
Nov 4, 2017
There is only one way to change this. Just dont buy the game then. If they want a free2play business model - they can have it :)

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
How does this have an 85+ metacritic/game rankings score again??
Because it's a good game. If you're so concerned about the "grind." The systems themselves were turned off for the majority of the review period, the day zero patches didn't change anything about the progression system whatsoever.

Deleted member 4021

Oct 25, 2017
It's so baffling. Instead of complaining about the disgusting anti-consumer practices, they complain about someone who spends a lot of time covering them...

If more people actually called this shit out we this industry could have been in a slightly better place. Instead, we get people getting mad and defending the corporations as if Ubisoft/EA/whatever is their fucking brother.
I honestly don't know why any game dev pays astroturfers when there are so many people willing to carry water for them for free.


Oct 25, 2017
You should be asking why companies continue to do this instead.
My concern is not to wonder why companies sell a product in such a way as to make as much profit as they can, it's to marvel in awe of how a man can put out thousands of repetitive and dull video rants about the same topic for years and years without managing to conjure an iota of entertainment value


Jul 25, 2018
If Ubisoft thinks their games cost to much to make, to the point where they need to make a million over-priced special editions and add MTX, then maybe that means something's wrong with their developing pipeline or maybe they need to lower the budget on their games. The consumers, and the game itself, shouldn't suffer due to management issues.
Since you think Ubi games cost too much to make and suffer from management issues, I'd love to hear your solutions. They already base their studios in cheaper parts of the world where average salaries are much lower than the US. They already get huge tax credits in Canada. They have a very prolific output of SP focused open world and FPS games that no other publisher can match, and they're usually packed with content. That seems pretty damn efficient to me.

Ocean Bones

Oct 29, 2017
Remember when you used to use cheat codes for this shit? Or an easy mode would accommodate entirely. Nope? Yeah lets defend shitty practices from corporations. They totally balanced the game. Those mtx are just there for people in a hurry.
Oct 31, 2017
I've barely played the game for two sessions and hadn't paid attention to any of this talk. I'm already level 7 and it feels like any other AC for the most part. I never once thought it felt like a grind. I bought the standard version and my friend bought the next level up with the XP boosts. I skipped that because I wanted to level up on my own and besides enemy and quests level up with you. Didn't even know this was considered a grind until that silly Polygon piece had the nerve to call an XP boost "Odyssey's Best Feature".
Oct 27, 2017
If you hate microtransactions in general, that's one thing but the XP booster doesn't really alleviate much of the "grind" (however you choose to define that)

The game gives you various ways to get very generous amounts of XP such as passive contracts (kill X amount of enemies, clear X amount of forts, etc), clearing forts/bandit camps and engaging in conquest battles not to mention main story quests and side quests. Conquest battles grant you a ton of XP and loot. If you were so inclined you could literally grind out these conquest battles as you can infinitely manipulate when they happen and what the outcome will be. You could sit there for 30 hours just engaging in this one aspect of the game to power level to the max and get tons of XP and skill points but it wouldn't make much sense because a high level in and of itself isn't enough to let you seamlessly bee-line through the story anyway due to the fact that 1) the world scales with your character (i.e. you're always going to face some sort of relative challenge) and 2) the skill tree is designed where in order to get the most out of it, you have to engage in some of the side content that the game presents. As such an XP booster, in and of itself, is not going to help you in any of these two regards.

Legendaries also don't hold the weight that people seem to think it does. Legendary gear is generally denoted by how many stat buffs it comes equipped with; Not it's level or DPS. As such, a level 9 legendary sword doesn't mean anything next to a basic level 20 sword. So you can't just "buy the best legendaries"

The game seems designed around wanting you to see and do various things more so than letting you "skip the grind" with microtransactions
An incredibly sensible post by someone who's clearly spend time with the game.

