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Oct 25, 2017
User Banned (5 Days): Thread derailment

What do people here make of this argument? Also that time line in the twitter thread was eye-opening but not sure if has been discredited re: kicking, hair pulling evidence.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017

What do people here make of this argument? Also that time line in the twitter thread was eye-opening but not sure if has been discredited re: kicking, hair pulling evidence.

Do we really need to keep doing this every other page? Just go through the thread. People have already gone over this multiple times in pretty good detail


Nov 3, 2017
they're kinda inadvertently making the case that Heard and her friends had every opportunity to take photos, and did indeed take a lot of photos, but for some reason never did during the worst claims of abuse. Injuries that would take days/weeks to heal.

They would have been better off not showing the ones Pennington is magically interpreting.
Yeah, I don't think this is the slam dunk witness AH thinks it is.

Questions for JD's team.
"Are you known to document a lot of parts of your life?"
"Do you usually take videos, audios or pictures of outstanding stuff that happens in your life"
"Would you characterize an alleged abuse by JD as outstanding or worthy of being documented?"
"Did you take the photos in the courthouse by your own volition?" "Did anyone else ask you to take those pictures?"
"Did AH hit you?" "Did JD hit you?" "Did you see JD hit AH?"
"Did you report JD's alleged physical assaults to police, medics or other impartial parties?"
"How much time passed between the alleged abuses and the time you took these pictures"
"How much time passed between the alleged abuse incidents and the Divorce Filing"
"Did you consume drugs or alcohol during these incidents?"
"Were you present during the police officer's inquiry?"
"Do you remember the police officers report on the state of the penthouse?"
"What's your opinion on the description of the incident as a hoax"
"Is this picture of a bottle what you would call a hoax?"
"is this picture of a broken glass what you would call a hoax?"
"Who else was in the room?"
"Is it true that you, in the company with other witnesses, tried to set up a stage?"
"Did you live in JD's penthouse during and after the divorce?"
"What was your motivation to stay there?"


Dec 30, 2018

What do people here make of this argument? Also that time line in the twitter thread was eye-opening but not sure if has been discredited re: kicking, hair pulling evidence.

That it's ridiculous considering most mainstream media outlets have been running support for Heard and have yet to outright call her an abuser the way they did with Depp when he was accused.

I also think that the person tweeting that is steeped in his own bias and can't see past it and thinks people are stupid and can't form their own opinion without the media influencing them (despite the fact that most people have formed their opinion just watching the trial.)

As someone said earlier in the thread, people have a hard time admitting they're wrong these days, I think it's due to social media creating a mass issue with fragile egos (that would be the psychological term for why people cannot admit to being wrong.)

I actually think being wrong is great, it allows you to grow as a person, right your wrongs and become a better person, people with fragile egos don't see it that way unfortunately.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Is it not weird that there are cuts in these testimony videos? Like is this normal during courtsessions? I understand it might be in the interest of time during this trial, but still seems a bit weird
Oct 25, 2017
That it's ridiculous considering most mainstream media outlets have been running support for Heard and have yet to outright call her an abuser the way they did with Depp when he was accused.

I also think that the person tweeting that is steeped in his own bias and can't see past it and thinks people are stupid and can't form their own opinion without the media influencing them (despite the fact that most people have formed their opinion just watching the trial.)

As someone said earlier in the thread, people have a hard time admitting they're wrong these days, I think it's due to social media creating a mass issue with fragile egos (that would be the psychological term for why people cannot admit to being wrong.)

I actually think being wrong is great, it allows you to grow as a person, right your wrongs and become a better person, people with fragile egos don't see it that way unfortunately.

Definitely agree that people don't like being wrong and will often dig in on their opinions. I don't know if I agree that's why main stream news isn't reporting it that way, maybe specifically the outlet that ran her opinion article but not sure why others would feel that way. Just haven't seen her accusations laid out that way like was in the twitter thread they were responding to. I've been following along here and feel like I haven't heard about a lot of, but based on the other reply it's been covered all ready so I'll go back in the thread to find those discussions.


Don't F5!
Oct 25, 2017
Hamburg, Germany
That it's ridiculous considering most mainstream media outlets have been running support for Heard and have yet to outright call her an abuser the way they did with Depp when he was accused.

I also think that the person tweeting that is steeped in his own bias and can't see past it and thinks people are stupid and can't form their own opinion without the media influencing them (despite the fact that most people have formed their opinion just watching the trial.)

