Nov 9, 2017
So, I was looking for something interesting to watch on Netflix and I saw that their new serie Jinn was available. I've seen the trailer, and I thought it was just another teen drama + a bit of surreal, not really my thing. And most of the time, when netflix add someting new, it's more often average than great. However, I've decided to go look at the ratings on IMDB and then BAM! 3,4/10! Ouch! I was suprised to say the least.

Like I said, Netflix doesn't really produce masterpiece after masterpiece, but most of the time it's just average. Nothing extraordinary, but a way to pass the time. But this is something else. So I look at the comments, and I see things like: "Americanism galore" Ok? "Two teens kissing in school bus! hold on, what? This is not America!" Really? "Arent they Islamic countries? Why didnt have any hijabi girls????" ...

But there's also criticisms about the acting, the directing, the special effects. And, yes, it's being described as bad.

I could watch it, at least the first episode, but is there someone here who have seen it? And if yes, is it really that bad?

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Aug 29, 2018
I haven't seen it but your post here just informed me of its existence. A quick wikipedia browsing suggests its a web tv series by novice arab film makers. Those negative ratings are probably from the more conservative audience it would attract, and again, I haven't seen it but those are the kinds of things someone from that region/culture would object to seeing as it breaks all kinds of societal norms. Its the growing pains of film making on a subject only people like the creators would be familiar with.

Concept sounds cool. Jinn have a really interesting history in that they are very pronounced in Arabian folklore, but is also present among many religions in that region too.


Nov 29, 2017
Interestingly enough I was wondering the same thing. We don't get enough arab shows in general, so I was curious. The controversy is due to like a kissing scene, and the series is set in Jordan, so the Jordanians are offended. I don't know if the show itself is good or not. I gave the Turkish show The Protector a shot, but while effects are good, the acting was bad and the dubbing is horrible, so I couldn't watch it.

Try Leila, an Indian TV series by Deepa Mehta, who is a very talented director. It's a dystopian sci-fi.
Impressions of the first episode
Nov 9, 2017
So I watched the first episode, and it wasn't bad. I was expecting something more upbeat, like Buffy, especially after reading the sypnosis (a good djinn against a bad djinn) but it's darker. And I also found it a bit slow. The acting in my opinion wasn't horrible; because of the reviews on IMDB, I thought I would hate it but it was tolerable, but I must say I'm a poor judge in this domain. About the special effects, they weren't spectacular but there aren't really plenty of them.

All in all, I think it was average, or maybe just a little bit under "good", but like I said I don't think I'm the public for this kind of show. So, does it deserve a three out of ten? Based on the first episode, nah. Maybe it'll become worse after that but if the rest is on par with the first episode, no.

Try Leila, an Indian TV series by Deepa Mehta, who is a very talented director. It's a dystopian sci-fi.

Maybe I'll take a look at it.
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Oct 27, 2017
It's on my list, haven't got around to it yet. Occasionally the foreign markets produce some sensational TV. Try Kingdom made by Korean TV makers on Netflix, superb middle ages zombie show.

War Peaceman

Oct 28, 2017
You need to watch My Brilliant Friend on HBO for some great foreign language drama. Incredible books and a brilliant adaptation.


Oct 27, 2017
Haven't seen it, but my friends who have say it's terrible.
On twitter Jordanians are pretty pissed because it portrays Jordanian high schoolers sleeping around, going to pool parties, etc as if it was the norm.


Oct 26, 2017
Atlanta, GA
I'll have to check out Jinn

If anyone is looking for middle Eastern or Indian shows on Netflix, Sacred Games is fucking awesome.

Deleted member 8860

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
There's a lot of [hypocritical] controversy over it in Jordan and the region.

"They object to the Jinn show because it is against their morals. As if last month they weren't all glued to their screens watching Game of Thrones," one Twitter user wrote.

"Someone explain to me why it's OK for Game of Thrones to have pornographic scenes and the Arabs are so happy with the show, but [Jinn] that has a kissing scene has outraged the entire nation?" another asked.
Oct 27, 2017
I haven't watched it but from what I heard people are hating it (especially people from Jordan) because it feels like a western TV series only with Jordanian setting. What this means is that they potrayed Jordan with "western" culture and norms instead of potraying the people in the country as they would be. Basically a misleading representation of Jordan and it's culture/people.