
Nov 6, 2017
Jeremy's apparent silence regarding this doesn't indicate guilt or innocence. Not sure what that has to do with anything.
I was saying that there is absolutely nothing out there to counter the current narrative we have from the victim (including any statement from Jeremy) so why should we not believe it at this current juncture? I was not speculating on his guilt or innocence in a court of law since that is a completely different process with completely different procedures.

Grain Silo

Dec 15, 2017
To me it's a miracle that the masterpiece that is the Morrowind main theme somehow magically appeared out of thin air over a decade ago.

But seriously, how fucking atrocious and disappointing this all is.


Owl Enthusiast
May 30, 2018
London, UK
He's already not working on Elder Scrolls VI. Unless he was working with them on another game I'm not aware of, he has no current working agreement with them.
I understand that, I just want them to say something like "Hey, this is bad, we will not be pursuing any working relationship with him in the future."


Oct 26, 2017
GW2 Reddit is too busy bashing ArenaNet for not supporting a community held event (which would have been impossible for them to do since it walked on the line of their TOS) and the usual yelling over the latest update. GW2 Reddit in general is a negative space where stuff like this will get no attention.

Soule also hasn't been involved with ANet since 2012 so I think that also made it a non-topic for them. The vast majority of the music, absolutely everything added after release, is composed by other people.

Skimmed through some ANet dev Twitters and found lots of support for all the women coming forward. Found another story I hadn't seen reported about here too. Some guy named Vlad Micu. Makes me feel so sick.


Dec 10, 2017
Ontario, Canada
So he deleted his Twitter and a company stopped working with him. Is that as far as this goes? What about Roland and Bethesda making a statement? This guy should rot alone.


Oct 27, 2017
I was saying that there is absolutely nothing out there to counter the current narrative we have from the victim (including any statement from Jeremy) so why should we not believe it at this current juncture? I was not speculating on his guilt or innocence in a court of law since that is a completely different process with completely different procedures.

Given the nature of the accusation, the first thing he does is go to a lawyer who then tells him how to proceed.

I'd imagine silence will be his approach until this is addressed through legal channels.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
He's been accused of a very serious crime. It wouldn't surprise me if lawyers are telling him to say nothing until a defence of the accusations can be mounted. I hope this plays out in a court of law as it should be. I can't comment on the details other than what the person has accused him of but social media is so toxic, I'm not sure it's the right forum to come out with accusations such as these.

While I don't necessarily disagree with you, people are already pulling out of projects with him involved. If he waits too long, then it's a wrap for him.

Though, something tells me, if some of these stories are true, it's a wrap for him regardless.

So he deleted his Twitter and a company stopped working with him. Is that as far as this goes? What about Roland and Bethesda making a statement? This guy should rot alone.
I wouldn't be surprised to see the lion's share of people he's working with go into a hard holding pattern until he or his estate issues a formal statement. Though, as I said earlier, I'm pretty surprised we haven't gotten a, "Mr. Soule will address these allegations in due time but his legal counsel has expressed him to towards silence for the time being," yet.

'Cus this just makes it look like he's heading for the hills.


Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Guess Jeremy Soule is a scumbag in all aspects of his life.


Apr 7, 2019
You do know there have been trials, testimonies and accusers pointing fingers in cases in which the defendant was actually innocent rght? Some of the ppl recanted years late abd apologized, others were exonerated via DNA evidence and others languished in jail for shit thy didn't do. Also vice versa where guilty parties walked free. I don't get your point? Our justice system isn't infallible my point is though I'll trust in tht before a Twitter post. I'll let the evidence talk then ppl can judge, not judge before someone is even given a chance to their due process.
He is right if a pattern exists their is no way its possible that multiple people will tell similar stories and similar events without it being truth that is in itself evidence. and i would rather one innocent person suffer than dozen guilty one go free we can make up and fix the innocent person suffering we cannot fix it once the guilty walks off scott free dude is as guilty as can be in my eyes

Hey Please

Oct 31, 2017
Not America
I love, just love his works. I had no idea what degenerate sexual predator this man is. I really hope the victim (and now victims) find justice.

A very frightening thing is some of his manipulative behaviour reminds me of myself (sans the actual act of sex) at one point in time for my life. Scares me to think just how easily power/authority can let a rotten core bloom into full corruption of morals (something I did not have at the time, thankfully).


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
The police need to look into this. Who knows how many people over the years he may have done this to.


Oct 28, 2017
This is disgusting and disappointing to hear. I hope the victims all find justice.