I'm sorry it will likely be ignored because it will require someone with a hate-on for this game to actually acknowledge that their vitriol is possibly incorrect.
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Jul 25, 2018
People can argue and throw fits about how great and just and pure Ubisoft is, but we should face facts — the end user never benefits from a game featuring microtransactions in a full priced, $60 retail title.
Gamers do benefit. Prices haven't gone up since early 2006. In the same time period, inflation is up 27%, movie tickets have gone up 42%, and Disney raises their theme park fees about 5% each year. In other industries, when costs go up, they get passed on to all consumers. In games, we have optional MTX instead. You can't eat your cake and still have it too. Ubi would surely be losing money without MTX (source: last years earnings report), and then you'd have no games at all and thousands of developers would be out of their jobs. But hey, you'd have no MTX, so win?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
I mean yea $60 these days usually is a starting price as games are more of a platform than a static release.
So you do agree that prices have not been static in the past decade+ and indeed have gone up for AAA games to compensate for increased costs? So stagnating prices are not an argument for micro transactions being necessary in those games?
My concern is not to wonder why companies sell a product in such a way as to make as much profit as they can, it's to marvel in awe of how a man can put out thousands of repetitive and dull video rants about the same topic for years and years without managing to conjure an iota of entertainment value

If his patreon is any indication, then there are a lot of people that seem very entertained by it.
And as he has said many times, he will stop putting out the same videos when the industry stops pulling the same scams.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Since you think Ubi games cost too much to make and suffer from management issues, I'd love to hear your solutions. They already base their studios in cheaper parts of the world where average salaries are much lower than the US. They already get huge tax credits in Canada. They have a very prolific output of SP focused open world and FPS games that no other publisher can match, and they're usually packed with content. That seems pretty damn efficient to me.
Honestly the idea that Ubisoft of all devs have an inefficient development pipeline is one of the most transparently armchair dev things posted on this forum considering their output and post launch support for their titles.

So you do agree that prices have not been static in the past decade+ and indeed have gone up for AAA games to compensate for increased costs? So stagnating prices are not an argument for micro transactions being necessary in those games?
Static in the sense that the base price is still typically $60. However, the strategy of firing and forgetting a title a title isn't very feasible in this day and age.

Deleted member 4021

Oct 25, 2017
Whether or not the mtx are necessary is irrelevant to their immorality. If they were necessary, it would obviously be immoral since they are designing predatory practices into their game. But if they are unnecessary, it is also immoral because it is preying upon easily manipulated people and bilking them for cash unnecessarily.

Deleted member 135

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Gamers do benefit. Prices haven't gone up since early 2006. In the same time period, inflation is up 27%, movie tickets have gone up 42%, and Disney raises their theme park fees about 5% each year. In other industries, when costs go up, they get passed on to all consumers. In games, we have optional MTX instead. You can't eat your cake and still have it too. Ubi would surely be losing money without MTX (source: last years earnings report), and then you'd have no games at all and thousands of developers would be out of their jobs. But hey, you'd have no MTX, so win?
Maybe they shouldn't have thousand person teams making gigantic games with gigantic budgets if they need to use immoral monetization practices to make ends meet.

I guess ethical capitalism is too taboo to talk about.


Oct 27, 2017
Look they could have made all this time saver garbage free or part of the game like a mode but they did not does not tell you everything you need to know?


Oct 27, 2017
I didn't recall that it was such a outcry when "Tales of Vesperia" sold ingame gold, levels and skill upgrades in the store of you wanted a shortcut? And who knows if the remake will keep on selling the exact same items when it releases? But if it does, the internet will break. Or is it more acceptable in a "Tales" game? Just a thought


Oct 25, 2017
I don't have to because that's your argument to make not me. Like again who put this game into the discussion again ? Why should i argue about something i have not stated. You're the one who keep coming back to BOTW. if you want to talk about my argumentation or my opinion , do your best. bringing amibo , zelda and all this stuff feels like goalpost moving to me , especially since those issue are far complex and bigger than the Mtx in creed odissey.
I have explained why I think they're similar, though, and you have done nothing to dispute my claim.
As far as amiibos are concerned, if they affect gameplay on a way that bypasses activities other players would normally have to do, they play the same role as AC's exp boost. They literally give you loot you would normally have to explore to get or loot you wouldn't get through normal gameplay at all. It's not hard to see.


