
Jan 2, 2019
the time to address the Chinese govt response to the virus is *after* the world has moved past it. America isn't even at its lowest point but feel political messaging about China, right now, is appropriate?

Sure, I agree - but this ad is about responding to attack ads from the Trump team against Biden.

Chaos Legion

The Wise Ones
Oct 30, 2017
Sure, I agree - but this ad is about responding to attack ads from the Trump team against Biden.
I believe the correct tactic is to let the Trump campaign continue to frame Biden as "Beijing Biden."

"40.000 travelled from China to US after Travel Ban"

"Trump left in 40.000 travelers from China into America after he signed it."
It's nuanced, for sure, but it is worth correctly noting what was actually stated in the ad, just to prevent any distortions from spreading.

do you really think it's worth fighting on Trump's playground when it comes to rhetoric?
The intention of this ad was to harshly rebuke the claim that Biden is selling out American lives for Chinese business/government interests by exposing Trump's hypocrisy and failures.

I think it's valid to have a conversation about the ad and hopefully the Biden campaign can do better to ensure that people aren't alienated as he pushes back against false narratives.
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hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017

i guess racism is to be expected when you nominated someone like biden, given his hugely problematic legislative history

y'all could have had an actual progressive but y'all chose joe instead


Oct 27, 2017
User banned (5 days): Inflammatory whataboutism regarding xenophobia
"The Russians interfered in our election"
"Russian meddling"
"Russian interference"

Was it also xenophobic then?


Prophet of Regret
Dec 7, 2017
This is extremely problematic. We cannot simply assume people will get the context of "Chinese = Chinese government" when this entire country is full of xenophobe people. That language just increases the problem. We cannot normalize language that can be used easily to discriminate people.

"The Russians interfered in our election"
"Russian meddling"
"Russian interference"

Was it also xenophobic then?

This language has always been problematic. The fact that we are seeing so much more racist actions towards Asians makes this a BIGGER problem.

Also you are ignoring the fact that you can't identify a Russian person walking in the streets. You can identify an Asian person (which for racists Asian = Chinese). It's SO MUCH EASIER to discriminate the Asian population in the US than the Russian. Such different groups of people.


Oct 26, 2017
I think the careless, xenophobic language used in the ad is reflective of way Joe Biden (and of course Donald Trump) carry themselves in real life, and will probably continue throughout the campaign.


Oct 25, 2017
I read it as "the Chinese" = Chinese government given the context - similar to how we say "the Americans" or "the British"

On the whole, it seemed effective at highlighting Trump's hypocrisy re: his repeated touting of a travel ban (CNN pointed out the 40,000 arrivals the other day when he was congratulating himself about it), and his earlier praise towards China which has now suddenly flipped to him deflecting blame.

It also seems less about directing ire towards China, and more at the administration's own failings in getting a handle on the crisis.

That being said, if the ad has caused offence or ambiguity at a time of global tension (and in the context of individuals being threatened) then obviously the messaging can be tightened up.
This. I'm not for sure how many people even watched the ad. To me it's a stretch to try and interpret it the way this forum is but they could add "government" to alleviate concerns


Oct 27, 2017
i love seeing racist smears/verbiage used against me on a constant basis echoed by the candidate that's supposed to defeat a fascist demagogue

get out of here with this whataboutism/downplaying of Asian ERA members' concerns about this overt racism
Definitely not downplaying anything. But what do we accomplish by coming out and saying "I won't vote for Biden" because of this. If people don't want to vote for Biden for any reason that's on them. Don't think it's very constructive to come out and say it but that's just my opinion.


Oct 25, 2017
"The Russians interfered in our election"
"Russian meddling"
"Russian interference"

Was it also xenophobic then?

Yes. Also it's not easy for people to tell the difference between a Russian and any other white person, while unfortunately it is easier to discriminate against other Asian Americans like me and other white people because we don't look like other white people.


user requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Why is it whenever there's a thread about racism towards Asians on this forum people like to come and post "I don't know if it's actually racism" or "i don't see any racism here".


Oct 25, 2017
Definitely not downplaying anything. But what do we accomplish by coming out and saying "I won't vote for Biden" because of this. If people don't want to vote for Biden for any reason that's on them. Don't think it's very constructive to come out and say it but that's just my opinion.

i think it's constructive to say it because listening to minorities' concerns is always helpful


Dec 23, 2018
People largely didn't care that Biden was a rapist, and people largely aren't going to care that he's also likely a racist. Fact of the matter is, moral and ethical standards don't matter anymore when it comes to selecting a president for this country. It's depressing to think that I may be forced to cast my vote for Biden simply because there's an even larger rapist and racist residing in the Oval Office.

To think that this is the best this country can do. Christ, what a pitiful state of affairs.


Nov 6, 2017
And it's being taken advantage by the trump supporters who are members of this forums who come out of the hiding to say "see now I wont vote for Biden"

Because for some reason trump is better even though Biden did not personally make this ad or uttered the same xenophobic words that trump has such as calling it the "Chinese virus"

Racism isn't a race, and there isn't a he's less racist.
Both are terrible.

