
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
If this were a comic book it would be the prelude to the event, not the event unto itself. But it was part 1 of a planned two-parter.

I'm intrigued at how Infinity War will navigate that, as it seems to be the Avengers vs. five Steppenwolfs, as a setup for the sequel.

Difference there is that Thanos will actually show up, unlike the setup in JL. But I get what you're saying, the black order needs to be interesting for sure.

X Borealis

Oct 28, 2017
I didn't think it was a great artistic choice, but it was readable.

The final fight in Batman v Superman is a visual mess of fire and grey buildings.

And the Wonder Woman finale had an empty airfield at night filled with abysmal CGI. Suicide Squad finale was just plain horrible. Yeah, DCEU movies have had abysmally disgusting final battles. It's a problem when the climaxes are the shittiest parts of their movies.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm not so sure about this.
They fight Thanos in the leaked trailer.
"Fight"seems like a pretty generous reading of the beat down they were getting in that trailer. Thanos wasn't even in Armor he was just wrecking shop in his causal Friday clothes.
The Russo's said Infinity War is gonna be a Thanos Heist movie. So Avengers 3 is gonna be focused on Black Order wearing down the separated Avengers and stealing the stones. Ant Man 2 will probably take place before IW and Captain Marvel is set in the 90's so a direct continuation makes sense for Avengers 4.


Oct 25, 2017
"Fight"seems like a pretty generous reading of the beat down they were getting in that trailer. Thanos wasn't even in Armor he was just wrecking shop in his causal Friday clothes.
The Russo's said Infinity War is gonna be a Thanos Heist movie. So Avengers 3 is gonna be focused on Black Order wearing down the separated Avengers and stealing the stones. Ant Man 2 will probably take place before IW and Captain Marvel is set in the 90's so a direct continuation makes sense for Avengers 4.
Then they have no excuse if The Black Order doesn't become fully fleshed out characters.
Oct 28, 2017
The opening rooftop scene with Batman looked so much like a soundstage and visually mimicked the Arkham games so closely I thought I was watching an ad for a new game in the series.


Oct 25, 2017
US, East Coast
Steppenwolf reminded me of Liam Neeson so much.

I'm sure this was asked, but how is Clark going to explain to authorities and Daily Planet how he went from "presumed dead and buried" to "appearing out of nowhere coincidentally just as Superman is resurrected"? Surely the jig is up.


Oct 25, 2017
I laughed when Cyborg was trying to be all stealthy eavesdropping like 10 feet away on Wonderwoman and Batman in the woods with his hood on, except he has A GIANT RED GLOWING EYE.


Oct 25, 2017
Sooo I liked the movie but I still am not sure how exactly I feel about it. It obviously feels like it is missing a good 30-45 minutes of foothiage. The pacing seemed fine until the ending when it just ends. Steppenwolf is by far the worst DCEU villain which is saying something because we have had Enchantress and Mark Zuckerberg before him.

The Flash was the best part. Oh and Superman's cgi lip was weird.


Nov 14, 2017
Then they have no excuse if The Black Order doesn't become fully fleshed out characters.

I'm not sure what you're expecting when you say fleshed out. I don' expect each member of the Black Order to have their history visited. This is Thanos' movie, so the attention will be on him. Plus with side characters like these, less is more. For the general audience who doesn't know them, as long as they appear and do some cool shit, they will have more intrigue.


Oct 25, 2017
Steppenwolf reminded me of Liam Neeson so much.

I'm sure this was asked, but how is Clark going to explain to authorities and Daily Planet how he went from "presumed dead and buried" to "appearing out of nowhere coincidentally just as Superman is resurrected"? Surely the jig is up.

His body was mistakenly identified. He was anonymous and in a coma for months. Not hard to come up with a plausible explanation, given the destruction that took place.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not sure what you're expecting when you say fleshed out. I don' expect each member of the Black Order to have their history visited. This is Thanos' movie, so the attention will be on him. Plus with side characters like these, less is more. For the general audience who doesn't know them, as long as they appear and do some cool shit, they will have more intrigue.
They're villains in the comics. In the comics they don't have a lot to say but more than enough to be compelling characters. The movie will probably just treat them on the same level as Steppenwolf.


Oct 25, 2017
Rewatching scenes from BvS and remembered how good the Knightmare sequence looked. Nothing in this looked as good or was choreographed as well as that scene. The parademons looked better and more menacing too. Too bad it was so long and out of place in BvS that nobody liked it.

Makes me want Zack Snyder to be off the main DC franchise and work on his own Injustice adaptation.