Oct 26, 2017
I dont have a lot left to say in this matter that i didnt in the last thread but has it been considered that some review copies had some kind of xp booster turned on by default?

If im not mistaken, in origins the prices for the mtx store items were halfed for reviewers. Reviewers almost always get the most expensive edition which does have a pack of boosters iirc.

Deleted member 4021

Oct 25, 2017
I didn't recall that it was such a outcry when "Tales of Vesperia" sold ingame gold, levels and skill upgrades in the store of you wanted a shortcut? And who knows if the remake will keep on selling the exact same items when it releases? But if it does, the internet will break. Or is it more acceptable in a "Tales" game? Just a thought
If in-game currency can be bought with real money, it's scummy. If not, then it's part of the game design and it can be argued if it works well or not.

Hidden One

Oct 26, 2017
Something is up. I swear it's taking me a long ass time to go from level 8 to 9 by trying to explore and do side quest and shit. In Origins I remember making it to level 20 rather fast.


Oct 26, 2017
If Ubisoft really wants people to get frustrated and buy the xp booster, they should probably nerf Bounties and Contracts. I do dislike the use of MTX here, and understand some of the complaints from people wishing for a...faster open world experience.

For those with the game short on time wishing to continue the main story after hitting a wall, ignore everything in the world of side content but bounties and contracts. Contracts should always be picked up no matter what. Passive big XP for doing all sorts of things you'd be doing anyway. Bounties are generally high paying assassinations. After collecting contracts at all message boards I casually came across, I had one glorious moment where I blew from mid 24 right through 25 into 26 from one big cluster of pirates, sparta, and athenian ships.

I am so glad the highest value quests in this game are related to assassinating, killing, and just generally going on big murder sprees. I'll never touch another "Walk 200 feet to hand some guy this necklace for me" quest again.

Toa Axis

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I really, really do not get the sentiment that Odyssey is "grindy".

If you wish to begrudge microtransactions, I am absolutely with you. I do not want to see them in my games, if possible.


I am 17 hours into the game, and never once have I felt like progression in terms of leveling has been too slow. For the record, I was one who felt like Origins could be pretty stingy on XP gains outside of the main story. Unlike that game, however, Odyssey gives you good XP for most of the things you do in the world. Undertaking side quests, bounties, contracts, clearing forts, etc. Things move along at a very good pace, and with every activity in the game world giving you decent XP gains (especially things like Conquest Battles - the triggering of which are entirely manipulated by the player), I am very pleased with the progression curve in the game.

I'm all for criticism, but this narrative about the game being grindy has been very off-base in my experience.

(As an aside, the game utilizes level scaling, so an XP boost might not even matter that much, since you are always encountering things that are challenging. At worst, it would make you over-leveled for everything.)
Oct 27, 2017
And Jim Sterling's analysis isn't?

Oh wait Sterling's dares to criticize instead of apologize for Ubisoft's scummy actions.
I'm not apologizing for the inclusion of microtransactions.

I'm just pushing back on the erroneous narrative that an xp booster allows you to skip large parts of the game and that you can buy your way into the best build. The game is fundamentally not designed that way.

The game requires that you engage with the content. Whether you actually find that content engaging is down to individual preference.


Nov 6, 2017
Like I said in the other thread when Jim Sterling, Arthur Gies and Ben Kuchera all are yellling about something you know ubisoft is doing the right thing. Three of the most out of touch people in gaming.

So you're pro all this shit? I guess I don't play mainstream games these days, so when I see his stuff, I'm utterly appalled at the crap they get away with.

Jim Sterling is gaming's Consumer Reports, with some dildo waving and whatnot. It's disconcerting how people pile up on the guy who is pro consumer rights, pro worker's rights. Stunning. He's one of the few people talking about it too, so it's as though any voice in opposition gets the defense force riled up.


