
Oct 28, 2017
So over the weekend an incident occurred with former Cosby Show actor Geoffrey Owens.

To put things into perspective look at his IMDB page.

This guy has had steady consistent work for the last decade. I've seen enough imdb profiles to know this is abnormal. The guy has worked hard to keep up in this business.


An honest man doing an honest day's work used to be something to be celebrated in America. But it didn't seem like it -- over the Labor Day weekend, of all times -- after actor Geoffrey Owens was spotted at a Trader Joe's in New Jersey, bagging groceries.

It all started with an article in the Daily Maillate last week. A customer at the store in Clifton, New Jersey, spotted Owens -- best known for his role as son-in-law Elvin Tibideaux on "The Cosby Show" -- working as a cashier and snapped a picture.

The image became the basis for the Daily Mail's story under the job-shaming headline, "From learning lines to serving the long line!"

Ultimately there was backlash vanguarded by other actors in the business but why did this gain traction in the first place?
We have a tendency to look down on the work others do and I want to know the specific reasons you look down at the jobs other people do.

Personally I usually am not in position to display my prejudices against certain forms of legal work because I'm not going to porn conventions or other venues where they meet and greet fans. With a lot of other menial jobs that have a low learning curve I recognize that someone can excel in their field if they have ambition or even if the job is too limited for that it is work that usually takes a huge toll on the body and working harder even if not smarter should be respected for challenges that do exist.

As for pornstars I have an issue with work that fundamentally hinges on selling your body image. I can have respect for a pornstar with ambition like Nikki Benz but generally I don't look at the profession favorably and sometimes try to think if what could be done to make it less of a cultural shitshow.

FYI I know another reset thread exists on this news story but the thread is focused on who is reporting on it and I want a thread focused on our personal thoughts on different jobs.


Attempt to circumvent a ban with an alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Because people are shallow

julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
I'm a waiter, let me tell you about how frequently people realize that i'm a human

The Namekian

Nov 5, 2017
New York City
Because people are shit, and it's easy to feel good about yourself by thinking you are better than someone else. Even in the most nonsensical terms.


Jun 29, 2018
People's judgments of others are usually just projections of their own insecurities.


Oct 26, 2017
Weird, I actually thought this thread was going to go the other way. I can't count how many times I've heard people say that acting or a different creative job isn't a "real job". Even on here I've seen people argue that being a musician is more of a hobby than a real job.

Anyway, job shaming in any way or form is bad.


Weekend Planner
Oct 29, 2017
Wrexham, Wales
Never done it, never will. I like my job but I'd still rather have those 30-40 hours a week free to do anything else. Most of us are slaves to our work in one way or another whether you're a short order cook or a business honcho. Fuck anyone who judges people for actually contributing and making money.


Oct 25, 2017
Because people don't want to do jobs that are 'beneath' them, but don't realize those jobs let them enjoy what services or products they give out.

I mean, no one wants to work for long hours and shitty pay in a chinese factory but boy I sure love my iPhone!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOL that guy is picking up the garbage, but I need him to pick my shit up lol

Deleted member 11093

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
For the same reason hillbilly trash tend to shit all over restaurant/retrial workers to make sure to make their working days are as miserable as possible, they need their power trip fix.


User-Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
I don't look down on anybody for the work they do. Stripping, bagging groceries, being a janitor. Do what you gotta do to survive.


Oct 26, 2017
The fact that he has taken that job regardless of situation speak miles about the work ethic of this man. Much respect and inspirational.

Work is work. Sometimes things happen that set you back but you put in the work to get out of that rut. I have colleagues and acquaintances that refuse to do anything they deem is beneath them while they accrue more debt and spiral into a pattern of unsustainability.


Oct 25, 2017
Any job shaming is lame

So you work at McDonald's or whatever stigmatized job? You're out there doing something with your time and earning money. Good for you.


Oct 25, 2017
I go out of my way in life to not job shame. Sometimes I'm talking to someone and the question of what I/they do comes up, and when they're too embarrassed to answer at first, I make it a point to ask questions about the job or make a general comment that doesn't belittle what it is that they do. Everyone needs to work, every job needs filling.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm a little dismayed that many posters prefer to pass judgment on other people instead of disclosing their own biases.