Deleted member 8593

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017

Cipher Peon

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I watched Justice League on Thursday and... I was incredibly disappointed. It wasn't even fun bad, it was just... boring.

Infinitely worse than BvS and not even in the same universe as Suicide Squad. Justice League is just a waste of time and mental energy.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Did Whedon and Elfman really ignore all of Zimmer's themes? Probably the only part of this universe people near-unanimously like.


Oct 27, 2017
Okay, my full(er) thoughts on the movie since last night:

+ I liked the dynamic between the team, felt like everyone bounced off each other pretty well. I was wondering if Batfleck, as the grumpy old man, was going to be the odd one out here but he worked out for what his role was.
+ Cavill finally gets to play the Superman I've been waiting for. Although he's only in the movie for a short amount of time, and his first scene rubbed me the wrong way (more on that below), it was nice to finally see Superman back in a way that really hasn't been seen since Reeve. And now naturally, there's no Superman movie on the horizon...
+ Really dug Diana's role. I think some people underestimate Gadot's performance in these movies; she may not be the most technically proficient actor, but she really owns being Wonder Woman whenever she's on screen and just feels naturally badass.
+ Nice to see Simmons and Irons here, albeit in tiny roles. Same with Billy Crudup, who is a seriously underrated actor.
+ A couple good setpieces. I really liked the sequence of the Amazons playing keep-away with the Mother Box. I also liked the Flash trying to circle around Clark and hit him from behind, but Clark turning his head around to catch him. A nice 'oh shit' moment.
+ Nice to hear the Batman '89 theme again!
+ Even though Eisenberg is still channeling Frank Gorshin in his performance as Lex, that post-credits scene was pretty hype. The crowd freaked the fuck out when Deathstroke showed up on screen.
+ The ending montage in general was pretty good.

+/- Ezra Miller was a mixed bag for me. He had some genuinely funny and charming moments. Other times, his one-liners landed with a thud ("it's a cave...a BAT cave..!!") or, even without saying anything, felt like he was trying to yuck it up for the screen too hard.

- Cyborg and Aquabro were pretty dull, and the Atlantis section did nothing for me. Felt like that whole scene was really chopped up because it just didn't flow at all, and served Arthur's character really poorly.
- I thought they kind of botched Superman's return. Didn't like him trying to kill the league, didn't like Alfred driving up out of nowhere with Lois, and I felt like Snyder/Whedon/Elfman missed a serious opportunity not doing some kind of triumphant musical thing when Supes shows up for the final battle. I heard a snippet of the Williams theme somewhere in there, but come on, as long as you're going to dip into it, just use the full theme!
- They also did Amy Adams no favors with Lois' character in the movie. She's only in a few scenes but her material is pretty lousy.
- The score was pretty bland and forgettable.
- The editing in general is very messy, especially in the first half of the film. Things just jump from one scene to the next without a strong throughline running through them, and it works against the whole premise of the film: assembling the league. It's too rushed and the way the team ends up coming together just doesn't feel organic to me.
- Steppenwolf. I know this has been talked to death but he really is a poor villain. Almost a carbon copy of Malekith or Ronan, but even lamer if you can believe it. His motivations are muddled, he has zero personality, is not intimidating or threatening in the slightest, and ends up going down fairly easy at the end.
- The CGI and compositing in this film are the worst I've seen in a superhero movie in a really long time. And this is a hard complaint to separate out from the rest of the film because it's just everywhere. Steppenwolf looks bad and the action (of which there is a lot) looks bad, but it's not just the big final act setpieces that suffer; even small stuff, like Bats knocking around a crook on the roof at the beginning, looks super fake. Even worse, there's a lot of character-building stuff -- like, just two people having a discussion -- that were plainly done in reshoots because the compositing is so distractingly obvious. When both the fighting and the talking are being plagued by bad VFX, what you're left with is an altogether bad-looking movie.
- The movie in general just feels undercooked. WB really should have delayed it to next year. It may have been too late to the rework the overall script (though I think Whedon's last-minute character punch-ups here work more often than not), but the CGI and other effects were clearly not done, the uncanny valley happening on Cavill's face to erase his stache is really strange looking, and Affleck needed more time to get back into shape for the reshoots. The movie overall just feels like it needed more time to come together, even just in post.

Overall, not great but not bad. A so-so movie that feels pretty messy on just about every level of production - from script to cinematography to CGI to editing to score - but can hang together around a mostly strong rapport among its cast, even with Aquabro and Cyborg as the weak links. And despite all its myriad issues, the ending sequence and post-credits scene actually did leave me interested in a JL2 and wanting to see some of these characters again. So on that point alone, this movie succeeded where BvS and SS failed for me.