Oct 25, 2017
I've barely played the game for two sessions and hadn't paid attention to any of this talk. I'm already level 7 and it feels like any other AC for the most part. I never once thought it felt like a grind. I bought the standard version and my friend bought the next level up with the XP boosts. I skipped that because I wanted to level up on my own and besides enemy and quests level up with you. Didn't even know this was considered a grind until that silly Polygon piece had the nerve to call an XP boost "Odyssey's Best Feature".

Because the game isn't grindy and people who are complaining didn't buy the game, apperently have no idea how a RPG works and/or just want to hate ubi.

Yes, MTX are a big no-no, I get it, we all do. The XP boost maybe shouldn't be there, but the leveling speed wasn't developed with the boost in mind

Again, my average time per level is 45 minutes. How the fuck is this grindy I have no fucking idea. Not once in 15 hours I had to stop doing main quests because I was underleveled.

Also, about the legendary "drama" , the game throws legendaries at you like candy. Even if you buy a set from the store, after you level, and unless you upgrade it, it gets weak after a while.

And for last but not least, the "you can't one shot with stealth kills anymore". That was true for Origins, they actually fixed that with odyssey. If you invest your points on the assassin tree you can actually do some critical stealth kills that one shot 95% of the enemies in this game. And I think it's possible to one shot everything if you get gear with +assassin damage.


Jul 25, 2018
Maybe they shouldn't have thousand person teams making gigantic games with gigantic budgets if they need to use immoral monetization practices to make ends meet.

I guess ethical capitalism is too taboo to talk about.
You should re-read my post. Here, to save you the trouble of looking for it:

Gamers do benefit. Prices haven't gone up since early 2006. In the same time period, inflation is up 27%, movie tickets have gone up 42%, and Disney raises their theme park fees about 5% each year. In other industries, when costs go up, they get passed on to all consumers. In games, we have optional MTX instead. You can't eat your cake and still have it too. Ubi would surely be losing money without MTX (source: last years earnings report), and then you'd have no games at all and thousands of developers would be out of their jobs. But hey, you'd have no MTX, so win?


Oct 27, 2017
I have explained why I think they're similar, though, and you have done nothing to dispute my claim.
As far as amiibos are concerned, if they affect gameplay on a way that bypasses activities other players would normally have to do, they play the same role as AC's exp boost. They literally give you loot you would normally have to explore to get or loot you wouldn't get through normal gameplay at all. It's not hard to see.
Your claim ? You're claiming that Creed odissey is similar in structure to breath of the wild . I said nothing of the sort .
Heck i never said if i agree or not with this. I only said ( to another poster ) that breath of the wild doesn't have an option to speed the progression like creed odissey has.
And then you came up with the fact that amibo exist and i already answered that i believe that it is NOT the same thing since the progression is different since there is little to nothing in BOTW that is mandatory to reach the end. i HAVE ALREADY SAID THIS if you want the post numbers where i have stated this , i will provide them to you.

Yeah , figures i've done nothing i've answered you each time and you want to keep me talking about Botw for some reason. In my opinion , they are different games. You're moving the goal with amibo as if getting items behind amibo ( something that i personnaly don't like either ) is the same thing as a xp booster active for the remainder of your game. No getting items is not the same as an xp boost that affect progression entirely. it is not hard to see.

You're desesperate to talk about BOTW when i don't want to, i don't need to. This is not my argument . If you want to argue the similarities between creed and botw , then do it yourself.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
I dont have a lot left to say in this matter that i didnt in the last thread but has it been considered that some review copies had some kind of xp booster turned on by default?

If im not mistaken, in origins the prices for the mtx store items were halfed for reviewers. Reviewers almost always get the most expensive edition which does have a pack of boosters iirc.
It would be a HUGE controversy if they were to adjust the game balance for reviews and then change said game balance with an in-game patch in order to incentivize MTs after the store went live. Very few devs in this industry are stupid enough to do something so fundamentally easy to catch.

