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Oct 27, 2017
You know what's another sad thing about all this? People are gonna use this dipshit as a poster-child for the evils of "cancel culture" when, really, after leaving SNL for ANY reason, he'll make a cottage industry out of being the comic who got "cancelled" out of SNL.

And then he'll land a Netflix standup special called "Triggered" or "Cancelled" or some shit.


Oct 25, 2017
Seen some comedians and stuff defending him on twitter like "we all do hundreds of hours of free comedy and then they dig up one stupid thing we said and cancel us"

i've been posting shit on the internet since I was a dumb 14 year old and I've never done anything nearly as fucking awful and racist as this trash clip.


Oct 27, 2017
Ah, he commented, without mentioning the fact that said videos are less than a year old.

Don't read the replies.

What stands about this to me, is that he's essentially saying that he's not being honest with his comedy. "I'm just trying out stuff".

I'm not a comedian, but people have said I'm funny, and I never say shit I don't find funny myself. I don't say racist shit because I don't find it funny.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
I'd love to know what is brave about being a racist. What other garbage behavior can we qualify as "risk-taking"?

"Sure I throw my garbage at sleeping homeless people. I just gotta take risks!"
How is using slurs and racist stereotypes that were old before world war 2 pushing boundaries?


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
The funny thing about all this is getting cancelled will probably do more for his career than being one of those 1 season white guys like Luke Null and Josh Rud- something or other. Now he's going to launch a career off being the aggrieved, cancelled stand up. I'm already seeing people who've literally never heard of this guy passionately defend him online.
Yeah but that has a very low ceiling, especially if you want to break out from standup. Basically he should save every penn6 during his 15 minutes


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
He waited until midnight before saying something. I think that says he was trying to wait it out but NBC gave him the boot.


Oct 27, 2017
So his excuse for being a virulent racist is that he was trying to be funny?

Yeah no he can fuck off the edge of a cliff with that condescending shit.

Comedy in general is just filled with a bunch of bigots and creeps. They all need to go... fuck.

Deleted member 15227

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Oct 27, 2017
Racism, especially against Asians, is pushing boundaries? Never understood how racism can ever be justified under the guise of comedy. It's the laziest type of 'comedy' ever.


Alt account
Aug 24, 2019
This is way worse, more recent, and just aggressively hateful compared to Melissa Villaseñor's shitty tweets. I think there is a good chance he leaves the show. He's not the "first Hispanic female cast member", he's just a lame white guy standup and they already have Jost for that.

Slash Ess

Nov 5, 2017
Stumbled on a podcast episode where he and other 'comedians' are using transphobic slurs to make fun of a friend of mine in the Toronto comedy scene. Yeah, never watching SNL again.


Oct 30, 2017
Do these two assholes really think they're being funny? Holy shit.
Stupid douches like them seem to have a special immunity to self awareness that allows them to imagine themselves projecting the raw charisma of James Bond while in fact they're slouching in their chairs babbling chinlessly as they effect a striking impression of raw dough stacked to resemble melting snowmen.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
Stupid douches like them seem to have a special immunity to self awareness that allows them to imagine themselves projecting the raw charisma of James Bond while in fact they're slouching in their chairs babbling chinlessly as they effect a striking impression of raw dough stacked to resemble melting snowmen.
can't expect friends and family to call them out cause "reasons"


Oct 25, 2017
Wow, lot of people jumping on TheMadTitan just because reading the thread title made him think this was likely a James Gunn sitch. I did too - the idea that someone who did something this bad, this recently, could have been hired by a major TV show that must heavily research the comics they employ seemed utterly absurd. And yet here we are.

Racism against Asians is sometimes downplayed as "not as bad" as racism against other minorities, so I can see where they are coming from.

But the thread title is actually quite generous towards Gillis (doesn't say racism) so I can see why there is skepticism.


Oct 27, 2017
His conversation with the big toe is just a series of racist observations. He completely misses the point in his response. If this was a comedy act, maybe that response would make sense (Although, still fucking poor).

Also, SNL is shit.


Oct 27, 2017
Anyone else notice he has skoal in his mouth at the time? That's just too perfect.


Aug 25, 2019
That apology is what I would imagine a middle school kid would give to his principal after getting caught saying this nonsense in the cafeteria. Just juvenile all around.

Deleted member 6730

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Oct 25, 2017
Lol that video and that apology. This guy seems like a piece of shit who shouldn't have even been considered for SNL.

Deleted member 176

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Oct 25, 2017
You know what's another sad thing about all this? People are gonna use this dipshit as a poster-child for the evils of "cancel culture" when, really, after leaving SNL for ANY reason, he'll make a cottage industry out of being the comic who got "cancelled" out of SNL.

And then he'll land a Netflix standup special called "Triggered" or "Cancelled" or some shit.
"Me so cancelled"

Chairmanchuck (另一个我)

Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
I do not get the MadTV recommendations here, because MadTV literally has a white person playing a (most likely) asian person also using the same fucking accent joke over and over again "He look a look a like man". "U no do" "It go like dis a"


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
I really want to know how this guy got vetted. Friend of a friend,? follower count? cause no way do you not look at his stuff and realized who exactly he is


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
This podcast is somehow an even shittier version of Cum Town. Congrats to the two of them for a stunning achievement!
A bit of a tangent but I can't believe how many people recommend the Cum Town podcast to me. They get into some decent riffs at times but 90% of their humor is just "that's so gay bro" and "sucking dicks is gay bro". It feels like it fell out of the 1990's.


Oct 25, 2017
Ah right that's just two pricks having a racist conversation. Pushing boundaries in comedy my ass.

Extra Sauce

Oct 27, 2017
The skit of their first day on the job practically writes itself from there

Honestly I was thinking a sketch featuring Bowen Yang and Shane Gillis tackling the controversy could be amazing if done right, but then that would mean a possible redemption arc for Gillis which is not exactly deserved.

Ziltoidia 9

Oct 25, 2017
What sets apart normal people that are just trying to be a comedian, and an actual comedian, is the ability to avoid low hanging fruit. The whole "risk" thing doesn't make sense or the guy doesn't have a very big comedic IQ.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
i bet there's a good skit to right about the edgey comedian who thinks he's pushing boundaries but he's just a sad tired decrepit old racist
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