Deleted member 31923

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Nov 8, 2017
WASHINGTON — Former Republican Ohio Gov. John Kasich, an outspoken critic of President Donald Trump, is expected to speak on behalf of presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden at next month's Democratic National Convention, the Associated Press reported Monday.

The party's invitation comes as other high-profile anti-Trump Republicans are likely to become more active in support of Biden leading up to the election, according to the AP. The AP cited "a person with direct knowledge" of Kasich's plans "who insisted on anonymity to discuss strategy."
Kasich, the governor of Ohio from 2011 to 2019, a former longtime member of the U.S House of Representatives, and onetime Fox News pundit, ran unsuccessfully in the 2016 Republican primary won by Trump.

Through a spokesman, Kasich declined to comment on the report. The Biden campaign and DNC would neither confirm nor deny the report.

A Kasich endorsement of Biden could help strengthen the former vice president's bona fides among moderate swing voters, a key voting bloc that polling shows Biden is winning over Trump. It could also boost Biden's efforts in Ohio, a state that Trump won by 8 percentage points in 2016 but has turned competitive as the coronavirus pandemic takes a toll on the president's polling.

John Kasich expected to speak at Democratic National Convention for Joe Biden: report

The 2016 GOP presidential candidate has criticized President's Trump's handling of the coronavirus pandemic and supported his impeachment.

Though this hasn't been officially confirmed by Biden or Kasich (it's a neither confirmed nor denied situation), what do you think of Republicans speaking at the DNC? Good idea? Does this help Biden in swing states, or is it just Kasich getting revenge for Trump beating him in the primary?


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
He left Ohio with a +16 approval. If he endorses Biden, it's good. If he's just there to ted talk about policy then please no.


Oct 25, 2017
Honestly, Trump should have been a cross-political concern for a long time now - the closing of ranks and rise of political tribalism has been infuriating to witness.

If it helps bring more voters over to Biden, then so be it.

Deleted member 171

Oct 25, 2017
Cool. I think it's a good get for the Biden message going forward.

Gaf Zombie

The Fallen
Dec 13, 2017
Can't hurt. I'm down.

OH is a state I've assumed would be red this presidential so a wildcard situation like this can only help Biden imo.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not going to complain if it will help swing old people in Ohio back from total insanity.


Oct 25, 2017
High profile Republican endorsements could be very good for Biden in swing states.


Oct 26, 2017
This is glorious. As much as I wanted Bernie I am loving how well Biden is bringing it home.


Oct 27, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
I don't like Kasich but if he endorses and moderates/independents vote Democrat down ballot across the country then it's a positive. Anything to get the D D D is what is most important.


Oct 25, 2017
He's total garbage (especially on abortion etc), but I guess if we want huge systemic change we need as big a tent as possible?


Jan 8, 2020
still think hes making the same mistake as Hilary
he should be more worried about the left and less worried about "swing voters" that won't bother voting

he knows the left won't vote for Trump but just like Hilary seems to forget that they might not vote at all


Oct 25, 2017
He sucks as a person, but this is a high-value political move in a swing state - the opposite of previous campaigns which thought they had things like this in the bag.

I'll worry about the post-"enemy of my enemy" world on November 4th. He already literally has a task force involved with the leftiest people available to him pushing policy, so I'm not worried about making sure he's appealing to them. The ultraleft generally already wants nothing to do with him anyway.


Mar 9, 2018
I'd prefer if they gave prominent speaking spots to people who aren't homophobes


Oct 26, 2017
Popular republican Ohio governor endorsing a Democrat says 3 things.

1. It plays toward the moderate angle Joe has been playing to for a while now.
2. Helps Biden in a crucial swing state.
3. Rallies both independents and Republicans to vote D in Ohio. (Ideally)

If Kasich can do all 3 then more power to him.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
Kasich's camp definitely didn't want this news leaking now, they wanted to save it closer to the convention, but the cat is out of the bag. Word is that the Biden campaign is trying to bring in a handful more anti-Trump Republicans to endorse Biden. I'm hoping that Romney comes out and endorses Biden, I don't think he will, I think he'll just be non-committal and he'll vote again for his wife in November, but I do think it'd have a small but meaningful impact.

Right now, Biden seems to be running away with the core swing states -- PA, MI, WIS -- which is enough for an electoral college majority. But, with coronavirus and the president alleging he won't accept the results, we kind of need a blowout to really knock Trump out decisively especially with mail in ballots likely slowing results down... Florida, Ohio, Arizona, North Carolina. Biden leads in all of those states, but narrowly. Add Iowa and Alaska into play. Toss in Texas and Georgia as in play. Those states are all within the margin of error, and all you need is to peel a percent or two away from Trump and suddenly ~10-20 more EC votes flip over to Biden and a bunch of really narrow state wins, 1% or 2% end up combining to form this insurmountable looking electoral college victory. You know Trump is going to challenge the results in Florida, Ohio, and other close states, but the more of those he has to challenge the more insurmountable it looks.


