
Permanently banned for usage of an alt-account.
Jun 28, 2018
But the One X is a better third party platform than any variant of the PS4 and the Switch is a totally different beast.

If you want GamePass, the EA thing, 4k Blu-ray, or upscaled BC, the One X is the only console in town. (I don't know if the One S upscales OG Xbox or X360 games, so I said "One X" instead of "Xbox One".)

I think it all depends on whether you like the exclusives of the other two platform holders.

Jim's whole schtick is pretending his is the only valid opinion. I don't think it's going to deter Xbox owners from enjoying their console. Besides that, MS is making the right kind of noise that virtually guarantees the NextBox will be competitive and that more varied exclusives will eventually come.

Also, ain't it a bit late in the genre to bring these points up? It's not like most of these things aren't well known already.

Yea why is Jim bringing up first parry again when MS revealed a month ago at E3 in front of everyone that just added 5 new game studios. Did Jim expect new games from them in this last month?


Prophet of Truth - HDTVtest
Oct 29, 2017
As of this moment, Xbox One X is arguably the best machine on the market for anything that is multiplatform.

But according to the video, the Xbox is lacking as it's games also comes out on PC.

Which is a totally dated way of looking at things.

Like saying that Viagra was cooler when it was only available on prescription :D


Self-requested ban.
Oct 28, 2017
I think those who are going to invest in a GTX1070+ and then also a PS4 Pro are a (very respectable) hardcore niche, and not the mass-market.

True. Just as the mass-market will buy a "classic" PS4 or Xbox One, and not the Pro/X version. ;)

GTX1070 is significantly more powerful than a Pro/X by the way.

Deleted member 36622

User requested account closure
Dec 21, 2017
Yup, I agree with a lot of his points. I'm just saying he's stupid for being so inflammatory and that is backed up by the fact no one else will deal with him. Whereas EZA, GB etc rub along nicely with the companies because they need each other. I'm really going to stop talking now.

Again if you watched Friend Code, EZA basically said similar things with Nintendo: they don't care about Nintendo's future releases, they don't care about handheld mode, they don't use the local co-op option, and they will play Smash but they are not even that interested, they criticized Nintendo's strategy and the lack of third parties. They didn't call Nintendo "a bit shit" but it's essentially a very similar perspective, it wasn't exactly rubbing along nicely, and that's basically why i can't follow them anymore since they basically said they won't touch Switch games but i respect their opinion anyway.

If you are invested into the Microsoft ecosystem, that's basically him saying that his channel maybe not the best place to see new videos about Xbox titles.

He called shit Nintendo (with the online system and the early skepticism with Switch) and Sony (recently about their controversial take on crossplay) too in the past, it's just his way to communicate more directly.

If Microsoft is hurted by this, they won't send him free stuffs anymore.
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bbq of doom

Oct 25, 2017
Microsoft as a publisher is a "bit shit." Microsoft, as a hardware manufacturer, is decidedly not. The One S is a great "entry" device and the One X is the best piece of console hardware made so far.


Permanently banned for usage of an alt-account.
Jun 28, 2018
This is addressed in the video, he says that while it not like EA which is a death sentence, you only gotta look at Rare to see how wasted Devs are with MS.

Which are already horse beating points. So what is the point of the rant? MS is doomed can never do anything right why bother, 5 new studios don't matter blah blah blah


Oct 27, 2017
Again if you watched Friend Code, EZA basically said similar things with Nintendo: they don't care about Nintendo's future releases, they don't care about handheld mode, they don't use the local co-op option, and they will play Smash but they are not even that interested, they criticized Nintendo's strategy and the lack of third parties. They didn't call Nintendo "a bit shit" but it's essentially a very similar perspective, it wasn't exactly rubbing along nicely but i respect their opinion anyway.

If you are invested into the Microsoft ecosystem, that's basically him saying that his channel maybe not the best place to see new videos about Xbox titles.

He called shit Nintendo (with the online system and the early skepticism with Switch) and Sony (recently about their controversial take on crossplay) too in the past, it's just his way to communicate more directly.

You prove my point, EZA do it with tact and provide a sensible argument. I like Jim's actual points, but he makes them like a jackass.


Vault-Tec Seal of Approval
Oct 25, 2017
The developers and MS? Sales will bring them money and not player numbers, I didn't say it isn't doing well btw, we don't have sales numbers to say anything.
MS have sale numbers and said both SoT and State of Decay have sold "way above expectations". If you choose to believe MS or not, that's on you...but YOU or I don't need the specific numbers, since as you said, MS and the devs are really the ones who ultimately care about that, and they are publically saying they are very happy with the numbers (the purchase of Undead should also be seen as them being very happy with their franchise so far, and the talent they provide MS)

You and I should care about player numbers, unique users, and long legs on population retention, so that the games are adequately supported and have an active user base to play with...and to that sense, unique users seem to be quite strong for both titles


Permanently banned for usage of an alt-account.
Jun 28, 2018
Think about what you just said: A console manufacturers primary goal is not selling consoles. Most people would call that misguided.

