Deleted member 12352

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I liked parts of the show but a lot of it was kinda shitty, and some parts didn't really make any sense(unless I just wasn't paying attention), like...

Why were Sheldon's visions showing him the windmill? Was it JUST so he could see some co-ordinates the visions already showed some other guy? Seemed a needlessly roundabout hoop for him to jump through to toss into the story.

Also, once Walter was revealed as the bad guy, a lot of stuff with him that happened in earlier episodes don't really make a lot of sense... like the stuff where he was in the mind of the fake Blackstar, both during the fight with him and after he died.

Like I say though, I may just not have been paying much attention.

Also, Chloe is an immensely unlikeable character.

Drain You

▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
Wasn't feeling good yesterday so I binged the entire thing. Thought it was a fun little show, obviously not the best but it was a nice way to spend sat chillen.


Oct 27, 2017
Wasn't feeling good yesterday so I binged the entire thing. Thought it was a fun little show, obviously not the best but it was a nice way to spend sat chillen.
Do you like The Boys? The question is will this show stay with you, or will you have forgotten about it by next week? I feel like The Boys stuck with me. I also really like Doom Patrol as well. Maybe, if those shows didn't exist, Jupiter's Legacy would seem better than it is.


Oct 26, 2017
Do you like The Boys? The question is will this show stay with you, or will you have forgotten about it by next week? I feel like The Boys stuck with me. I also really like Doom Patrol as well. Maybe, if those shows didn't exist, Jupiter's Legacy would seem better than it is.
The Boys, Invincible, WandaVision, FATWS, and HBO's Watchmen. These all show how ambitious a superhero TV show can be.
Oct 27, 2017
The casting alone should have let you know this wasn't going to be anything good.

Actors ain't the problem. As someone's review said: they would have worked if everything else worked. Everything else: story, pacing, characters, visuals, costumes, effects - did not.

I liked parts of the show but a lot of it was kinda shitty, and some parts didn't really make any sense(unless I just wasn't paying attention), like...

Why were Sheldon's visions showing him the windmill? Was it JUST so he could see some co-ordinates the visions already showed some other guy? Seemed a needlessly roundabout hoop for him to jump through to toss into the story.

Also, once Walter was revealed as the bad guy, a lot of stuff with him that happened in earlier episodes don't really make a lot of sense... like the stuff where he was in the mind of the fake Blackstar, both during the fight with him and after he died.

Like I say though, I may just not have been paying much attention.

Also, Chloe is an immensely unlikeable character.

That stuff is like the lamest biblical superhero shit ever.

I know this is the off-brand show, but everything was just so banal and cringe. From costumes, to "Union", to names, to "ideals" and even powers. At first, I thought it was some kind of parody: superhero family with party-whore daughter/nerd-son, villain who looks like a WWE wresler etc. Why does the main character look like some kind of hobo-santa-jesus? Wash your hair, looks like you were battling someone in the cave for 7 days despite having a dinner with your family.

Drain You

▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
Do you like The Boys? The question is will this show stay with you, or will you have forgotten about it by next week? I feel like The Boys stuck with me. I also really like Doom Patrol as well. Maybe, if those shows didn't exist, Jupiter's Legacy would seem better than it is.

The Boys is absolutely better. But I'm a sucker for throwing on mediocre shows (meaning Jupiter, not the boys) pretty much as background noise to hanging out. It was good for that. I'll have to check out doom patrol.


Oct 26, 2017
Definitely. There are so many in this golden age of super hero film and tv, that my opinion of Jupiters Legacy is less and less by the minute.
Even Stargirl, which is fairly lightweight but has a lot of heart, does a great job of inter-generational relations between superheroes and villains.

Anyone yet to watch it, I'd say it's tonally kinda like a modern update to the Smallville formula.

Speaking of, I missed Superman and Lois which is off to a very strong start too.


Oct 25, 2017
I enjoyed it. I liked t;he flashback origin storyline the best though. The modern story line wasn't great.


Oct 25, 2017
I seem to be in the minority here, but I watched the entire season and enjoyed it all. Hopefully the show will continue.


Oct 28, 2017
I tolerated it till the 3rd episode and gave up. And this is coming from someone who watched all of Smallville, Arrow and most of The Flash. I found it utterly bland and am not willing to give it a chance after three snoozeworthy episodes.


Oct 27, 2017
Niigata, Japan
Finished watching it. I really didn't think it was as bad as some of you are making it out to be, but... It wasn't exactly great, either. Just middle-of-the-road hero stuff. Visually it was mostly not great in the effects department, but for whatever reason the origin story for their powers (1930s stuff) seemed to look really good to me. Maybe it was that aspect ratio.


Oct 27, 2017
I enjoyed the first season. Sure it's no Marvel, or The Boys or Invincible but it's a solid 7/10 and I had a good time watching it.


Oct 27, 2017
Well then let's put it a different way.