Just to let some of you know, his immediate silence does not necessarily mean innocent or guilty. Don't get me wrong, it doesn't look good. But his lawyer(s) probably advised him to cut off all contact and limit his exposure. I'm a lawyer and I would probably advise the same thing.


One Winged Slayer
Jun 9, 2019
Fucking hell. I'm just glad I was never as big a fan of his work as many others were, because that section about the "inspiration" behind his work is, uh... exceedingly nope.

and i would rather one innocent person suffer than dozen guilty one go free we can make up and fix the innocent person suffering we cannot fix it once the guilty walks off scott free

I mean, ideally we would have a system that ensures that both the guilty are reliably punished and the innocent are reliably exonerated, no matter the statistical occurrence of each. Unfortunately, I'm not really sure what that system looks like, because ours isn't exactly there, or even really on its way there.


Nov 2, 2017
This is disgusting and disappointing to hear. I hope the victims all find justice.

Just to let some of you know, his immediate silence does not necessarily mean innocent or guilty. Don't get me wrong, it doesn't look good. But his lawyer(s) probably advised him to cut off all contact and limit his exposure. I'm a lawyer and I would probably advise the same thing.

Since you're a lawyer, I'll try to ask a question (feel free to not answer if you're not comfortable) :

One victim says she has been raped, the other says she has been sexually harassed. As far as we know, there hasn't been any complaints to the police against Jeremy Soule, what happens in cases like these? Is there still an investigation? Some sort of proceedings?


Aug 26, 2019
Another story:

Wow, so I just got a private message on Twitter from a fan of mine (I don't mean that to sound pretentious) in Scotland. She asked about my tweet about Jeremy Soule, and said that he was in touch with her and suggested meeting up, visiting her in Scotland (she refused). I'm glad she never took him up on it!

This dude was a predator, straight up. This woman has nothing to do with music—in other words, there was really no legitimate capacity for him to be associating with her on that level (not to mention she's in her 20s). CREEP.


Oct 28, 2017
Damn, one of the greats too. Probably my favorite western composer out there. Knowing his twisted thoughts was "inspiration" is a punch in the gut too. Skyrim ost is rape music.... my god


Owl Enthusiast
May 30, 2018
London, UK
Damn, one of the greats too. Probably my favorite western composer out there. Knowing his twisted thoughts was "inspiration" is a punch in the gut too. Skyrim ost is rape music.... my god
Thats what I'm feeling right now too.

Some of my best gaming memories are set to music inspired by sexual assault and misogyny.

I hate it.


Oct 16, 2018
I'm very attached to his first game soundtrack, the one for "Secret of Evermore".
He was 16 at that time, maybe he wasn't like this before he rose to power.


Oct 27, 2017
This is why the "separate art from the person" was always bs. That lady is so Brave.


Oct 25, 2017
and i would rather one innocent person suffer than dozen guilty one go free we can make up and fix the innocent person suffering we cannot fix it once the guilty walks off scott free
Soule aside, just speaking purely philosophically, I don't agree with this. You can't just undo a misplaced conviction and "make it up". But if someone initially gets away, they can always be punished later if reason is found to do so.

Erring on the side of punishing the innocent vs. letting guilty go free is an interesting moral dilemma, however, that I don't think the public as a whole will ever completely agree on. Both can have horrifying consequences.


Nov 6, 2017
Given the nature of the accusation, the first thing he does is go to a lawyer who then tells him how to proceed.

I'd imagine silence will be his approach until this is addressed through legal channels.
That's probably his best move from a legal standpoint, but his silence means that there's nothing factual to dispute what the victim has said and there's no other reason to believe she's lying.

In other words, the default is to believe the victim until the evidence has shown that they are unreliable, and that evidence has not been produced yet. In fact, other victims have started speaking out against Soule.

edit: Fixed.


Oct 26, 2017
Yeah that dude's a pile of shit. No question.

Not that I needed further clarification about his character, but a glance at his twitter confirms it.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
isn't he working on Lord of The Ring Amazon serie? goddamnt it

Xiao Hu

Chicken Chaser
Oct 26, 2017
The business aspect of Jeremy, that she describes, does fit a lot his behavioral pattern we had to witness over the years. Thus I'm keen to believe her. According to her description, he sounds like a narcissistic sociopath unable to reflect on his many shortcomings as a human being. It pains me to read the abuse and exloitation she had to endure by Jeremy and his great friends. I hope that she can recover/heal over time but I don't know how I will be able to listen to his work after this...