And for what it's worth: WW > JL >= MoS > BvS > SS


Nov 3, 2017
It reminded me of this scene from "Friends":


I knew I recognized his run style from somewhere! This is exactly what I was thinking about but couldn't place it.
Oct 29, 2017

Deleted member 1185

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Reading the comments and other tweets similar to that account, is the narrative now that Snyder made an amazing movie and it got ruined by Whedon? That's peculiar.

Its been the narrative for a while. Of course i think its ludicrous BUT i do think the reason the film looked so bad is the FX team having redo or create entirely new scenes in a very short amount of time. These earlier cut shots look pretty good, even if the movie would have been worse with them

The Masked Mufti

The Wise Ones
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
I have no idea how to do describe this movie other than underwhelming. It was better than BvS I guess but at least that movie was exciting in how bad it was, this here is just really bland and boring.
Steppenwolf is the worst of these modern comic book movie villains so far. Like I could not wait for all of his scenes to be over, and there was nothing that indicated that he was any stronger than Ares so I'm not sure why WW and flash together couldn't drop him easily.


Oct 29, 2017
Under my Hela Hela
I have no idea how to do describe this movie other than underwhelming. It was better than BvS I guess but at least that movie was exciting in how bad it was, this here is just really bland and boring.
Steppenwolf is the worst of these modern comic book movie villains so far. Like I could not wait for all of his scenes to be over, and there was nothing that indicated that he was any stronger than Ares so I'm not sure why WW and flash together couldn't drop him easily.


So a guy who fought off Gods and Amazons and Atlanteans and humans and Green Lanterns in one age then Aquaman, Cyborg, WW and Flash in another isn't portrayed as stronger than a guy who got beat solo by Wonder Woman is the weirdest critique I've read to date.

Steppenwolf was clearly portrayed as far more powerful than Ares. I mean he took a lightning bolt from Zeus and had to be dragged from the fight. Same shit fucked Ares up permanently.


Oct 25, 2017
His body was mistakenly identified. He was anonymous and in a coma for months. Not hard to come up with a plausible explanation, given the destruction that took place.

That'd be a pretty weird mistake since they had an open casket funeral with his family, friends, and co-workers in Smallville. I'm not sure how they could get themselves out of that corner without some extreme fuckery.


Oct 25, 2017

So a guy who fought off Gods and Amazons and Atlanteans and humans and Green Lanterns in one age then Aquaman, Cyborg, WW and Flash in another isn't portrayed as stronger than a guy who got beat solo by Wonder Woman is the weirdest critique I've read to date.

Steppenwolf was clearly portrayed as far more powerful than Ares. I mean he took a lightning bolt from Zeus and had to be dragged from the fight. Same shit fucked Ares up permanently.

Maybe I should have just said that I wasn't convinced he was that much stronger than Ares because he came across as really non threatening to me. I was not buying it and it was clear from the start that he was a joke character being propped up so he could be an excuse to bring back someone who shouldn't have been dead in the first place.

The Masked Mufti

The Wise Ones
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
That'd be a pretty weird mistake since they had an open casket funeral with his family, friends, and co-workers in Smallville. I'm not sure how they could get themselves out of that corner without some extreme fuckery.
Bruce said he took care of the arrangements in the first place for both funerals (the military one having an empty box). Not hard to imagine that he'll arrange (bribe) things so that Clark can go back to a normal life.


Oct 25, 2017
I watched this today and I'm having difficulty summing up my honest thoughts. Overall, as someone who dislikes Man of Steel for Pa Kent character assassination, but enjoyed BvS quite a bit for the themes and earnest effort despite the messy execution, and hated Suicide Squad through and through - I thought that Justice League was merely an "okay" movie, which works as a fun and forgettable romp with well known DC heroes, but has almost zero interesting story arcs, a piss poor villain which would make Marvel Studios proud, and some pretty dodgy CG. Steppenwolf is a nothing burger. No two ways around it. He exists in the movie to get punched and does nothing interesting, says nothing of note, and is just a jobber match opener for the eventual Darkseid and Luther villain league storylines. If they even get there after the reception to this. Lol.

So beyond the lackluster package, what did I like from this? The powers were done pretty well, some of the action pieces were really enjoyable, and the opening montage showing the tone of the world post-Superman was very Snyder. The return of Superman was really good. They nailed the Dark God feeling, he seemed angry, but so hot at the same time. The sequence with him noticing Flash and counterattacking was a crowdpleaser and EVERYONE in the cinema reacted to it. Oh and Batman's tank mech was kinda cool, except it didn't do anything at all. The Green Lantern Corps cameos in the flashback war scene was glorious.