
Oct 27, 2017
On one hand, no thanks. Disney plus'd too much?
On the other, weird that Ryan Johnson is always snuffed from the conversations, considering he is still involved somehow with SW.
It is not weird. Boyega was disappointed in Johnson's Star Wars movie, unlike Abrams' ones.

John Boyega expresses disappointment over Finn in Star Wars: The Last Jedi He also suggests his decision to return to the character would be based on how well they keep to that classic feel: This is also not the first time Boyega has criticizes Finn's storyline, but it's probably...


Oct 25, 2017
Lol ew why would you want JJ involved in anything?

I get that Rian didn't treat his character well, but neither did JJ. Wouldn't getting a third director be better?


Oct 28, 2017
On one hand, no thanks. Disney plus'd too much?
On the other, weird that Ryan Johnson is always snuffed from the conversations, considering he is still involved somehow with SW.

is not even that, the forum focuses on these kind of things.

for example, there is not a thread for filoni saying how much johnson helped him in being ready to do live-action, and how he was tailing him during the shoot of TLJ


Oct 26, 2017
It is a bit uncomfortable seeing people go all cognitive dissonance on Boyega assuming he must be out of his mind for wanting to work with a director he likes.

There's always a weird undercurrent to many discussions where the content of one's character matters less than the perceived quality of their work. By all accounts JJ is a director who respects his actors and gives them a level of agency to express themselves. You're spending however many months working on a big project, having a good experience is a reward in itself. On the other end I remember reading some takes about development crunch like, "oh they should be honored to have worked on a well received game" right ok. I dunno.

So yeah, things are more important than money or results. John Boyega is at a point where if he'd come back to this franchise, doing it because of those human connections is a big factor.


Mar 14, 2019
I understand. I've read before that they both pushed for him to get cast and he did an amazing job with what he was given. I just hope if they do "get the band back together", they do their due diligence and plan first. Bring in Filoni or Faverau to help if necessary.
Oct 27, 2017
Man, y'all sure are quick to tell the black guy that his feelings on who he feels comfortable working with are wrong.

It's honestly why I (and many other folk in BlackEra, tbh) just don't fuck with Star Wars threads anymore.

Real talk, many Black folk have slowly stopped entering threads like these, because a lot of you suck, straight up. Some of you really need to take your JJ Abrams vs Rian Johnson debates elsewhere, and stop using John Boyega as a proxy to validate your feelings one way or the other. We really shouldn't have to educate grown adults on the implicit racial tone of denigrating a Black person for exercising their autonomy.

It's fcking exhausting.

Edit: This comment is obviously not pointed at you, Schlorgan


Oct 27, 2017
A script is a script. An actual finished movie is a different thing. Lots of things change.

At any rate, that script was never filmed, so we have no way of knowing how it would have turned out and how it would have been handled. Our imaginations are essentially filling the gaps.
Yeah the could've just as easily been bad. I'm just saying, there wasn't nowhere to go. A different writer had a different idea of where to go than what TROS did. That's proof there was always somewhere else to go with Finn!

King Kingo

Dec 3, 2019
J J Abrams has an exclusive contract with WarnerMedia so I don't see him coming back to the Disney fold anytime soon. Still, I'm surprised to see hear this from John Boyega.


Nov 7, 2020
I just assumed he didn't want to be associated with the franchise after The Rise of Skywalker period.
Well he's been defending JJ so I don't think he has much of and issue with tros as he does with TLJ

He even quoted saying JJ wasn't supposed to come back to fix this shit leave him alone he clearly has with TLJ and thinks it needed fixing afterwards


Nov 12, 2017
Episode 9 wasn't too hot but 7 was good, and fan opinions aside maybe he just likes working with JJ as a coworker. Nobody here really knows the relationship behind the scenes.
Oct 30, 2017
Not surprising. John has good things to say about working with JJ and his comments regarding TLJ made me kind of raise my eyebrows in the implications regarding what John was experiencing doing the movie with Rian Johnson.

Regarding some of the comments, seriously you might not want tell a black actor who he should feel comfortable working after he worked with them.


Apr 13, 2019
Yeah I like Finn but J.J.?

Give the character to someone better. I would love to see that character well developed.


