
Oct 27, 2017
This being a complete momentum killer in a game where you'll come up against hard bosses that you want to fight over and over again to improve at fighting them but you can't because you need to go farm blood vials is absolutely awful. I never finished The Old Hunters because of it. It's not about them being easy to farm, it's about the momentum killing. Nobody wants to go farm blood vials for an hour after they were just a few hits away from killing Maria or one of the other difficult bosses because they didn't have a full stock anymore. (And you're handicapping yourself if you don't have a full stock which is not something every player wants to do)


Oct 25, 2017
This is the first time I've heard the term Papa Guacamole and jabroni used in the context of Bloodborne.

I have nothing else to contribute, vial farming is not great.


Oct 25, 2017
HArd to blame you for this tbh. Bloodborne is my favorite of the Soulslike Genre, but vials are the biggest mark against it.

If it's any consolation, it becomes less of a problem later in the game. Or... maybe I just got better and need them less. I don't remember. :P


Oct 30, 2017
This is what put me off the game the most. Kept getting owned by the blood starved beast and if I could have just reloaded the game and kept my items and kept attempting the fight it would have been a lot more fun for me.
No joke, this IS what I did for really hard bosses. I uploaded my save to the cloud and then, if I had a really poor run, I restored my back-up.

It was a pain in the butt, but still a lot faster than farming.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
I never had a problem with the blood vials system. Spend your leftover echoes on a few and you'll be fine. If you are stuck in a retry loop for a hard boss, that's where the consumable blood echoes come in, you can just buy the vials you need.

I actually appreciated the blood vials system because it allowed me to go through the entire Forbidden Woods + boss in one sitting without dying. At some point I had 4 vials left and I thought I would have to retreat back to the lamp, but I pressed on, and thanks to enemy drops, by the time I reached the boss, I was back at 18, so I went on ahead anyway, and killed the boss first try. It was a fantastic experience, which I couldn't have had with a hard-capped amount of potions like the Estus system.
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Sep 28, 2018
I've played all the dark souls games, but I hate trying a boss a few times in bloodborne only to have to stop and go farm blood vials, just makes me not want to start it back up again. I love it otherwise, this is my 3rd attempt and getting through it, and I'm thinking about starting it back up where I was at, but I know I got about 20 mins of blood vial farming before I should bother tackling the boss I'm on.
The trick is taht every time after you level, you spend your remaining souls on blood vials.
I never had to farm once except my first playthrough before i found the doll with insight, which took me about 6 hours or something...

And if you have trouble with a boss, just summon someone. There's no pride to find in videogames


Oct 27, 2017
If you're using a lot of vials on trash then take some time and get better.

If you're burning thru them on boss attempts you're doing it wrong. What you want to do is do some no vial attempts and learn the boss. don't use any vials on boss unless you're somewhat confident you understand the boss.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
One of weakest aspect is the blood vial system, unfortunately. It would have been nice to have 5 or 10 as some kind of lower limit.
Xero grimlock

Xero grimlock

Dec 1, 2017
Take the advice of people in this thread. Why are you using so many vials? Those trash enemies at the start shouldn't be destroying you so bad
I was responding to the comment about mmos, I intend to take the advice in this thread and have said as much ,no need to get defensive and the trash enemies arent destroying me bad at all I never said they were.
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Dec 3, 2018
I kept all my blood vials pretty much exclusively for boss fights and never had problem running out. Also for the first few attempts at the boss just observe it and learn about its attacks. Then if you feel comfortable dodging most of its attacks and have managed to already cut its health to 2/3 I would start using blood vials and have a proper go at a boss.

This way I never really used up more than 6-7 vials on any boss and there was always more than enough in the storage.


"This guy are sick" and Aggressively Mediocre
Oct 25, 2017
It's the reason I stopped playing it too. It's a shame because other than that aspect I adore it.