MS has other platforms and other ways to reach gamers, Console is just one aspect of it and they have set things up so the bad sales of one console won't sink the entire eco system, other parts can prop up console sales if they struggle. This is good for gamers.


Permanently banned for usage of an alt-account.
Jun 28, 2018
Adding studios means nothing if you don't do anything worthwhile with them. Ninja Theory, despite Hellblade, produced games that were a lot more divisive at best and mediocre at worst when they last had access to large budgets with Heavenly Sword, Enslaved, and DmC. Absolutely nothing is guaranteed here. People want to say that Microsoft learned their lesson when they shelled out for those studios, but that's counting chickens before they've hatched. We don't know how many of them will turn out to be bad eggs.

So instead of wait and see, just pile on with the memes and keep the no first party narrative going?
Oct 27, 2017
He's probably not that confused about it. Microsoft was obviously attempting to buy him. Unfortunately it did not work out as angel had hoped.

No, the 'gathering dust' comment in the video is right. I believe the last time he turned his Xbox on was to try, I want to say, a bit of Warframe. Might be incorrect, it might have been Fortnite to get research on the PSN debacle. Other than that he spends most of his personal gaming time on Bloodborne and not much else.

I don't know why I'm spending time defending the guy, I've steadily gone off him, and unsubbed from all the stuff he does. I think I'm out of this thread...


Oct 27, 2017
But according to the video, the Xbox is lacking as it's games also comes out on PC.

Which is a totally dated way of looking at things.

Like saying that Viagra was cooler when it was only available on prescription :D

I didnt even watch the video. Not worth the click. Could tell from the title what kind of nonsense it was going to have. Simply that, nonsense.


Permanently banned for usage of an alt-account.
Jun 28, 2018
This is what happens when you focus on everything but the games. Nobody cares about paying a premium for 5% better graphics. Nobody cares about BC. Nobody cares about watching movies on their video games console. And despite how much you guys jerk off about it, none of these supposedly "pro-consumer'' moves MS is making even register in the larger marketplace.

You would think MS would have learned from Sony last gen. They're literally following the same losing strategy. "Look, we have more powerful hardware! Look we have ps1/ps2 BC! Look, we have Blu-ray! Look, we have free online MP!" In the end the consumer told Sony to piss off and bought Xboxes in droves because it was the better system to play games on and there were several high profile games that just didn't come to ps3. That's really all that matters in the end, and from that standpoint, the X1 really is a pointless system.

I guess just didn't announce adding 5 new studios?


Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
Lol. I got to hand it to Jim. He's consistent.

Decent video, I do wish he'd do game reviews again, I really didn't mind his reviews.

Most of his more recent videos just seem like bitter rants at the gaming industry and going with what ever is popular. Can't say I'm a fan.


Oct 27, 2017
That was painful to watch.

It was just like a collection of the generic soundbites that the console warriors chime in with whenever given the chance.
I almost had to turn off when he started talking about the design of the interface and things being gawdy. What a profound lack of self awareness.

Style Icon Jim Stirling


Apple should give him a Job, I heard Jony Ive is shitting himself.

On Sea of Theives
"Skulls and Bones looks better because there is shit to do"

Truly spoken like somebody who clearly knows very little about either game.
This is a pretty pathetic post. You have something to say about his appearance, and how it is relevant to the topic?
Dec 21, 2017
No, not just mine but most of the market, and journalists that cover games would agree. There's wouldn't be so many articles this gen about xbox's software by multiple publications if they didn't have an issue. And the fact that outside of UK/US there isn't much traction.

So my "so called opinion" holds weight when looking evidence that supports it.
Again, I said "Imo", seems like you missed that.


Prophet of Truth - HDTVtest
Oct 29, 2017
Oh I know, I do like his stuff, just when he gets stupid and clickbaity...urgh. I mean I hate the metro interface for example, but that point has been made ad nauseum.

It's like somebody attempted to clone Charlie Brooker, but got the test tubes mixed up with a sample from angry joe and the comic book guy.


Oct 25, 2017
Perhaps there should be one big thread for this guy's videos. Seem to have a thread everytime he posts a video. I don't really feel like outside opinion pieces should get threads for every opinion. Keep that for news posts and community opinions.

/Waits for the backlash.


Oct 28, 2017
Central California
Same old shit, different mouthpiece. This video would've made sense before they announced the 5 new studios. It's clear that they're focusing on games now. Also, Xbox will be my primary console as long as Forza and gears are on it.


Nov 2, 2017
MS have sale numbers and said both SoT and State of Decay have sold "way above expectations". If you choose to believe MS or not, that's on you...but YOU or I don't need the specific numbers, since as you said, MS and the devs are really the ones who ultimately care about that, and they are oublically saying they are very happy with the numbers.

You and I should care about player numbers, unique users, and long legs on population retention, so that the games are adequately supported and have an active user base to play with...and to that sense, unique users seem to be quite strong for both titles
Both were for launch if I'm not wrong and even those they didn't give us numbers, we don't know what happened after that.