Aug 1, 2019
Weird that so many people just abandoned discussing Boyega being interested in returning, and instead chose to debate how he feels about each movie, good or bad. I hope he does come back. And I hope he gets to work with Filoni. However, I don't want JJ back. All the shit Kelly Marie Tran endured for two straight movie cycles, and TROS completely sidelined her. Disgusting.
Just goes to show anyone can become a Jedi which is what people keep screaming about the point of TLJ was. Simple Janitorial Stormtrooper breaks his bonds and develops deep ties to a core of friends while discovering his own ability to use the force.
Good thing JJ came back to tell that story then.


Oct 25, 2017
JJ went to bat for him when Disney was on that racism so it makes sense

But also, I assume JJ and Kathleen allowed them to write him into "hey where's Rey?" as well

I'm still salty how they did Finn in this. From showing my dude with lightsaber to cutting him telling Rey he was force sensitive. Straight clowning

dude JJ made him a janitor in TFA


Nov 7, 2020
Weird that so many people just abandoned discussing Boyega being interested in returning, and instead chose to debate how he feels about each movie, good or bad. I hope he does come back. And I hope he gets to work with Filoni. However, I don't want JJ back. All the shit Kelly Marie Tran endured for two straight movie cycles, and TROS completely sidelined her. Disgusting.

Good thing JJ came back to tell that story then.
The reason being is that Boyega will only return if jj is involved the one Boyega is defending and has defended not RJ the one Boyega has criticized for his mistreatment Finn and his role. Then you have the people come to defend RJ and TLJ and attack JJ and say Boyega is wrong for his opinion on his character's mistreatment which he has said was based on his race. So yeah


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
I guess John saw everybody bullying JJ and didn't like that lol I imagine they had a great working relationship so I can't imagine he would talk shit about JJ.

Also I imagine JJ went to bat for John both for TFA and TROS.


Oct 27, 2017
The character started out interesting, and Abrams is probably chiefly responsible for creating him, so he deserves some credit even if he failed to take Finn anywhere even remotely interesting in TROS. Finn still has potential and a tv show could work.

The Silver

Oct 28, 2017
Maybe it's like, as bad as Finn was in TROS he wasn't the stand out worst part of the movie, just one of many. While in TLJ he and his storyline IS generally regarded as the worst part of the movie.

Maybe he feels that while TROS was a mess it wasn't really JJs fault given the crazy rushed conditions it was made under. Like he said, JJ wasn't supposed to be the one to "fix this shit". TLJ in comparison was a more conscious decision to lower Finn's stock compared to the main Rey/Kylo plot and so he feels more "screwed over" by that movie.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
People keep bringing up the "fix this shit" comment but what does that actually mean in this context when JJ was signed on in September 2017, months before the final edit and release of TLJ.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
is not even that, the forum focuses on these kind of things.

for example, there is not a thread for filoni saying how much johnson helped him in being ready to do live-action, and how he was tailing him during the shoot of TLJ
Unironically make that thread and I guarantee it would only reach two pages, three tops.

People keep bringing up the "fix this shit" comment but what does that actually mean in this context when JJ was signed on in September 2017, months before the final edit and release of TLJ.
Are you implying that people implying that Boyega didn't like RJ are arguing in bad faith and projecting their own irrational dislike of a man onto an actor who defended the movie that they hate?


Nov 7, 2020
People keep bringing up the "fix this shit" comment but what does that actually mean in this context when JJ was signed on in September 2017, months before the final edit and release of TLJ.
I think it's clear since with the context we have even now he isn't saying he wants to come back for Rian Johnson, he wants to come back for JJ Abrams the man who made tros the Man who had him wield a lightsaber fight the Vader character and turned him into a force wielder. Not the man who made him a joke and side character. Boyega's words are clear. The context is clear with what he said. Anyone who thinks he doesn't have issue with last Jedi and his role in it hasn't been paying attention to his words or actions


"This guy are sick" of the One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I mean I get it. JJ gave him his first big break and Finn's character in the first movie is incredibly appealing and resonated with a lot of people. An escaped stormtrooper probably being the most unique spin on a new character. It also kinda sets him up as almost equal billing with Rey which falls apart in the second film where he just isn't as interesting for many.

My biggest complaint with the trilogy is that Finn went from my favourite character to a completely wasted one. IX tries to salvage it but the writing, plot and pacing is just too poor for anything but eyerolls for the whole cast.


Oct 25, 2017
I think it's clear since with the context we have even now he isn't saying he wants to come back for Rian Johnson, he wants to come back for JJ Abrams the man who made tros the Man who had him wield a lightsaber fight the Vader character and turned him into a force wielder. Not the man who made him a joke and side character. Boyega's words are clear. The context is clear with what he said.
The context is that JJ gave John his first big break and had a great working relationship with him. Ofcourse he wants to work with him again.

