
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, I can't say I agree right now. The Xbox certainly started the gen with the wrong foot, but right now MS is doing some really great things.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
"Microsoft thinks like a third party AAA publisher, too many microtransactions in games, need to make compelling games to incentivize platform ownership like Sony and Nintendo, instead of making games to be profitable in their own rights, Xbox One is redundant and a bit shit"

So 2013-2014-2015-2016-2017 is back basically.

Might be a bit pointless with Microsoft making effort to provide a more diverse lineup with their recent acquisitions?

Did he at least mentioned that?


Oct 25, 2017
Admittedly I've barely used my Xbox One in the past few years, ever since they announced all the games are now coming to PC too. That said, I don't particularly perceive this as a bad thing, and I don't think Microsoft do to. Their stance towards the "platform" is just different from Sony since they've got more than just the Xbox, they've got Windows too. At heart Microsoft are still a software company, hardware tends to have lower profit margins anyway unless that's changed, so I fee like they're probably happy people invest in the Windows/Xbox platform regardless of whether its through the One or a PC.

Their exclusives are a bit lackluster I guess, but they do seem to be trying to work on it by acquiring/building new companies.

I dunno this comes off as a bit harsh at this point, maybe before E3 it was more relevant.


Oct 27, 2017
He's not wrong about the shit dashboard. It really is garbage to navigate. What a giant mess. I don't care how many updates they crank out for that thing, it's beyond salvage.


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
If you don't own a 4k gaming PC the X is the most important system to have this gen for the big third party titles and the ability to play 4k older titles.

Other than that I just see this thread as a validation thread for people who already have rubbish opinions.


Jan 27, 2018


Oct 28, 2017
Can't wait to hear Jim's rational and well-thought out argument to back up his headline.


Jan 21, 2018
All these people that disregard the Xbox because Microsoft Studios games are also published on PC.. do all of you have a beefy pc or something?

Didn't watch the video. Looks like clickbait.


Oct 27, 2017
Their are zero reasons to purchase an Xbox. So Jim's point stands.

If I want the best performing third party titles I'll get them on pc.

If I want the best performing first party exclusives I'll get them on pc.

If I want Sony's first party offerings I'll play on PS4.

If I want to play Nintendo's first party titles I'll purchase a switch.

Hes right you know.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
A big pet peave of mine is when someone states their controversial opinion, and instead of simply arguing that it's a controversial opinion, instead, they say "Deep down inside you know you feel the same." Instead of actually just accepting that something is a controversial opinion and arguing its merits, they try to convince themselves by stating that you actually agree with me. It's a cop out.

This is a pretty good example of my pet peave.


Oct 25, 2017
He makes good points, criticizes them in some regards, praises other things like gamepass. Sadly, most folks are going to see that this is directed to their console of choice and respond immediately.

More Butter

Jun 12, 2018
Xbox has come a long way honestly. In many ways its really the best console platform out there.

Feature rich robust UI with loads of features, they are constantly improving
Most stable online platform with many features
Most consumer friendly, cross buy, cross play, loads of consumer options for purchase Gamepass etc
Best hardware in a sleek package (X1X) X1S is nice as well

Even though the games are easily the worst of the big three, their is some reason to be optimistic for the future though that remains to be seen.

The part that matters most is games. On a 3rd party front they are fine. On a first party front they have issues. Not quite shite but only a small step above shite as it stands now for sure.

I truly believe MS may have the best of the bunch in the long run if they keep focused on games and they stay the course they have been on for a few years. Criticism is completely valid though. The first party output has been dreadful in quantity and even quality this gen and nothing has stuck very well with consumers.


Oct 27, 2017
Personally, I'd quite like to own an X. If it's way cheaper. And to only use it for 360 and Original Xbox games. I can't think of a single game on Xbox one that I need, but old games in native 4K sounds awesome as heck to me.


Oct 25, 2017
I reacted to the title and reported the post.

No interest in watching clickbait.

I encourage others to do so as well.

So you react and get offended by a title, without hearing his arguments. Okay then. It's nice to have people like you to have constructed conversation about fair criticism with you.