As someone said earlier in the thread, people have a hard time admitting they're wrong these days, I think it's due to social media creating a mass issue with fragile egos (that would be the psychological term for why people cannot admit to being wrong.)

I actually think being wrong is great, it allows you to grow as a person, right your wrongs and become a better person, people with fragile egos don't see it that way unfortunately.
Me, a mass media writer is very concerned about people being influenced by mass media, so let me use my mass media influence to influence the masses otherwise.

I am like 99% sure I still haven't seen this "strong evidence" about Depp being physically abusive. No, a random broken glass on the floor doesn't count, when literally all both parties did for years is recording all conversations and taking pictures. Especially not if we already saw _multiple_ pictures of Depp being hurt, bruised and missing a half goddamn finger, bed poop and recordings of Heard repeatedly admitting, gloating and announcing to hit Depp, all while provably lying about freaking every little or big thing.

It's absolutely crazy to me how people can conclude "yes its clearly Amber who's the "bigger" victim here".


Oct 25, 2017
Ah so Johhny Depp's legal team is also present at the testimonies at the time? I thought it was only the witness and Heard's legal team.
Yes, both legal teams are present at the deposition.

My understanding is that before trial begins both sides review all evidence, agreeing to what to keep in and what goes out. With video depos like this they mutually agree on what parts get cut out.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 16, 2021
Alexandria, Egypt
Oh, so now this guy is claiming the first set of officers lied and they had enough to file a DV incident report AND arrest Johnny but they refused?

What a load of bullcrap.


Oct 25, 2017
Heh, dude realized where he went and said so time to back pedal shit out of it.

"30 to 50 nightly visits to Amber Heard by 'friend' when Depp was gone", paraphrasing what he set up when answering questions about Franco visiting her.


Oct 27, 2017

What do people here make of this argument? Also that time line in the twitter thread was eye-opening but not sure if has been discredited re: kicking, hair pulling evidence.

I guess this thread is just going to keep repeating itself with the same tweet to derail the conversation every few pages now, lol.

Should discuss this in the other thread about her donation, since that one seems to be more focused on that tweet being discussed.

Stop trying to make that a thing here though. @_@


Dec 30, 2018
Me, a mass media writer is very concerned about people being influenced by mass media, so let me use my mass media influence to influence the masses otherwise.

I am like 99% sure I still haven't seen this "strong evidence" about Depp being physically abusive. No, a random broken glass on the floor doesn't count, when literally all both parties did for years is recording all conversations and taking pictures. Especially not if we already saw _multiple_ pictures of Depp being hurt, bruised and missing a half goddamn finger, bed poop and recordings of Heard repeatedly admitting, gloating and announcing to hit Depp, all while provably lying about freaking every little or big thing.

It's absolutely crazy to me how people can conclude "yes its clearly Amber who's the "bigger" victim here".

I am glad you are part of the mass media and I appreciate your honesty.


Dec 30, 2018
Drew saying he showed the cops all the damage in detail and yet we have bodycam footage showing no damage and he wasn't showing them anything around the apartments? Am I missing something?


Oct 25, 2017
"this will be an objection" dude you're not a lawyer. All Heard's people are so sketchy


Oct 26, 2017
Clemson, SC
I'm sorry, but the hand writing with "fraud" on it and the handwriting to the right of it....are not the same person.

There are multiple letters there to compare.

(No idea if he has said they're both his, if so...I'll say I'm wrong, but that looks like different penmanship)


Oct 25, 2017
I guess this thread is just going to keep repeating itself with the same tweet to derail the conversation every few pages now, lol.

Should discuss this in the other thread about her donation, since that one seems to be more focused on that tweet being discussed.

Stop trying to make that a thing here though. @_@
Chill out, not everyone's living in a 100 page thread and keeping up to date. The person was asking a question seemingly in good faith, If you don't think the post is worth a discussion, simply ignore it.


Oct 28, 2017
So, basically AH witnesses so far:

- her former best friend
- her former best friend
- boyfriend of her former best friend

All biased, of course. None of them live in court. All deposition. None have seen JD hitting anyone. All of them describe "obvious" injuries everyone else cannot see. Right now he's talking about "significant injuries" based on the hilarious photos we've seen a dozen times now. Give me a break.

I mean, I get it. JD had his biased witnesses as well. AH witnesses are on her side. But, my god, AH better have other witnesses than only friends or family around her. What about medicians, house staff, basically third-party not involved directly to her? Where's the flight assistant?