They have too much content and no one is marketing said content to help users decide what to watch. I cannot open the app confident that I am going to watch something I will like.
Yea, they should bring back the user reviews or something better than the thumb up/down system. Before I used to read user reviews to get a feel for a show before watching, now I have to go to reddit or something just to see if the show is in my taste, which is the opposite of easy binging
Oct 25, 2017
I'm watching now, and I think it's episode 4. I'm digging it so far. Probably more than The Boys to be honest. Feels more about real issues than trying too hard to subvert superhero tropes. Don't even mind the goofy costumes, feels like a relic from the good old days, just like the Union is. The good guys aren't bad, pretending to be good, just flawed.


The Pyramids? That's nothing compared to RDR2
Oct 27, 2017
Watched the first 3 eps, but don't think I will continue. With Invincible and The Boys being far superior, I don't think I really need a 3rd superhero deconstruction show in my life.


Oct 28, 2017
I made it to the last episode, very meh. only sticking with it because not really sure what else to watch.

every time they mention the code I groan


Oct 27, 2017
Nice to see some people enjoying it in the last few comments.

I know people who worked on this (the titles) so had to check it out. I have only watched the first two eps.
And I really don't like it. Just way too much working against it, writing, unlikable and uninteresting characters, visually goofy or bland, actors not quite nailing it and uneven tone. Most of it feels like something that should be on CW then a random scene of slightly over the top violence, but not much.

Overall feels like something that might have come out several years ago. Feels like superhero shows have done so much more lately so just bad timing for this show. Nothing sticks with me so far, apart from how annoying the children/teenage characters are. Compared to something like the boys, watchmen or invincible that has some really unique scenes that are hard to forget or stand out characters. Also all the how would this work in the 'real world' scenarios feel really fake and missing the interesting setups seen in other shows.

Just hard to not compare it other shows unfortunately, which might not be fair. And of course not every show needs to be the greatest or stand out but this just feels like I'm wasting time watching this. I can enjoy something that is kind of 'ehhh' if it is at least fun but this just kind of drags so far.

Though I am someone with very little disposable time due to work and family so probably not giving it much of a chance.
Not sure if it improves after the first two eps but doubt I'll give it the chance to pick up.


Oct 25, 2017
I actually find the themes the show is trying to explore interesting, the problem is that the world and characters serve as a wholly uninteresting vehicle to explore those themes.


Oct 25, 2017
They really should have sped the plot up. It really is a two to three season show and it looks like they want it to go for five to eight seasons with the pacing.

The end of the season should have been Brandon killing his father with the rest of the superheroes. I get trying to humanize everyone a bit more, but it is dragging the plot down.


Oct 26, 2017
Atlanta, GA
They really should have sped the plot up. It really is a two to three season show and it looks like they want it to go for five to eight seasons with the pacing.

The end of the season should have been Brandon killing his father with the rest of the superheroes. I get trying to humanize everyone a bit more, but it is dragging the plot down.

Yeah, having read the comic, I was really surprised where they stopped the first season. I think they could do the whole show in 2 seasons, and it would be a far better paced story.

I actually 100% agree with you that that's where season 1 should have ended. Then everything after that would be season 2. They spend SO MUCH TIME with
the journey to the island, which, honestly, is so unimportant to the final plot, and is just a fraction of the original story.

Also, if I said "Hutch is one of my favorite characters in the comic", people would look at me weird if the show was their only exposure. He's so underutilized in this. One of my favorite scenes in the comic is between Utopian and Hutch, and they changed it and made it shitty in the show. Such a disappointment.

It's interesting comparing this to Invincible, another comic I absolutely love. I haven't watched the show, but out of curiosity, checked to see where the first season ends, and was pleasantly surprised to find it ends exactly where I would have ended it. That's a show that shows far more potential.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, having read the comic, I was really surprised where they stopped the first season. I think they could do the whole show in 2 seasons, and it would be a far better paced story.

I actually 100% agree with you that that's where season 1 should have ended. Then everything after that would be season 2. They spend SO MUCH TIME with
the journey to the island, which, honestly, is so unimportant to the final plot, and is just a fraction of the original story.

It's interesting comparing this to Invincible, another comic I absolutely love. I haven't watched the show, but out of curiosity, checked to see where the first season ends, and was pleasantly surprised to find it ends exactly where I would have ended it. That's a show that shows far more potential.

I think animated might have been a better route for this show. Would make it more entertaining. I especially have a hard time imagining some of the larger fight scenes with the live action budget.


Jul 7, 2020
I thought it started ok and then nothing happened for like 5 episodes.

Feels like they could have condensed the whole show into two episodes.


Unshakeable One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
I just watched the first episode and the wigs and makeup are laughable, the writing and dialogue are atrocious (the whole "robbing a bank" back and forth at the start was maximum cringe) and the characters are horribly miscast, the music is really bad too and doesn't fit what's happening on screen. I thought the fight scene at the end was ridiculous but surprisingly good for a TV show even though the choreography was trash (that girl in the back just lightly punching the villain in the back of his shoulders lmao) and the gore effects were neat.

I'm also not a big fan of the switching between time periods which is apparently going to happen all season and in my opinion should be built up as a season long mystery and then shown in full in a flashback episode, not detracting from the present day plot which is... where exactly?

The actor who plays Brandon was nice eye candy at least.