Oct 25, 2017
Their are zero reasons to purchase an Xbox. So Jim's point stands.

If I want the best performing third party titles I'll get them on pc.

If I want the best performing first party exclusives I'll get them on

Hes right you know.
In all those cases Microsoft are still getting money, since you'll likely have to use Windows, lol.

Deleted member 249

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Their are zero reasons to purchase an Xbox. So Jim's point stands.

If I want the best performing third party titles I'll get them on pc.

If I want the best performing first party exclusives I'll get them on pc.

If I want Sony's first party offerings I'll play on PS4.

If I want to play Nintendo's first party titles I'll purchase a switch.

Hes right you know.
What if you neither have, nor want a PC?


Oct 27, 2017
Even that is being addressed. Spencer has very categoriclaly been courting Japanese developers with the express intent to address that problem, and we can already begin to see the results.
Yes I know. But not enough for me still there are many Japanese games on my Switch, PS4 and PC and upcoming that will likely never make it to Xbox. Also First Party wise MS obv they don't have a single Japanese dev company. So far it just seems some big mainstream titles from Bandai Namco and Square makes it over etc mainly


Oct 25, 2017
I actually gave a shot and watched the video.

It's worst than I imagined.

Reminded me of why I stopped giving this guy a click long ago.

Sloane Ranger

Oct 27, 2017
New Albany
I agree with his XBOX UI commentary - it is an utter mess - and part of what turned me off the systemhowever, I also think Sony's could use improvements as well.


Shin Megami TC - Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
I'd be pretty upset at Microsoft to see a video saying "it's a bit shit" after giving him 2 pieces of expensive hardware. I'd not be giving him a third that's for sure.
I feel like you could make that argument about any gaming press outlet, your IGNs, your Gamespots, etc.

Jim doesn't really consider himself a journalist, but Microsoft does to a degree so they sent him consoles. I don't really see the problem here.
Nov 14, 2017
I accept his points about Xbox exclusives and the OS. I preferred the 360 OS. Microsoft recently invested in new AAA studio so his video feels outdated least they are trying to change and in a few years, it could be a different story to right now. I don't see the problem with the X is plays the best out of all consoles on the market right now. If you want your console games to play the best the X is that console.


Oct 27, 2017
The Milky Way
Having watched the video, I'm a bit confused how he completely failed to mention Forza Horizon? Pretty notable omission.

And he also doesn't care for Ori, which makes me worry for his sanity.
Nov 11, 2017
Their are zero reasons to purchase an Xbox. So Jim's point stands.

If I want the best performing third party titles I'll get them on pc.

If I want the best performing first party exclusives I'll get them on pc.

If I want Sony's first party offerings I'll play on PS4.

If I want to play Nintendo's first party titles I'll purchase a switch.

Hes right you know.
this isn't a negative this is a positive and you should be listing it as one. This type anti consumer of logic is why Nintendo and Sony will continue forcing you to buy closed hardware to play first party games.


Oct 25, 2017
All these people that disregard the Xbox because Microsoft Studios games are also published on PC.. do all of you have a beefy pc or something?

Didn't watch the video. Looks like clickbait.

I don't think he even mentions that. Perhaps you should watch the video. Some of you are clearly too invested in this stuff if you can't even consume the content of the topic. It's not all bad and i don't agree with all his points, but he does bring up some good ones.

No one needed an update on whether or not you watched it of all things.


Oct 27, 2017
He's not wrong. They have to fix their exclusive game problem going forward. Game Pass is legit a great idea and I enjoy the BC on the system. But there is just a super short list of must play games on the system.


Oct 27, 2017
Their are zero reasons to purchase an Xbox. So Jim's point stands.

If I want the best performing third party titles I'll get them on pc.

If I want the best performing first party exclusives I'll get them on pc.

If I want Sony's first party offerings I'll play on PS4.

If I want to play Nintendo's first party titles I'll purchase a switch.

Hes right you know.

Some (many?) people just want the best performing titles in a console environment. Like me during the past 20 years when a capable gaming PC was out of the question.