Prophet of Truth
Oct 16, 2021
Alexandria, Egypt
So, basically AH witnesses so far:

- her former best friend
- her former best friend
- boyfriend of her former best friend

All biased, of course. None of them live in court. All deposition. None have seen JD hitting anyone. All of them describe "obvious" injuries everyone else cannot see. Right now he's talking about "significant injuries" based on the hilarious photos we've seen a dozen times now. Give me a break.

I mean, I get it. JD had his biased witnesses as well. AH witnesses are on her side. But, my god, AH better have other witnesses than only friends or family around her. What about medicians, house staff, basically third-party not involved directly to her? Where's the flight assistant?

The flight assistant is a Cpt. Jack Sparrow fan, she wouldn't testify against him.


Oct 27, 2017
Chill out, not everyone's living in a 100 page thread and keeping up to date. The person was asking a question seemingly in good faith, If you don't think the post is worth a discussion, simply ignore it.
That's fair, probably came on a bit strong.

I just really don't like that tweet, and the way it derailed conversations previously.

I should have just stuck with that middle line perhaps and that would've made the same point without piling on them.


Oct 25, 2017
So, basically AH witnesses so far:

- her former best friend
- her former best friend
- boyfriend of her former best friend

All biased, of course. None of them live in court. All deposition. None have seen JD hitting anyone. All of them describe "obvious" injuries everyone else cannot see. Right now he's talking about "significant injuries" based on the hilarious photos we've seen a dozen times now. Give me a break.

I mean, I get it. JD had his biased witnesses as well. AH witnesses are on her side. But, my god, AH better have other witnesses than only friends or family around her. What about medicians, house staff, basically third-party not involved directly to her? Where's the flight assistant?
Its curious how she couldn't convince any of them to take the stand, especially given how serious the case is. Is there a legal reason for this? Because they've been deposed they can't?


Oct 28, 2017
"Ignore all of the lies and claims that everyone else is a liar but me, but consider a sweeping generalization and disparagement of alcoholics and just assume they're all violent without proof"

What a disgusting human being


Oct 28, 2021
This entire case is so damn weird, no one has seen JD hit AH, there are werid photo's and meta data missing, no medical records, the photo's of the injuries look very minor compared to the actions that were said that caused them and half of the time they don't even look like real injuries, some photo's looked photoshopped.

Why does it feel like it's AH tricking her close friends to DV and has hoodwinked everyone close to her, I don't want this to be true because it would mean she is lying which is awful and a really bad look for real vitcims but I am also worried it could possibly real and I don't want to fully dismiss it.

I am right now on JD side because of all the evidence being super weird.


May 4, 2022
There's so much confirmation bias on twitter where people who haven't wanted to admit Amber's wrong or adjust their beliefs are jumping on the first tweet thread they see to say "See? Depp was violent and Amber is a victim of a smear campaign."


Nov 3, 2017
This entire case is so damn weird, no one has seen JD hit AH, there are werid photo's and meta data missing, no medical records, the photo's of the injuries look very minor compared to the actions that were said that caused them and half of the time they don't even look like real injuries, some photo's looked photoshopped.

Why does it feel like it's AH tricking her close friends to DV and has hoodwinked everyone close to her, I don't want this to be true because it would mean she is lying which is awful and a really bad look for real vitcims but I am also worried it could possibly real and I don't want to fully dismiss it.

I am right now on JD side because of all the evidence being super weird.
You summed all of my thought process up to last week. Now I am further in the fuck ah, she sucks.
Dec 4, 2017
I'm trying to summarize the events of yesterday for a friend, is this list good enough?

She's blaming her own nurse for getting it wrong in her reports.
She's blaming her doctor for uncomplete medical reports.
She's blaming her own lawyers for not bringing up all her "produced" evidence of broken noses and bruises into court.
She's blaming her own lawyers for sharing photos with the media (People magazine).
She's blaming JD's legal action for not being able to donate everything, though she had the money for 13 months before the action was even made.

She's literally throwing everyone under the bus. But sure, she's the victim and everyone has to believe her. No matter what. Unbelievable.

To continue based on yesterdays AH cross:

She's blaming all three police officers of basically doing their job wrong.
She's blaming Ben King, house manager and witness under testimony, of lying.
She's blaming Starling Jenkins, driver and witness under testimony, of lying.
She's blaming the dogs for the poop show.
She's blaming JDs legal team of photoshopping her evidence, though they're obviously the same pictures.
She's blaming CV of making false accusations about AH injury photos, though one of the photos obviously was photoshopped by saturating it.
She's blaming her lawyers and PR teams again (!) of getting out stuff to the media (TMZ etc.).