The Chinese, people or government, will be very very happy if Biden or any democrat wins the election. As would the rest of the world not named Russia or Israel.

Not really, Taiwanese here, Both US Party party would be the same, and would use Taiwan as a tool against China, and ignore us the rest of the time, unless they want us to buy weapon.
And not allow us to join any international orginization, etc.

The ad doesn't actually say that verbatim.

Please tell us how to think, because we're not white, so we're children that need to be taught what it actually mean and will happen to people living in a country that has advocated violent through government and civilian mean.


Oct 27, 2017
We cannot simply assume people will get the context of "Chinese = Chinese government" when this entire country is full of xenophobe people.
Not trying to downplay, just understand: do you find the language inherently objectionable, or just the fact that it's careless in considering how it will be received and by whom? You might say it's a distinction without a difference, but I think it's the crux of where drew the line on calling the whole ad racist in intent or not.


Oct 27, 2017
Didn't he have a huge racist mentor that he refused to denounce?

I'm sure he taught him a thing or two.


Oct 27, 2017
i think it's constructive to say it because listening to minorities' concerns is always helpful
Completely agree but how can we prove that we are a minority and not some trump supporter trying to create conflict. I know it's impossible because of the anonymous nature of internet forums but I think it's something that we should keep in mind. And trump supporters thrive when it comes to shit like this which is why I initially said that the ad was a miscalculation. Democrats have to walk a very very fine line to appease their base but an even finer line when it comes to reaching out to republicans who only respond to dog whistle.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I'd let the campaign manager know that they should follow-up with a distinction clause or change the ad's language entirely. @jomalleydillon on Twitter. I'll be doing it.
Oct 29, 2017
This ad is aimed at potential Trump swing voters. The usage of "the Chinese" is intentional and wrong.
This is a thought I had as well. They must have crunched the numbers and figured making this ad with a racist tone while outlining Trump's incompetence is worth the potential swing voters? There's no way this was an accident.


Oct 31, 2017
Shit ad, Shit candidate. Anyone caping for Biden is cool with enabling racist rhetoric to continue to lose the 2020 election. There is no different levels of racism, racism is racism.


Oct 25, 2017
Completely agree but how can we prove that we are a minority and not some trump supporter trying to create conflict. I know it's impossible because of the anonymous nature of internet forums but I think it's something that we should keep in mind. And trump supporters thrive when it comes to shit like this which is why I initially said that the ad was a miscalculation. Democrats have to walk a very very fine line to appease their base but an even finer line when it comes to reaching out to republicans who only respond to dog whistle.

I'm fucking sorry now we have to prove we are Asian!?!


Prophet of Regret
Dec 7, 2017
Not trying to downplay, just understand: do you find the language inherently objectionable, or just the fact that it's careless in considering how it will be received and by whom? You might say it's a distinction without a difference, but I think it's the crux of where drew the line on calling the whole ad racist in intent or not.

The second one definitely. That's why when saying "The British" or "The French" is really not that big of a problem in our current society (but it could be, so we should avoid it). I think we just have to understand that there is a xenophobia problem in this country and language like this is ammunition for that problem. Just differentiating between the Government/the people is important.
I think we can see the effect the lack of this differenciation has done to the people of the Middle East. I feel we allowed for too much time the language that leads to the idea that Middle East people = terrorist.


Jun 7, 2018
To think that this is the best this country can do. Christ, what a pitiful state of affairs.

From what I've seen as an outsider, this is America, it's never been a haven for progressiveness, what Americans care about most are their job security, their paycheck, and they see a white centrist neo liberal as someone who can secure that, Sanders, AOC are too progressive for a centrist, right leaning society such as America, even in most blue states it's mostly centrist.


Oct 25, 2017
Please tell us how to think, because we're not white, so we're children that need to be taught what it actually mean and will happen to people living in a country that has advocated violent through government and civilian mean.

If we're criticising the language used in a campaign ad, isn't it pertinent that the language analysed/critiqued is accurate?

In my mind, there's a difference between saying "40,000 X people entered" and "40,000 traveled from X into the Y after travel ban [was enacted - and talked up repeatedly]"

Deleted member 18360

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
The Dems are more incompetent than even my wildest imaginations. Yeah let's go hard after China, the thing that Trump is known for doing, despite all apparent facts that China handled this pandemic like a thousand times better than the United States. Who cares if Asian Americans get hurt in the process? It's utterly fucking ridiculous and the nth fucking case of how these people will counter-schedule against all decency even when completely unforced, and frankly, at this point, or with how pervasive this sort of thing is, withholding our vote is honestly perhaps the only way to 'help' them. They literally just keep tirelessly building up the case for why they actually don't deserve anyone's vote.


user requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Completely agree but how can we prove that we are a minority and not some trump supporter trying to create conflict. I know it's impossible because of the anonymous nature of internet forums but I think it's something that we should keep in mind. And trump supporters thrive when it comes to shit like this which is why I initially said that the ad was a miscalculation. Democrats have to walk a very very fine line to appease their base but an even finer line when it comes to reaching out to republicans who only respond to dog whistle.
Do you want us Asians to wear an arm band or something?