Happy New Year!!
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
the blood vial system was one of my favorite things about the early game

there were serious consequences to dying (your time). it made you consider whether or not to heal or to consider the boss fight a wash and try to gain any knowledge for the next go round

but when you make the decision that this fight would be the one...and you confidentially pop that blood vial knowing if you're wrong, you've got some farming to do...well i thought it was quite exciting

that being said, after Amelia i never had to farm again but the feeling was missed


The Fallen
Jan 11, 2018
You can farm a lot pretty quickly. My advice is to stock up 200 or so. Probably would only take maybe 30 minutes. You can also buy them, which is nice. It's really not that bad although there was a couple of times where I ran out of bullets or blood vials attempting a boss or chalice dungeon and it is frustrating but it takes so little time and can be a nice way to relax and prepare for the struggle again.


Oct 25, 2017
You can farm a lot pretty quickly. My advice is to stock up 200 or so. Probably would only take maybe 30 minutes. You can also buy them, which is nice. It's really not that bad although there was a couple of times where I ran out of bullets or blood vials attempting a boss or chalice dungeon and it is frustrating but it takes so little time and can be a nice way to relax and prepare for the struggle again.

Pretty much, don't know how anyone can stop playing because Blood Vials.

If people are that impatient just find a hacked chalice dungeon (Depth 5 but listed as Depth 1) and farm one enemy, it'll give 10000+ echoes for the kill.


Oct 25, 2017
It's a stupid design choice and one of the reasons I haven't replayed the game much.


Oct 25, 2017
As others have mentioned, i think buying them are quicker. I think that is what i did (been a while since i last played it, but i cant remember specifically farming Blood Vials).


Oct 30, 2017
Pretty much, don't know how anyone can stop playing because Blood Vials.

If people are that impatient just find a hacked chalice dungeon (Depth 5 but listed as Depth 1) and farm one enemy, it'll give 10000+ echoes for the kill.

That's great advice for someone at the Cleric Beast.


Oct 26, 2017
Don't feel bad about investing echoes in vials. Completely maxing out your leveling isn't necessary. I know it's what I did in my first run, you know, stuff like farming a little extra to get one more level, but spend all echoes. Then have to farm vials. I know a dude who recently had his first play through and he liberally bought vials and he had no problems getting through the game without significant farming.
Oct 27, 2017
I did so much farming in the game between Gascoigne's room and back through the sewer area and up past Cleric Beast to the lantern that vials weren't really a problem for me for the rest of the game. I'd say doing that a handful of times over should get a surplus, or like others have mentioned buy them in the Hunter's Dream.

Edit - I grinded to get my levels up, but the vials were a happy byproduct of those efforts.


Oct 30, 2017
I don't know what to say if you're struggling that much at one of the easiest bosses in the game.

Summon Papa Guac for help. Watch a video on how to beat him if you can't learn his movement.

Define "struggling." At that point in the game, it is very common to have very few stocked up blood vials. If you die your first time, you can easily be in farming territory.

LobosJR is known to be okay at the Soulsborne games. He died on his first attempt at Cleric Beast and had 4 vials from storage when he respawned. I've watched quite a few people play this game, and basically everyone had to farm vials in the early game unless they beat Cleric Beast or Father G on their first attempt.
Mar 11, 2019
I prefer the blood vial system 1000 times over the dark souls Estus Flask. The blood vial system added much more worth to the blood echoes and forced player to manage those (investing in vials/ bullets / level up etc.). When you get further in the game this pressure is not present anymore as you will find you have plenty of echoes and kind of feels like you have overcome the hardship of those beginning stages in the first part of the game. The estus flask in comparison feel like a cheap way of playing, and don't add much to the game.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, the vial system is my only real complaint with the game which is otherwise GotG material for me.

Everybody has different bosses which present a roadblock to them for whatever reason. For me it was Rom. I had to farm vials after just a few attempts everytime and it was extremely annoying. Like I was grinding for coins in an arcade just for the opportunity to try again.

Still one of my favorite games of all time but this is a legit complaint.


