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Oct 30, 2017

This is really bad ....

One of the 4 women at the top of that "meToo" organization, is Amanda de Cadenet.

Amber Heard's best friend ......

Who is also listed in Depp's lawsuit as a co-conspirator ..........

Now retweeting on her platform a slanderous article ignoring all recent facts.

You can't make this shit up.

Amanda de Cadenet? From that 90s zoo TV show The Word? .. she was always a nasty piece of work .. went out with Simon le bon if I recall..

In the nineties posh girls getting famous in the tabloids with the 'wild child' moniker (which was code for perving at young girls) was a thing and it was pretty gross then


Oct 27, 2017
Wait like she actually took a shit on the bed? Like she actually did that?

Yes . and she blamed the dog after the fact. Here's the thread when that story came out

Johnny Depp accuses Amber Heard of shitting in his bed.

the comments from posters here are gross.


Oct 26, 2017
Yes . and she blamed the dog after the fact. Here's the thread when that story came out

Johnny Depp accuses Amber Heard of shitting in his bed.

the comments from posters here are gross.

I don't think that does it justice just how disgusting they are! people in there should be on bans still


Alt account
Nov 1, 2019

This is really bad ....

One of the 4 women at the top of that "meToo" organization, is Amanda de Cadenet.

Amber Heard's best friend ......

Who is also listed in Depp's lawsuit as a co-conspirator ..........

Now retweeting on her platform a slanderous article ignoring all recent facts.

You can't make this shit up.

This is crazy and nobody seems to be questioning it and Amber Heard is still set to go in Aquaman 2 and being hailed as humanitarian, meanwhile more and more damning evidence is coming out and being completely ignored.

Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Just for the record, there are "moral" or generally socially acceptable "psychopaths" too (the population being people with very dimnished emotional [esp. fear, guilt, shame] and empathy capabilities but generally other cognitive functions being intact and some emotions such as anger or interest might be their main ones). It depends on how they were raised to think and what kind of ethical logic they decide to use. They can be pro-social, just kinda lacking in emotional capability. Which is why ASPD doesn't always seem to accurately describe those types of people and why I don't use that term as much.

And yes, Asperger may be a nazi or whatever, but I'm not finding autism-level1 or however you would describe "relatively high functioning person with autism, often with fluent language skills" quite as useful yet. Yes it would be nice if all conditions or disorders were named after better people, but it is what it is.

Sorry for bumping this with a late reply, but guys, I'm still gonna probably use the terms "psychopath" (and sometimes psycho) and "aspergers" until such a point I no longer find it useful lol. :P

Probably not around you guys though! Since you either don't understand the context of its use or find it distasteful regardless. I will try to be polite.

As for the new developments with more influential meetoo movement people.. yeesh.

All of it just reminds me more and more of what some of my male friends have gone through or are currently going through. Even down to the frivolous or abusive demands of them to undergo psychological evaluations, that they hand in all their private journals/creative writing for analysis of violent tendencies or whatever. At that point you fear having any voice at all, even your own private thoughts, as you're afraid somehow they can be construed as evidence that you were the evil or abusive one.

I think Heard is beyond just classic narcissism. She has a lot more orchestration and malignancy to her than reactive lashing out due to ego injury. Worse, she has a lot of useful idiots or flying monkeys defending her.
Do what you want, can't really stop you. Just trying to provide an alternative view on those terms and why many people who suffer from and many people who treat mental illness find them to be not very useful at best and quite harmful at worst. Regardless, your heart is in the right place and you have your own personal reasons.


Jan 16, 2018
This whole thing is turning more and more into a litmus test if a person actually wants to listen to Victims of domestic violence (even comparatively very rare case of a female abuser) or if they want to feel good about their own wokeness.


Jan 17, 2018
Judging by the reactions, or lack of them, I guess the truth is a least important thing in today's world.

Is 300k a big enough number for WB to set alarms? Heard's reputation is sinking, but I'm afraid without any support from the media, it's not for long and good publicity stunt or photo op are going to change the tide in her favour again.


Oct 25, 2017
The irony here is palpable.

As we can hear in the audio, Amber's entire reaction stems from insecurity and fear of her reputation being damaged. All the original evidence pointed toward her, but the largest voice in the room was "Johnny is an abuser". Johnny was fully prepared to move along peacefully despite his reputation taking a huge hit, and, in time, it would be HIM who would have been remembered as an abuser with Amber as the victim.

