
Oct 25, 2017

Some of y'all gonna lose your shit when I express a lack of interest in voting for him again though lol


Oct 25, 2017

Some of y'all gonna lose your shit when I express a lack of interest in voting for him again though lol

I'm not sure what else a president can say here. Maybe nothing at all which I guess I would prefer.

What I WOULD like him to call out are the politicians praising Kyle as a hero and reminding people that two people are dead and to maybe show a little class.


_ _ _ w _ _ _
Oct 23, 2017
Funny - people on the Right are absolutely outraged that Joe Biden is showing too much spine & that Kyle Rittenhouse should sue him. And apparently that White House statement about Americans being angry & concerned is too divisive.

It's almost like Joe Biden can't win here.


Aug 1, 2018
I'm not sure what else a president can say here. Maybe nothing at all which I guess I would prefer.

What I WOULD like him to call out are the politicians praising Kyle as a hero and reminding people that two people are dead and to maybe show a little class.

He could not lie about the jury system working.


Oct 27, 2017
No, white right wing men are allowed to do that.
Look up Marissa Alexander.
just looked it up.
"Alexander had fired the warning shot because of Florida's stand-your-ground law, a law that allows self-defense, such as lethal force, in life-threatening situations, but a warning shot was not legal at that time."


Lucky Forward

Oct 27, 2017
I'm not sure what else a president can say here. Maybe nothing at all which I guess I would prefer.

What I WOULD like him to call out are the politicians praising Kyle as a hero and reminding people that two people are dead and to maybe show a little class.

Rittenhouse's own attorney did:

Rittenhouse Attorney Calls GOP Efforts To Cash In On Client 'Disgusting'

A defense attorney for Kyle Rittenhouse blasted Republican lawmakers on Saturday for trying to "profit" from his client's acquittal in the shooting deaths of two men, calling it "disgusting," Business Insider reported.

"There's a lot of people trying to profit on this, and I don't think people should," attorney Mark Richards told Business Insider.

"They're raising money on it, and you have all these Republican congressmen saying come work for me," he added. "They want to trade on his celebrity, and I think it's disgusting."

Richards also called Donald Trump Jr. "an idiot."

"I don't have to expand on that because it speaks for itself," he added.


Oct 26, 2017
Yeah you know what I agree. He didnt need to say that shit or act like the system doesnt work differently for certain people.

Biden keeps putting his foot in his mouth when he could say nothing at worse.
I don't care about what he says as much as what he does.
And he can and should send the DoJ after Rittenhouse.
We need to dissuade the next fucker from going up to shoot up a protest, because right now the message we're sending is "go do it, you'll face no consequences and you'll get on fox news too".

They are still prosecuting BLM protesters ffs.


Nov 1, 2017
One argument from conservative media is Kyle was just doing the job the police should have been doing, and that should terrify everyone regardless of political leaning. We have prominent conservative talking heads just openly saying the police should just open fire on protesters. They are really accelerating that decline to fascism.


Oct 25, 2017
One argument from conservative media is Kyle was just doing the job the police should have been doing, and that should terrify everyone regardless of political leaning. We have prominent conservative talking heads just openly saying the police should just open fire on protesters. They are really accelerating that decline to fascism.

The same people that would be outraged if China did the same.
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah you know what I agree. He didnt need to say that shit or act like the system doesnt work differently for certain people.

Biden keeps putting his foot in his mouth when he could say nothing at worse.

Biden isn't putting his foot in his mouth here and many here need to stop acting like he is. It's honestly an expected response out of the President. I'm no fan of the judge but he prosecution absolutely didn't do their jobs and failed to prove anything beyond a reasonable doubt.

Also on another note. If anyone thinks this kid is going the way of George Zimmerman. Kyle was seen in Florida with Desanti's press secretary having dinner.


Oct 27, 2017
He's going for the most lucrative type of grift, Tim Pool's "I am actually left wing but you guys are just out of your minds with your reivindications! I am basically forced to vote for Trump!"


Dec 8, 2017
Yeah if Kyle was Jamal, they would have locked his ass under the jail. That judge and jury is a joke. Rust belt is a joke as well, especially the rural areas.


