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Feb 18, 2018
In, like, a holy-shit-I-can't-believe-how-fucking-dumb-this-shit-is-that-I'm-reading kind of way? Because his books are some of the dumbest shit around.

It doesn't matter, I read quite a lot on many subjects. Some things I find good other not so much. It's not black and white.

I'll see myself out since I'm interrupting the blood orgy here.


Oct 25, 2017
woah are we throwing civility out the window just cause he's said some shaky things about race, trans people, women, masculinity, and some other "triggering" topics?

so much for the tolerant left


Oct 27, 2017
I'm actually doing pretty good in life. Fantastic even.

I also don't wish ill to anyone.
But you are ok financially supporting and hoping a misogynist, homo-, trans & islamophobic white supremacist keeps spreading his bigoted ideology that wishes ill to LGBTQ+ people, women, Muslims, and other demographics that are not Christian, straight white cis men.


Oct 25, 2017
West Yorkshire, UK
Yeah I'm not going to feel sorry for an absolute charlatan who's responsible for spreading hatred and lies, and for radicalising others. Why should I feel bad for someone who's actively made the world worse?


Oct 27, 2017
and i feel like you probably don't give a flying fuck about actually treating drug addiction and are only pretending to because it's about strong white daddy peterson
I'm not white nor was I raised in a majority white country, so why the fuck should that make a difference to me? I've never read his books, and I am fully aware that he peddled dangerous shit.

Serial murderers don't deserve the death penalty or torture, and neither do bigots. Is that a controversial statement?


Oct 25, 2017
You'd think a clinical psychologist would've had better resources to treat anxiety. Makes me fear for the patients he saw; what kind of bullshit did he say to them?


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
All things considered I think we dodged a bullet being underprescribed. Though that is something each family has to make a judgement call on.

As for Peterson I was looking forward to mocking him as well but reading up on why considering the problems with these medications given out without the proper support through something analogous to personal trainers to manage and oversee their usage I'm not in the mood to make light of widespread problem just to get my digs in on a guy I don't like.
It is not making light of a problem to say that an individual deserves the circumstances they are in.


Feb 18, 2018
But you are ok financially supporting and hoping a misogynist, homo-, trans & islamophobic white supremacist keeps spreading his bigoted ideology that wishes ill to LGBTQ+ people, women, Muslims, and other demographics that are not Christian, straight white cis men.

Just carry on mate, I'll see myself out.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
I'm not white nor was I raised in a majority white country, so why the fuck should that make a difference to me? I've never read his books, and I am fully aware that he peddled dangerous shit.

Serial murderers don't deserve the death penalty or torture, and neither do bigots. Is that a controversial statement?

The state isn't doing this to him though

Quantum Leap

Oct 25, 2017
But you are ok financially supporting and hoping a misogynist, homo-, trans & islamophobic white supremacist keeps spreading his bigoted ideology that wishes ill to LGBTQ+ people, women, Muslims, and other demographics that are not Christian, straight white cis men.
Doesn't matter, the world isn't black and white and he's doing good in life (fantastic even) so why should he care about other people? He likes what he's reading and that's all that matters /s
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Oct 27, 2017
Doesn't matter he's doing good in life and the world isn't black and white
Radicalizing white men into becoming intolerant white supremacist bigots and using his platform to attack transgender people (among many others) is a pretty black & white BAD thing. There's no grey here. Peterson is a shitstain of humanity who won't be missed by anyone with any level of sympathy towards the oppressed & marginalized whom Peterson has demonized and tried to turn the society against.


Jun 9, 2018
Addiction is a terrible thing, and this is one of the worst ones you can have. You shouldn't even be able to get that many benzos. He could legit die in Russia trying to cold turkey it and not weening off it.


Nov 7, 2017
Radicalizing white men into becoming intolerant white supremacist bigots and using his platform to attack transgender people (among many others) is a pretty black & white BAD thing. There's no grey here. Peterson is a shitstain of humanity who won't be missed by anyone with any level of sympathy towards the oppressed & marginalized whom Peterson has demonized and tried to turn the society against.

These chuds know exactly all of this, and they have no shame.

Quantum Leap

Oct 25, 2017
Radicalizing white men into becoming intolerant white supremacist bigots and using his platform to attack transgender people (among many others) is a pretty black & white BAD thing. There's no grey here. Peterson is a shitstain of humanity who won't be missed by anyone with any level of sympathy towards the oppressed & marginalized whom Peterson has demonized and tried to turn the society against.
He knows it, he just obviously doesn't care.

Dongs Macabre

Oct 26, 2017
I'm not white nor was I raised in a majority white country, so why the fuck should that make a difference to me? I've never read his books, and I am fully aware that he peddled dangerous shit.

Serial murderers don't deserve the death penalty or torture, and neither do bigots. Is that a controversial statement?

I can't believe ResetEra is lobbying to bring back the death penalty just for Jordy Pete


Oct 25, 2017
Doesn't matter, the world isn't black and white and he's doing good in life (fantastic even) so why should he care?