Its not deep.


Oct 25, 2017
And of course he doesn't want to work with the person who took that big break role and didn't do anything with it

Boyega saying he want to work on SW again if KK and JJ returns DOES NOT mean that he does not want to work with Rian Johnson anymore wth? He does not even mention him.

I think your irrational hate for TLJ is clouding everything you say. You self inserted Rian Johnson in this entire discussion.


Dec 18, 2017
Gotta love Boyega. Seriously, such a stand up dude.

not surprising Era once again telling a black man who he should and should not want to work with, based entirely on their own preference for which film they liked more. Stay classy Era


Nov 7, 2020

Boyega saying he want to work on SW again if KK and JJ returns DOES NOT mean that he does not want to work with Rian Johnson anymore wth? He does not even mention him.

I think your irrational hate for TLJ is clouding everything you say. You self inserted Rian Johnson in this entire discussion.
Okay why doesn't want to work the apparently the director "of the best star wars movie" the one that gave his character "best arc" and instead wants to the work with the guy who had him in a movie where 50% of his dialogue was "Rey", why has he never defended Johnson and specifically defended JJ in the interview that he called out the racial issues with his star wars experience. Shouldn't he had defended Johnson too. Why pick jj over the better director?

Kathleen has apologized for John's experience.


Oct 25, 2017
Come on buddy, shoot a little higher than this
He starred in a Steve McQueen film, Red White And Blue. That's as high as you can go.



Oct 27, 2017
I'd be ok with JJ doing a standalone film. They probably can't get him to commit to a full trilogy so its best he stay away from that imo. Though, I'd like to see it. I enjoyed TFA. The next 2 movies were ass imo.


Oct 27, 2017
But is he now willing to get Disney plused?
It's still crazy to me that he is willing to work with JJ again after what happened.

You do know he dislikes TLJ story arc and was pumped about IX yes? That he got to have a say in IX and he's gone on record to leave JJ alone because y'all got it wrong


Oct 25, 2017
it's weird how era have made me relate casual racist fucks with TLJ fans and Zach Snyder haters.

The Zach Snyder thing is weird since he has a lot of right wing fans else where.


Sep 18, 2018
I want to see him back in SW enough I'll accept JJ being involved to get it. JJ is really good at producing, just get someone else to do the script. He can even direct if the script is good enough.

Hell, let Boyega and Ridley come up with a movie idea they'd want to do together and then get someone to write it. I really liked the LEGO Holiday Special running with Finn being a padawan and Rey not feeling sure if she could train him. Let them have a fun adventure together with Poe while learning to be Jedi.

Cow Mengde

Oct 26, 2017
it's weird how era have made me relate casual racist fucks with TLJ fans and Zach Snyder haters.

The Zach Snyder thing is weird since he has a lot of right wing fans else where.

I saw TLJ in China when it came out. I was with a bunch of friends. One of the girls (she's local) was asking something about Finn. I forgot exactly what the question was, one of our mutual friends replied with "That's cause Hollywood isn't comfortable with having a black man with a white woman."


Oct 27, 2017
Gotta love Boyega. Seriously, such a stand up dude.

not surprising Era once again telling a black man who he should and should not want to work with, based entirely on their own preference for which film they liked more. Stay classy Era
Lol. Fellow black man here. We're not telling John Boyega anything. No one in this thread is DM'ing Boyega to tell him what directors to work with.


Oct 26, 2017
One thing worth remembering about Finn in Star Wars 7: they weren't explicitly casting a black actor. Just recently you had the story of Tom Holland auditioning for the role. But we know there were five in the end and the majority were white actors. I give them credit for making that choice in 2014, given the landscape of Hollywood at the time (not that it's much better now).

it's weird how era have made me relate casual racist fucks with TLJ fans and Zach Snyder haters.

The Zach Snyder thing is weird since he has a lot of right wing fans else where.

Not so much anymore. When dudes like The Quartering and Jack Posobiec are angry at Snyder, yeah. Even Armond White turned on him since he openly supported Biden.

But yes, it was something to see the types of posts about Ray Fisher when he spoke against Whedon. And the shift when white actresses supported him. Yeah. It's… yeah. Louder than anything I can put into words.


Oct 27, 2017
This is like Stockholm syndrome. Come on Boyega, did you already forget JJ straight up shafted you?