Weird, I actually thought this thread was going to go the other way. I can't count how many times I've heard people say that acting or a different creative job isn't a "real job". Even on here I've seen people argue that being a musician is more of a hobby than a real job.

Anyway, job shaming in any way or form is bad.

You're not wrong, simply inaccurate. Acting is look down on if you are struggling. Once you hit Broadway, feature film, bollywood etc you are seen as super successful and admirable.


Dec 29, 2017
This is definitely one of my huge character flaws taught to me by my asshole father, and my wife does it really bad too (especially with customer service people). I still sometimes catch myself bending reality where engineer (my profession) is the most valuable and noble in society and all are beneath us.

I'm being extremely hard on myself, but it's one of those things I know I was raised with (along with a lot of other bad shit) that I wish I could get totally out of my subconscious. Thankfully it rarely leads to any negative action, and catching myself then usually leads to good.

Edit: that said, this board can be pretty dehumanizing based on your political affiliation. I understand disagreements (and tend to follow the trends of this board) but dehumanizing is really awful. Or maybe even worse is thinking you're like "more evolved".


Oct 28, 2017
It's dumb but why does anyone "shame" anything? People judge various aspects of others all the time for nonsense reasons.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I mean it's the daily mail. If you sucked the bile of a thousand black mambas and concentrated it into a single dose you wouldn't even approach the toxicity of that piece of shit. It's mind blowing that it's still not a banned source when they're a proudly racist organisation.


Oct 27, 2017
I doin't look down on anyone's work. I'm a lawyer now but I've worked at KFC, as a dishwasher (4 times), retail as a worker (5 times) and an assistant manager once, a bakers assistant, a legal assistant, construction plus a few other random temp jobs. I've scrubbed fried chicken skin off of metal grates, been burned by deep fryers and humped hundreds of pounds of Sheetrock all over a construction site. I learned something at every job and am glad I experienced such a wide spectrum of work because it makes me appreciate my current job that much more. If I was disbarred tomorrow I'd be back on the grind, doing whatever work I could to pay the bills, no job would be off limits if it paid.

You can tell a lot about a person by how they treat people working jobs 'below them', if you're working, I respect you and treat you how I'd like to be treated, full stop.


Oct 25, 2017
why did this gain traction in the first place?

Because it's the Daily Mail and it's entire modus operandi is to spew hate in whatever guise it can. It's readers subsist on a diet of 'tut-tutting' at any people they can view as inferior to them somehow; whether that be due to the colour of the skin, their sexual orientation, the country they come from, their occupation, their religion or their appearance.
Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
User Banned (2 Days): Inflammatory generalisations.
I mean, generally if you're doing a low skilled, low paying job, there's usually a reason for that... you're probably not skilled or intelligent enough for a career.


Oct 27, 2017
I stopped looking down on jobs ages ago. I do hate that a guy who does creative stuff is paid low enough to consider Trader Joe's an option.

So over the weekend an incident occurred with former Cosby Show actor Geoffrey Owens.

To put things into perspective look at his IMDB page.

This guy has had steady consistent work for the last decade. I've seen enough imdb profiles to know this is abnormal. The guy has worked hard to keep up in this business.


An honest man doing an honest day's work used to be something to be celebrated in America. But it didn't seem like it -- over the Labor Day weekend, of all times -- after actor Geoffrey Owens was spotted at a Trader Joe's in New Jersey, bagging groceries.

It all started with an article in the Daily Maillate last week. A customer at the store in Clifton, New Jersey, spotted Owens -- best known for his role as son-in-law Elvin Tibideaux on "The Cosby Show" -- working as a cashier and snapped a picture.

The image became the basis for the Daily Mail's story under the job-shaming headline, "From learning lines to serving the long line!"

Ultimately there was backlash vanguarded by other actors in the business but why did this gain traction in the first place?
We have a tendency to look down on the work others do and I want to know the specific reasons you look down at the jobs other people do.

Personally I usually am not in position to display my prejudices against certain forms of legal work because I'm not going to porn conventions or other venues where they meet and greet fans. With a lot of other menial jobs that have a low learning curve I recognize that someone can excel in their field if they have ambition or even if the job is too limited for that it is work that usually takes a huge toll on the body and working harder even if not smarter should be respected for challenges that do exist.