Pata Hikari

Jan 15, 2018
I'm not apologizing for the inclusion of microtransactions.

I'm just pushing back on the erroneous narrative that an xp booster allows you to skip large parts of the game and that you can buy your way into the best build. The game is fundamentally not designed that way.

The game requires that you engage with the content. Whether you actually find that content engaging is down to individual preference.
Well that's nice but that has nothing to do with what people are actually arguing.

The game has been made grindier to encourage the player to buy the EXP Booster to reach level gates faster. That one player in this thread posted that they're around 10 levels below the next plot quest shows exactly the sort of thing that this EXP booster is meant to tempt you to buying.

Dr. Caroll

Oct 27, 2017
It would be a HUGE controversy if they were to adjust the game balance for reviews and then change said game balance with an in-game patch in order to incentivize MTs after the store went live. Very few devs in this industry are stupid enough to do something so fundamentally easy to catch.
EA tried this with Battlefront II, I believe, and there was very justified outrage over it.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Well if you read the rest of my post.

Also the fact that an EXP booster is in the game at all is all the evidence anybody needs to know that Ubisoft made the game grindier.
This is fundamentally flawed logic. What's your retort to the fact that legendary weapons are buyable in the in-game store yet have a higher drop rate in general compared to Origins? Did they lower the drop rate for good loot too because you can buy legendary loot?

EA tried this with Battlefront II, I believe, and there was very justified outrage over it.
Exactly. The reason BF2 was such a noticeable case in the industry is because it was one of the few mainstream games that had a hugely fundamentally flawed MT system that messed with the play experience of the game.

Pata Hikari

Jan 15, 2018
This is fundamentally flawed logic.

No it isn't.

Ubisoft put an EXP booster for sale.

Ubisoft wants people to buy the EXP booster. How do you make people want to buy an EXP booster? By using a level curve that makes you have to gain more and more levels just to progress instead of a more natural pace. So people are tempted to buy the Booster in order to get to the next main story quest faster.

And what a surprise there's at least once instance of a nearly 10 level gap between what level a player was at just playing the game and what they needed to gain in order to progress.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Yes it is. Answer the following question:

What's your retort to the fact that legendary weapons are buyable in the in-game store yet have a higher drop rate in general compared to Origins? Did they lower the drop rate for good loot too because you can buy legendary loot?


If you're going to imply that design is fundamentally changed due to the option to buy things you can't half ass it, you have to go all the way as such a blanket statement obviously would apply to other things you can buy.


Oct 26, 2017
It would be a HUGE controversy if they were to adjust the game balance for reviews and then change said game balance with an in-game patch in order to incentivize MTs after the store went live. Very few devs in this industry are stupid enough to do something so fundamentally easy to catch.

Well i can confirm the origins bit is real. And origins didnt have xp boosters. About this one...who knows.

Gunny T Highway

Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I was just about to reply to a post from someone but felt it will be a waste of time to do since it is hard to argue with some people even if some of our opinions are valid.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Well i can confirm the origins bit is real. And origins didnt have xp boosters. About this one...who knows.
Origins did have exp boosters you could buy with ubi points. Also, really don't recall any articles or talking about the MTs being halved pre-release. Have a source?

Pay money to not have to deal with RNG. Done.
RNG? The game has custom made mercenaries, (the ones who hunt you and have the best loot in the game and a consistent drop rate for legendary loot especially in the endgame), more so than randomly generated ones. The quests also have a set exp amount. Where's the RNG?
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Oct 29, 2017
Eden, I like that you're trying and all, but at some point you gotta realize that arguing with walls never turned out well for anyone. These people are never going to play the game out of "principle" and will regurgitate shit they've heard someone say on the internet because that person said it loudest.


Dec 6, 2017
Man, I'd be annoyed if this kind of thing showed up in a game that actually mattered.

Makes me kinda glad I find Ubisoft games to be thoroughly forgettable time wasters at best.