Oct 25, 2017
still think hes making the same mistake as Hilary
he should be more worried about the far left and less worried about "swing voters" that won't bother voting

A) Biden's definitely made concessions to the left, at least in terms of stated policy.

B) This shows a good-faith effort that he wants to work with both sides, which does matter to a lot of voters.

C) This undercuts Trump's claims that Biden is a radical socialist.


Oct 27, 2017
Let him speak. I think Kasich sucks but Trump will waste energy attack him and likely piss off a decent amount of people in Ohio in the process.


Oct 25, 2017
Grabbing Ohio is of vital importance.
Ohio isn't vital really. There are some state races for the Supreme Court and other local races that may be dragged along by a stronger top ticket performance there but in terms of the Presidential election, if Biden wins Ohio he has already won Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania by a substantial margin, and therefore the presidency.


Mayor of Clown Town
Jun 8, 2019
has this ever happened before? like a member of another party going to a rival party's convention. this sounds like something unprecedented but so is everything in the Trump era I guess.
Jan 29, 2018
I'm not a fan of Kasich but if this helps Biden take Ohio - which I never would've thought possible after 2016 - I'm all for it.

I think Kasich was a popular write-in vote in 2016 as well.


Jan 8, 2020
A) Biden's definitely made concessions to the left, at least in terms of stated policy.

B) This shows a good-faith effort that he wants to work with both sides, which does matter to a lot of voters.

C) This undercuts Trump's claims that Biden is a radical socialist.

that's definitely what he's doing
I'm just worried it won't work, and I don't think the country would survive Trump getting re-elected


Mayor of Clown Town
Jun 8, 2019
Ohio isn't vital really. There are some state races for the Supreme Court and other local races that may be dragged along by a stronger top ticket performance there but in terms of the Presidential election, if Biden wins Ohio he has already won Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania by a substantial margin, and therefore the presidency.

isn't Biden leading in the Upper Mid-West, i just assumed Biden was leading in Ohio too


Oct 26, 2017
He's total garbage (especially on abortion etc), but I guess if we want huge systemic change we need as big a tent as possible?
People like Kasich are never going to be for big systematic changes.
If it's use him to get votes and toss him that's one thing, but I hope no one in the Democratic party thinks that you can work with politicians like Kasich to achieve meaningful, positive change in this country. I really don't think you can.

Deleted member 11565

User Requested Account Closure
Oct 27, 2017
I moved back to Ohio this year. I used to vote Republican but not anymore. I'm damn sure not voting for Trump. Biden is better than the alternative.

Deleted member 31923

User requested account closure
Nov 8, 2017
has this ever happened before? like a member of another party going to a rival party's convention. this sounds like something unprecedented but so is everything in the Trump era I guess.

Yes, Zell Miller, Democratic senator from Georgia, endorsed George W Bush and spoke at the 2004 RNC. And I think it proved quite helpful for W.


Oct 25, 2017
People like Kasich are never going to be for big systematic changes.
If it's use him to get votes and toss him that's one thing, but I hope no one in the Democratic party thinks that you can work with politicians like Kasich to achieve meaningful, positive change in this country. I really don't think you can.

I was thinking more of an electoral victory/sweep that looks like a mandate for change than suggesting that Kasich himself could be a change agent.

Deleted member 31923

User requested account closure
Nov 8, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Hey look, ohio might not be necessary to win, but lets bury this fuck boy.


Mayor of Clown Town
Jun 8, 2019


Oct 25, 2017
Kasich's camp definitely didn't want this news leaking now, they wanted to save it closer to the convention, but the cat is out of the bag. Word is that the Biden campaign is trying to bring in a handful more anti-Trump Republicans to endorse Biden. I'm hoping that Romney comes out and endorses Biden, I don't think he will, I think he'll just be non-committal and he'll vote again for his wife in November, but I do think it'd have a small but meaningful impact.

I think if Trump is still polling like he is now around the convention (i.e. late-August), there will be many GOP endorsements and many Senators aggressively distancing themselves from Trump.


Oct 26, 2017
I was thinking more of an electoral victory/sweep that looks like a mandate for change than suggesting that Kasich himself could be a change agent.
I am not worried about you, I am worried about people in the Democratic party who still have fantasies of working with people like Kasich.
I don't know that convention speeches matter all that much, but having Republicans in the cabinet is a real concern to me.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017

Side note, I wish Howard Stern would've gone through w/ his initial plan for speaking at the RNC in 2016