Also, it's a gaming forum, we get weekly and monthly threads about how games are doing so it's normal for some people to care about sales too, as for legs, both games fell really quick.


Prophet of Truth - HDTVtest
Oct 29, 2017
This is a pretty pathetic post. You have something to say about his appearance, and how it is relevant to the topic?

It's relevant in that I can't take anything he says seriously about design, because he clearly knows nothing about it.
If he was an amazing illustrator or designer with a great body of work then I might think otherwise. Even if he wasn't I might take him seriously if he gave me any indication of having even a modicum of understanding of aesthetic design. However it is evident from what we see of his house, his clothes, his glasses , the intro sequence to his show and the graphics within the show itself that this is not an area which he should be granted any kind of credibility, so why should I respect his opinion on the subject.

By the same token I wouldn't take medical advice from a plasterer or legal advice from a snail or Car repair advice from an optician.


Oct 25, 2017
So instead of wait and see, just pile on with the memes and keep the no first party narrative going?

People have been waiting and seeing for years. Come on now.

That's not to say that the console is objectively bad or offers nothing to anyone. For many, it doesn't though and that's shouldn't be a huge shock to anyone else. Ultimately, it's different strokes.
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Oct 27, 2017
For my tastes he isn't wrong. If you don't care about exclusives, I will say the 1X is your best bet and I'll argue that shit until I'm blue in the face. That said, for me it is a bit shit. I play primarily single player games and have a pc...there are maybe 2 games tops on the xbox I'm even remotely interested in. Microsoft fucked up with exclusive single player games and I feel that plus the issues at the start of the gen bit them in their ass hard.

RF Switch

Oct 31, 2017
Xbox has fixed every single one of its problems EXCEPT their first party output which has been at least acknowledged and a plan is in place. If their first party investments pay off next gen is going to be very interesting
Nov 11, 2017
They just put the way to buy it on their other platform. Sony and Nintendo had no other platform (PSVita + PS3, PS4 + PS3, and maybe PSvita + PS4 didn't count it seem), well Sony allow PSNow to be used with phones, PC, PSVita?, and other stuff most likely, but they can't put it on PC unless they make a Linux storefront where they get the similar profits. Microsoft only seemed to do Killer Instincts on another platform then their own, it's free to play so they need as many people playing it as they can get.
Sony and Nintendo could essily make there own pc storefronts like valve, ms, ea, ubisoft etc.. this is a shit excuse


Oct 25, 2017
Part of why I like him.

Although i agree less and less with him on some things, i always respect his no fucks given attitude towards this shitty industry. People are quick to forget all those times he was pretty much the only one with a voice doing consumer advocacy just as soon as he says something mean about a corporation they like.

Style Icon Jim Stirling.
He looks like a man that you'd see walking around a provencial town in the middle of the day with stains on his Tshirt who exclusively buys games on 3 for 20 in GAME and then trades them in.
Ironically he's minted.

But they say money can't buy taste.

How the fuck is this acceptable, especially towards a fellow Era member?


Vault-Tec Seal of Approval
Oct 25, 2017
Both were for launch if I'm not wrong and even those they didn't give us numbers, we don't know what happened after that.

Also, it's a gaming forum, we get weekly and monthly threads about how games are doing so it's normal for some people to care about sales too, as for legs, both games fell really quick.
State of Decay had 1million in two days and 2 million in 2 weeks, then we got updated it was at 3 million on July 4th. That's "slowing down" to you? Seems pretty healthy to me..


Oct 25, 2017
I only read the first two pages but it was full of people accusing him of clickbaiting for money, IIRC he doesn't monetise his videos and is entirely funded by Patreon.


Nov 2, 2017
State of Decay had 1million in two days and 2 million in 2 weeks, then we got updated it was at 3 million on July 4th. That's "slowing down" to you? Seems pretty healthy to me..
Eh, I was talking about charts position, player numbers will remain player numbers at the end of the day and while they seem good we really can't figure out how that translates to sales.
Oct 29, 2017
Good video.

He is obviously right but his choice of words are pissing console warriors off.

I love all the ppl bringing up 5 studios whose games won't be ready until the next Xbox is out.

I used to love my 360 man.


Oct 27, 2017
It's relevant in that I can't take anything he says seriously about design, because he clearly knows nothing about it.
If he was an amazing illustrator or designer with a great body of work then I might think otherwise. Even if he wasn't I might take him seriously if he gave me any indication of having even a modicum of understanding of aesthetic design. However it is evident from what we see of his house, his clothes, his glasses , the intro sequence to his show and the graphics within the show itself that this is not an area which he should be granted any kind of credibility, so why should I respect his opinion on the subject.

By the same token I wouldn't take medical advice from a plasterer or legal advice from a snail or Car repair advice from an optician.
He's not giving advice. He's giving an opinion. His fashion style (and it's a caricature, if it escaped your notice), is irrelevant to his opinion about an electronic user interface.