Apr 26, 2021
Curious. Did you think i was defending Rittenhouse ? As I'm pretty sure my stance on this whole thing was pretty clear. To make sure.... it's USA's gun laws that allowed this to happen and allowed for the possibility for him to be found not guilty. If a bunch of ignorant assholes, who gave themselves authority to possibly cause harm or death to other civilians, put on vests and were walking around up here like that, they would be dealt with immediately and ordered to go home under the threat of arrest. Up here no one would be allowed to show up at protest with assault rifles, hence, Kyle would have been stopped the moment he was spotted, before he even had the chance to hurt someone, instead your police offered him water . The kids a straight up delusional asshole and SHOULD have been charged with murder. But under American law this is all ok . There were 2 shootings at schools in Colorado this week btw.
So to Sum up .... if the law didn't allow for American gun culture, Kyle wouldn't have brought one, there for the first goofball wouldn't have been shot and killed, in turn there wouldn't have been people chasing after him to remove his weapon, detain him or beat the shit out of him and everyone would still be fucking alive. Pretty simple
A bit late on getting back to you. But honestly, I wasn't paying too much attention to usernames when reading through the thread so I couldn't tell you if you were one of the ones I was referring to. But, and unless I misunderstood, calling one of the victims a goof ball surely isn't a good look.


Mar 7, 2020
I disagree. I think his media consumption and testimony that he got an AR-15 specifically because it looked cool and for no other reason is relevant context to the murders, state of mind, and everything that happened that night. Gage pointed his gun at Rittenhouse while he was lunging for the gun. He was holding it in his hand with his hands in the air and decided to close the distance when he saw Kyle rerack/fidget with his gun. He could have shot Kyle from distance or any other position other than an awkward lunge. He did not aim his gun at Kyle it happened to get pointed at him. This was all after he shot and killed 2 other people. You attempted to copy something you saw online and failed. I have seen this same summation of events all over social media, it's misleading. Examine why your gut has you posting this unchecked.

"surely it's a win for the defendant" like wtf you need to actually examine each incident by itself and yet the one dude who didnt get murdered is your "surely". It doesn't even make sense on its face and you posting it.

Because when someone pointed their gun first and and admitted it, it's highly likely that subsequent fire back will be considered as justifiable defense. That's it. I don't like it either but that's how the American's shity law practice works. There's no mystery in this case and no one need any summation for it. Adding the lies from Gaige and the Cod bullshit, I can see how the jury get to their conclusion.


Oct 25, 2017
A bit late on getting back to you. But honestly, I wasn't paying too much attention to usernames when reading through the thread so I couldn't tell you if you were one of the ones I was referring to. But, and unless I misunderstood, calling one of the victims a goof ball surely isn't a good look.
It's all good dude......but I call a spade a spade, and if you are a goofball in life, your are a goofball in death. Funny thing is I haven't used the word goofball in probably at least a decade. It only took me 3 mins of watching the video of the first victim ( yes, even though he is a Putz, he is still a victim) at the gastation to label him as such. Then i find out about his criminal history. Goofball is actually going easy on him. It was he that caused everything, his actions were the cause that resulted in the deaths of everyone else who were only trying to stop a mad shooter with a gun . Fucking heroes and such a sad lose of life But ya..... the first guy is a **********


Oct 30, 2017

Some of y'all gonna lose your shit when I express a lack of interest in voting for him again though lol

It worked for OJ Simpson, it worked for the cops assaulting Rodney King, it worked for George Zimmerman and it especially worked for Trump who's facing no consequences for all the horrible shit before, during and after his presidency.


Oct 25, 2017
User Banned (Permanent): Trolling, account in junior phase
P.s. The goofball was at the gastation earlier on video yelling at people, aggressively getting right in thier face, pretty much chest bumping and yelling at multiple people with guns to shoot him....... multiple times. . Actually now that I think about it, he was under investigation by a grand jury for 11 counts of child molestation, I honestly wouldn't rule out suicide by gun nuts .. either that or the guy really just is a goofball !!


Oct 25, 2017
Somehow, someway, Im not buying it.
Well ya , he didn't kill any black people, only gave white power symbols in pictures. Who would believe him............. unfortunately about 76,000,000 people. The world sucks, I'm so defeated

There's way too many goofballs on this planet, I am grossly outnumbered, and have pretty much givin up. Unfortunately I will not be around for the 6th mass extinction of our species, but we F'n deserve it
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Nov 3, 2017
Been seeing lots of "they'll get him in civil court" and "those lawyer fees will keep him in debt for a long time" and all I can do is laugh

he's a MAGA piece of shits wet dream
They all wish they could kill a protestor/"rioter"/"looter" (they've been call all protestors those terms) and get off scott free
He'll be used as prop yeah but he'll obviously get paid and be sworn in as a cop

fuck this country

Yep he will be a millionaire soon enough as a cult hero, those families of the dead can expect to see him frequently on television celebrated in MAGA and Republican circles.