And then, after this whole shitshow of her on cross and re-direct she's blaming JD for being a liar.

No evidences. No rehabilitation on re-direct. Nothing. Instead leaving court disrespectfully in front of the jury and judge. What a disastrous day for AH this has been.


Oct 26, 2017
That Dr Proudman tweet really makes me question the reality we're in.

Are these people looking at the evidence or decrying anything that goes against automatically believing the women blindly?

Because I can't believe anyone following the case can sincerely hold the belief that she is the victim here.

I (probably clumsily) pointed out on twitter - what would she make of the Roxanne Pallett/Ryan Thomas incident on Celebrity Big Brother in the UK? There's literal proof of her lying, so would Dr Proudman automatically believe Roxanne too?

This case is insane. It has put a sword slash right through my online echo chamber. Maybe that's a good thing?


Oct 28, 2021
You summed all of my thought process up to last week. Now I am further in the fuck ah, she sucks.

Yeah, I also forgot the whole switching emotions very fast and sometimes she would cry over one thing but later on not cry for the same thing but later.

I'm 80% JD side, 20% AH atm and it's mostly the photo evidence VS the actions she said what happened.


Oct 27, 2017
That Dr Proudman tweet really makes me question the reality we're in.

Are these people looking at the evidence or decrying anything that goes against automatically believing the women blindly?

Because I can't believe anyone following the case can sincerely hold the belief that she is the victim here.

I (probably clumsily) pointed out on twitter - what would she make of the Roxanne Pallett/Ryan Thomas incident on Celebrity Big Brother in the UK? There's literal proof of her lying, so would Dr Proudman automatically believe Roxanne too?

This case is insane. It has put a sword slash right through my online echo chamber. Maybe that's a good thing?
They're operating on dogma. Once you're operating on dogma, no amount of evidence can change your mind. Even the mere act of considering or seeking out contradictory evidence is sacrilegious, which is why we're seeing so many of these clowns priding themselves on not watching the trial.


Oct 27, 2017
Also, not enough people are talking about the fact that Amber Heard spit in the face of an employee for daring to ask for a pay raise. She's a grade-A piece of shit. Why the fuck is *anyone* still sticking their necks out for her?

Amber Heard spat in assistant’s face when she asked for higher salary, court told

A former personal assistant to Amber Heard has told a court the star spat in her face when she asked for a payrise. Pirates of the Caribbean star, Johnny Depp, is suing his ex-wife for libel after she wrote an article calling herself a “public figure representing domestic abuse”. Kate James...


Nov 1, 2017
The last witness, Josh Drew, is probably Amber's best witness. He was confident and concise in speaking. The issue for him is the police bodycam footage released in 2021 goes almost completely against his claims.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
How this case is being handled outside of regular media and coverage is so utterly bizar. I'm fully in that Johnny v Amber YT algorithm because I watched a couple of videos (and frankly, keep hate clicking a lot of them continuously) and it's honestly kind of gross. It's just meme videos after meme videos, streamers reacting to shit like they are super knowledgable about the subject, heavily edited videos that completely warp the reality of the situation, people stanning like crazy for Depp his team (combine that with unexperienced people looking at this stuff and you end up with 'CAMILLE SAID HI TO HEARD HER TEAM, WHAT A KIND SUPER HERO SHE IS!!' kind of garbo). It's just so gross. And I keep clicking on it, lol.


Jul 15, 2018
This case is insane. It has put a sword slash right through my online echo chamber. Maybe that's a good thing?
If nothing else it's been a good way to see who is simply more interested in their existing opinions and agendas rather than being open to learning and able to admit they were wrong (or just simply having shit opinions).

So yeah, probably good in some ways.


Oct 25, 2017
Law and Crime are talking about meta data being corrupted on evidence Heard's team submitted. What's the story about this.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Is it true that the metadata on those photographs presented by Heard's team is corrupted? Supposedly not accurately able to show the date those pictures were taken?


Oct 28, 2021
Law and Crime are talking about meta data being corrupted on evidence Heard's team submitted. What's the story about this.

Typical.. why am I not shocked.

Is it true that the metadata on those photographs presented by Heard's team is corrupted? Supposedly not accurately able to show the date those pictures were taken?

It's most likely BS, that metadata would blow the case up most likely.
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