Papa Satanás

Oct 25, 2017
I work in a medical office with a few other people. They're all mad busy practices, it's stressful sometimes, blah blah work blah

One lady in particular has had a good call-out coming for years, and today I let it fly. It felt great. I'm not worried about repercussions, none will come :')

Era, have you ever had the absolute pleasure of telling off a coworker (justifiably)? Did it help your work environment or make it worse? What was their reaction? Did you get a wee lil satisfaction boner?


Oct 27, 2017
jesus christ man, details.

Why do we always have to drag this shit out of you people? Stop clickbaiting your own threads


Mar 11, 2019
I'm not sure I'd have satisfaction for doing that. I know I've never seen a good outcome after someone did that to another.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I got no satisfaction boner because you didn't even tease me with your post.

Torpedo Vegas

Oct 27, 2017
Parts Unknown.
No, I try to be above all the pettiness of my work place and management appreciates it by leaving me alone. It's part of why I can barely do anything and no one notices. They think I'm no nonsense and hard working. It took a good 6 or 7 years to get here, but here I am and it's great.


Oct 25, 2017
Did you get a wee lil satisfaction boner?

As a woman??? FUCK YEAH. Tell them to suck my dick, slap the first ass I see, then I flip a table because I'm IMMORTAL and just told someone the fuck off. Fuck them. Butt it's okay, it's justified.


Jokes. If someone upsets me, I either let it slide because who cares, or I tell them they've gotten me cross and hope we can work it out and do better.
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Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 22, 2019
You must be ashamed of what you did, otherwise you would have described the situation and let a bunch of judgmental pricks tear you apart. I count myself among them. Give up the deets.


Oct 26, 2017
Why leave out important details like why she deserved to be told off and what shes done to deserve? Click baity thread.


Nov 13, 2017
No, I try to be above all the pettiness of my work place and management appreciates it by leaving me alone. It's part of why I can barely do anything and no one notices. They think I'm no nonsense and hard working. It took a good 6 or 7 years to get here, but here I am and it's great.

This is me too!


Dec 18, 2017

Anyway, I've never done this with a coworker (nor had to). So far, my professional life with my coworkers has been nothing but enjoyable and pain-free.


Oct 27, 2017
Perhaps not the same, But I finally told this dude who always had to make some sarcastic or snarky comment about me when I walk by him (usually about how I apparently look unhappy to him or something) to just shut the fuck up for once and that he doesn't need to fucking yap anytime I walk near him or make assumptions about how I feel and it felt pretty great, tbh.

It certainly was out of a moment of frustration and sometimes those things don't go so well, but we were good after that and he mostly shut up with that shit, so it's fine.
Oct 25, 2017
I've told off a few people in my life. Mostly at McDonald's for people who leave tasks that they are responsible for and thus us night staffers had to deal with it (I once had to handle breakfast dishes at midnight because no one bothered to take them back to wash). That said, I also had a client (not a co-worker but whatever) who was being really abusive and rude to me, highly accusatory and pushy, until I grew tired of it and complained about his conduct to him. I did something with TeamViewer with him, and I accidentally saw some lovely (read: not) pornography, and when I got fed up with his behavior, made sure to point out to him how inappropriate it was of him to expose a client to his fetishes. It felt really, really good.

Pirate Bae

Edelgard Feet Appreciator
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
One of my coworkers was making sexist comments about how he thinks women shouldn't be in the military and how they can't do the job right since they're not as strong. I called him out on it and we literally almost got into a fist fight in the office. My supervisor had to break us up.


Oct 27, 2017
Miami, FL
Yes, my previous boss.

It felt great. And then with his tail tucked between his legs, I found another job in another department and my career kinda flourished. I'm sure I'll bump into him in the halls one of these days. Should be hilarious.


Oct 28, 2017
Called out a guy who would talk and talk and talk. In one on one "conversations" with him he'd almost seem bothered when I talked. Eventually lost it and told him I could tell he only cared about what he had to say. Our relationship actually improved after that. He still sucked at social cues on when to shut up but he did better with me.

Deleted member 6263

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
OP lets boner fly at female co-worker who needed a good "calling out". Not worried about repercussions because he is a man.

For shame, OP...
Oct 29, 2017

but the best ones are where someone tries to call me out and includes a bunch of people on the email or brings it up in a meeting and they are completely wrong and come off looking like jackasses....those are the most satisfying.


Oct 27, 2017
Denver, Colorado
Not sure if you're being sarcastic or not, but it is. I don't take meaning from my work. I work live, not live to work. It provides for my family and I don't have to work crazy long hours or be stressed out to do it, as much as I like to complain and joke about working it doesn't get much better than this.

I'm not one of those people who thinks you should have to kill yourself, or even overwork yourself, for some faceless corporation that doesn't give any fucks about you. I put in my 40 each week and then as far as I'm concerned whatever problems remain can wait until next week.

But I've had jobs where I walked into the office in the morning and my only priority was finding some way to kill time until 4pm when I could fuck off back home and, man, it sucked. There's only so much Halo or Super Mario you can play at work, only so many posts you can post online. I want/need my days to have some fulfillment, some challenge, something that stimulates my mind.

I could have coasted at that job for years and years, but I just can't do 'work' like that and I don't get how people can derive pleasure from sitting around doing nothing, any more than I get those people who think that sacrificing their life for their corporate overlords is something meaningful. It's all about balance, imo.

But if it works for you, and you're actually happy, then seriously more power to you. Life should be enjoyed, and no one's required to enjoy it in the same exact way I do :)

Scrub Jay

Nov 28, 2017
My coworker sleeps at his desk 6 out of 8 hours of the day. Went off on him after he said he couldnt do the simplest task to change Vlans on a switchport while I was off site installing equipment.

I regret only that all the girls there saw me flip out and go on a cussing storm. I didnt apologize.

Deleted member 9241

Oct 26, 2017
I am the happy go lucky dude in the workplace. Nothing bothers me and I am zero drama. When I do have a complaint, I am soft spoken and deliberate with my words. I am not spastic, I do not lash out, and I do not make mountains out of molehills or pepper my complaint with hyperbole. Therefore, people listen to me and take my grievances very seriously if/when I bring them up. I put thought into my words and also try to have a solution to the issues I bring up.

Doskoi Panda

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Imma shitpost til OP comes back with the story and I encourage each and every one of you to join me in this


What year is this?
Oct 25, 2017


Imma shitpost til OP comes back with the story and I encourage each and every one of you to join me in this



Dec 7, 2017
Guy I work with is friendly to the point that it is overbearing and annoying. He's not very bright and whenever he needs help (which is often) he'll often just slide over and give a lame joke or empty compliment before the inevitable "I don't know how to do this, can you do it for me/walk me through it." Often on things I've explained in detail before. Nothing would please me more than to just open up on him and vent all my frustrations but that would make things very awkward since I sit right near him.