As for pornstars I have an issue with work that fundamentally hinges on selling your body image. I can have respect for a pornstar with ambition like Nikki Benz but generally I don't look at the profession favorably and sometimes try to think if what could be done to make it less of a cultural shitshow.

FYI I know another reset thread exists on this news story but the thread is focused on who is reporting on it and I want a thread focused on our personal thoughts on different jobs.

Opinions like yours are why it's a cultural shitshow. Like, sex work is 100 percent valid work. And probably looked upon worse than any job you can think of. People literally think they're entitled to your body just cause they got off to you a couple times.


Oct 28, 2017
Any job shaming is lame

So you work at McDonald's or whatever stigmatized job? You're out there doing something with your time and earning money. Good for you.
Eh while people shouldn't be shamed simply for working there this reminds me that I feel disappointed when someone reveals they are a college grad. Just this morning one such worker gave me a reminder how personal tragedies can distract you from a higher paying career but I still feel that disappointment.

Like 90% of that feeling is directed towards how society is structured where underutilization is a problem everywhere but I still have some angst with the individual because I'm left wondering, aren't there better low level options that atleast are related to your aspirations and pursuits?

Deleted member 4518

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
People are assholes.

It doesn't matter what you're doing - you're working to earn money to support yourself, a family, etc. I get furious when I see people treat others with disrespect because they're a cashier or a waiter/waitress, etc.


Oct 27, 2017
Jobs need to be done; from the simple to the complex. We need all of them done well for this whole business to actually function. I will absolutely not look down on any job, no matter how menial.


Oct 27, 2017
I mean, generally if you're doing a low skilled, low paying job, there's usually a reason for that... you're probably not skilled or intelligent enough for a career.

How's the view up there?

This is a really fucked up opinion that sadly a lot of people share. Mind if I ask what your background is? (What income bracket did you grew up in, did you go to college, if you did who paid for it, etc.)


Oct 28, 2017
I mean it's the daily mail. If you sucked the bile of a thousand black mambas and concentrated it into a single dose you wouldn't even approach the toxicity of that piece of shit. It's mind blowing that it's still not a banned source when they're a proudly racist organisation.
Well keep in mind that daily mail amplified a facebook post. A lot of people engage in shaming of various types so something like this can become newsworthy.

This story got bigger once Fox News caught on and amplified it even further which is when the actually backlash began because Dailymail doesn't have the reach.

CNN was diligent enough to keep track of the sequence of events.


Nov 8, 2017
Worked a lot of shitty, low payibg jobs so I know what it's like. I'd never look down on anyone for the line of work they do.

Friend of mine treats fast food employees like shit. "Get a real job" I've heard him mutter on more than one occasion. Dude.. you wouldn't be eating that burger if people didn't work these jobs. Seen him act the same way to servers. Hardly tip then as well. I tore a strip off him one day after lunch and he's a lot better about tipping now, or at least when he's around me.


Oct 26, 2017
People have to work and, sometimes, there aren't enough jobs that everyone gets to do their dream career. A lot of jobs are awful, hard work and have shit pay. Looking down on people doing them when they're providing a service says more about you than it does about them. You don't know anything about them or about their circumstances and judging their intelligence or whatever for working makes you a cunt.


Nov 4, 2017
People look down on anybody who has a "lesser job".

There are tiers to this shit:

GOD TIER: Politicians, athletes, singers, actors
Tier 1: Doctors, Lawyers
Tier 2: Engineering, IT, financial services
Tier 3: any job where you sit on a desk
Tier 4: "blue collar" jobs like repairmen, technicians, assistants, nurses
Tier 5: McJobs, food services, gig economy

In this particular "Cosby show"case people really love to look down because the actor is someone who used to be on the top and has fallen all the way to the bottom.
People really love that shit.

Deleted member 17402

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
"What's your passion and why don't you find a job doing it instead?" is what I'm normally asked.

I don't have anything I'm overtly passionate about to do as a career. I'm passionate about certain causes and things I enjoy, but they're just that: things I enjoy.

I tell people that my expectation from a job are good salary, flexibility, accommodation, stability, and compatible/enjoyable work, but to some that's not enough. I have to either really love what I'm doing or be doing something that's respectable (i.e. be in upper management). If I got paid $80k cleaning toilets, while I personally wouldn't enjoy that, I'm sure someone else would and that'd be awesome for them, especially as that would pay more than what I make. Some would shame someone for doing it, while at the same time complain if the facility isn't maintained.