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that the uncle is evil considering his super obvious "I am evil" speech and his apparent lust for his niece
Last edited:


Unshakeable One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Why does the main character look like some kind of hobo-santa-jesus? Wash your hair, looks like you were battling someone in the cave for 7 days despite having a dinner with your family.
Why is he so damn greasy and unkempt? But then going on about how everything needs to be perfect and he's a good religious family man and all that crap when he looks like a homeless person.

I do not understand what they were going for with that character design. Did they think if he were well groomed he would be even more of a rip off of Superman?

Wood Man

Oct 30, 2017
I guess I've come to expect more from the "non- Marvel/DC" Super Hero dramas at this point. Give me something different, or a cool twist to grab me.

I'm 2 episodes in and this has been kinda boring. I gave it a good 2-episode try. I might get back to it but I have other things I'd rather watch and I'm not too excited to get back into this.


Jul 7, 2020
Just read the comic after finishing the series and it's so much better.

I've no idea why they stretched out the flahsback sections so much in the show, except to give more screen time to the slightly bigger name actors.


Oct 27, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
Huh guess I'm in the minority but I liked it. Not love but felt weighty and watchable. Like dark star a lot. Some eye roll moments but I dug it


Oct 29, 2017
Is there cheap comic subscription service where I can read this comic? I read the first comic on and it was far far better than the slow boring show. I can't believe they stretched the Island bit soooooo much in the live action nwhen it was all contained in the first edition.


Nov 10, 2017
Really felt like it took way too long to get anywhere, juggling too many plots and cutting between all the time so that none of them advance at any appreciable pace. The whole code discussion just seems weird, maybe it made more sense in the comics but none of the modern TV or movie versions of superheroes (except Batman) have a forced "no killing" rule so making huge sacrifices just to avoid killing seems less heroic and more stupid.

Yeah, the origin story could have moved a lot faster since we all know where it's going anyway. Honestly I'm getting sick of origin stories, especially when they play it as some lengthy journey when the title on the box already gave away that the character will become the superhero but maybe that's because I watched a lot of MCU stuff and other stories lately. Just get it out of the way quickly and get to the point.


Oct 25, 2017
Okay, this actually got significantly worse after the first two episodes which I was kind of fine with. The overly long flashback sequences in eps 3 and 4 have just been dreadfully boring. I might bounce.
May 10, 2018
Okay, this actually got significantly worse after the first two episodes which I was kind of fine with. The overly long flashback sequences in eps 3 and 4 have just been dreadfully boring. I might bounce.
If the flashbacks bother you that much then you might as well drop it . The flashback sequences continue for the rest of the season.

Basically half of the episodes focus on the present and half on how they got their powers.

To be fair though, I liked the flashback stuff more than the present story.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
Honestly I'm getting sick of origin stories, especially when they play it as some lengthy journey when the title on the box already gave away that the character will become the superhero but maybe that's because I watched a lot of MCU stuff and other stories lately. Just get it out of the way quickly and get to the point.

Im here. It's why I liked the way Invincible outside of the main character (and even then, its just because it ties to a more important season arc) just asked you to assume supervillians and superheroes exist with no explanation while also showing you mundane human normal life, even if insanely superpowered. If you're giving us an origin story and its not tied to the theme, why bother? If you're giving us a origin story and it's about how people need to step up and be heroes because that's your main theme, there's literally dozens of other movies and tv shows that have that same exact story.
May 10, 2018
For people who have read the comic, is it ever explained how other heroes and villains for that matter received their powers?

We saw how that wave of energy effected the crew members of the ship after the Union was created but I doubt every other person with powers are their descendants.

Did the energy effect the planet?

Were people with powers always around in hiding?

Did the creation of the Union activate some kind of "metagene" in the human population?
Oct 27, 2017
For people who have read the comic, is it ever explained how other heroes and villains for that matter received their powers?

We saw how that wave of energy effected the crew members of the ship after the Union was created but I doubt every other person with powers are their descendants.

Did the energy effect the planet?

Were people with powers always around in hiding?

Did the creation of the Union activate some kind of "metagene" in the human population?

I think you are asking questions nobody gave a fuck to answer in production. Though if you figure out the crux and basics of this superhero universe from comics, post them, lets see how boring and cookie cutter it is.

It is the trash-tier family drama wrapped with Wallmart superhero costumes.


Oct 25, 2017
I know the quality is not Marvel but I enjoyed it a lot. I would be pissed if there is no season 2.

Deleted member 85465

User-requested account closure
Nov 12, 2020
After three episodes im liking it more than Boys season 2 which i gave up after two episodes

Its very basic tho, but the main cast is giving their all, well everyone but the daughter, awful character and plotline so far

This convinced me to watch the show, will see if I can start today, I dropped The Boys on the third episode of S2 after the helicopter crash, for me the show ultra jumped the shark in those three episodes, it felt to me like, "Amazon needs more seasons, lets all act like the last episode of S1 didn´t happen."

This review perfectly sums up the first four episodes for me.

I would not call Invincible or Umbrella academy a deconstruction, one is really goofy and the other plays most of the super hero tropes straight.