Oct 27, 2017



Oct 25, 2017
Yep he will be a millionaire soon enough as a cult hero, those families of the dead can expect to see him frequently on television celebrated in MAGA and Republican circles.
Bannon and friends did that fund raiser to build the walls, pocket the money for themselves, gets charged, gets Pardoed, lol, and million of people keep sending their money to these millionaires defrauding them any chance they get..... it's surreal lol. Yes, Rittenhouse has the rest of his life paved in gold, no words


Oct 25, 2017
In the end, all American presidents are fucking useless assholes.
Bernie was literally your only hope, now it's AOC , but that's going to take a lot of time and she has the biggest hill to climb, it's daunting, if the majority of you guys can't get that, nothing will ever change

P.s. I am a 47 year old Canadian, which means I know what I'm talking about to anyone that is 46 and younger, .. .I'm right, ......because I'm older ;)
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Oct 25, 2017
Umeå, Sweden
Bernie was literally your only hope, now it's AOC , if the majority of you guys can't get that, nothing will ever change
What Americans need is to get rid of the Presidency, period. It's a stupid fucking thing to entitle ONE person to so much power.

They need to go to parliamentary.

Then get rid of that for a full proletariat dictatorship.


Oct 25, 2017
There is absolutely no chance AOC becomes president any time soon.
Two both you guys, ...I know, but good people don't rule the world, and although we outnumber them, they can outspend us, Bernie was close, really f'n close, And the Democratic national party were busted for fudging shit to get Clinton nominated. BUSTED, and thing just got brushed aside, in your face dismissing of the votes of so many good people, Corruption rules the world , its everywhere, here in BEER loving Canada, just not as Bad.

P.s. my read has been that BernAOC are the only Two people that literally can't be bought off, I think Bernie has probably done things that would benefit his Interests but never on a scale that would acutally mean something, and AOC , she'd eat catfood for life if it would mean Changing the lives of millions of people, .... decent catfood of course !

Maybe Billions, and BILLIONS instead, of millions, I don t know her that well

P.s. sorry for derailing the thread, I'm.done,......
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Oct 26, 2017
my read has been that BernAOC are the only Two people that literally can't be bought off

That's exactly why she doesn't have a chance. The "moderate" type democrats are still massively in power, and shit on "the squad" as much as the GOP. They'd run her into the ground before the GOP even got the chance to.

On the topic of KR supporting BLM. It makes that recent SNL skit extra poignant. He's a member of the proud boys. You don't get any more anti-black than that.


Oct 30, 2017
Bernie was literally your only hope, now it's AOC , but that's going to take a lot of time and she has the biggest hill to climb, it's daunting, if the majority of you guys can't get that, nothing will ever change

P.s. I am a 47 year old Canadian, which means I know what I'm talking about to anyone that is 46 and younger, .. .I'm right, ......because I'm older ;)

MSNBC would give both Bernie and AOC a platform but never during the primary progressives will never get the chance as long Pundits continue to antagonize them


Oct 25, 2017
I assume it's too late in this case, but is there any sort of precedent for the FBI or some other federal entity stepping in on a case like this that's so clearly mishandled on a local or state level and charging a suspect on a federal level? Surely something can be done to avoid a farce like this in the future.
Oct 25, 2017
I assume it's too late in this case, but is there any sort of precedent for the FBI or some other federal entity stepping in on a case like this that's so clearly mishandled on a local or state level and charging a suspect on a federal level? Surely something can be done to avoid a farce like this in the future.
Most of the time when you hear about someone being tried federally after they get off on state charges, it tends to be a government employee and the feds are charging them on different grounds (like civil rights abuses in the case of the cops that beat Rodney King.)

However, there is the separate sovereigns doctrine which does allow for both a state (or multiple states) and the federal government to bring charges despite the prohibition against double jeopardy, which was recently upheld (with RBG and Gorsuch dissenting.) The challenge in this case is that most legal pundits thought Rittenhouse's self defense claim was likely to succeed even before all the trial shenanigans.