Instead, she vindictively and cynically twisted the #metoo movement to boost her own career and reputation by vilifying Johnny, and in the process exposed the full extent of her abuse. And even now that is not enough for some people... even with EVERY piece of actual evidence we have pointing toward Amber, every conversation exposing her behaviours and denial, even now it's impossible for some to see the male victim.

I get why, I understand how these systems are enforced and perpetuated, and I know I'm not writing anything new... this is just so fucking sad and frustrating to witness.


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
This made me laugh

Also, the incredible amount of women coming out to support Johnny after listening to the tapes, is rather telling.
It must kill the medias to not be able to spin his support as "angry men babies leading misogynistic attacks on victim !!" when it's mostly women that are speaking out.

Judging by the reactions, or lack of them, I guess the truth is a least important thing in today's world.

Is 300k a big enough number for WB to set alarms? Heard's reputation is sinking, but I'm afraid without any support from the media, it's not for long and good publicity stunt or photo op are going to change the tide in her favour again.

I think they are all waiting for the march lawsuit. To see if

1) Public outrage sticks
2) In case of a loss, if it can be spinned in Heard's favor, while ignoring this is a defamation case which can go either way for technical reasons

Heard was completely trashed in France's biggest talk show. They're not gonna have a world tour press media going smoothly anymore.

But to WB's credits, they're the only ones that stood by Depp despite the insane backlash. They knew the truth, and while they couldn't fire Heard at the time without looking like monsters themselves, they at least didn't have the heart to kick Johnny while he was down.

I understand people are calling them out for their silence right now but I think they deserve a bit more sympathy. It's a shit show for them.
Oct 26, 2017
This made me laugh

Also, the incredible amount of women coming out to support Johnny after listening to the tapes, is rather telling.
It must kill the medias to not be able to spin his support as "angry men babies leading misogynistic attacks on victim !!" when it's mostly women that are speaking out.

It's a bit sad that having a moral backbone is a surprise on the internet nowadays, but I'm glad that there are so many women that still have one.


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
This is rich, considering the previous tweets and the timing. The article of course mentions Johnny Depp.

I guess they're actually starting to get scared of justice now.



Oct 27, 2017
Culturally itt seems harder to admit a man can be abused.Irony is I remember Amber Heard for or a role in a movie about sexual abuse and harassment at work and school.


Oct 25, 2017
I think statisically, even if the tilt for domestic violence is 85:15 male:female main perpetrator due to genetics x social pressure/gender expectations, a huge amount is still being mainly perpetrated by women. And even if only 1% of those cases has false accusation from a woman on top if it, it still probably means tens of thousands of male victims.

In these cases, being collateral or a "rare statistic" is not helpful. Cancer is also raletively rare, but we try to put a lot of effort into the care and rehabilitation of a person of these rare events, and the same should be considered when it comes to men.

I also think that as time goes on and the power balance between gender improves and our awareness of domestic violence grows, rates of violence will lower but there will be more and more gender parity with these stats at the same time. Because abuse is an exercise of power.

So I think this statistical understanding of gender being the main factor for victimization may minimize and we'd see closer to equal rates between men and women as the main victims and perpetrators. We won't be able to make these seemingly "safe" assumptions on the direction of abuse and power based on gender anymore.


Oct 27, 2017
Arsenal Gear
Every time I pick this issue up and try to make sense of it I can't. One day it seems as if there was potentially a huge smear campaign against Depp that Heard almost got away with. Another day I see people talking about Depp being the main aggressor again. What's worse is that I find it difficult to find an objective source. Anyone who is explaining seems to be firmly entrenched in either a pro Heard or pro Depp stance, which just makes it more difficult to understand properly.


Oct 25, 2017
Johnny Depp's a piece of shit
I like how you just ignored 15 pages or what was in the op just to post this. There is a difference between saying something in a fit of rage (even though he admitted he would never hurt her because he loved her too much in the next text) and Heard actually committing violence against him as well as being verbally abuse. But sure, Depp is the piece of shit, not Heard.
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Oct 25, 2017
South East Asia
I still can't get over the fact that he got his finger sliced off (that and the alleged poop incident)

Fuck, I'd rather have my arm broken again than have a part of my body cut off. Jesus.