Hey now Im ABOVE ALL THAT I don't look at things like RACE Im a FREE THINKER who READS about all kinds of topics, I just want THE BEST PERSON for the job regardless of who they are im not BIAS. /s


Oct 25, 2017
Also, the overprescription of of benzos for mild to moderate anxiety is a real problem, especially considering that there are much safer, less addictive drugs like buspirone with a low side-effect profile. SSRIs and other antidepressants also have an anxiolytic effect. So if your doctor tries to put you on a benzo as a first-line treatment, unless you're having regular and severe panic attacks, be skeptical.


Oct 27, 2017
Just carry on mate, I'll see myself out.
Just as long as you acknowledge your ignorance & hypocrisy. Peterson has absolutely nothing insightful or worth listening to say. No one with an ounce of sympathy towards, say, the transgender community should be hoping Peterson is up and writing again soon. But I know empathy isn't the strong suit for your kind of fencesitters.


Jun 9, 2018
Yeah I'm not going to feel sorry for an absolute charlatan who's responsible for spreading hatred and lies, and for radicalising others. Why should I feel bad for someone who's actively made the world worse?

I don't think anyone needs to feel bad for him. I just don't think we should get into the business of rooting for people to die (which I have seen with both Rush and Peterson). Not saying you did this either. They have bad and harmful ideas, people have countered them with better ideas.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
I'll see myself out since
Yes, and I read them too.
Just carry on mate, I'll see myself out.


Oct 26, 2017
Yeah I'm not going to feel sorry for an absolute charlatan who's responsible for spreading hatred and lies, and for radicalising others. Why should I feel bad for someone who's actively made the world worse?

Zero sympathies for that pathetic, pseudo-intellectual, hate-mongering, sexist shithead.

Just carry on mate, I'll see myself out.

Please do.

Xx 720

Nov 3, 2017
Never heard of him tbh. Long ago like in the 70 and 80s Valium was commonly prescribed for anxiety but pretty much never see it anymore, hate to see someone permanently messed up. Also, the family apparently bought into the big pharma conspiracy mindset, u see this sometimes in people avoiding proven cancer treatments with bad results, it's sad.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm kind of shocked to defenders of his here. I wonder what they think about white supremacy/ "race realism", trans folk, and protecting your right to bigoted speech

Because we know how he felt years ago which is when he became popular in the first place

He is the crypto fascist poster child and his suffering amuses me and I fully expect them to get the next medal of freedom for their troubles


Mar 19, 2019
I hope he can fully recover from this bizarre treatment and that this terrible experience will make him reconsider his simplistic opinions.


Nov 18, 2018
I'm actually doing pretty good in life. Fantastic even.

I also don't wish ill to anyone.

But, you are.

You are directly complicit in supporting a man who openly advocates for making life worse for marginalized people. Who sicks his outrage mob on people he doesn't like. Who radicalizes vulnerable people who need actual help into far-right politics. Who offered advice on treating depression and anxiety using means he knows wasn't working on himself.

Like, I get thinking that wishing harm on someone else or kicking someone when they're down is kinda crass, but here's the thing: making a joke about Peterson, or not feeling bad for him, creates zero harm. Including for Peterson. Peterson's situation isn't going to change even if someone wishes him ill really hard. But actually supporting and giving money to him? At best, it's a complete lack of empathy: since you're doing good in life, in doesn't matter if Peterson harms anyone else. At worst? It's actively knowing and engaging in propping up someone regardless of the negative effect he objectively has had on others.
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Oct 29, 2017
I wonder what he'll be like after he recovers. Will the brain damage be obvious or will it be easy to mask through coping strategies?

I had a friend who suffered severe brain damage after falling off a fourth-story balcony while black-out drunk and it was really interesting to watch him recover. People who knew him well could obviously tell he had changed, he spoke differently, had memory issues, developed new speech patters, was just very clearly different than before the accident. But he went through therapy and was able to hide the damage from strangers who didn't have a "before" to compare to.

I'm sure Peterson will have a career no matter who badly his brain was damaged, he's popular enough that worst-case scenario he can have someone else ghost-write books for him and continue to make money off his name, but I wonder if he'll still be able to give lectures, be on podcasts, and other stuff that would require him to be present and focused.

blame space

Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
knocking the right people for the wrong reasons kinda sucks because if the wrong people internalize it for the right reasons they think badly about themselves (for the wrong reasons).

calling a douchebag a "fat douchebag" or a "bald douchebag" or a "benzo-addicted douchebag" isn't cool because if someone witnessing it happens to also be one of those things, they think badly about that part of themselves. there are reasons people are douchebags, we don't need to make others feel lesser in our approach to uncover them.


Aug 1, 2018
As someone who has been on benzos due to severe anxiety, addiction was one of my worries about being on them. Thankfully, I never developed one and don't take them anymore.

These situations are hard for me. I try to feel empathy for every person but it's hard when it's someone who has hurt so many as he has.


Oct 30, 2017
I'd feel bad for him if I felt that he would learn from this experience and reconsider his attitude, worldview, and some of the things that he says.

Fat chance of that, though. Hopefully at the very least it makes some of the people who think that he's a genius realize that he's just an extremely fallible man.

Matrix XII

Oct 27, 2017
He made a very poor decision in how he tried to treat his addiction and may ultimately end up cost him his way of life.
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