Oct 25, 2017
User Banned (Permanent): Dismissing Rape Allegations, Whataboutism, Inflammatory Thread Derailment; Account in Junior Phase
Doesn't change the fact he took advantage of the power dynamic between him and his fans. He's still a piece of shit.

it's not like he was their teacher or tried to extort his fans. how is sharing nudes on Tumblr an abuse of power?
Dec 4, 2017
Im just saying, people get accused of bad shit all the time but sometimes it turns out not to be true.
Why do we have to destroy him right this minute?
Because, unfortunately for him, it's not just her. There have been other women coming out saying "yeah, he's a predatory creep", people pointing out his histrionics over what he saw as slights to his persona, and his grift of fan money.

Alien Bob

Nov 25, 2017
Im just saying, people get accused of bad shit all the time but sometimes it turns out not to be true.
Why do we have to destroy him right this minute?

What you need to understand is that these kinds of accusations don't happen in isolation. There may not always be explicit evidence to confirm a single event, but there is usually a pattern of behavior that is corroborated by multiple people.
If a known creep in a position of power is accused of crossing a line, it's extremely believable because the list of known creeps in positions of power who crossed a line is infinitely long.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Mar 22, 2018
West Blue
Because, unfortunately for him, it's not just her. There have been other women coming out saying "yeah, he's a predatory creep", people pointing out his histrionics over what he saw as slights to his persona, and his grift of fan money.
Unfortunately the same thing happened to ProJared too, so not even that is a fool-proof test anymore.

Honestly it's probably a good thing for everyone that he doesn't seem to be working on anything major now. No hard-working teams' projects will be damaged if (well statistically, when) he turns out to be an enormous scumbag and there's time to actually get to the bottom of it without a company like Bethesda feeling like they need to drop him the day the accusations are made.
Oct 26, 2017
Unfortunately the same thing happened to ProJared too, so not even that is a fool-proof test anymore.

Honestly it's probably a good thing for everyone that he doesn't seem to be working on anything major now. No hard-working teams' projects will be damaged if (well statistically, when) he turns out to be an enormous scumbag and there's time to actually get to the bottom of it without a company like Bethesda feeling like they need to drop him the day the accusations are made.

It's still a fool-proof test, because he's still a creep.
Oct 25, 2017
that sounds bad but after the pro jared thing I'd rather wait than pile on straight away
Im just saying, people get accused of bad shit all the time but sometimes it turns out not to be true.
Why do we have to destroy him right this minute?
Are you planning on putting any effort into understanding this situation or the context of rape accusations?


Only about 2% of all rape and related sex charges are determined to be false, the same percentage as for other felonies (FBI). So while they do happen, and they are very problematic when they do, people claim that allegations are false far more frequently than they are and far more frequently than for other crimes. Put another way, we are much more likely to disbelieve a woman if she says she was raped than if she says she was robbed, but for no good reason.

On a related note, only about 40% of rapes are ever reported to the police, and this is partly because victims know that if their claim becomes public, their every behavior will be scrutinized, they will be shamed for their sexual history, and they will be labeled as lunatic, psychotic, paranoid, and manipulative. Just because someone does not report their crime does not mean it did not happen. Furthermore, only one in two claims lead to prosecution, so if the DA decides not to prosecute, that says nothing about whether or not it happened
And this:

It's also useful to look at what we know about the kind of people who make fake accusations to see if Prof Ford fits a pattern.

According to Sandra Newman, every academic study on the issue finds that the most common type of fake accuser is actually a teenage girl trying to get out of trouble.

Often it's her parents who report the "rape" attempt. The studies suggest the false accusation can often stem from something as absurd as finding an excuse for missing curfew.

According to a 2017 report by the US National Institutes of Health , fake accusers "were primarily motivated by emotional gain. Most false allegations were used to cover up other behaviour such as adultery or skipping school".

In many cases the fake accuser has a history of lying to authorities or committing fraud. She may well have a criminal record.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Mar 22, 2018
West Blue
It's still a fool-proof test, because he's still a creep.
There's a big gap between being a creep and being a pedophile. I'd say it's pretty important to not overlook that someone was wrongly thrown under the bus for being a pedophile for the last four months just because "yeah but he still did something else bad."
Oct 26, 2017
There's a big gap between being a creep and being a pedophile. I'd say it's pretty important to not overlook that someone was wrongly thrown under the bus for being a pedophile for the last four months just because "yeah but he still did something else bad."

He abused his position of power to solicit nudes from his fans, some of whom were underage and his defence was 'i didn't know'. Creep. And objectively a cunt.