Oct 27, 2017
Always loved it, but can't help but hate Sarah's role. It's one thing if it was by design and she got taught a lesson or realizes her faults, but she doesn't.


Oct 26, 2017
I have a bigger relationship to The Lost World then to the original movie, because I was not allowed to watch them but got a audio cassette adaptation to listen to :D
Oct 27, 2017
I have a bigger relationship to The Lost World then to the original movie, because I was not allowed to watch them but got a audio cassette adaptation to listen to :D
That's neat haha. Any differences?

TLW also marked the first time I got into movie scores. Soundtracks with licensed songs was one thing, but that diorama packaging plus the music was hype and made me pay more attention to score releases.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't understand the love for TLW in the jurassic park fandom, I'm guessing it's because most were still very young or it was their first JP movie. I was also very young when I watched it but I was left disappointed. I still like it but it's not a great sequel and in many ways JP/// is more entertaining and that movie while flawed gets too much hate from the fandom.

To me there is only one classic movie and that is Jurassic Park, all the sequels are just that sequels. There's stuff I love about them and stuff I hate but I can't say any one sequel is on the same ranking as the original movie or that any one sequel is superior by quite a bit over the others to me they're all about equal in terms of pros/cons but I still love them. I'd never say TLW is better than any of the others.
Oct 27, 2017
I don't understand the love for TLW in the jurassic park fandom, I'm guessing it's because most were still very young or it was their first JP movie. I was also very young when I watched it but I was left disappointed. I still like it but it's not a great sequel and in many ways JP/// is more entertaining and that movie while flawed gets too much hate from the fandom.

To me there is only one classic movie and that is Jurassic Park, all the sequels are just that sequels. There's stuff I love about them and stuff I hate but I can't say any one sequel is on the same ranking as the original movie or that any one sequel is superior by quite a bit over the others to me they're all about equal in terms of pros/cons but I still love them. I'd never say TLW is better than any of the others.
It literally stems from JP fans having something to look forward to. The hype of a new book, script ideas, general dino news in the science world at the time and knowing ANOTHER film was coming. I was so happy for having a science class as my last period in 8th grade as I had my choice of science mags to read for that 15 minutes of reading/rest before the final bell. I would read all kinds of TLW news plus borrowing the book during the summer and reading that over and over. And freshman year, seeing the tv spots on the school news station during my first period study hall would fill my imagination with raptors jumping into the classrooms all day lol.

It wasn't until I was older and scrutinizing the hypocrisy of Harding that soured it a bit but I still love it for dinos on the big screen.


Oct 26, 2017
TLW has always been an odd one for me. Like, it still feels like 2 distinct films, and I feel like once the boat leaves, I would often stop paying attention. Acts 1-2 are great! A good expansion as a sequel, but the whole t-rex in the city is boring. I'd rather go watch a kaiju flick than see a big lizard stomp in a city for the billionth time. I think my first reaction in the theater was like "oh, they're doing the Godzilla thing?"
Oct 27, 2017
TLW has always been an odd one for me. Like, it still feels like 2 distinct films, and I feel like once the boat leaves, I would often stop paying attention. Acts 1-2 are great! A good expansion as a sequel, but the whole t-rex in the city is boring. I'd rather go watch a kaiju flick than see a big lizard stomp in a city for the billionth time. I think my first reaction in the theater was like "oh, they're doing the Godzilla thing?"
Same. Movie ends when they get in the helicopter for me. Basically the scene shared last page lol.


Oct 26, 2017
The appeal of the third act is for me, that there is an actual Dinosaur walking through the city and not a fantasy lizard. But yes, its slighty worse then the two acts before and having raptors going on a rampage would have been more interesting.
Oct 27, 2017
The appeal of the third act is for me, that there is an actual Dinosaur walking through the city and not a fantasy lizard. But yes, its slighty worse then the two acts before and having raptors going on a rampage would have been more interesting.
One thing that bugs me is the taking a drink from a pool. I've always felt that it'd sense it wasn't drinkable like most animals irl. Small thing that bugs me haha.