I don't expect to ever love what I do for work but I do expect to at least enjoy it, be good at it and get compensated well. A job is a means to an end and the end is my life outside of work which actually brings me the most joy and fulfillment.


Nov 16, 2017
It's not full on Job Shaming...

It's more celebrity worship. In the US, people don't acknowledge the scales of celebrity status and think that if you "made it" , you'll be a part of celebrity status forever.

Celebrity status never stays unless you reach the height of global sensation. Not many people do that , so know you have people expressing their surprise and ignorance with Jeffery.

As if once you become a celebrity, it's impossible to go back..... When it's prob more likely to lose your stardom than maintain it

Deleted member 6949

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I probably used to do that, but I've had many horrible jobs and long stretches of unemployment and now I'm happy for anybody making an honest living.


Oct 26, 2017
Job shaming is definitely a thing. As is house shaming, clothes shaming, car shaming, phone shaming etc.

Think of anything that can be compared and people will find a way to shame it. It's human behaviour 101. Everyone has to feel like they are better than everyone else. Except not everyone can be.


Charitable King
Oct 27, 2017
Looking down on someone's job is 99% of the time cheap ego boost, minus critical thinking skills. A good rule of thumb is to assume that anyone who does it is likely just an easily replaceable lever puller themselves.


Oct 28, 2017
I stopped looking down on jobs ages ago. I do hate that a guy who does creative stuff is paid low enough to consider Trader Joe's an option.

Opinions like yours are why it's a cultural shitshow. Like, sex work is 100 percent valid work. And probably looked upon worse than any job you can think of. People literally think they're entitled to your body just cause they got off to you a couple times.
Well I hope from your phrasing you weren't implying my issue with pornstars stems from some self entitlement.

Otherwise I would have to say you're wrong.

Sex work has some big cons that few other jobs could be as potentially soul draining like being an executioner or being a moderator for a major website like YouTube scrubbing soul crushing content.


Oct 27, 2017
No, I'm not a fucking child, so I don't go out of my way to shit on people working jobs to support themselves or their families. I hate hearing someone say, "Get an adult job" or "it's just a stepping stone."


Oct 25, 2017
Listen OP.

This is America.

I bought this BMW and starters jacket so everyone knows how much better I am than them.

If you don't want to be shamed get a better job.

/snorts cocaine while listening to Miami Vice soundtrack


Oct 26, 2017
People look down on anybody who has a "lesser job".

There are tiers to this shit:

GOD TIER: Politicians, athletes, singers, actors
Tier 1: Doctors, Lawyers
Tier 2: Engineering, IT, financial services
Tier 3: any job where you sit on a desk
Tier 4: "blue collar" jobs like repairmen, technicians, assistants, nurses
Tier 5: McJobs, food services, gig economy

In this particular "Cosby show"case people really love to look down because the actor is someone who used to be on the top and has fallen all the way to the bottom.
People really love that shit.

Hey, I'm Tier 2! Not bad at all.

Take that, scummy 3, 4 and 5.


Oct 25, 2017
My first job was being an annoying guy handing out fliers. I will never begrudge someone trying to make an honest buck. Gotta start somewhere.

Hollywood Duo

Oct 25, 2017
Anyone who has worked retail or the service industry knows this is a time honored tradition.
I mean, generally if you're doing a low skilled, low paying job, there's usually a reason for that... you're probably not skilled or intelligent enough for a career.
Incredibly naive viewpoint. Tons of important jobs are what you would deem as "low skill".
Last edited:


Oct 29, 2017
Because those people didn't work as hard as I did and hire only the best to invest their inheritance wisely.


Oct 27, 2017
They need that for some sort of confidence-boost, i guess.

Just go into any thread and you'll see shaming by all kinds of shallow people.
Fashion nazis, food nazis, job nazis, income nazis, sex nazis. And the reality is that it's mostly frustration and insecurity speaking.
Happy secure people don't give a fuck about what other people do. They're too busy being happy.

I mean, generally if you're doing a low skilled, low paying job, there's usually a reason for that... you're probably not skilled or intelligent enough for a career.
Can you think of any other reasons?