Nov 1, 2017
yeah, this angle of attack is strange, I wouldn't have done this if I were biden. We should probably focus on the failed ramp up of testing, and weird mask guidelines/guidance from cdc. I don't find the ad problematic, but it's probably better to focus on what we did wrong ourselves.


Oct 27, 2017
Another related issue to this that will be coming up, is I'm sure Trump will eventually ask China to "pay for the virus" (probably in those words); and he would have a point, but will be taken to a racist extreme. I'm sure a lot of countries will ask China for reparations after the virus (I've already seen op-eds in my home country news paper) and we know that history rhymes, so how the world and China handles the aftermath will be historic.


Jun 7, 2018
The Dems are more incompetent than even my wildest imaginations. Yeah let's go hard after China, the thing that Trump is known for doing, despite all apparent facts that China handled this pandemic like a thousand times better than the United States.

Just no, the CCP tried to cover up the pandemic and silenced doctors who tried to warn the world, it's because of the CCP mishandling of the situation and them putting their prestige and economy above their international reputation and safety of their own people that we're in this pandemic clusterfuck in the first place.

Who cares if Asian Americans get hurt in the process. It's utterly fucking ridiculous and at this point withholding our vote is perhaps the only way to 'help' them.

Yeah, After 8 years of Regan America got 4 years of Bush Senior, a hardcore conservative, 8 years of Clinton, a Biden like Neo liberal rapist centrist, 8 years of bush junior then finally Obama, another centrist, then you have Trump, America will never lean left, center is the best it can do.

Deleted member 18360

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Just no, the CCP tried to cover up the pandemic and silenced doctors who tried to warn the world, it's because of the CCP mishandling of the situation and them putting their prestige and economy above their international reputation and safety of their own people that we're in this pandemic clusterfuck in the first place.

Yeah, After 8 years of Regan America got 4 years of Bush Senior, a hardcore conservative, 8 years of Clinton, a Biden like Neo liberal rapist centrist, 8 years of bush junior then finally Obama, another centrist, then you have Trump, America will never lean left, center is the best it can do.

The US had ample time to take things seriously. The US owns their own failures.
Oct 27, 2017
"The Chinese"

Wtf????? I had to check my fcking calendar to make sure the year was accurate. Yea, I have come to expect racism to permeate every and all avenues of life (and I don't see that ever going away), but I didn't expect the goddamn Democratic nominee to dog-whistle this hard about an ethnic group of people. Incredibly irresponsible and dangerous fcking language, that will only cause more spikes in hate-crimes towards Asian-Americans across the political spectrum.

Biden really showing what an antiquated racist dinosaur he is. And he probably still defends the language used here and "doesn't see what the big deal is."

Edit: This is like saying "The Blacks". Super weird dehumanizing langauge when used against a minority group. Not that I expect priviledged people to ever stop to consider.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 31, 2017
I honestly don't understand how this guy ended up winning over Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders


Oct 29, 2017
The Dems are more incompetent than even my wildest imaginations. Yeah let's go hard after China, the thing that Trump is known for doing, despite all apparent facts that China handled this pandemic like a thousand times better than the United States. Who cares if Asian Americans get hurt in the process? It's utterly fucking ridiculous and the nth fucking case of how these people will counter-schedule against all decency even when completely unforced, and frankly, at this point, or with how pervasive this sort of thing is, withholding our vote is honestly perhaps the only way to 'help' them. They literally just keep tirelessly building up the case for why they actually don't deserve anyone's vote.
It's the same shit the Third-Way, moderate, whatever-you-want-to-call-it wing of the party has done forever.

They cower and bend to the arena and rules the Republicans play by.

And all it does is muddy their own messaging, undercut their own philosophical differences, and invite the argument that if you are simply trying to out-tough the other guy on their terms, why not just go with the guy that is stronger in his convictions?

Deleted member 18360

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Not excusing Trump's failure in handling the Pandemic, but the CCP failed, deliberately even, in handling the Pandemic just as much and my remarks concern your attempt at whitewashing the CCP's handling of the situation.

It's diversionary political BS to distract from how bad the US is handling this. The Dems can't even be trusted to call on or criticize Trump's handling of the pandemic, they literally have to run cover for him because they're morons that don't want to win. Not even voting for them can help them.

It's the same shit the Third-Way, moderate, whatever-you-want-to-call-it wing of the party has done forever.

They cower and bend to the arena and rules the Republicans play by.

And all it does is muddy their own messaging, undercut their own philosophical differences, and invite the argument that if you are simply trying to out-tough the other guy on their terms, why not just go with the guy that is stronger in his convictions?

Yep :(