Oct 26, 2017
That clickbait site WeGotThisCovered made the rounds this weekend was a rumored Fast and the Furious and Jurassic World crossover... I'm guessing this is something they pulled from nothing to get clicks?
Oct 25, 2017
One thing that bugs me is the taking a drink from a pool. I've always felt that it'd sense it wasn't drinkable like most animals irl. Small thing that bugs me haha.
I've had a few different dogs we had to "teach" not to drink pool water. Granted we have a salt water pool and I don't know how bad the salinity is when the levels are low.

But yeah, it always bugged me anyway lol


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017

Oct 27, 2017
Nice! I mean, it's probably evolution 2? I keep trying to do the second island but have no money and a quarter star. I'd friggin buy an unlock pack ffs.

Excited regardless.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Frontier Development just added a few new Community Managers for JWE, so I suspect we're getting an Evolution 2 announce this week.


Oct 27, 2017
It's odd how hard it is to get a good Jurassic game these days. Is it that dinosaurs are hard?

I think it's mostly that the dinos are not "bad guys" in the traditional sense, so you can't have a game where it's fun to fight back and mow them down (nor enough of them to sustain a game if you follow the series). Aside from park building or adventure, about all you can do is an Alien Isolation-type horror/suspense game where you're just running and hiding (minus the shooting they put in that one). The premise is pretty limiting. But I'm open to creative ideas of course.
Oct 27, 2017
I think it's mostly that the dinos are not "bad guys" in the traditional sense, so you can't have a game where it's fun to fight back and mow them down (nor enough of them to sustain a game if you follow the series). Aside from park building or adventure, about all you can do is an Alien Isolation-type horror/suspense game where you're just running and hiding (minus the shooting they put in that one). The premise is pretty limiting. But I'm open to creative ideas of course.
I can see that. I definitely don't want a pure action, dino hunting game but one where you're a team trying to round them up for InGen pre-JW but then learn of their fate and change sides, setting them free while a more hostile team is trying to steal them at whatever cost. There's your Jurassic Isolation with corporate espionage/sabotage and deep lore that Alien gave us.


Oct 26, 2017
My ideal beasts will always look like frightening giant lizards, despite reality. There's def some good feathers fan art out there, although some do go WAY over the top and past reality.


Oct 26, 2017
So they announced the toy
from Camp Cretaceous S3 and I'm just not digging the design :/ Just overall it's I dunno, lacking.
Oct 27, 2017
I see the Amber Malcolm and TLW raptor all the time but I never bite. I think my issue is the TLW raptor doesn't look enough like the TLW film raptor for me to purchase it, despite being a decent looking figure. It just seems unofficial from a sculpting standpoint but maybe I'm just nitpicking.

BUT... if they had a TLW human Mal or Sarah, I'd buy the both to make one of the scenes from the film haha.

Cow Mengde

Oct 26, 2017
It could just be elephant-like in its fluff.

Also, the scene described sounds awful. Typical Jurassic World stupidity.


Oct 26, 2017
T-rex only having some fluff is best for accuracy for those who need it to be realistic (I'm fine with fantasy lizards). There's that one fanart that gets passed around with a fluffed up t-rex looking like a chicken, from realistic it's been said that any large dinosaurs would overheat with a full set of feathers.

Cow Mengde

Oct 26, 2017
Wait, you guys seriously haven't heard about that leak? That's from the upcoming preview I'm told. It's all over social media.

I guess it could be fake, but we'll know when the preview is shown.

The dinosaur below is Moros, an early tyrannosaur with Giganotosaurus.

Oct 27, 2017
I'll be honest, the concept doesn't bother me... but if they do a flashback, that would seal the stupidity.

And I unfortunately went to see Dane Cook for his Visious Circle recording with a group and that concept reminded me of this: