking shit. I have yet to see an example to disprove that


Oct 25, 2017
Can we have a discussion or you will still act like a dick ? These kind of comments really pisses me off .
You're victim blaming (ie "crying in a corner" because someone posted a picture of themselves and other people harassed them for it) and dismissing online harassment.. and I'm being a dick? No, I don't think so.

Hope you think about how fucked up your opinions are over the course of the ban.


Oct 25, 2017
Well , what i am saying can't be applied to this case of course (because we are talking about a fanbase here who is mad about the movie) but i always thought that if you put the photos of your body online (almost nude) and then cry in a corner because someone says that you are ugly , it doesn't make sense at all . You shouldn't expose yourself if you can't deal with negative feedback , you can't expect positive comments every time because there are no filters on social medias . By the way , a lot people aren't honest so positive comments hide the truth sometimes . I don't know if i have explained myself well but whatever...

Look at these lewd photos she was posting, she was basically asking for it

What is even happening, dude, come on


Nov 15, 2017

??? Convenient for who??? If you're trying to bait me into an essay on what I didn't like about her, I'm obviously not going to do that in this thread. You like her, I didn't. As long as we aren't harassing anyone like these pieces of shit, that's not an issue on any level.
Last edited:


It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Oct 26, 2017
This woman is so lovely and was so happy to get a role in a Star Wars movie but she gets so much hate from the fanbase and it's really sad. She'd be constantly seeing all the criticism and mockery of her character too. I've come close to unfollowing the Sequel Memes account on so many occasions because every second post is "DAE ROSE SUCKS!?" and it's exhausting

Protip: if you follow any meme account just go ahead and unfollow.


Oct 26, 2017
I hope she does not let these people drag her down and quit twitter because she realized social media was a mistake and people there must not be taken seriously.


Drive-In Mutant
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Disgusting. I didn't like Jar Jar but I never gave Ahmed Best any shit over it.
Oct 28, 2017
I love Star Wars but certain Star Wars fans are the worst.

Apparently the prequels are not only the worst Star Wars films to them but the worst films ever made. So dumb.


Oct 30, 2017
The overlap between these obnoxious SW fans and the incel community must be almost 100%.


Oct 29, 2017
Daisy Ridley deleted her instragram
Kelly Marie Tran deleted her instagram
SW fans want Kathleen Kennedy to be fired.

I sense a pattern.

Fuck this fandom.

To play devil's advocate; genuine criticisms do get drowned out by the assholes
That said, I have never seen a WHITE MALE actor get attacked like this

If one person says, "Kennedy isn't doing a very good job" then 10 assholes jump on and roar, "YEAH!! LIBTARD SJW RUINED SW!!!"

I'm sure it's got nothing to do with that

Finn 2.0 basically
F man, now I really want a 10 minute make out session between the chars to really piss folks off

I suppose this thread would not be the place to express dislike of the Rose character then?