Oct 25, 2017
Define "struggling." At that point in the game, it is very common to have very few stocked up blood vials. If you die your first time, you can easily be in farming territory.

LobosJR is known to be okay at the Soulsborne games. He died on his first attempt at Cleric Beast and had 4 vials from storage when he respawned. I've watched quite a few people play this game, and basically everyone had to farm vials in the early game unless they beat Cleric Beast or Father G on their first attempt.

So farm the mobs for Vials and Echoes and/or skip Cleric for now, it's an optional boss. Or summon Papa Guac to help.

Deleted member 9317

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
New York
Yeah, the vial system is my only real complaint with the game which is otherwise GotG material for me.

Everybody has different bosses which present a roadblock to them for whatever reason. For me it was Rom. I had to farm vials after just a few attempts everytime and it was extremely annoying. Like I was grinding for coins in an arcade just for the opportunity to try again.

Still one of my favorite games of all time but this is a legit complaint.

Well, can't disagree, Rom is a piece of shit. I did try to farm for Rom, but one great coop buddy later, I didn't need to...


Oct 25, 2017
This is my most hated thing about the game. Even when farming and using left over blood Vails I still occasionally had to stop doing boss runs because I needed to get more. It was not a "huge" time investment but it took me out of the flow and that sucked. If only cheat engine existed on PS4 :(

It's also a shame they repeated the mistake in sekiro with the spirit emblems but I played that on PC so just cheated and gave me unlimited in my storage :)

Deleted member 9317

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
New York
P.S. If you are relying on vials for anything other than bosses (and those one-off jump scare enemies that take 99% of your health), you're going to have a bad time.


Oct 26, 2017
I agree with the "buy vials" suggestions. Also, did you know about the Rally Mechanic? When you are damaged by an enemy, a portion of your health bar will change color and if you attack an enemy quickly enough, you can regain that portion back.


Oct 25, 2017
I never had to do this until I got stuck on a boss in the DLC. Then I just killed the wolves on the bridge at the beginning of the game over and over for like 10-15 minutes. Was pretty much golden after that.

Deleted member 9317

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
New York
For a very quick farming mid-game, I used to go to the spawn point under the tower of Micolash (Nightmare of Mensis). 3 giant enemies spawn right next to you at the edge of the cliff. I would heavy hit them and ensure they fall off the cliff. Quick 10,000-30,000 echos. Go back and spend it to get vials.
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The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I can see it being an annoyance at the beginning of the game but after a while you can just purchase them in large quantities. It's a shame you're thinking of quitting the game for this reason OP but if its killing your enjoyment I can understand.

lvl 99 Pixel

Oct 25, 2017
I wont pretend like that wasn't an issue the first time I played it. But after you know where to find them and manage your echoes better it stops being an issue... at least until you find a boss that messes you up 20 times lol. At that point we started imposing a "no vials unless you get the boss to half health" rule which worked well.


Game Designer
Nov 5, 2017
I completed Bloodborne and it is the only From Software game I've completed. Blood vials not regenerating is really annoying. I don't even remember the opportunity to buy them in bulk.


Oct 29, 2017
Yeah even by the end of the game I was returning to Papua New Guinea's area to grind for vials. You can get probably around 80 in like 40 minutes

Oof, that sounds like way too much effort for the end-game stretch. The best way I found was grinding that classroom full of scholars in the Lecture Building, 1st Floor. They don't drop any vials themselves but they're easy to chew through, netting you a lot of echoes really quickly with which to buy whatever.


Dec 7, 2018
I usually use my leftover echoes after leveling to buy more vials. This is usually sustainable throughout the game and totally avoids having to farm for them


The Fallen
Jan 11, 2018
I completed Bloodborne and it is the only From Software game I've completed. Blood vials not regenerating is really annoying. I don't even remember the opportunity to buy them in bulk.

You can buy an unlimited amount of them from the vendor you unlock at the very beginning of the game and you can farm them pretty efficiently within the first hour or two of the game.