Oct 25, 2017
This has been going around

Bizarre coincidence - I just watched randomly the end of Legion. Then read this.

Those texts are unforgiveable obviously - if true - but this case is a rollercoaster of fuckery - I'd be hesitant to even try to ascribe blame or the weight of responsibility to either partner till the whole thing is bleached in daylight. If his texts are caustic and exemplary of how he talks about women in general, there's an extremely serious problem - if they're isolated as a reaction to one-sided physical abuse then they're still extremely troubling but don't rise to the level of physical assault - and there's always the very real possibility that this couple are mutually abusive and there is no "baddie."


Oct 27, 2017
I like how you just ignored 15 pages or what was in the op just to post this. There is a difference between saying something in a fit of rage (even though he admitted he would never hurt her because he loved her too much in the next text) and Heard actually committing violence against him as well as being verbally abuse. But sure, Depp is the more that is a piece of shit, not Heard.
Some people think others need to be kind to their abusers.


Oct 25, 2017
Johnny Depp's a piece of shit
It didn't take long for those of you who stood by while the evidence against Heard dropped to come in here and do this, did it?

Not a single one of Depp's previous partners have confirmed this behaviour was something that had manifested before. Now, it could be possible that Depp has developed this behaviour over time, and it is absolutely true that those texts are, regardless of abuse, a vile response. They could also be part of his way of dealing with the abuse he suffered, and while that doesn't excuse it and it would still need addressing, to drop in and just say "Depp is a piece of shit" without mentioning anything else in the context of the entire case after all the evidence we have now, though, is pretty vile too.

Male domestic abuse survivors should be believed, too, especially when there is so much evidence. If it also turns out Depp had some toxic behaviours that need addressing, we can do that also, but just rushing in to say what you did in the context of this thread was pretty low imo.
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Oct 27, 2017
Denver, Colorado
This whole thing is turning more and more into a litmus test if a person actually wants to listen to Victims of domestic violence (even comparatively very rare case of a female abuser) or if they want to feel good about their own wokeness.

That men often do not report abuse by women does not mean that women abusers are "very rare". I dealt with physical and emotional abuse from my son's mother for years, and it was only ever part of any police record because, during one of those episodes, she called the police on me, and then berated the responding police officer until he arrested her for domestic violence.

I had no intention of ever reporting it, because I grew up thinking that I had to Be a Man and that meant putting up with certain things. I did myself, my son, and my stepchildren a huge disservice by allowing toxic masculinity to make me feel weak and inferior if I stood up for myself by reporting abuse.

Abuse is about power and control, not gender.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Do people expect a victim to be a saint or something?

It's not a case of both sides here.


Oct 25, 2017
Don't expect Sweeney Swift to come back. They won't be able to recognize how hypocritical their comment was, and how if someone else had dropped that in a different thread they'd be the ones jumping all over it.


Oct 25, 2017
Do people expect a victim to be a saint or something?

It's not a case of both sides here.
Anger is, paradoxically, one of the few emotions men are "allowed" to show, but will absolutely be shit on and censured for showing it. The double standard of toxic masculinity at its finest. Damned if you do (and when you do), damned if you don't.


Mar 18, 2018
She may have beat him and cut off half his finger and ruin his career and public identity to the level were most people would have committed suicide by now if they had been vilified that much...

But to be fair he did say some mean things in a text in response so it's all the same really. In fact he's worse.

fucking /s.

Gin & Phonics

Nov 2, 2017
This has been going around

Yeah, out of context (big emphasis on this), it's not a great look that Johnny sent those things to a friend. But two things: Johnny was also being abused at this time, was having his career ruined, and was being repeatedly gaslit. Sending an enraged text to a friend seems about right. The second, very important -- in the follow up text he says to his friend: " I am admittedly too fucked in the head to spray my rage at the one I love." Also, Johnny does not have a history of abuse unlike Amber does.

I'm all for taking in evidence objectively as it comes, but I don't see how this drastically shifts the narrative. Amber is still an abuser and liar and there's plenty of court and audio documents that corroborate this. The Not Lindsay Lohan account is a vehement Amber Heard defender and is blocking anyone who isn't supporting Amber, so anything gleamed from her account should be taken with a massive grain of salt.
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